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open Equestria's Darkest Hour


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Applejack sighed, ran to the paint shop, and hen took some grey paint.


"Ah'm not a good liar..." Applejack muttered as she painted herself so she looked corrupted. "But ah gotta keep mahself safe."


As she finished painting herself, she began to train herself so she was a...liar, to put it bluntly.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Discord was pleased with himself. He had hidden the Crystal heart and left perfect replica's through out Equestria, filling them magic. Nova was smart and he didn't know how many She would fall for, clever little pony. He had begun ripping the Buildings out of Manehatten, turning them upside down and switching all the clothing around so the Rich were wearing the poors clothing and Vice versa. It was a hoot.

He suddenly Felt Nova calling out to him. "Show time!"

He snapped his fingers and appeared in front of Nova. "You called m'lady'?


(I thought we had a Sombra. Sorry for all the twists in this but I figured it would be best and more interesting to play Discord..well...Chaotic. I hope ya'll don't mind.) 


Nova chuckled when she saw Discord appear finding the Crystal Heart was easier said than done "Ah my dear Discord how I should've known that you'd try to betray me, but then again I guess you're afraid of what I'm wanting to release from this heart." Nova levitated the heart around Discord before she started to vanish and re-appear around the cave and Discord with the heart. "I had originally thought that I could bring him back but upon new light it seems I was wrong. When the Harmony users defeated him what was left of him vanished but his power lies dormant within the heart, and I'm willing to share that power with you and Chrysalis." The heart floated around Discord as Nova moved it just out of his reach everytime he swiped at it. "So what do you say Discord would you care to share the power and become the ultimante God of Chaos along with me the Master of Darkness and Chrysalis the Queen of Deception? I can split the power of Sombra into three just think enough power to bring chaos to the world with a snap of a claw, after we conqure Equestria of course."


Storm paced around in the snow using his fire to keep his hooves warm before slowly walking up to Skullkin "You're right Skullkin we need to head back to Canterlot. We need to start raising an army to fight back against Nova if we don't she'll walk over every city in Equestria." Dash walked up to Twilight "Hey Twi are you sure you're ok with what's happened to Cadence I mean we don't even know if she's gonna pull through and what about your brother Shining Armor?" She was surprised at how calm she was about her brother being captured and his new wife lying in a hospital bed possibly on the verge of dying. Dash didn't understand why she was acting like this it wasn't like Twilight at all. Storm looked over at Celestia "Your Highness when you're ready we should head back to the castle and start figuring out what we need to do."


(Again I would like to appologize to everypony with work and trying to get holiday shopping done has left me with little time to post among other personal things but here I am making my latest post so lets get this back up and running everpony.) B)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Hank listens to Dash "Rainbow... Twilight.. i can bring this Cadence pony back.. it will cost me but i can.. It will take a lot of energy to power my AIs.. but if you do that, than it can hurt me physically. I am willing to do it.. Or i can give her as much life i have which will put me to the verge of death." He looks at Rainbow and Twilight as he walks up to Twilight. "i would do anything, and i mean anything, to keep my friends alive."



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Nova chuckled when she saw Discord appear finding the Crystal Heart was easier said than done "Ah my dear Discord how I should've known that you'd try to betray me, but then again I guess you're afraid of what I'm wanting to release from this heart." Nova levitated the heart around Discord before she started to vanish and re-appear around the cave and Discord with the heart. "I had originally thought that I could bring him back but upon new light it seems I was wrong. When the Harmony users defeated him what was left of him vanished but his power lies dormant within the heart, and I'm willing to share that power with you and Chrysalis." The heart floated around Discord as Nova moved it just out of his reach everytime he swiped at it. "So what do you say Discord would you care to share the power and become the ultimante God of Chaos along with me the Master of Darkness and Chrysalis the Queen of Deception? I can split the power of Sombra into three just think enough power to bring chaos to the world with a snap of a claw, after we conqure Equestria of course."


Storm paced around in the snow using his fire to keep his hooves warm before slowly walking up to Skullkin "You're right Skullkin we need to head back to Canterlot. We need to start raising an army to fight back against Nova if we don't she'll walk over every city in Equestria." Dash walked up to Twilight "Hey Twi are you sure you're ok with what's happened to Cadence I mean we don't even know if she's gonna pull through and what about your brother Shining Armor?" She was surprised at how calm she was about her brother being captured and his new wife lying in a hospital bed possibly on the verge of dying. Dash didn't understand why she was acting like this it wasn't like Twilight at all. Storm looked over at Celestia "Your Highness when you're ready we should head back to the castle and start figuring out what we need to do."


