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movies/tv Shows that made you cry


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It was this episode, wasn't it?



(It's bad quality but it's the only good one I could find)


I actually was gonna post that video, too. That episode gets me teary-eyed everytime I watch it, and even in a live-action show, it takes A LOT to make me at least shed a tear.


Although, I think there was one episode of Cold Case where this victim got his whole family shot just because of gang violence, but man, it was really depressing.


I've seen that episode of Futurama before. That show made me cry as my heart turned completely blue just watching Fry's dog just waiting and waiting for Fry to return, even though he never did years after years. 'Twas a depressing episode IMHO. :(

  • Brohoof 1


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I cried multiple times with One Piece, all the strawhats pasts were damn sad, this is a anime were friendship is the main thing in my opinion.

I cried when Go-Merry sunk in the ocean, I cried at Chopper's, Brook's, and Robin's past, I cried when they went to save Robin, and Robin just broke down in tears :(

when Usopp and Luffy fought. When Luffy couldn't protect his friends, when Ace were killed :( and more, but I don't remember them all, it's been a long time since I last watched One Piece.


I also cried at Pokemon, when it used to be awesome, the first movie, OMG when Ash was turned into a stone, and Pikachu tried to give him multiples unsuccesful electric shocks to revive him, this breaks me every time I remember it, I'm actually starting to cry as I'm typing this


gosh I hate this thread *sob* :(


and I was on verge of tearing up on MLP when Twilight looked like a liar and nopony believed her :( in the wedding episode



It was this episode, wasn't it?



(It's bad quality but it's the only good one I could find)


I actually was gonna post that video, too. That episode gets me teary-eyed everytime I watch it, and even in a live-action show, it takes A LOT to make me at least shed a tear.


Although, I think there was one episode of Cold Case where this victim got his whole family shot just because of gang violence, but man, it was really depressing.


I don't even watch futurama and this scene got me teary eyed :(

gosh, I can't get enough of dogs, they are the most noble animal in the world, the love they feel for their owners is infinite, in some cases, even if the owner is an asshole, they would be very happy when they see them comming home, their loyalty has no limits and they would give their life for them without thinking it twice. :(

Edited by Motion Spark
  • Brohoof 1


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I have cried on a few movies... The ending of Armageddon (Bruce Willis), and some parts of Rudy (that football movie). I cried on Armageddon when the star sacrifices his life to save the others. Rudy... when his best friend died, and the fact that he didn't give up on his dream (yes, very cheezy, but that is the only way I can really word it :P ). I may have cried on other movies, but they weren't too memorable.


Meh, that's it.

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The film was pretty sad and funny/cute at times, but the end part was really sad - the part which made me cry. A fox and a blood hound, who had been best friends from childhood, after a wonderful and long friendship have become foes and tried to kill each other. Later on, when they were fighting near a waterfall, they encountered a bear, whom they defeated by knocking off the waterfall. But sadly the fox accidentally fell down with the bear. The blood hound swiftly went to the bottom of the waterfall to see if the fox was alright. Meanwhile, when the hound was rushing down the waterfall and when the fox was lying down near the riven exhausted from the fight with the bear, a farmer - the blood hound's owner - was already starting to aim with his gun at the fox to finish it off once and for all. But suddenly the hound intervened and shielded the fox with his body. The farmer had nothing else to do but to lower his gun and let the fox go, but not before the two former adversaries shared one last smile before parting. Later at home the hound, before resting, was smiling as he remembered the day when he became friends with the fox. On a hill the fox's wife joined him as he was looking down on the hound's home, remembering the great times they had and that they will not be able to be friends anymore.


Can anyone give me a napkin? I'm already crying typing this. ;_;

But it was quite a happy ending compared to the novel, where all of them die in the end (or so I heard).


YES, THIS. I know that the 'obvious' sad part is supposed to be when Tod is being left in the woods, which I will admit, is a sad scene, but that ending hits me incredibly hard for some reason. You described it perfectly.

Edited by Killman
  • Brohoof 1



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I am a total SAP, so I cry pretty easily during shows that get me emotional.


