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private Camping Trip (RP)


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Scamps saw Airy come over to the group as she finished the song. "Good morning, Sleepy Head," she joked. "Although, I'm not even sure it's morning anymore."

When Star suggejested a story telling night, Scamps quickly agreed. "Well, I guess now I have to go down memory lane and find a story. And a fun one, too." Scamps said. She then looked iver at Airy. "So, what do you want to do before then?"

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Yavolin sighed."alright but you need to relax for awhile i know that you want to get a cutie mark but we're here to have some fun make friends , and who knows you might get it if you learn to relax while we are here". Yavolin gave her a look that seemed to say live a little. Yavolin hoped he wasn't rude to because that's not how he meant it.

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(OOC: So, I am picturing this camping area kinda like Vermont... I hope that's ok."


Star flew high above the tree's towards a mountain that she had been interested in seeing the other side of.

She laughed happily as she did a barrel role and dived towards the ground leveling up just before she went below the tree's.

She then made her way to the top of the mountain and landed with a big grin on her face, looking out at the forest the looked like it went on forever.

Edited by Flame Dancer.
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Stacy took in what Yavolin said. "Yeah youre right, i need to relax. I just need to put my instrument in a safe place though." She said looking around for a spot to put it. She found a rock near the shore of the lake and placed it there. She then jumped in. "Come on! What are you waiting for?"

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Yavolin jumped in after her. The first thing that he notice that the water was rather nice, he went towards Stacy and splashed her once just to be playing around with her. Yavolin smiled because he knew that this was the mare who he will spend forever with.

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When Yavolin splashed her with water she immediately splashed him back. "Thats what you get for splashing me!" She joked. "This water feels amazing! So relaxing." She paused for a second. "I just got inspiration!" She exclaimed swimming back to shore. Once she got there she shook herself off and ringed her mane to get the water out. She quickly grabbed her instrument and began to play mixing notes together. She was completely unaware of her new cutie mark.

(OOC: it has to do with music, not sure what its going to look like yet)

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Sky was about to reply to Star but then she took off into the sky. "Wow, I really am bad at talking to other ponies." Sky thought to himself as he took a bite out of his apple. Sky then looked around the camp. After finishing his apple Sky leant back and watched the Clouds.

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Yavolin noticed Stacy had gotten out to write some muisc, he let out a sigh because she was all work and no play. Thats when he noticed her cuttie mark. "Hy Stacy notice anything different"? Yavolin hoped to get her to notice that her flank wasn't blank anymore .

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Stacy thought it was strange Yavolin was asking if something difrent. "Umm, noo? Why is something difrent?" She said looking around her suroundings but could find nothing. "Are you playing tricks on me? That wouldnt be very nice if you were." She said continuing to write down her notes.

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Marisa's vision was fine now, and she wasn't as tired. She looked over at Sky and random thoughts about them together came into her head, 'Oh great, I suppose this wont stop unless I confront him about it... he will probably brush it off as a normal thing for mares or something'

She walked over to Sky and poked him on his side, "Hey Sky? Just wanted to ask you a quick question, its been bothering me and I need to resolve it... but um... what do you think about there being... like, you and me... together... because I don't think I will be able to stop thinking about it till I get an answer. In all honesty I do find you kinda cute, and your kind. If you don't think it would be a possible thing than I'm completely okay with that, its more of a 'what if' or 'could it happen' question, its not like I am seriously interested, but you know... its a possibility"

Edited by Ponyworld Destroyer
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"Oo oo," sang Moonbeam along with Scamps softly as she tapped her front hooves to the beat. After the song ended, Moonbeam clapped and cheered happily.


With Star flying away and Stacy and Yavolin heading to the lake, she was left alone with Sky and Marisa. She felt like she should give them time alone so she kind of wandered off. "I wonder if Fetched is up yet," she thought. She went to his tent and knocked cautiously, not wanting to wake him if he was asleep.

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Yavolin smiled at Stacy."Try looking at your flank, trust me on this one it's no trick". Yavolin got out of the water still smiling he was,'t playing any kinda of trick on Stacy nor was he being mean to her. But he hoped Stacy would at less lesson to him but still it kinda made things more complicated now.