(Again I would like to appologize to everypony with work and trying to get holiday shopping done has left me with little time to post among other personal things but here I am making my latest post so lets get this back up and running everpony.) B)

Celestia nodded, this was clearly their battle at this point.  They knew exactly what they had to do, "Very well," she said, "let us return to Canterlot.  The Royal Elite should be commissioned immediately Skullkin.  I need you to summon them and get them ready."

She began to gather energy in her horn again and motioned for everypony to grab on to her for teleporting.

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Hank looks at celestia "do you want me to help? I know i am just a stranger still to all of you.. but i like to call you all as friends." He looks at Celestia and grabs onto her "Celestia if you actually want me to help you out in the war just say so. I am a skilled fighter." He smiles



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  • 3 weeks later...

"Lightning!" Shadow yelled, running up to him. "That bucking fool Hank I think his name is, and Discord, and Nova, there are bucking fools." She said, helping him up. "You do know that can't be trusted right, ever. We are simply using them." She said, now whispering  "It is us who will take over Equestia, not them, do you understand me?" She asked, still whispering. She could tell his hoof was better, something that was good. She wouldn't ever be able to heal it, her shadow magic was more for offence, a little defence, but defiantly not for support.

Lightning looked over to shadow who was helping him up and smiled. "Of course my lady Shadow. Trust nopony. Whats our next move?" Lightning put pressure on his now healed hoof, it felt fine band new in fact. "And I'm sorry I let the madness consume me...I-I had no choice... I had to to protect you...."

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Applejack was pretty much at Sweet Apple Acres, bucking trees. Her grey paint was holding up pretty well, despite the fact she did a horrible paint job. She swore out loud, making a couple of animals scamper away. Except one who came running to her. Applejack reconized it at once.





"Oh, Winnin', I can't beleive you came back! Our family is at Appleoosa, right?"




"Ah'll take that as a 'yes'. Well then, I read up on Nova Star. Twiligh' sure does have everythin' in that library of hers. It says that Nova used to be a good pony when she turned evil, like Sombra, but more...how do I put it? Powerful? Aw, shucks, most of the book ain't make sense to me, but it says the Elements of Harmony or Remorse are the only known ways to defeat 'er. She actually was pretty darn good, defeatin' those who picked on the weak. However, her act sorta caused a...what was it? Black hole to die? Eh, I don't know. Then she got into killin' and stuff. So...yeah. One thing I know is that ah can't trust nopony. But you ain't a pony...so let's go." Applejack told Winona, who responded with a bark and a lick. She then looked at her barn, that was in ruins, Probably from mass panic.

"NOVA! I'M GONNA GET YA'!" Applejack shouted, whipped her lasso, and then remembered she was supposed to be pretending she was under corruption. "Uh..yeah, sugar. I'm not gonna get ya, and, gee, This dog's name is...er...Opal. Yeah, Opal." 


I am SO bad at lying...



Pinkie and Rarity were at Ghastly Gorge when they decided they had enough. After arguing for a while they went their seperate ways. 


Rarity found a cave and started hoarding lots of treasures and rocks.


Pinkie went toward Ponyville...right toward her parents Rock Farm.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lightning looked over to shadow who was helping him up and smiled. "Of course my lady Shadow. Trust nopony. Whats our next move?" Lightning put pressure on his now healed hoof, it felt fine band new in fact. "And I'm sorry I let the madness consume me...I-I had no choice... I had to to protect you...."


"My ever loyal follower, our next move is to head back to Ponyville. We will wait there until Nova contacts us again about what is to happen next. Our move will not happen yet, it shall happen later, once some of the more dangerous players are out of this game. And also, don't blame yourself for letting the madness take hold, Discord is powerful, but not powerful enough to stop us." She told him then went over to the few shadows around them and turned them into a hole. "Now come, let us leave for Ponyville before anypony find us here." She told him.

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"My ever loyal follower, our next move is to head back to Ponyville. We will wait there until Nova contacts us again about what is to happen next. Our move will not happen yet, it shall happen later, once some of the more dangerous players are out of this game. And also, don't blame yourself for letting the madness take hold, Discord is powerful, but not powerful enough to stop us." She told him then went over to the few shadows around them and turned them into a hole. "Now come, let us leave for Ponyville before anypony find us here." She told him.

