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Your weirdest brony moment?


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What was your weirdest moment as a brony? Do you have any?


My weirdest brony moments was...


My dad used to think that I watched the g3 of my little pony (the I really hate, no offence to anypony who likes it), I found an epic mlp trailer on youtube that anytime I watched it I would have my heart racing. I brought my dad to watch the trailer and he watched it, when it ended he said it was epic, and he walked out of the room, and before that he really hated my little pony.


Edited by ConfettiBoom
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Ummm, my weirdest brony moment.

When I was downtown last week looking at mlp merch, I decided to grab Twilight and Rainbow dash figurine thingy, I was walking to the checkout pretty proud of myself for working up the nerves to actually buy them, I rounded a corner and lirerally bumped into my ex. Let's just say it got a little awkward, oh and when I got to the parking lot, I got assaulted by a old lady, for being one of those pony faggots apparently. Excuse me for poor grammar, I'm on my phone.

Edited by zRevenantz
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My weirdest brony moment was probably when my friends first found out, we were at a Trivia contest thing, and they told us one of the rounds would be a bout MLP, so I was going "I got this bros, I know MLP."


Scumbag judges didn't go on to say it was G3 and older stuff, and that the category dealt with all old cartoons...

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Definitely the weirdest thing I've experienced as a brony was going to Hot Topic, picking out a brony shirt, walking up to the counter, and seeing two cashiers. One an old lady, the other a huge muscular guy, both of them giving me a taunting smirk.

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In front of my friends, I said, "In the name of Celestia, can I have my pencil back?". Everyone in the classroom was quiet too, so they all heard me.

  • Brohoof 3

#1 Asuka fanboy.  

Signature created by Thunder Bolt.


Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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The weirdest? Simple enough really...it was when I became a brony and what happened on Skype


Basically at one point I changed my avatar to that of a pony character I made on one of those pony creators on deviant art. During this time I was with my friend Sean and at his apartment with his grandmother, relaxing. We did the usual, play games and he's asked how I've been. I tell him, "I've been stressed and trying to relax...hey, remember that My little Pony show that was so popular I mentioned to you that I was going to watch for the lolz?...yep, it happened"


I said it in a sarcastic way, joking around while he just laughed so hard, "I wonder what Scott will think?" he said and well, surely enough Scott gets on skype and he notices my avatar


Scott: Brony? XD

Me: Yyyeeeeessssss....it happened xD

Scott: I have GOT to see this show, Lauren Faust worked on it after all, big fan of Fosters imaginery friends


and so he went to watch it. It wasn't his thing, he gave it respect though and did watch through all of season 1 and 2. Not a fan but liked it for what it was. My friend Sean however was given a dare to watch the pilot episodes of season 1. He didn't make it and got so irritated with Pinkie Pie xD saying her singing was ear rape to him


His over exaggerated supposed 'torment' was so hilarious and Scott and I were both making fun of him xD "Whats wrong Sean? Don't like pinkie pie?! HUH?! HUH?!" XD


While they aren't bronies, we do joke around on the meme of course and still to this day, Sean tells me, "If you tell anyone about this I WILL MURDER YOU"....oooops :3

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This is a story from 4chan that I posted, please bear with me through the vulgarity and greentext arrows. Also, I do realize this is the exception rather than the rule. Still, it was hella weird. (spoilering in case people don't want to see stuff from /mlp/.






>One time this fatass neckbeard walked into my shop I was working at in Worlds of Fun, a crappy ass amusement park here in Missouri.

>Fatass is wearing shirt that says brony and has rainbow dash on the front.

>I'm on my phone, browsing /mlp/, and not paying attention.

> open up a picture to fullscreen.


>Fatass sees my phone's screen, and comes up and says brohoof, while holding up his fist.

> I stare at him, and avoid the spillage of spaghetti by saying, "Dude, I have no idea what the f*ck you are doing. Are you gonna buy some shit, or are you gonna hold up my line?"

> Look of defeat on Fatass's face.

> He mumbles some weak bullshit, and leaves.

> There was no line.