I remember crying when I was a little kid at the first episode of Pokemon when Ash takes on the swarm of Spearows by himself. That SCENE got to me for so many years. I watched it again a year or so ago since someone posted a link to all the seasons, and while I didn't cry, it still sort of tugged at my heartstrings.


Fullmetal Alchemist made me cry several times, particularly the part with Nina. The ending of the series got me pretty emotional too, but that was because that was it. I had no more DVDs to look forward to, no more new episodes to watch. It kinda got to me.


Definitely cried during the episode of Futurama with Seymour, oh man.



I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem? - John DeLancie

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The only 2 shows that have made me cry to date is Elfen Lied and Angel Beats. MLD did too, but that's a fic so I don't count it. A few came close, like Shiki, but I was pretty much apathetic to everyone in that except Ritsuko.


Oh yes I also cried at the end of the first Bleach movie. Senna. That is all.

Edited by Whiteshade
  • Brohoof 2

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oh man...well there were a few


Cowboy Bebop



When Spike dies. Perfect ending. But just thinking about the fact that poor Faye is lone again



Dr. Who



When Rose can't get the I Love You out of the Doctor before his hologram dissipates



But the worst...and this is from older times


MASH - Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen...the entire episode gets me...but nothing like the end



When Hawkeye is taking off and BJ leaves that message...or when they leave Potter




Angel Beats



WELL SAID! Angel Beats is actually my fave anime ever...the ending is just a tearjerker

Edited by Cupcake Ice Cream

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I'm going to preform loophole abuse to post this scene, it's from Highlander Endgame, which is made to follow the Highlander Tv series.





"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Anytime that Fluttershy cries, I cry too. It's hard to not be sad when somepony that adorable and emotionally sensitive cries :(


But Courage the Cowardly Dog made me cry. First out of fear, second out of sadness. Fear = That episode where when he's looking through the doors in the corridor he gets to one where there's a girl playing the violin. When she turns around she's a creepy as f**k monster and I swear I just about pissed my pants it scared me so bad DX Sadness = The episode where we learn about Courage's parents as he goes to the vet. Oh....The moment when he watched his parents blast off into the sky.... I bawled. It's one of those moments when you can imagine what the character went through at that moment, and you feel it too, and it just hits you like a brick wall.

Tonight I've become the most dazzling precious treasure

I am treasured over all the earth

Just look at what he's done

How he's laying down his life

Take this life, oh most dazzling precious treasure

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I'm not sure if movies count, but one I nearly cried at is I am Ledgend. The scene where he has to kill his dog.

That was his only companion after everyone else died. l can't imagen how difficult that would be.

  • Brohoof 2

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It's not really that sad unless you know the build up but maybe you sense the mood and see how beautifully it has been animated and that musical score. Key games have the best music and the anime naturally do too.

On 9/21/2012 at 3:39 AM, ceresbane said:
It's not a saying to go by in the first place. It was a name to a method of flame warring that was used in the early brony 4chan wars.To love and tolerate is to be non-conflicting and act passive-aggressive so that the hater cannot latch on to anything to retaliate with.

The love is the sword. you attack with talks of hugs and friendship. As if they were hurtful.

The tolerance is the shield. you ignore whatever the hater says.

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I cry during almost everything I watch. Is that weird?

When I finished Avatar: The Last Airbender I started crying because I wanted more. ;____; and the series was finished up so well and I love it. It's my favorite show forever.

When I saw Disney Pixar's Up I was bawling almost the entire movie. First at the beginning, then from the part where he's looking through his wife's scrapbook to the end was just FFFFFF I get a little choked up thinking about it, I must admit.

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It's not really a show, it's an anime it's called: "Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien". There's only 13 or 14 episodes but if your into romantic, drama, tragedy animes, I'm 100% sure when I say this anime will make you emotional and you will cry. Thats how you know if an anime is good, if you get emotionally involved with it. ;)

Edited by SimplyRarity

Colour outside the lines~ ;)


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It's not really a show, it's an anime it's called: "Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien". There's only 13 or 14 episodes but if your into romantic, drama, tragedy animes, I'm 100% sure when I say this anime will make you emotional and you will cry. Thats how you know if an anime is good, if you get emotionally involved with it. ;)


seriously? in fact I do recall falling asleep at various parts.


lessee... A series that's in the same genre... AI yori aoshi. Anything by key. school days. swan song.


