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gaming [Gaming] The Team Fortress 2 Thread

Ron Jeremy

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Finally you foals start talkin'! Yeehaw!

Say, what could be fun replay material? Something YOU'd like to see? Share yer ideas if yer got some you'd like to share!

Good'ole TF2, still fun as always.

Been playing MvM recently, and gosh is it hard when you have a bad class setup/bad players. XD


I got a question actually as well.
On my birthday, I was gifted Total War: Rome 2. This gave me some real sweet promos (Cheet Sheet, Beastly Bonnet, Centurion & Steel Sixpack).

However, if I am not wrong wasn't there more promotional stuff for this game?
A hood, a pair of baggy pants for the demoman as well as a golden laurel?

Whatever happened to those things! I'm just curious.

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On my birthday, I was gifted Total War: Rome 2. This gave me some real sweet promos (Cheet Sheet, Beastly Bonnet, Centurion & Steel Sixpack). However, if I am not wrong wasn't there more promotional stuff for this game? A hood, a pair of baggy pants for the demoman as well as a golden laurel? Whatever happened to those things! I'm just curious.


Most likely they were scrapped/rejected. Although there IS a golden laurel that drops in the game that may have had its model reused: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Hardy_Laurel


Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NO

BronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions

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Most likely they were scrapped/rejected. Although there IS a golden laurel that drops in the game that may have had its model reused: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Hardy_Laurel

That is the mentioned laurel that was supposed to be a promo.

But I do not believe they are scrapped.

If you look here...



There's a possibility that they'll arrive later. That's what I highly suspect!

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I do it for the trading. I personally think that the trading system introduced to us through the "Mann-conomy" update was pure. Ever since I found my love for trading and the economy. I had favorited BP.TF and have been studying how the prices go up and down as time goes by. I even had made my own trading  guide! :D Now I have like 14 refined metal now and I can buy practically any low-mid tier item.

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I do it for the trading.


ugh then stay away from me and my hat.. no one is getting it and i can't stand traders for their constant ignorance of my profiles explicit warning that i'm not trading it... yes its rare, yes i have it, and no i won't give it up. Next time pre-order the game yourselves!! :P


tbh i can see why people enjoy the system and IMO its actually very neat as it adds a function to the game thats akin to collecting pokemon, though less useful....

but when people start blowing cash on it left and right (offered up to $90 USD so far cash, way over that in games... for a single flipping lvl 5 no stat hat... wth?!) it just blows my mind as to why they'd pay for such otherwise useless things...

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http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=11070 Heads up mercenaries, the summer update just went live. I'm in the middle of downloading it myself.


The gyst of it is bug fixes and weapon balance changes, but 64 gold Star Workshop items are being added in the process. Here's what to look out for:



  • All maps have been patched to fix broken building locations (the right side roof at Badwater's second point, the pillars on Egypt, etc.)
  • Item changes include the Battalion's Backup charging by damage dealt and 15% resistance to sentries, Chargin' Targe grants afterburn immunity (much like the Pyro), Dead Ringer cloak shortens when taking damage when active, and complete sets drop calling cards on your victims instead of bonuses.
  • MvM mode now cancels the countdown when the only player who readied up changes to "Not Ready", and money from headshot kills or explosive headshot kills will drop "red money" that's collected automatically.




Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NO

BronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions

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It is a good day to be hat wearing mercenary.

Great stuff ahead.






I just got my Powdered Practinioner for only 4 refined!


Those things are going for 2 keys at the moment.. Anyone else ever had lucky trades like this before?

Yeah, I've had Pthis one happening recently!



I offered him hats, but he exclaimed they were of no interest to him, albeit he saw through my backpack and said he wanted that blazing bull.


The reason I cencored the image is so that nopony bugs him with friend requests for obvious reasons.

He and I play MvM then and then, and it's fun to mentor him. He's kinda not thaaat good, but he's not too bad either. Just needs refinement!

  • Brohoof 1

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ugh then stay away from me and my hat.. no one is getting it and i can't stand traders for their constant ignorance of my profiles explicit warning that i'm not trading it... yes its rare, yes i have it, and no i won't give it up. Next time pre-order the game yourselves!! :P


tbh i can see why people enjoy the system and IMO its actually very neat as it adds a function to the game thats akin to collecting pokemon, though less useful....

but when people start blowing cash on it left and right (offered up to $90 USD so far cash, way over that in games... for a single flipping lvl 5 no stat hat... wth?!) it just blows my mind as to why they'd pay for such otherwise useless things...

I can explain why some traders want that hat of yours so much. Since you are talking about pre-order promo items, they just happen to be worth exceedingly large amounts of currency during their debut, which is why the traders want them, they want to resell the item to gain profit, or make money. I can't guarantee this, but if it were me, I would resell it.