Once again, sorry for any vulgarity, I just found it ridiculous that he was shoving something that other people have no desire to hear about in their faces.

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Weirdest brony moment for me? When my friends found out. Here's the story, I'm in Honors English, minding my own business, when a friend of mine suddenly says to me, out of the clear blue, mind you, "Do you watch My Little Pony?" At that point I fought my self on what to say at that moment. Of course, I ended up telling him I did, to which he responded, "You're on of those psychos." The amount of facehoof-worthy material that followed is staggering. He still hasn't seen the show to this day, but I'm getting there...

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Weirdest one was...in a class of mine a few weeks ago. I tend to get there early, and since I take notes for the lecture on my laptop, I was browsing Equestria Daily. And I think I came across a post or something (it was a comic, I think) that had a drawing of one of the mane six pinning another to the ground, like they had just angrily tackled them. This guy who sits next to me, Adam, who I had in another class last semester sees it and goes, "WHOA, ARE THOSE PONIES HUMPING EACH OTHER?" like...SUPER loud. So this guy who lives in my residence hall who is also in the class looks over and asks what I'm looking at. I just said it was My Little Pony stuff, and corrected Adam that they were NOT humping each other.

This guy Jeff looks at me and says, "Do you actually watch that show?" and I said yeah. He just gave me this look like..."dafuq." and said, "Wow, I only ever watch that show with my little sister."


So that was sort of awkward.

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Talking to my dad and he's like, "Yeah, it's good that you're mature enough to have friend's at school a few years older than you".


And I'm thinking "Yeah... mature...."



*EPIC flashback to me and my friend loudly singing Winter Wrap-Up in the lunch hall*





"Mature.... Rightttt...."

  • Brohoof 6

Turned on Air Conditioning in 10 seconds flat.

Now I'm 20% Cooler.


Your friendly neighborhood madman, musician and pastry chef.


Midnight Stars; Butcher, Baker, Candy Cane Maker.


Also, visit my FiMFiction account at http://www.fimfiction.net/user/TehMorganator

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omg hahahaha epic show is epic! I seriously have to say if your aren't at least the slightest bit interested in the show after watching that I know the feel bro. Because that used to me and is obviously no more and I got into it without that trailer but that trailer would have had me hook line and sinker! n

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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Weirdest moment? Hmmm, I guess it would be the time I was wearing my brony neck key chain...thing one day during school. I was doing work, so I didn't notice my black friend, Quentin, until I looked at him, he was like "really?", So I looked him in the eye and said this "Arth Thou Furious.".......Yeah...it was weird, but he okay with it now, but It was sure funny.

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a couple of months ago, my friends and I were chillin' in the cafeteria before classes started, as is our normal routine, when one of the guys who converted me form a hater to a brony walks in. I get up and give the dude a huge freaking hug, later another friend of mine (also a brony) asked me why i hugged him. My response, "Didn't you see? He was wearing a Wonderbolts jacket!!!!!"

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Noting yet. I guess most awkward I've had so far is when my brother told his GF that I watched MLP. To make it more interesting, I'll dramatize it a lot. It did not go like this lol. Oh and his GF was on skype.


Brother: Yooz why you stillz WACH mLPZ lolol ITS On the RecEntly wathced on nEEEtflizzz


Me: Yeaz I doooz.


GF: Whatz goin on??


Brother: Some showz my bro is wathcinzzzz.


ME: *Silence but smiling sheepishly*


BroTher: Should I tellz her???


Me: [something]


Brother: He watchez MLP.


GF: Oh.


IT DID NOT GO LIKE THAT LOL I was over emphasizing, but it when something like that.

Random statements:

"Sir, we're surrounded."
"Excellent, we can shoot in any direction."

"Ah, the internet, where everyone worse than you is a noob and everyone better than you has no life."

"you're all stupid noobs, noobing around and dying like noobs!" - Angry kid.

"I'll knock your teeth so far down your throat, you'll have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to brush them." - Derek from MLP FF SR

"Sometimes one has to bend the rules to find the truth." - Riclo.


