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Discord's overthrowing, and it's incorporation into the show


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The Discord threads; they will never end. Just try and stop them, little ponies.

As we know, Discord ruled over Equestria before Celestia and Luna were anywhere to be found. There are no specifics other than Celestia and Luna confronting him, seeing his rule as a chaotic tyranny, and using the newly discovered elements to defeat him. What are the specifics? That's all up to the individual, because it hasn't been explained. I know I have my own head canon, and I assume most others have their own as well.

Is anyone besides me interested in seeing the show expand on Discord and his background, even if the Draconequus himself isn't released from stone again to run amok in the actual world again *at least, not in the immediate upcoming season or two*?

We already know De Lancie is doing/has done more voice work. I don't know about everyone else, but I'd love to see season 3 or 4 have a storybook tale just like the beginning of episode one, depicting the events of Discord's reign. It would explain Discord's rise to power after discovering the land of early settler ponies, his rule, and the arrival of the young princesses. After initial confrontation, failed negotiation and failed overthrowing, the princesses make a tactical retreat, and in their search for a way to defeat chaos, locate the Elements of Harmony. It would then explain how the princess's got to their respective roles as rulers after sealing Discord away.

How would a random Discord history plug be relevant to the current plot, since Discord isn't a threat now, you ask?

Very easily, I say.

With Discord having been relatively recently brought back from his thousand year imprisonment, he's fresh on everyone's mind as a recent threat to Equestria. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a scene of Cheerliee explaining the history of the princesses finding Equestria and battling the spirit of chaos to her students, or something similar to that notion. She could narrate the storybook, then it fades out into the actual classroom, and her speaking.

I know the show doesn't delve into history they don't need to setup for no reason, but I can still hope.

What about all of you? Is a flashback, storybook, tale or other indirect Discord involvement up your ally? If so, how would you like to see it done?
  • Brohoof 13


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I think hey are kinda over with him, and all the other villains.

It can get boring if the same villian returns again to many times- and in the case of mlp, new villains would be nice.

(although the 'evil' ones are only at season finales as we can concur)


If that makes sence then my work is done, if it didn't it's probably because I didn't re-read or edit...

This is a signature.

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I actually agree with you on something! Hallelujah! xP


Anyway, like I said, I agree and would love to see Discord's history somehow implemented into this show. We don't know how he became ruler, where he's from, or anything about the battle except the Tia and Luna win. I could see, like you said, Cherilee explaining this. Maybe in a CMC episode, during one of the classes, she tells the story of Discord as maybe just a bit of an added in extent to the plot of the episode.

  • Brohoof 1
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A backstory of some kind would be perfect. He just has such a loveably evil attitude. I was actually saddened to see him go so quick, despite me knowing it anyways. Sure he is evil, but he is one of those ' Neenerneenerneener' villains that makes evil fun. :P



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I think hey are kinda over with him, and all the other villains.

It can get boring if the same villian returns again to many times- and in the case of mlp, new villains would be nice.

(although the 'evil' ones are only at season finales as we can concur)


If that makes sence then my work is done, if it didn't it's probably because I didn't re-read or edit...


The second ^^ This isn't about 'would you like Discord to return?' There's already a thread about that. This is about back story given to explain more about Discord, seeing as how he's actually an important part of Equestria's history.

  • Brohoof 3


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As a huge fan of Tolkein, I would love to see some history about Discord myself. I have spent large amounts of time fantasizing where Discord came from and what events led up to his defeat. If we could see something like that it would be yet another astounding coincidence regarding the fan base.

  • Brohoof 1

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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This is definitely an idea worth exploring in my opinion. From what I'm guessing the Hearth's Warming Eve events happened before Discord's reign or maybe even during it. After all, the disharmony between the three tribes did nearly result in their destruction. I'm thinking that wendigos are maybe some kind of servants of Discord or are in some way related to him, although they are not really all that chaotic in nature.


