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When it comes to the actions of the villains, I think Discord was the most intimidating. He was more cunning than the others. He knew he couldn't overcome the power of the elements themselves, so he decided to disable the users instead. However, he was so confident in the spell he put on the mane six that he failed to make a back-up plan, and ended up being turned into a statue that lacked the awesome pose he was in the first time.


If it comes to just looks, Discord is last. His goofy look made me lower my expectations for the second season premiere when I saw the spoiler video. King Sombra wins this one, with a very dark design that easily strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies.

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This is a toughie. They are all intimidating in their own ways. Might have to go with Discord though, just because of his raw power and his ability and fondness for tormenting you on a much more personal level.

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Queen Chrysalis. I'll grant that Discord actually accomplishes more against the ponies, but to be honest he's just too amusing to be all that intimidating. Sombra, in the past, may have been the most intimidating. The problem with him, though, is in his actual debut as an active character all he did was growl, glare, and fail. Chrysalis, however, actually went into Celestia's house (taking her out in the process) and almost took over with a zerg rush. a better set of guards in her prison cave, and she probably would have pulled it off.


In terms of bullies...Gilda. Babs came around in the end, and while Diamond Tiara's peer pressure/blackmail in Ponyville Confidential was pretty bad, Gilda's actions just seemed more malicious overall to me.

Edited by gypsy_tambourine
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King Sombra, Discord is way too funny to be intimidating. I can see where people saying he's intimidating are coming from but in my opinion Discord is just too..clever to be intimidating. But King Sombra's appearance and the all around jist of him are pretty over whelming


I agree with that as well. I mean King Sombra wanted everything to turn evil and everybody to be slaves, Discord caused chocolate rain. I'm not saying that Discord is not evil, just King Sombra is a bit more scarier to face than Discord.

  • Brohoof 1





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Sombra was made as a villain to have the most intimidating presence, so my vote goes for him. None of the other characters, even Discord, caused fear and suffering without even needing to be there, or have explanation given about them. Sombra caused an entire kingdom to lose it's memory and live in a depressive existence, he caused Cadence to suffer physically for days on end just keep him at bay, so on and so forth.


Chrysalis was a shock and caused an uproar when she finally revealed herself, Discord caused nation-wide chaos and caused the Mane Six to turn into their opposites, and Nightmare Moon caused a bit of an up stir with her never-ending night, but they all were there, causing it in the flesh. Sombra already had a lot of his intimidating presence this going for him, simply for things he had done in the past. He didn't need to much of anything but be a looming presence outside to cause everything to become tense.


He's also the cruelest villain thus far, actually delving into legit slavery.


For sheer intimidating, Sombra wins it for me.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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I don't really think of Babs as a bully. She was... but if she were to come back (most likely won't happen though) she would probably be really nice.


I don't really think Silver Spoon and DiamondTiara are intimidating. They are really just rich brats wanting attention. As far as Gilda goes, she was a bully out of jealousy. She's pretty intimidating, being an exotic griffin and all. But she is also a bit mean-spirited. Stealing for no reason and all, and lying loads. I kinda like her though. :P


I think I actually like all the antagonists except Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.


Oh, yes, of course I don't think of her as a bully anymore - she showed that she was actually nice afterwards - but for the time she was a bully, I still count her as a candidate (for lack of a better word, though this isn't actually a contest).


This is a toughie. They are all intimidating in their own ways. Might have to go with Discord though, just because of his raw power and his ability and fondness for tormenting you on a much more personal level.


If you want to, you can list why you think each one is intimidating/what ways (doesn't even have to be all of them, you can just pick a few).


Queen Chrysalis. I'll grant that Discord actually accomplishes more against the ponies, but to be honest he's just too amusing to be all that intimidating. Sombra, in the past, may have been the most intimidating. The problem with him, though, is in his actual debut as an active character all he did was growl, glare, and fail. Chrysalis, however, actually went into Celestia's house (taking her out in the process) and almost took over with a zerg rush. a better set of guards in her prison cave, and she probably would have pulled it off.


