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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your religion?

    • Catholic
    • Orthodox
    • Protestant
    • Lutheran
    • Anglican
    • Methodist
    • Baptists
    • Unitarian/ Universalist
    • Christian (other, or general)
    • Islam
    • Hindu
    • Buddhist
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Satanist
    • Reform
    • Judaism (other, or general)
    • Equestreism (or don't care)
    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
    • Wicca (added at request)
    • Jehovah's Witness (added at request)
    • Spiritual (added at request)
    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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I take back everything I said, I believe the Big Bang happened because of a random decrease to a low entropy state of the universe. We are all the result of insane probabilities and how quantum states work.




quote me again and I'll go ahead and add it.


Jehovah's Witness.



Plz and Thank you.


Don Mec. Lean x Cloud Chaser

All You Need Is Love ~ John Lennon

Signature made by Cloud Chaser

Avatar made by Dragonshy

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I believe it was relevant. You're tossing out his explanation as an oversimplification without adding what somebody actually believes instead.


I'm not going to add to my statement because the mods have already addressed this thread multiple times and stated not to go into any more off-topic arguments.

Other than the fact that it is clearly an oversimplification, and shouldn't have to be explained, it is also entirely irrelevant and shouldn't have been part of his post in the first place.


I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy someone stating their religion and then going off and creating oversimplifications of atheism, likewise the opposite is just as inappropriate.



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Ok... I was afraid to post this earlier because of haters, but I see how mature this thread is and how everypony is so tolerant, I think I will say it.


I am muslim. Islam is actually a very good and virtuous religion which is extremely similar to Christianity. There are even good stories about Jesus in the Koran!


Being Muslim is really quite hard in the US sometimes. I am in an Air Force Family (my dad is a colonel) and I have lived in America most of my life (born in Germany in an Army Hospital). I have always considered myself to be a true American.


For those of you who don't know, military families move A LOT. We were even considered a weird military family because we moved every 1-3 years. Even though I haven't been anywhere to exciting (the places I've been are always very similar. Air force bases we go to are the boring ones). I see very different views that people have on Islam.


Most people are ok with it. But there are always those people ...


If I am not given a bad stare, I am asked questions like "do hate America?", "how's Osama?", "do you get 72 virgins when you die?" "do you really get 4 wives?" and other rude questions I don't want to list.


Of course, Islam gets the bad rap from the media because of a stupid radical religious group that caused 9/11. But most Muslims are not them! I HATE Al-Queda! I am sad on 9/11 as well! Just I feel more ashamed that the people who did that horrible thing call themselves Muslims like me.


Most of my family lives in NJ or Pakistan, and I am the first to not be born in Pakistan. With being in a military family, we are the most different (desi people tend to be late for everything. We are the only ones who come on time to stuff). When I lived in NJ near most desi muslims, I was shocked to see that they embraced this and called themselves terrorists and said they hated America. When I went to the mosque (I never like going there) I was shunned by the guys my age because


1. Military background

2. Could not speak gudurati (language desi people speak)

3. Didn't got to the madrasah (Sunday school)

4. I didn't plan on growing a beard.


In all, they told me I wasn't Muslim enough and would burn in hell. (these were 14-16 year olds)


Ok, I've ranted too much. To be honest, I am not a very devout Muslim by any stretch. I have a VERY secular mind set and believe science is the real answer. I believe there is a god, He (or she, for some reason god seems more feminine to me, but In all technicality, Muslims believe that god has no gender...or something...) does things in a logical scientific fashion (of course I believe in evolution). I don't pray that often. I just believe in the Muslim ideals that make sense to me. I also think that there is a lot of room for interpretation in religious books (if you actually read the Koran, it is really clear that god was joking when he said men can have 4 wives).


Thank you reading this. Hopefully you will see things in

My perspective.


I love being a Brony, because our community is tolerant an bound by our love for MLP and everypony treats each other so well. It is awesome that is can say I'm Muslim and not be afraid about it (since I keep it secret most of time, but my name gives it away.) I feel better now.

Edited by Anony-Brony
  • Brohoof 7


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but I see how mature this thread is and how everypony is so tolerant


You sure you posted in the correct thread? There's been everything but maturity and tolerance in this thread.



Sorry to hear they treat you like that. Muslims in the U.S. are pretty much all looked at as terrorists :I



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You sure you posted in the correct thread? There's been everything but maturity and tolerance in this thread.



Sorry to hear they treat you like that. Muslims in the U.S. are pretty much all looked at as terrorists :I


Thanks. most people are actually very tolerant. I just highlighted the haters. I am also weird in that I never want to be around other muslims, for the reasons above.


Haters Goin' to Hate...


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Christian, jewish, athiest, hindu, rastafarian, or whatever you are, WHY CAN'T WE JUST GET ALONG, FRIENDSHIP IS M A G I C :blush:


Because some people prefer hate and arrogance over love and friendship. ;)
  • Brohoof 1



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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Simple. Just post in your religion. If its not included, quote this post and tell me what it is. I'll add it.


I'm Episcopalian. :U

Pretty much a Catholic Light, but yeah... Not as segregated :T

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Let's please not start a war in this thread everyone...

Genuinely surprised about how many athiests there are here.


Trust me I don't want to start a war....(in a thread..)I hate fighting between people. Had enough of that on another forums site.


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Huh. Seems the "And Why?" part of the title of this thread has started an off-topic rant or 50 a few pages ago. cool ^^

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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--massive snip--


A progressive Muslim... Now that's something I don't see very often...


I don't get why people who so obviously hate a particular country decide to go live there.

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A progressive Muslim... Now that's something I don't see very often...


I don't get why people who so obviously hate a particular country decide to go live there.