I would like to know why exactly he was in that singing(?) pose when we first catched glimpse of him. I had thought he allowed himself to be defeated simply because he's the spirit of chaos, aka being unpredictable. Letting himself lose would certainly have fallen under that category of randomness. Also, to him, it'd probably be a lot more fun to wreak more chaos on an ordered civilization in the future than continue dominating an already chaotic mess of various pony tribes. So he may have even led Celestia and Luna to the Elements secretly so they would be able to trap him, but not before leaving a little "farewell" gift of his chaotic-ness within Luna to facilitate the NMM event, which ended up with Celestia losing touch with the Elements so he'd have different foes to face when he was inevitably released... is it possible for a spirit of chaos to plan that far ahead???


I dunno. But yeah, I'd like to explore more of Discord's history. I don't think Cherilee would be teach it to the class simply because it might be a bit "much" for foals to really grasp, but ya never know. Either her, or of course, it would be Celestia/Luna to tell the tale, since they were actually there. I think it'd start out with Twilight asking about the origins of the Elements and the flashback would begin there. Simple perhaps, but effective for the purpose of getting the story going.

  • Brohoof 1

So much Friendship!

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This is definitely an idea worth exploring in my opinion. From what I'm guessing the Hearth's Warming Eve events happened before Discord's reign or maybe even during it. After all, the disharmony between the three tribes did nearly result in their destruction. I'm thinking that wendigos are maybe some kind of servants of Discord or are in some way related to him, although they are not really all that chaotic in nature.


I would like to know why exactly he was in that singing(?) pose when we first catched glimpse of him. I had thought he allowed himself to be defeated simply because he's the spirit of chaos, aka being unpredictable. Letting himself lose would certainly have fallen under that category of randomness. Also, to him, it'd probably be a lot more fun to wreak more chaos on an ordered civilization in the future than continue dominating an already chaotic mess of various pony tribes. So he may have even led Celestia and Luna to the Elements secretly so they would be able to trap him, but not before leaving a little "farewell" gift of his chaotic-ness within Luna to facilitate the NMM event, which ended up with Celestia losing touch with the Elements so he'd have different foes to face when he was inevitably released... is it possible for a spirit of chaos to plan that far ahead???


I dunno. But yeah, I'd like to explore more of Discord's history. I don't think Cherilee would be teach it to the class simply because it might be a bit "much" for foals to really grasp, but ya never know. Either her, or of course, it would be Celestia/Luna to tell the tale, since they were actually there. I think it'd start out with Twilight asking about the origins of the Elements and the flashback would begin there. Simple perhaps, but effective for the purpose of getting the story going.


Probably a more likely variant ^^ I just threw a possible scenario, but thinking of it, Twilight asking the princesses about the Elements, which then leads to the history of Discord as well as their involvement in Equestria's origins, and becoming rulers, makes more sense than random school fillies.


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Probably a more likely variant ^^ I just threw a possible scenario, but thinking of it, Twilight asking the princesses about the Elements, which then leads to the history of Discord as well as their involvement in Equestria's origins, and becoming rulers, makes more sense than random school fillies.


I see what you mean, but then again, what fun is there in making sense?


Sorry, I couldn't resist using that quote. MLP seems to the thing I quote most often now. Too bad they mostly go unnoticed http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

So much Friendship!

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Why we need a flashback episode

1: More backstory on equestria is always good

2: Young princesses would be adorable

3: More Discord!

4: More Luna!

5: Potential for epic fight scene

6: It would be flat out awesome

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Oh man, I'd love to see a Celestia-centric episode which (at the very least) touches upon Discord's first rise and fall. Twilight finding Celestia's diary, for example. Since the Princess is Twilight's mentor, it would be fitting for Twilight to learn about Celestia's youth so she can better relate to her... and since Twilight would've dealt with Discord herself, she would be especially interested in how Celestia handled him.