I found that one kinda meh.

On 9/21/2012 at 3:39 AM, ceresbane said:
It's not a saying to go by in the first place. It was a name to a method of flame warring that was used in the early brony 4chan wars.To love and tolerate is to be non-conflicting and act passive-aggressive so that the hater cannot latch on to anything to retaliate with.

The love is the sword. you attack with talks of hugs and friendship. As if they were hurtful.

The tolerance is the shield. you ignore whatever the hater says.

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Well for me personally because since I'm a girl I tend to get emotional easy when it comes to animes like this one that my friend suggested me to watch. I give it a 9/10 because it had a good plot with some twists.

Colour outside the lines~ ;)


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Soul Eater, Shuffle and Gurren Lagann.


Holy fuck...


Soul Eater: I loved the series so much, that when the final scene played with the first volumes song, I cried so damn hard.


Shuffle: This was one depressing anime. It's about a guy who basically has to chose between 4 girls on who to marry, and it shows all of their feelings and emotions, and how much heartbreak can affect you.


Gurren Lagann:


If you have seen this, you will know what I mean when I say-



  • Brohoof 1


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Well for me personally because since I'm a girl I tend to get emotional easy when it comes to animes like this one that my friend suggested me to watch. I give it a 9/10 because it had a good plot with some twists.




watch anything I just recommended and her taste will seem like carnival fare compared to mine.


Also since you are a girl. Can you tolerate watching peach girl? I tried. I really tried. but aaaaaall that whining about those tiniest of things! agh! It made me wanna puncha bitch

On 9/21/2012 at 3:39 AM, ceresbane said:
It's not a saying to go by in the first place. It was a name to a method of flame warring that was used in the early brony 4chan wars.To love and tolerate is to be non-conflicting and act passive-aggressive so that the hater cannot latch on to anything to retaliate with.

The love is the sword. you attack with talks of hugs and friendship. As if they were hurtful.

The tolerance is the shield. you ignore whatever the hater says.

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Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal. I had to curl up in my bed after rewatching it for the billionth time. Not recommended if you're in a good mood now, a gloomy day is when you should watch it. Nothing to lose.

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Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal. I had to curl up in my bed after rewatching it for the billionth time. Not recommended if you're in a good mood now, a gloomy day is when you should watch it. Nothing to lose.


I assume you are talking about that OVA when it's not during the time of the main story but in the times when kenshin was younger. And the art style looked all serious and cool.

On 9/21/2012 at 3:39 AM, ceresbane said:
It's not a saying to go by in the first place. It was a name to a method of flame warring that was used in the early brony 4chan wars.To love and tolerate is to be non-conflicting and act passive-aggressive so that the hater cannot latch on to anything to retaliate with.

The love is the sword. you attack with talks of hugs and friendship. As if they were hurtful.

The tolerance is the shield. you ignore whatever the hater says.

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watch anything I just recommended and her taste will seem like carnival fare compared to mine.


Also since you are a girl. Can you tolerate watching peach girl? I tried. I really tried. but aaaaaall that whining about those tiniest of things! agh! It made me wanna puncha bitch




I've watched that, and I must say, I'm not bothered and I have the tolerance for it. I actually enjoyed watching the anime, t'was a good one. ;)

Colour outside the lines~ ;)


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Not sure how much this counts, since it isn't an actual show, but this is from a TV special using Muppets (who of course, have had various TV shows) so might as well post it anyway.




It's near impossible for me not to feel sad watching this. Jim Henson was amazing and left such a great legacy.

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The series finale of Blackadder Goes Forth


You're laughing the entire episode, and then that final scene comes out of nowhere. The first time I watched it, I was expecting the episode to end with a joke (I was literally smiling most of the way through, ready to bust out laughing, because I thought they were parodying a war movie). When it just ended like that though, it hit me. I watched it a second time, and then I shed a few tears, it was so horrifyingly beautiful



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