For an explanation or the "overpriced" hat, many people tend to buy hats like that. An example of this is the concept of

"unusuals". The reason why people buy these kinds of hats is next to inconceivable to consumers, as they tend to view things from a "utility" viewpoint, which means if they cannot find any use of it, it's worthless to them. This is how you are viewing it. However, the traders view it most likely from a "profit" point of view, meaning that they want to find a way to make money off of the thing they bought. In other words, wait until the prices of that item increase then sell it so they make extra money from their item they bought.


As a side note, what makes you think that I will mess with your valued hat? I never mentioned anything about messing with it. Anyway, I just thought I could try to explain the reasons traders makes rather strange trades like the one you mentioned before. As another note, this is just my viewpoint. Also, sorry for the wall of text. I feel guilty of it. This was all to answer your questions, also to sort of unblow your mind.



I just got my Powdered Practinioner for only 4 refined!


Those things are going for 2 keys at the moment.. Anyone else ever had lucky trades like this before?


I have gotten so many trades like this before it's starting to become less of a lucky trade and more like my regular trades. It's just the only way around. Like when I sold someone 1 hat for 1 hat worth 3.33 ref and the guy also added like 5 trading cards. Cool right? This was actually one of my best trades! Plus I sold the trading cards and the hat! I believe that the hat that I am mentioning is called "The attendant" It is a wonderful hat, plus it's value.

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As a side note, what makes you think that I will mess with your valued hat?

lol i was just messing with ya, i don't think you would. 


I think mines on the wanted list a lot because it was one of the first ever promo hats released and no one was smart enough to pre-order demselves some sammun mak :P

Grew up with that duo, so while that hats useless as stats go, i find it more like a nostalgic sentimental thing personally.


i mean hell, i keep the animated series, for what few episodes exist, on my Ipad almost always! :)

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Team Fortress 2 was in development for nine years. There are nine playable classes. The outro for the main theme (titled "Team Fortress 2") has nine notes.


There's 3 instances of 9, and 9 divided by 3 is 3...


Putting consideration into switching to a Soldier main now.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Anyone getting into the game should give this playlist a view. There are so many simple mistakes players can make in this game that are easily avoidable if you actually stop and think for a moment. Despite what people say, you can have a role on your team if you take the time to learn each class' strengths and weaknesses. Hopefully this guy does ones for MvM as well, there's a lot of avoidable mistakes people always make in that mode.


Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NO

BronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions

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This game is just too fun! I've played about 200 hours of it during the summer thus far. (Now it's the only video game I own that I can play... Sadly, but not because it's a fun game)


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Team Fortress 2... Through Playing over 460 hours I think I have significant knowledge on the game. My description.  You want a FPS?, an FPS that is free? you want a good yet CHEEASY (in a fun way) backstory?, you want HHHHHHHAAAATTTTTTTSSS???????, and most of all it isnt CoD then this game Team fortress 2 Is the one stop shop for you.


---"Who is not ready to fight?"--- Heavy just before the battle of Sandvich hill

  • Brohoof 1
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Well my oh my! I logged in today and then I was surprised from this!

Just as I suspected, they'd come later!




Pyjama Partyieeeeee!

  • Brohoof 1

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Random screenshot from my previous TF2 game.

The things I put up with when playing offensively... couldn't even kill all of 'em before they got me. While I was reloading.


A few seconds after this screenshot was taken.

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A bit belated, but what is everybody's opinion on Valve finally combating idling?


Personally, while I can see where they're coming from with it, they kind of shot their own foot by hurting idling like that. When people were making tons of idling accounts, they had to buy from the "micro" transaction shop in order to get those accounts set up for use. When the market came out, some of those items were getting listed on the market, which meant when somebody purchased those items, the Steam cut and the TF2 cut was taking a good chunk of that money again. Multiply that by thousands (If I remember correctly, wasn't it estimated at one point that 30% or so of the TF2 players were actually idling accounts?) and it adds up fast.


To me, it seems like a rather shady move to wait until after those people have spent that money to step in. Kinda hurts the "I'm not just another greedy corporation! I'm your friend!" image that so many people seem to think they have.


Anyways, here are the latest patch notes.