... I'm sure someone's already written a fanfiction of this sort of thing. The "found diary" trope is kind of a cheap and easy way for TV shows/comics/etc to randomly hop around through events. And I don't even care, because it would probably still be amazing, trope or not.

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I think they should just do an episode covering all the "ancient beings" ie, Celestia, Luna, Discord and their origins. It would be so interesting to hear how the princesses came into being. I'm especially interested in whether it was Celestia and Luna that made Equestria or if it was some kind of even more powerful god/dess that made Equestria and the princesses. Of course such an episode should also explain how Discord was made.

Maybe it's something to do with balance, the "overgod" couldn't make Celestia and Luna (harmony) without also making Discord (chaos).

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Oh man, I'd love to see a Celestia-centric episode which (at the very least) touches upon Discord's first rise and fall. Twilight finding Celestia's diary, for example. Since the Princess is Twilight's mentor, it would be fitting for Twilight to learn about Celestia's youth so she can better relate to her... and since Twilight would've dealt with Discord herself, she would be especially interested in how Celestia handled him.


... I'm sure someone's already written a fanfiction of this sort of thing. The "found diary" trope is kind of a cheap and easy way for TV shows/comics/etc to randomly hop around through events. And I don't even care, because it would probably still be amazing, trope or not.


Eh, cheese is good sometimes. A diary certainly is an interesting way to do it. Twilight's imagination of bringing the words from the page to life, playing out as a montage battle in her head would be kinda cool.

  • Brohoof 1


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If we could actually see Discord's history in the show, I'd be quite happy. His past is mysterious and unknown and if it ties in with Celestia's past, the more interesting.


But I don't want villains to ALWAYS return. Two apperences per liked villain, like Chrysalis and Discord.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Yes I agree with that. Though it could also be that even though in his stone imprisonment, chaos still is present in Equestria. This would open up an opportunity to explain the history of Discord.


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If we could actually see Discord's history in the show, I'd be quite happy. His past is mysterious and unknown and if it ties in with Celestia's past, the more interesting.


But I don't want villains to ALWAYS return. Two apperences per liked villain, like Chrysalis and Discord.


Q, the character John De Lancie played on Star Trek who Discord is kinda based off of was planned to be a one-time character, who got such a positive feedback, that he was brought back into numerous future episodes. So far, Discord's had the exact same feedback. I'm hoping Hasbro does indeed bring him back, at least once. And my hope, on top of him eventually coming back, is what I first mentioned in this thread's OP; a history book type thing that features him fighting with, and being defeated by Celestia and Luna in the days of old :3


Yes I agree with that. Though it could also be that even though in his stone imprisonment, chaos still is present in Equestria. This would open up an opportunity to explain the history of Discord.


Yeah, Discord's chaos is an unnatural chaos; artificial chaos, if you will. The world naturally has chaos but it's subtle and creeps it's way into events and things gradually. Whereas Discord's brand of chaos is about as subtle as train wreck. That could be something that's talked about in a flashback/story book type event, as well. It's always cool when shows take the time to expand upon ideas and explain things, even though they aren't obligated to. Sadly it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, it's awesome.

  • Brohoof 1


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If we could actually see Discord's history in the show, I'd be quite happy. His past is mysterious and unknown and if it ties in with Celestia's past, the more interesting.


But I don't want villains to ALWAYS return. Two apperences per liked villain, like Chrysalis and Discord.


I agree entirely. Words cannot express how much I agree with you. If it's a good villain (like discord) use them again once, however I'm against reusing other villains like Trixie and Gilda.
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Hmm yes this is what I said what I wanted int a season 3/4 episode. Since fans have been wanting moar Discord or Celestia + Luna backstory episode I figured why not both? Simply put an episode on how Discord came about and ruled Equestria and how it reflected on its inhabitants themselves. Then show Celestia and Lunas rise to power and defeat of Discord (with possible Celestia x Discord Shipping refrences^_^.)

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