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Isn't it weird?...


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I'm not sure if this was already pointed out, but here it goes... It's a question about Rainbow Dash, and a possible plot-hole.


Now, during the whole show, Rainbow Dash worships the Wonderbolts. She talks about them a lot, and all of her objectives and dreams are somehow aimed for them. So we can safely assure that she's a complete fan-girl, right?


Well, while re-watching Season 2 this week, I've came across Episode 16 - Read it and Weep. In this episode - more specifically, near the end - we get a quick and small glance of Dash's room. And there, you can notice that she has absolutely no Wonderbolts-related items.



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Weird, huh? For someone who is absolutely crazy over the group, she should own at least one or two posters. Like this one, seen in the first episode of the first season:



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Now, I don't know if this can be considerated a plot-hole, I just found it a tad weird... and again, I'm not sure if someone else already pointed this out, but I felt like sharing it...


So, what do you guys think?


Oh, and a friendly reminder: I'm not in any way trying to say that the character or even the show itself was badly developed. In fact, I absolutely think the complete opposite. :)

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
  • Brohoof 4
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It's more likely that the artists just didn't bother with any Wonderbolts memorabilia because we barely see Rainbow Dash in her own room, but it's also possible the lack of merchandise could represent Rainbow slightly detaching herself from the Wonderbolts after season 1. Given their overall lack of activity, and their total uselessness in 'Secret to My Excess', it's possible Rainbow Dash doesn't idolize them as much as she used to.
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It could have been just the point of view of the camera. Perhaps she has a complete wall of Wonderbolts stuff to the left of the screen, where it gets cut off by more wall. Maybe she has like a shrine. :wacko:


Though, yes, this adds to the large amount of little details that don't really make much sense. ^_^

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Man, you know what I thought first when I've read you talking about plot-holes ?


I only watch it for the plot.

(now, you did not expect any NSFW content in this spoiler, did you?



Back to topic : I think it's the camera's angle. Or perhaps she stores her wonderbolt merchandise somewhere else.

It may be a little difficult to put a nail into a cloud after all XD.

  • Brohoof 2
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Do you see the picture on the table by her right side? It´s a Soarin´s portrait, it´s just too far away to be seen! :P

No seriously - it could be a ...plot hole, or she´s like me - there´s a lot of stuff I deeply love and I have no posters in my room, just like her.


Man, you know what I thought first when I've read you talking about plot-holes ?


Same here. :lol:

Edited by Suntouched Coco
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Maybe after she hung out with them in Sonic Rainboom she realized they weren't as cool as she thought, or she wouldn't be up to leaving her mane friends behind to join them.


I'm kind of curious, is the sheet Rainbow Dash lying have a Wonderbolt symbol on it, or is that her own cutie mark? :P

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To me, plot holes are by definition inconsistencies of storyline that bother us because we are trying to understand its logical flow, not inconsistencies of character from our expectations of what they should be.


I can see your point from a more general perspective, however. RD is an extrovert, who are considerably more likely to decorate their surroundings than introverts. I don't necessarily believe to love something, however, means that you show it through physical means.

  • Brohoof 2
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Well that part was close to the end of the episode, so maybe they did not want to put to much detail into her room. The other thing is we have yet to see other parts of RD house. So she could have a room where there is only Wonderbolt stuff in it. So that could be a reason.

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Maybe, just possibly, Rainbow Dash sold all of her prized Wonderbolt possessions in order to afford the whole Daring Do book set so she wouldn't have to continuously bother Twilight? :P


Or maybe Rainbow Dash rarely spends time inside her house (as she's almost always seen in Ponyville) and spends on bits on other luxuries.. like late night clubbin'. :D

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I felt like this was kind of relevant to this thread.


Anyway, it is sort of weird that she does not have anything in her room at all considering Dashie is a massive fan of the Wonderbolts. I don’t think during season two her passion for them has diminished, she dressed up as one during Nightmare Night. Maybe she wanted to keep her room nice and simple because it looks really sharp.

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What you are seeing in that picture is her inner sanctum. I mean who goes to disturb rainbow dash in her actual best bed? Only a pegasus could reach her there. At least for me, I wouldnt cover that area with stuff -- other areas have stuff. She actually is embarrassed about other pegasi seeing her reading etc. I am assuming very few have EVER entered that room if anypony ever has.


And yes if she does truly have a crush on Soarin that could be soarins picture -- It could be something very different though that we might not even know of. Whatever it is, it would be very personal to RD that she would be instantly embarrassed about if asked.

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I think it also shows that while she does show off for others etc, and tries to get their admiration etc -- she does NOT show off to herself -- she knows who she is and doesnt need to. Hence while she may be flamboyant in things other ponies see -- in her most private areas she is much more laid back // serene.

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I think that it's more than likely just the fact that we fans tend to obsess over details than the writers/artists themselves :P But in all seriousness, the artists probably just didn't think of it, considering that the episode was based around Dashie's new obsession. Or it could be that Dashie just isn't really in to posters and memoribilia; I myself have exactly three posters on the wall from the many franchises I love, and all are just fanart that I drew. I just don't really bother, and considering Dashie's obsession with being cool, I doubt she would bother either.

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Maybe their just in a different spot in her room. Im a pretty decent fanboy of Gears, but I didn't really start collecting stuff until I got my own job maybe a year ago. You can be a giant fanboy/girl and not have a whole ton of their merchandise.
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Maybe its just the fact she had nothing within view of the camera shot.

Its also probably got to do with the fact that's literally the only time we ever see rainbow dash in her own room. So maybe the artist just didn't bother.

Also i think that poster was suppose to be advertising for the wonderbolts performance not necessarily for decoration. Maybe I remember it from the wrong place.

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