Don't forget, she also defeated Celestia. Chrysalis attacked Celestia, and Celestia fell (literally). She was pretty strong, and even had the upper hand with the element of surprise. As you said, with a better set of guards, she really would have been able to take over Canterlot . . . maybe all of Equestria, and beyond.


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silver spoon and diamond tiara for sure. theyre so spoiled rotten and evil! plus theyre hoofshake sequence makes me shudder everytime.


Aren't they like knee high compared to a normal adult pony? I see somewhat where you're coming from but I don't really understand since they can't do anything too evil, they're not capable of it.


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Aren't they like knee high compared to a normal adult pony? I see somewhat where you're coming from but I don't really understand since they can't do anything too evil, they're not capable of it.


and thats exactly why they will take over equestria with ease... nopony will see it coming! and its because of theyre innocent guise.
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Don't forget, she also defeated Celestia. Chrysalis attacked Celestia, and Celestia fell (literally). She was pretty strong, and even had the upper hand with the element of surprise. As you said, with a better set of guards, she really would have been able to take over Canterlot . . . maybe all of Equestria, and beyond.


It's true, though I was referring to that when I put the ' went into Celestia's house (taking her out in the process)' part of my post. :)

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and thats exactly why they will take over equestria with ease... nopony will see it coming! and its because of theyre innocent guise.


No I mean that they're PHYSICALLY uncapable of doing it, it's not like they have any powers or anything. I'm just wondering HOW they could do something evil, not that they wouldn't, they just couldn't


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No I mean that they're PHYSICALLY uncapable of doing it, it's not like they have any powers or anything. I'm just wondering HOW they could do something evil, not that they wouldn't, they just couldn't


not that i dont understand what your saying, its just we're talking about equestria here, the place that has flowers that give you hundreds of talents and ponies that can teleport. i guess what im saying is, you never know what happen in that place.
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Okay, my 2 cents....


1.) King Sombra: He is without a doubt, hands down the villian of choice. Not only was his appearance and voice freaky but he wasn't just after the Crystal empire. As Princess Celestia said, if love and harmony radiate from the empire, those things radiate all over equestria. If hatred and darkness rule....It would be my guess those things would envelop equestria instead. That ability to see the big picture adds to his fearsomeness. Further, his magick is plain evil. Spells to make you realize your worst nightmares? Keeping an entire kingdom as slaves? This guy was certainly no joke.


2.) Queen Crys: Its hard to know where to start with her. She did so much to hurt so many. She disgraced Twilight Sparkle, nearly managed the fall of canterlot, took Princess Candence's place and threw the real pony in a dark hole under the city. The real princess looked horrible when she was found. She brainwashed 4 different ponies and of course didn't only use Shining Armor to feed of his love but wanted him as hers for really no other reason then because she could. "No I do not love the groom, in my heart there is no room". Feeding off of the energy of love is one thing but to steal another love from somepony just because you can is pretty dark.


3.) Discord: Not a very scary villian to me. Yes he was highly intelligent and clever, yes he managed to defeat the Mane six, but his end goal was chaos. Up is down left is right, chocolate rain, no gravity....all these things are pretty annoying but not evil. What he did to the mane six he did so they couldn't use their powers, but he didn't really harm anyone. I was amusing and I liked the character but outside of that he didn't really have me shaking.


4.) Nightmare Moon: Misunderstood. Her plan had always been to cover the world in endless night, not to make the ponies suffer but because she was jealous of everypony sleeping through her beautiful nights. She wanted to be loved and since she couldn't have that she would at least make them have to live, work, play etc at night. I felt more sorry for her then anything else. Yes she does have some pretty dark magick, but thats not the same as Sombra's Black Magick.


I think thats all I got. Cheers!


Obsidian Winter

  • Brohoof 1

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Okay, my 2 cents....


