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How open are you about ponies?


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I'm not open yet. Maybe someday, I can talk about it but as a newer fan, it's best to be more quiet about the subject. Although, sooner or later, somepony's going to ask about my Derpy plush.

When you do become open about it, and if someone laughs at you for it, just reach around in your pockets for a little bit (as if you're trying to find something) and look back up at the person laughing at you and say "I'm sorry, I thought I had a fuck to give, but I guess I don't". Tried that on a kid a few months back and the people who were laughing at me quickly turned and laughed at that asshole. If you really want to go hard with this, say "oh wait I've got this" and reach into your pocket with your hand and when you pull your hand out, flip him off. There's some good advice for you!

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm trying my best to be completely open about it in order to have friends, but there are other things I have to do in order to fit in more into my anime club, which has the bronies. I have other movies to watch, a bunch of shows, reading 500 fanfics, and I need to be involved with gaming, which I hardly was. I like being a brony though but there are concequences that I must face still to be around everybody. But there's also the fear of the fandom falling because of its "flaw that not everybrony is involved in" if you understand. So overall I enjoy being a brony by about 67%.


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When you do become open about it, and if somepony laughs at you for it, just reach around in your pockets for a little bit (as if you're trying to find something) and look back up at the pony laughing at you and say "I'm sorry, I thought I had a fuck to give, but I guess I don't". Tried that on a kid a few months back and the ponies who were laughing at me quickly turned and laughed at that asshole. If you really want to go hard with this, say "oh wait I've got this" and reach into your pocket with your hoof and when you pull your hoof out, flip him off. There's some good advice for you!

It's good advice. smile.png

"You laugh at me, I wrath at you!" laugh.png


I guess I still got more I got to write. Um...nice weather we're having? Good day..and done.

  • Brohoof 1

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
Silver Letter's MLP collection
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not open at all. i only have ponys on my personal devices such as my laptop and my phone. i only just recently opened up to my twin brother about me being a brony, and he took it rather well. so i think i'll open up to the rest of my family soon..


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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I'm trying my best to be completely open about it in order to have friends, but there are other things I have to do in order to fit in more into my anime club, which has the bronies. I have other movies to watch, a bunch of shows, reading 500 fanfics, and I need to be involved with gaming, which I hardly was. I like being a brony though but there are concequences that I must face still to be around everybody. But there's also the fear of the fandom falling because of its "flaw that not everybrony is involved in" if you understand. So overall I enjoy being a brony by about 67%.

Take my advice bro. I'm not trolling either, this is a legitimate way to get assholes off your back. I have tested it, and it has been proven, though I wouldn't recommend it with a teacher over your shoulder.
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I'm sort of open; my friends and family know, and I'm part of this brony group at school that consists of some friends I have, and others. A lot of people at school know (mainly people in my classes), but I guess not everybody. I would wear a shirt around, but it might put me in an awkward situation if I go around with rainbows on my shirt at school :/


But generally, I'm not afraid to hide it. I go to a pretty nice school, where bullying doesn't really happen.


And I don't try to change a topic to ponies, or try to show off I'm a brony, but if it pops up or something, I'll say yea


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My cousins know I am a brony and recently my dad knows. I don't talk about ponies a lot and I just have some pony pictures on my computer. I don't like shoveling it out everywhere.

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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Oh, I'm very open about liking MLP. I won't go shoving it down people's throats or anything like that, but I won't try to hide it in fear of being ridiculed or something. If someone questions me, I'll just tell them "Yeah I like My Little Pony, what of it?". ;)

  • Brohoof 1

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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Recent thoughts: The more open I become about being a brony, the more I feel it's a mistake.


I know I shouldn't let the negative feedback affect me, but it does. I feel like people respect me less, especially my friends and peers, and that bothers me. I'm usually the type to be proud of what I like and I never liked making a secret of my hobbies, but I think I might be toning this one down in the future and slowly receding back to the "closet" again for my own good.


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Recent thoughts: The more open I become about being a brony, the more I feel it's a mistake.


I know I shouldn't let the negative feedback affect me, but it does. I feel like people respect me less, especially my friends and peers, and that bothers me. I'm usually the type to be proud of what I like and I never liked making a secret of my hobbies, but I think I might be toning this one down in the future and slowly receding back to the "closet" again for my own good.