"Life is the best gift in the world, while reality is the worst." - Riclo.

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Telling my mom should've been far less awkward than it was, and it actually had nothing to do with the fact that I watched MLP that made it weird!!!!!!!! We'd been in a bad fight over... something else, IDK what, and, in a particularly stupid moment on my part (honestly, I think I just wanted to rustle her jimmies at that point), I just sort of randomly blurted out to her that I'm a brony, and showed her the definition. Of course, since this had nothing to do with what we were talking about, she was just like, "Yeah, so what?" and to that I really had nothing to say in return, she kinda had me on that one. But it's okay, she's cool with it now, now that she understands more about the show, but that was definitely the most awkward brony moment I've had.


I guess another awkward moment would've been a more recent one; early this fall my roommate from last semester in D.C. and I were talking, and I brought up a Willy Wonka meme that mentioned MLP. Clever dog that he is, he asked if I like MLP, which took me off guard for just a second, since I didn't think he'd make the connection or know about the show, but after an awkward moment or so, I admitted I did, and to my pleasant surprise he was cool with it, and said he could respect that. I don't think he'll check it out himself, but I'm glad he knows and thinks it's cool.


Oh yeah, another awkward moment was when I told my sister's (now, very recently, ex) boyfriend, at her suggestion; she kinda put me on the spot, and it took me a couple minutes to get it out, but I think he came to understand why I like it. He only watched one episode himself, but he likes the .MOV series and some of the other parody vids a lot!!!!! He's pretty cool, but as I said, telling him was really awkward!!!!!

Edited by Batbrony
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"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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At Barnes & Noble earlier today, I bought the DVDs of Ingmar Bergman's "Wild Strawberries", Luis Bunuel's "The Exterminating Angel", and Woody Allen's "Manhattan"....and I was wearing my Vinyl Scratch t-shirt today....and I was right on my way to my latest brony meetup at the time of purchasing those DVDs. Wouldn't that qualify as being kind of weird? An obvious brony purchasing a pair of Criterion Collection DVDs and a Woody Allen film from the late 1970s?; that isn't really something you see or hear of every day.

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I this is rather mundane but a few weeks ago I was having an abysmal day. I'd gotten maybe three hours of sleep, had tests later in the day, it was pouring rain, and I was shuffling to class like a zombie when I see a girl with a Pinkie Pie figure clipped to her backpack and it MADE MY DAY! I started grinning like psycho Twilight, did a massive fist pump and walked off with a spring in my step. I guess she really can make you smile and brighten up you day, even when she's made of plastic. Kind of tame compared to other posts but it was strange for me because it was completely random and I wouldn't have anticipated my reaction to it

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A customer at work noticed my Fluttershy necklace I wear daily, and started freaking out, saying "My daughter would LOVE you, you should meet her!" Bronies are pretty rare around my area, so I understand the excitement...but it got to the point where I had to leave the front counter area for a while, she wouldn't stop bothering me about it.

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"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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Ugh, awkward moments....


I had one in my school cafeteria in college while waiting for my class to start. I over hear some guys talking about the show and characters, and decided to say hello.


I asked them "you guys talking about MLP? I love that show!" (or something to that effect), and they just stared at me. After a moment of silence, I said "sorry" and sat back down at my original table.


It was weird too, just the day before that one there was a bunch of guys talking about skyrim, and I got into that conversation like it was no problem, we talked and palled around like it was nothing. I guess that sort of boosted my confidence, and made me think talking about MLP would have been alright.


All I know is I wouldn't have stayed silent if someone walked up to me, I would have been the least bit friendly and engaging.

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I was wearing my brony t-shirt when suddenly one of my classmates said:"You are terrible! How can you masturbate to pictures of ponies?!". I had to explain that brony != clopper.

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"When all the truth does

is make your heart ache

sometimes a lie

is easier to take"

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when me and my mother were talking we came across her childhood then she said mlp, and i almost choked. she looked at me and inquired what was wrong i explained the whole brony phenomenon and that i was a brony. the rest of the car journey she couldn't do anything but laugh

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