1.) King Sombra: He is without a doubt, hands down the villian of choice. Not only was his appearance and voice freaky but he wasn't just after the Crystal empire. As Princess Celestia said, if love and harmony radiate from the empire, those things radiate all over equestria. If hatred and darkness rule....It would be my guess those things would envelop equestria instead. That ability to see the big picture adds to his fearsomeness. Further, his magick is plain evil. Spells to make you realize your worst nightmares? Keeping an entire kingdom as slaves? This guy was certainly no joke.


2.) Queen Crys: Its hard to know where to start with her. She did so much to hurt so many. She disgraced Twilight Sparkle, nearly managed the fall of canterlot, took Princess Candence's place and threw the real pony in a dark hole under the city. The real princess looked horrible when she was found. She brainwashed 4 different ponies and of course didn't only use Shining Armor to feed of his love but wanted him as hers for really no other reason then because she could. "No I do not love the groom, in my heart there is no room". Feeding off of the energy of love is one thing but to steal another love from somepony just because you can is pretty dark.


3.) Discord: Not a very scary villian to me. Yes he was highly intelligent and clever, yes he managed to defeat the Mane six, but his end goal was chaos. Up is down left is right, chocolate rain, no gravity....all these things are pretty annoying but not evil. What he did to the mane six he did so they couldn't use their powers, but he didn't really harm anyone. I was amusing and I liked the character but outside of that he didn't really have me shaking.


4.) Nightmare Moon: Misunderstood. Her plan had always been to cover the world in endless night, not to make the ponies suffer but because she was jealous of everypony sleeping through her beautiful nights. She wanted to be loved and since she couldn't have that she would at least make them have to live, work, play etc at night. I felt more sorry for her then anything else. Yes she does have some pretty dark magick, but thats not the same as Sombra's Black Magick.


I think thats all I got. Cheers!


Obsidian Winter


Gotta say, well thought out argument for each of the villains. I can see why Sombra would come out on top with what you say, though I was looking primarily at their actions upon showing up in the series as opposed to what they did beforehand.

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4.) Nightmare Moon: Misunderstood. Her plan had always been to cover the world in endless night, not to make the ponies suffer but because she was jealous of everypony sleeping through her beautiful nights. She wanted to be loved and since she couldn't have that she would at least make them have to live, work, play etc at night. I felt more sorry for her then anything else. Yes she does have some pretty dark magick, but thats not the same as Sombra's Black Magick.


I think thats all I got. Cheers!


Obsidian Winter


I agree that, for the most part, NMM was misunderstood. She was the manifestation of loneliness and sadness, and hatred and anger fuelled by that loneliness and sadness, inside of Luna. How Nightmare Moon was created is what makes her so misunderstood. But as full on Nightmare Moon - when Luna was totally consumed by that negativity, her plan to cast the land into eternal night is much more devastating once you think about it.


Crops are a main - if not the main - food source in Equestria. Without sunlight, no matter what you do, they just won't grow. That'll cause famine and starvation among all of Equestria. And have you ever starved before? The feeling of actually starving - of not being able to get anything in your stomach - physically hurts. That physical pain is just agonizing, and the friends and family who have to watch others suffer are also experiencing emotional and mental pain as well. And that's just from not being able to grow crops . . .


I'm not sure how science would work in Equestria, but since things like grass and trees would die, too, they wouldn't be able to produce any oxygen. Eventually, there wouldn't be enough oxygen to support that kind of life in Equestria, and they'd die from suffocation, as well.


And how would this affect the animals? Both the nocturnal, and diurnal? Would the diurnal animals try to roam in the night, only to be easily preyed upon by the nocturnal animals, built for the night? Since the diurnal animals would die off, due to lack of ability to reproduce, the nocturnal animals would run out of food as well.


The whole food chain, and life in general, in all of Equestria would be broken by eternal night. Those are some pretty morbid things to think about . . . So much agony and suffering.