It may be because you're acting too serious when you say you're a brony. Try saying it like you don't give a fuck, and say "Yeah I give a fuck what you think. It's funny because I don't" to anyone who will call you gay for being a brony. I know these suggestions make me seem like an asshole troll, but it's actually not bad advice. In order for these people to accept you, or stop hardcore making fun of you at least, is to talk on their level.
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 I'd say I'm fairly open about it. I don't bring the topic up in casual conversation, though if ponies are brought up by someone else then I'll gladly join in. I think all of my family knows I like MLP, my brother was even introduced to it by me, though I don't think any of them know of the existence of the brony fandom. I have a couple of brony friends, though they don't often discuss it, and so I mostly only mention ponies here, on the wide expanse of porn and emptiness that is the Internet.

  • Brohoof 1
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I am not very open at all. Because, people tend to judge. Like my brothers call me a gay faggot when they see me watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Like all the time so that hurts. I think it would be the same if I told family members or friends. I wish I could be open about it but, I don't really chose to so yeah.

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Only 2 people know I'm a brony and they are my mum and another brony at school. I watch mlp on my iPod hiding under my bed covers at night so my dad doesn't find out I'm a brony because I'm worried ho he will react.


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Let's just say that I keep secrets far better than most ^ - ^


In all honesty though, I could care less if someone judged me, but I still make it a point to exude an image that people are largely comfortable with.


I'm not open about it if I'm certain that it'll weird someone else out. Otherwise, I'm pretty much a mixed bag, tbh.

Staring beyond; up past the moon - - - will we reach the stars yet soon?

Met quick with loss; no sure response - - - men reach up high with their thoughts.

How high it goes; still no one knows - - - the likes of which search thick in droves.

Yet looking far; up near the stars - - - truth knows no better than we are.

With silver thread; and clouded head - - - blissful 'neath the darkened dune.

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I never talk about it unless someone else starts a conversation about it. Or well, i don't know if it counts, but I show the pony stuff I have to my friends sometimes, like "Here look at this" or "What do you think about this?". And that I only do if I have anything new to show them, which is basically never.

I have two friends who seems almost disgusted about me being a brony. Everytime I'm wearing a t-shirt or they're in my room seeing something with pony on it, they facepalm go like "Dude. Seriously..." You know that feeling when you see something so stupid / wrong / embarrassing that you wanna say something, but it's so hard to express so you're left speechless? THAT's the reaction I get from them. And I find it weird because they're probably the most understanding and open-minded people I know. But as soon as they see me with anything that relates me to being a brony they just get like that, and I've never seen them do that to anything else.


Kinda makes me feel like there's something wrong with me =(

  • Brohoof 1
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Very open. I frequent places like Hot Topic for all my pony merchandise (shirts, figures, plushies, etc.) without fear of being judged. Though there is an awkward moment every time I approach the counter, but this is not unusual and I'm met very well, often by fellow fans of the show. Once, while at the mall with three of my friends, I spotted a Derpy backpack that was crying to be bought. I spent $25 right then and there, the cashier telling me "to wear that pony with pride." I walked out of the store proudly and met my friends, of whom only two chuckled but were otherwise accepting.

33238-absured_restwilight_sparklevector-SUPER READING FOR VEIN-BURSTING FUN!!!

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Most of my coworkers know, my immediate family knows, and a couple of people from church know. I have a Rainbow Dash polo that I used to wear about once a week to work (it has since shrunk into being a little too small, so it's now reserved for homewear and weekendwear), and I've ordered a much larger Rarity polo to go along with it. I keep an Electric Sky at my desk at work for when I need that little bit of cheer during a painful call.


I've found that in the professional world, people don't really care one way or another as long as you're good at what you do.


EDIT: With my family, it helps that I have (or rather, had) policies about when and how to watch Ponies - it was always with Headphones when my brother or sister was around. I since had to abandon that policy when I realized that my laptop does not like headphones very much.

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Nobody besides my friends know it, however my brother's about to find out. I know my parents wouldn't care if I told them, but my brother would. I know him, he'd just tell me things that all the haters say, without even watching an episode


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I'm open with my friends. Still haven't really told my parents yet, I'm not in a rush to tell them. Soo That means I don't have any Merch. I've told all of my friends (Well.,. My friend started singing mlp and putting my name is as well )


This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi


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Not at all, being a military brony and especially in the particular trade I'm in if you show anything that people can mess about with you with, they will.....I still love ponies despite knowing what'll happen if anyone finds out though

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