Lightning smiled and nodded. Lightning walked over to the shadows and stepped in. The crushing feeling hurt his hoof a bit but not much. It was getting better traveling by shadows, the airless feeling felt good now, almost addicting in some way. when they arrived in ponyville Lightning landed on his hooves for the first time."Finally!" Lightning looked over at Shadow "We can stay in my house till Nova calls upon us...if that's okay with you that is. You're the boss after all."

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Hank looks at celestia "do you want me to help? I know i am just a stranger still to all of you.. but i like to call you all as friends." He looks at Celestia and grabs onto her "Celestia if you actually want me to help you out in the war just say so. I am a skilled fighter." He smiles

Celestia shook the colt off coldly, "Now is not the time to be childish little one," she stated, "Talk to Skullkin, he is in charge of my forces.  If you are as skilled as you say, he will see it.  If not, he will either send you home, or MAKE you into a fighter.  I must return to Canterlot now..."  Celestia extended her wings for take off.

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Applejack stared at two ponies enter the town. One was that creep who worked for Nova. She growled, forgot she was supposed to be corrupted, and trotted over.


"Hay, sugar, what the hay are you doing in this ghost town? You two are workin' with that nlasted Nova, ain't cha? Well, GET THE HAY OUT OF HERE BEFORE AH MAKE YOU GET OUT!" Applejack growled, Winona yelping and growling.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lightning looked AppleJack up and down assessing her in case he needed to fight."Look AppleJack I don't wanna fight you. And you don't know who your messing with. Turn around and go back to Sweet apple acres or where ever you came from and stay out of our way. Got it?"

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Hank listens to Dash "Rainbow... Twilight.. i can bring this Cadence pony back.. it will cost me but i can.. It will take a lot of energy to power my AIs.. but if you do that, than it can hurt me physically. I am willing to do it.. Or i can give her as much life i have which will put me to the verge of death." He looks at Rainbow and Twilight as he walks up to Twilight. "i would do anything, and i mean anything, to keep my friends alive."


Storm looked at Hank with concern. It was a sound idea but the thought that it would put him on the verge of death didn't exactly help their situation in the slightest. Dash had moved over to Celestia and was ready for her teleport all of them back to Canterlot the next few days wouldn't be easy she knew that but she was deffinately up for the challenge. "How about you use some of your energy to help Cadence not a ton but enough to help her recover faster. With things the way that they are Hank it would be a waste to have another pony down." Storm hated putting it so bluntly but it needed to be done but he was happy to have a friend that was willing to go to such lengths to help others.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Hank sighs at what celestia did and nods. He looks at storm "that i can do. I just got to know where she is. If you can take me there it would be nice." He gave a smile "i dont want anypony to die on my watch. And skullkin... Let me help you fight. I will be very handy. You need as much ponies as you can and my skills are very helpful."



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"Listen to this pony here, Applejack, that's you name I think. Anyways, just run back on home. We don't need to fight right now. Oh and before you make assumptions, maybe you should pay attention more because not everything is what it seems." Shadow told Applejack, then turned back to Lightning. "Let us go to your house, I do think it will be safer there then anywhere else." She told him. "You can lead the way."

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"Listen to this pony here, Applejack, that's you name I think. Anyways, just run back on home. We don't need to fight right now. Oh and before you make assumptions, maybe you should pay attention more because not everything is what it seems." Shadow told Applejack, then turned back to Lightning. "Let us go to your house, I do think it will be safer there then anywhere else." She told him. "You can lead the way."

Lightning trund and walked toward his house."I think we should keep an eye on AppleJack whole we stay here. She could get in the way some, and she's in good with Celestia. One of the Harmony users to. She looked a bit tainted from Discords magic but didn't act like it really." They walked through the market and arrived at Lightnings house near the edge of town. "Well here we are, home sweet home." He opened the door and let shadow in, he followed she and closed the door. "Just make your self at home m'lady."

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Discord laughed joyfully


"Excellent! Yes, I think that will do just fine. More power is always a good thing. However you have yet to tell me your end game. What is it that a pony like yourself wants with Equestria? I mean, I just want endless chaos but YOU...what is it that you want."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Applejack was about to follow them when one sais her name.


"Sugar, how the h- oh, righ, that's not mah name sugar. Mah name is...uh...Charles." She told them, but soon they were out of earshot.