Oh, and everyone is certainly and obviously entitled to their opinions, and I'm not exactly trying to sway anybody, but I want everyone to think about all these sorts of elements, whilst sharing my own observations and opinions.

Edited by Marceline


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Howdy Gypsy!


Thanks for replying to my post. I think another poster up above said that even though King Sombra himself didn't do much, what he had done in the past very much affected the present. All the crystal ponies were dulled out, terrified to remember the past and even at the hint of his return, turned into a panic. I also agree with the poster that said he was constantly attacking Cadence's barrier and causing her great harm.


That being said, I also totally get your point. If we go just on what the villains actually physically did in that episode, I would have to give it to Queen Crystalis. Corrupt to the core, that one.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Queen Chrysalis defiantly, first of all she looks the most intimidating and her plan is more ruthless then the other three since hers involved pillaging canterlot and capturing and possibly killing ponies. but also the actual lore of changlings is scary in many folklore's a changling would replace somebody by killing them and hanging their body somewhere in their house seriously they used these in a kids shows gotta love mlp
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Hiya, Obsidian! :)


Yeah, like you say it's dependent on what you're considering. I can see going for Sombra as I consider what he did in the past, and am even turning my vote over to him as I was just mainly focused on his results in the episode itself. I would, though, still say Chrysalis is a close second since she was able to (for the most part) pull her scheme off right under everyone's nose.

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The only reason I think King Sombra isn't that scary to me is that he has less on-screen time than the commercial breaks. O__o

If he was more of an active antagonist rather than an old story, he would be more scary. Like, I need to see how scary he was instead of just hearing about it...idk.


I thought Discord was cool, and I actually liked the chaotic Ponyville. :D


Nightmare Moon comes in second because her antagonism was more like a series of trials for the mane 6. Also, I agree that she was misunderstood.


But I think the Queen Chrysalis was a tough enemy. She was so well disguised. She turned everyone against Twi, and even made Twi doubt herself. She was a succubus, feeding off Shining Armor.

Plus, her evil plan was just so thought out so well. ><

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Oh, yes, of course I don't think of her as a bully anymore - she showed that she was actually nice afterwards - but for the time she was a bully, I still count her as a candidate (for lack of a better word, though this isn't actually a contest).




If you want to, you can list why you think each one is intimidating/what ways (doesn't even have to be all of them, you can just pick a few).




Don't forget, she also defeated Celestia. Chrysalis attacked Celestia, and Celestia fell (literally). She was pretty strong, and even had the upper hand with the element of surprise. As you said, with a better set of guards, she really would have been able to take over Canterlot . . . maybe all of Equestria, and beyond.


I suppose I can list off what I find intimidating about them if you want.

Nightmare Moon is intimidating because, well, she's a superpowered enraged alicorn. She can shapeshift, has superhuman strength, control over the weather and probably took down Celestia (otherwise there would be serious questions as to what she was up to during the pilot.)

Discord is clearly the most powerful villain, and if he had taken the mane 6 even halfway seriously would have crushed them. He has absolute control over all reality, knows exactly how to break everyone (Except Fluttershy, only Iron Will can do that) and enjoys sadistically watching you lose everything.

Chrysalis can shapeshift also, which is certainly paranoia fuel. She is able to brainwash people, shoot lasers, grow dramatically stronger over time, and of course commands a massive army of demon insect ponies. That's pretty dang intimidating. Her only real weakness is arrogance.

Sombra seems to love to control and enslave everyone, has probably more overt power than anyone but Discord, and beating him requires climbing stairs until your legs fall off.


All of them are pretty intimidating but I'm going with Discord still.

Edited by DashForever
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DashForever puts an interesting thought in my head about Discord. It was almost like Discord was a kid with a very powerful weapon but didn't truly realized what he had. He had the power to do so much more then he did. Control over reality is no small thing and he certainly injoined causing the misery he inflicted, but in the end it was too much of a game to him. His light hearted nature and over confidence did him. Now imagine a cross between Discord and ANY of the other villains that had a more serious mindset. *shiver* :(


Hey! I'm not a Blank Flank anymore!!!! *looks on her flank* I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!! Woot! ((I'll have my pony pic up complete with cutie mark later this week))

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I suppose I can list off what I find intimidating about them if you want.