Team Fortress 2 Update Released

July 24, 2013 - TF2 Team

An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

  • Ended the Mann Co. Store summer sale
  • The Summer Claim check is now a rare drop
  • Medics using the Quick-Fix will now take jump force from Pyros using the Detonator to explosive jump
  • Fixed a client crash related to missing particle systems
  • Fixed a server crash when entering Sudden Death mode with only melee weapons
  • Fixed players sometimes being damaged by doors when they are closing
  • Fixed soccer/beach balls sometimes blocking Payload carts and trains
  • Fixed paint can icons not showing the Red/Blue colors correctly
  • Fixed the Loch-n-Load gun sight not drawing in the correct place
  • Fixed the Bonk Boy model using the incorrect normals
  • Updated Cp_Badlands and Koth_Badlands
    • Opened the windows around the center point
    • Smoothed player clipping around doorways
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Yo, Soldiers - do you think the Gunboats should be moved to the Misc slot? They're not really that much of a weapon, but rather a wearable item, so they don't really make a whole lot of sense to me as a shotgun replacement. I have the Gunboats equipped right now and I can't tell you how many times I was in the midst of a firefight, had to reload and wanted a shotgun equipped too so I wouldn't have to wait through the lengthy reload animation for Solly's rocket launchers and could still stay in the action.

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Yo, Soldiers - do you think the Gunboats should be moved to the Misc slot? They're not really that much of a weapon, but rather a wearable item, so they don't really make a whole lot of sense to me as a shotgun replacement. I have the Gunboats equipped right now and I can't tell you how many times I was in the midst of a firefight, had to reload and wanted a shotgun equipped too so I wouldn't have to wait through the lengthy reload animation for Solly's rocket launchers and could still stay in the action.


No, they shouldn't be moved to misc, otherwise that would be unfair, unless it modified the shotgun to be less powerful somehow (It'd probably still be OP). Your right, they aren't a weapon but they do heavily modify your stats which Misc items do not.


What they should be moved to though is the bloody Demoman! (Grenade Launcher slot) God, Demomen need something like the Gunboats to actually make sticky jumping with the stickybomb launcher viable. Loosing half your health to get across the battlefield simply isn't worth it on any map.





Team Fortress 2 was in development for nine years. There are nine playable classes. The outro for the main theme (titled "Team Fortress 2") has nine notes. There's 3 instances of 9, and 9 divided by 3 is 3...


Half Life 3 Confirmed!

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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No, they shouldn't be moved to misc, otherwise that would be unfair, unless it modified the shotgun to be less powerful somehow (It'd probably still be OP).
Fair point.




What they should be moved to though is the bloody Demoman!
 According to Robin Walker, the Gunboats would have gone to the Demo if the Demo won the WAR! update. There actually was no alternate award for the Demo. Of course, though, the Soldier won the WAR! update, so we got the Gunboats. Take your lumps like a man, Pvt. Twinkletoes!
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Yo, Soldiers - do you think the Gunboats should be moved to the Misc slot? They're not really that much of a weapon, but rather a wearable item, so they don't really make a whole lot of sense to me as a shotgun replacement. I have the Gunboats equipped right now and I can't tell you how many times I was in the midst of a firefight, had to reload and wanted a shotgun equipped too so I wouldn't have to wait through the lengthy reload animation for Solly's rocket launchers and could still stay in the action.

Ask any competitive solider and a good chunk of them will tell you how great the gunboats are for rocket jumping and making it easier to trash an enemy medic. They don't miss the shotgun at all. Besides, the misc slot is for cosmetic purposes only, having a weapon in there would severely throw off the game's balance.


Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NO

BronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions

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Ask any competitive solider and a good chunk of them will tell you how great the gunboats are for rocket jumping and making it easier to trash an enemy medic. They don't miss the shotgun at all. Besides, the misc slot is for cosmetic purposes only, having a weapon in there would severely throw off the game's balance.

I see your point.


Guess I'll just work on my game then and maybe stop trying to focus on those damn Heavies so much but rather the Medics keeping them alive. Rocket jumping seems like a pretty good throw-off for enemies, disorient them then try taking them out while they're distracted by your teammates.


Reworked my Soldier strategy, as I said I would.



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The previous gentlecolts already explained on how imbalanced it would be if the gunboats were a misc. item due to them affecting a soldier's stats and gameplay.


I personally prefer the shotgun myself, because when you're out of rocket launcher ammo, a pair of boots ain't gonna be your backup weapon.

  • Brohoof 1

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I, myself, don't use the gunboats on the soldier. I can't perfect rocket jumping anyways so i'd much rather just have a shotgun for secondary defense.


I'm also curious, what are your guys opinions on that one rocket launcher, the one that launches the 3 rockets at a time?? I think it's called...the Beggars Bazooka??  :lol:  I don't know, it's been alittle while since I last played TF2.


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Yeah, I've been rethinking the way how I play Soldier around the Gunboats now. Rocket jumping gives me a pretty good overview of the action and lets me catch an enemy off-guard, a really nice bonus.


I'll begin recording all my games soon in preparation for something big(ish) later this year btw. Keep an eye on my YouTube channel in December. That's when I aim to release this something.

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