"Darnit...anyway, gotta harvest thos-HOLY CELESTIA!" She told the sky as she heard a timberwolf howl. "The zap apple harvest is tommorow, then? Well, shucks, now we have an awesome apple weapon! And a great healin' potion too..." She said with a grin, running inside the barn to prepare for the harvest.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Discord laughed joyfully


"Excellent! Yes, I think that will do just fine. More power is always a good thing. However you have yet to tell me your end game. What is it that a pony like yourself wants with Equestria? I mean, I just want endless chaos but YOU...what is it that you want."


Nova slowly walked around Discord examining him closely "Hmmm all I want is to make everypony the same since nopony in equal. Spreading my darkness will not only rid the world of magic and wings but also turn the world into a twisted dark form." Nova stopped and looked out the cave entrance. She stared up at the sky thinking back to when she was a little filly and started to dig her hoof into the solid stone. "Not one pony in Equestria is equal there will always be those looking down upon the weak. So I plan to remove everything that makes anypony special and create a dark utopia where all ponies are equal." Nova could see it all in her eyes the dark and twisted landscape with her castle replacing Canterlot as she watched over her domain. "And you my fair Discord will hear nothing from me to stop you from having your fun when my task is complete."

  • Brohoof 1

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Pinkie Pie grumpily bounded toward her rock farm, when a familiar looking pony popped out.




She ran toward Pinkie and embraced her, all while Pinkie was looking confused.


"It's me, Inkie! And look, I found my talent: writing. Neat, huh, from the pony who taught me how to smile!"




"Oh, and I heard you saved the world twice. Discord was a big meanie, but I loved it that you broke out of his spell just like that!"




"C'mon, who loves her sister? WE DO!"


Pinkie didn't know what to say. The memories came flooding back, and she turned to normal.


"Inkie...? OMIGOSH DISCORD HYPNOTIZED ME Again and you broke me outta the trance thank you!" Pinkie told her sister with a hug.


"Uh sure. I think we have a lot to talk about..." She told Pinkie as they headed inside the barn.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lightning trund and walked toward his house."I think we should keep an eye on AppleJack whole we stay here. She could get in the way some, and she's in good with Celestia. One of the Harmony users to. She looked a bit tainted from Discords magic but didn't act like it really." They walked through the market and arrived at Lightnings house near the edge of town. "Well here we are, home sweet home." He opened the door and let shadow in, he followed she and closed the door. "Just make your self at home m'lady."


"Pretty nice place here. We weren't followed by that pony, whose name is obviously Applejack were we?" Shadow asked Lightning, looking around the house. She didn't know how long she would be here, hopefully not to long, it was definitely not a great hiding spot at all, and definitely not a place to plan her betrayal of Nova and take the position that was rightfully hers.

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"Pretty nice place here. We weren't followed by that pony, whose name is obviously Applejack were we?" Shadow asked Lightning, looking around the house. She didn't know how long she would be here, hopefully not to long, it was definitely not a great hiding spot at all, and definitely not a place to plan her betrayal of Nova and take the position that was rightfully hers.

"Thank you." Lightning looked out the window and searched for AppleJack."Uhh no I don't think she did." Lightning looked around the house. "Storm!? Are you home? I hope she isn't here while we are for her sake. You hungry?"Lightning went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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Hank thought for a moment as he remembers about pinkie. he remembers how she told him about a rock farm. His AIs appeared around his head as they appared next to cadence giving her faster healing. Soon hank teleports to the rock farm to find pinkie "pinkie you here?"



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"Pretty nice place here. We weren't followed by that pony, whose name is obviously Applejack were we?" Shadow asked Lightning, looking around the house. She didn't know how long she would be here, hopefully not to long, it was definitely not a great hiding spot at all, and definitely not a place to plan her betrayal of Nova and take the position that was rightfully hers.

"Thank you." Lightning looked out the window and searched for AppleJack."Uhh no I don't think she did." Lightning looked around the house. "Storm!? Are you home? I hope she isn't here while we are for her sake. You hungry?"Lightning went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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"Thank you." Lightning looked out the window and searched for AppleJack."Uhh no I don't think she did." Lightning looked around the house. "Storm!? Are you home? I hope she isn't here while we are for her sake. You hungry?"Lightning went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.


Shadow followed her. "May I ask who this Storm is you are speaking of?" She finally said after watching him for a few minutes. "Oh and also, no I am not hungry, but thank you for asking." Maybe I can convince this Storm girl to aid us in our takeover. She thought to herself her mind already racing with new ideas.

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