Nightmare Moon is intimidating because, well, she's a superpowered enraged alicorn. She can shapeshift, has superhuman strength, control over the weather and probably took down Celestia (otherwise there would be serious questions as to what she was up to during the pilot.)

Discord is clearly the most powerful villain, and if he had taken the mane 6 even halfway seriously would have crushed them. He has absolute control over all reality, knows exactly how to break everyone (Except Fluttershy, only Iron Will can do that) and enjoys sadistically watching you lose everything.

Chrysalis can shapeshift also, which is certainly paranoia fuel. She is able to brainwash people, shoot lasers, grow dramatically stronger over time, and of course commands a massive army of demon insect ponies. That's pretty dang intimidating. Her only real weakness is arrogance.

Sombra seems to love to control and enslave everyone, has probably more overt power than anyone but Discord, and beating him requires climbing stairs until your legs fall off.


All of them are pretty intimidating but I'm going with Discord still.


So, why do you think Discord has more power than King Sombra? Yes, the ability to send the world into utter chaos is pretty intimidating; but no one had been significantly harmed (other than the Mane 6 and their friendship) while Discord was in power. Discord is messing with their minds and emotions, mostly.


However, it was shown that King Sombra, while in power, enslaved ponies, and forced them to do grueling physical labour, which also drained their spirits . . . and since that was the Crystal Kingdom, that negativity would've enveloped all of Equestria.


So Discord instantly messes with your head, to turn you against one another, and he happily watches as the world crumbles from disharmony. This will result in physical pain, the longer it lasts. Spreading all over Equestria.

Sombra enslaves ponies, causing physical issues from the beginning, which then cause emotional and mental issues. It then spreads across all of Equestria as well.


So, some more stuff to think about . . . Which is worse? The physical or emotional/mental troubles? Are they equal? Is it situational? Which one would cause a more rapid deterioration of a land/country/area/etc.? Or is that situational, too? How about for Equestria, then?


The only reason I think King Sombra isn't that scary to me is that he has less on-screen time than the commercial breaks. O__o

If he was more of an active antagonist rather than an old story, he would be more scary. Like, I need to see how scary he was instead of just hearing about it...idk.


I thought Discord was cool, and I actually liked the chaotic Ponyville. :D


Nightmare Moon comes in second because her antagonism was more like a series of trials for the mane 6. Also, I agree that she was misunderstood.


But I think the Queen Chrysalis was a tough enemy. She was so well disguised. She turned everyone against Twi, and even made Twi doubt herself. She was a succubus, feeding off Shining Armor.

Plus, her evil plan was just so thought out so well. ><


Oops! Almost didn't see your post there! Heh, sorry, I try to answer them in order to avoid much confusion. Anyway.


Yes, for some, the lack of physical appearance from King Sombra may make him less intimidating, while others find that his lack of physical presence, but prominence of "presence" creates even more suspense. Just thinking about him being active and outside of the Crystal Kingdom would tense up all the Crystal Ponies. But I definitely understand your point, and that is also what I initially thought.


Yes, the intelligence and surprise that Queen Chrysalis utilized was rather impressive, and just recalling that event may scare some. "What if her army was just a little stronger?" "What if Cadence and Twilight didn't escape fast enough and Chrysalis gained control without interruption?" I'm sure questions like these and many others would brew in one's mind after coming so close to the collapse of Canterlot . . . and maybe all of Equestria.


Chrysalis truly is a well thought-out villain, from her plans, to her personality, and design. I also like her voice.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'd have to think about all the different answers, but #1 is definitely the Flim-Flam brothers. Think about it; they nearly wrecked the world of at least one mane 6 pony without breaking a single law. They can ruin lives with capitalism. That's scary as hell.

