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What would you do if you're an MLPforums moderator?


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:huh: Uhhhhhhh... pretty much what I do now I guess, guardian of the night stuff and all... except then I'd have real authority!!! B) But seriously, I would, if ever given the opportunity to be a moderator, do the best I could to help run the forums. It's the least I could do if I were given such an honor and privilege. :)
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Go into Feld0's office, rearrange all his items in the room just enough to make him become paranoid that someone was in there, but not such a mess that action needs to be taken. Repeat for several weeks. Blame it on Scootacool.

  • Brohoof 4
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Demote every single staff member. Take over the site and rule it.


Zoop would be my right hand and Jonke would be my left hand. Feld0 can be my right foot if he's lucky ;)

But i think that would be a risky move.

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I would revel in the eternal power that has been bestowed upon me. I would have statues build in my honor, and have my enemies sent to the furthest reaches of the moon. Rainbow Dash would be crowned best pony by law; breaking this law would be punishable by banishment. I would become an unstoppable force across the interwebs, thousands would crumble at the mention of my name.


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Change the term "brohoof" for "likes".


I remember when we changed likes to brohoofs. I don't remember if I was on staff at the time though.


Oh, are we talking about imaginary scenarios in here, not what we actually did when we were moderators? I'll...I'll go away now.

  • Brohoof 1
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If I had mod powers?


I would begin my hostile takeover... OF THE WORLD!

Posted Image
Fires would sweep through the city, as people run in anguish...

Posted Image

Despite their best efforts, their defenses were no match against Urdnot Shepard's onslaught...

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The once brilliant Earth had burned to the ground and became a desolate wasteland...

Posted Image

Urdnot Shepard rebuilt an empire on top of the ashes of the old Earth. Like a Phoenix, the new Earth was beautiful and brilliant. There was no war, no death, no disease or hunger, and ponies and amazing friendships everywhere. At long last, Earth was finally saved.

All thanks to Urdnot Shepard.

...The end.

And that's how Equestria was made! :)

  • Brohoof 5
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I'd do something extremely weird, but somehow erase all evidence it was me, and blame Scootacool. Because even though he is awesome, you need to blame him for everything.


Or I'd be an average mod her.

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