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(OOC: ok so i still dont know what her cutie mark is going to look like but it shows her ability to compose great music when shes relaxed or in a relaxing enviorment. Ex: the lake)

When Yavolin told her to look at her flank he was slightly confused. "Uhh, what in the name of equestria are you talking about?" She asked now slightly annoyed that he was bringing up her blank flank.

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Yavolin got out of the water , he was to thrilled to see that she had her cutie mark."Stacy you got i repeat you got your cutie mark no joke nor is it a trick". Yavolin was smiling from ear to ear he hoped that stacy didn't think that he was making fun of because he wasn't he was just so excited to see her with one.

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Stacy saw the huge grin on Yavolins face and imediatly thought he was playing a trick on her. Durring this time she lost her concentration and forgot what notes she was going to write down. She began to think to herself. "I cant believe i just forgot what i was going to write, it sounded so good. It was so relaxing! Why did i have to forget it?" She gave Yavolin an angry stare. "I was in the zone, i just lost all my insperation. All because you had to make a joke about me getting my cutie mark? Thanks." She said calmly but still adding bite to it to show she was angry with him.

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Yavolin dropped the smile."Stacy i ain't joking with you , I'll never do that to you". Yavolin made eye contact to show he was telling the truth he had no cause to lie to her, Yavolin had to get her to look at her flank because he didn't want her to break up with him over because she thought he was yanking her hoof.

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After admiring the landscape for a couple minutes Star took off and made her way back to camp.

She flew over the lake and noticed Yavolin and Stacy on the beach. "Just stopping to say hello wont hurt" She thought, Flying down and landing next to the two ponies. "Hey Stacy Hey Yovolin... I was just flying back to camp and I thought I." She then noticed Stacy's new cutie mark. "Stacy , congratulations... Tonight we should throw a big party and... wait a sec." She noticed Stacy's expression. "You havent noticed ?"

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Stacy was surprised when Star song came down to say hi. "Hi star." She said happy that some pony else had shown up to the lake. Star then said congradulations. "Wha-what are you talking about?" She asked now assuming star was in on the joke too. "I do not have a cutie mark and i refuse to look. I had to deal with foolishness like this all my life!" She nearly yelled at the two.

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Star laughed. "Your pulling my wing... There is no way you have not noticed it. Stacy. You have your cutie mark." She said, smiling and trotting next to Stacy "Why would Yavolin and I joke about this ? We know how serious this is too you. Now just look." She said, putting her hoof on Stacy's shoulder.

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Yavolin looked at Stacy and replied."Do you think so little of me that you think that i would be mean to you? Stacy trust me i wouldn't do that to you". Yavolin was trying to get Stacy to look but he knew she wouldn't unless he took her to the lake which he didn't want to do.

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Stacy stomped her hoof in fustration. "I dont! Will you guys just stop!?" She yelled this time. She started breathing heavily from fustration. "Im tired of every pony doing this to me." She said quietly but loud enough for the two to hear. She then huffed to release her anger.

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Scamps could hear Stacy yelling from the lake. She looked at Airy. "I'm going to see what's up with her. If you want to come along, that's fine. I don't know how long this will take."


Scamps dashed through the trail, worried that her friend may be hurt. She saw Yavolin and Star with her. She was afraid that maybe Yavolin still had feelings for Star. She ran over to see Stacy.


"Stacy, what's wro-" Scamps cut herself off as she saw Stacy's cutie mark. Scamps hugged Stacy. "I'm so proud of you!"

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Yavolin grabbed twig and snapped it to vent out his anger."Fine you know what fine don't believe me, don't look". Yavolin opened up his wings and flew up into the skies , he didn't want to be around Stacy if she chose to not believe him, he'll be back when he as claimed down.

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"Ok... Thats it, Just tell when you see it, I will be back at camp." She said, rolling her eye's at Stacy and trotting back towards camp. As she walked by Scamps she said. "Stacy refuses to accept that she has gotten her cutie mark... I have tried but I give up... I am going to go play my violin... Good luck." She smiled at Scamps then continued walking back to camp. Edited by Flame Dancer.
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Stacy didnt hear scamps come up from behind her and hug her. Stacy quickly shook scamps off her woth out knowing it was her. Scamps laid on the ground and stacy backed away surprised to see her. "Scamps? I-im sorry scamps i didnt mean to." She then saw Yavolin fly away. "Yavo.." Stacy looked at Star and then scamps with worry.

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