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So, why do you think Discord has more power than King Sombra? Yes, the ability to send the world into utter chaos is pretty intimidating; but no one had been significantly harmed (other than the Mane 6 and their friendship) while Discord was in power. Discord is messing with their minds and emotions, mostly.


However, it was shown that King Sombra, while in power, enslaved ponies, and forced them to do grueling physical labour, which also drained their spirits . . . and since that was the Crystal Kingdom, that negativity would've enveloped all of Equestria.


So Discord instantly messes with your head, to turn you against one another, and he happily watches as the world crumbles from disharmony. This will result in physical pain, the longer it lasts. Spreading all over Equestria.

Sombra enslaves ponies, causing physical issues from the beginning, which then cause emotional and mental issues. It then spreads across all of Equestria as well.


So, some more stuff to think about . . . Which is worse? The physical or emotional/mental troubles? Are they equal? Is it situational? Which one would cause a more rapid deterioration of a land/country/area/etc.? Or is that situational, too? How about for Equestria, then?


I suppose I think Discord is more powerful than Sombra because Sombra could be held at bay, sure he wiped the floor with Shining Armor ( but let's face it, everyone does) but Cadence was able to hold him off for a long time. Meanwhile Discord treated Celestia's most powerful protective spell like a joke and stole the Elements. You could argue for Cadence's shield being more powerful and I certainly won't argue against it, it's just my belief.

As for Sombra, I'm not surprised that he caused more trauma since he probably ruled for longer than Discord did. Discord was free for what, most of a day? If he had been in control for longer ( particularly since his chaos seemed to be getting worse over time) then I think that everyone would be plenty traumatized.

Ultimately I kinda view it as Sauron vs the Joker. If Sauron rules over you then your life is going to suck. You will be miserable, but since you're just a regular guy then he has no particular reason to notice you he'll just make you suffer like everyone else. The Joker if he ruled over you and were capable ( as Discord is) would get to know you, find out a particularly personal way to make you suffer and subsequently hammer you with it until he got bored and made you suffer another way. That sounds worse to me.


This is just my view of the situation and that is why Discord intimidates me more. Sombra sounds plenty bad though, and you could certainly make a case for him being worse.

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I'd have to think about all the different answers, but #1 is definitely the Flim-Flam brothers. Think about it; they nearly wrecked the world of at least one mane 6 pony without breaking a single law. They can ruin lives with capitalism. That's scary as hell.


A very good point! Let's say they were able to take over the Apples' farm. How would that affect Ponyville? Do you think they'd target anyone else?



I suppose I think Discord is more powerful than Sombra because Sombra could be held at bay, sure he wiped the floor with Shining Armor ( but let's face it, everyone does) but Cadence was able to hold him off for a long time. Meanwhile Discord treated Celestia's most powerful protective spell like a joke and stole the Elements. You could argue for Cadence's shield being more powerful and I certainly won't argue against it, it's just my belief.

As for Sombra, I'm not surprised that he caused more trauma since he probably ruled for longer than Discord did. Discord was free for what, most of a day? If he had been in control for longer ( particularly since his chaos seemed to be getting worse over time) then I think that everyone would be plenty traumatized.

Ultimately I kinda view it as Sauron vs the Joker. If Sauron rules over you then your life is going to suck. You will be miserable, but since you're just a regular guy then he has no particular reason to notice you he'll just make you suffer like everyone else. The Joker if he ruled over you and were capable ( as Discord is) would get to know you, find out a particularly personal way to make you suffer and subsequently hammer you with it until he got bored and made you suffer another way. That sounds worse to me.


This is just my view of the situation and that is why Discord intimidates me more. Sombra sounds plenty bad though, and you could certainly make a case for him being worse.


A very well thought-out argument; sweet. I like to see that. :D That's why I keep asking everyone so many questions, lol.


And I haven't particularly disagreed with anyone here. I'm enjoying having my initial opinions shaped, reworked, and refined, and seeing others do the same.

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