Arab Spring was practically all progressive muslims, and then the Islamic radical terrorists again moved in and took control during the chaos, which is a shame. Not to mention Indonesia/India are the biggest muslim hubs, and they're not far right.


Also, could we add "Spiritual" of some sort? I believe in a God, but not an established one.

  • Brohoof 1


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Also, could we add "Spiritual" of some sort? I believe in a God, but not an established one.


Deism would be the correct word for that.



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I come from a Lutheran background and kinda appreciate some of their values. Even though Lutheran my family was never really a church going type and over the years my beliefs have developed to almost to Agnosticism. There are many things in the bible and Christianity that i cannot take seriously or believe in anymore. I still consider myself a Christian because there there is still something about Christianity that i want to believe in.


Tolerance is a big word when it comes to this topic I'm sad to see how little there is when it comes to opposing views about religion. I find it refreshing when i meet with people with different religions. It's interesting to see how it gives a different approaches on their views.

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Deism would be the correct word for that.


Not necessarily. Deism does not mean belief in a non established God. It means belief in a God that laid down the universe and then stopped intervening.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Not necessarily. Deism does not mean belief in a non established God. It means belief in a God that laid down the universe and then stopped intervening.


Ah yes. My mistake.



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I'm tired of this thread. The creator of this thread still hasn't added my religion in the poll. :(


Please quote my post if you want me to add something. When you do it will send me an email and I'm certain to see it. If you just post like everyone else, I most likely won't even know you posted. This topic gets dozens of posts daily and I rarely check up on it.


With all due respect to the OP...this poll could have been much better :P


Sorry, I made this poll a long time ago as just a statistic I could get. I never thought it would become this forums main (if not only) discussion on religion. I would edit it to fit the times, but If I add, say, mormonism at the top, it would get all the votes previously put into Catholocism and all the other religions would get the votes of the ones below them, losing the ones they had recieved previously. Additionaly, since I've nearly maxed out the number of options I can have in one poll, if I added another poll for more options, then one would have to vote once in each poll, forcing people to choose multiple religions. The only way to add choices is to replace those that don't currently have any votes, possibly putting people that would have voted for them at a disconvenionce just so one person could be the sole voter for a small religion.


I'll add a choice for "other" though... I should have done that origionally.


Sorry for all the spelling mistakes. I'm typing from a phone on the road.


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Atheism, because it just doesn't seem very legit that there would be anything that cares about us when the universe is so large.

Would you care for humans if you just created everything?

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I never really got into this thread, but I'll just write this.


I was raised a non-demotional Christian (in other words, no specific form of Christianity)


However, since I was a little kid, I never really understood anything about religion, I was even baptized, but nowadays, I highly regret it.


You see, religion at my house was used as an excuse to do something harmful to me, such as, beat me up, hurt me, physically and mentally.


By the time I was 16, I gave up with religion, and became an agnostic, as of right now, a closet agnostic, I'm still dragged to church every Sunday, and forced to pray, and I don't like it.


I'm just sharing my views, I don't want any arguments please.

  • Brohoof 4
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Please quote my post if you want me to add something. When you do it will send me an email and I'm certain to see it. If you just post like everyone else, I most likely won't even know you posted. This topic gets dozens of posts daily and I rarely check up on it.




Sorry, I made this poll a long time ago as just a statistic I could get. I never thought it would become this forums main (if not only) discussion on religion. I would edit it to fit the times, but If I add, say, mormonism at the top, it would get all the votes previously put into Catholocism and all the other religions would get the votes of the ones below them, losing the ones they had recieved previously. Additionaly, since I've nearly maxed out the number of options I can have in one poll, if I added another poll for more options, then one would have to vote once in each poll, forcing people to choose multiple religions. The only way to add choices is to replace those that don't currently have any votes, possibly putting people that would have voted for them at a disconvenionce just so one person could be the sole voter for a small religion.


I'll add a choice for "other" though... I should have done that origionally.


Sorry for all the spelling mistakes. I'm typing from a phone on the road.


Could you add "Spiritual"?


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Arab Spring was practically all progressive muslims, and then the Islamic radical terrorists again moved in and took control during the chaos, which is a shame. Not to mention Indonesia/India are the biggest muslim hubs, and they're not far right.


Also, could we add "Spiritual" of some sort? I believe in a God, but not an established one.


Yeah, muslims used to be looked at as one the most progressive and moderate religions (since the crusades). Is is sad how fast good viewpoints can change...


The whole radical muslim thing is supposed to have started because of the the Jews moving into Palestine (PLEASE LETS NOT ARGUE ABOUT THIS!). To be honest, the Palestinians had a VERY good argument for being upset withe Jews coming in (IM NOT TRYING TO TAKE SIDES). It had NOTHING to do with religion (real muslims respect the Jews) but more for territory.


It would be the equivalent to you living your house. Your family has lived there for generations. You like it there. Your neighbors like you. You like your neighbors. You guys have been fine for hundreds of years until, one day, another family knock on your door and says, "Hey, we had this house thousands of years ago, and we would like it back now."


That was obviously the simplified version, but you get the picture. (there are actually a lot of options each party has at his point, but don't feel like listing them)


This was kinda what started it, but Al-Queda took this little thing (which could have been worked out with enough time) and just used it to fan the flames of everyone's anger at western nations for making Israel. They used that hatred to get everyone to follow them and their radical beliefs in promise for revenge. Eventually, this led to 9/11 and the war.


I obviously do not condone what the the radicals did (I cannot stress how much i cannot condone it), but I feel it is necessary for everypony to get the WHOLE story and see both sides of anything.

Edited by Anony-Brony
  • Brohoof 1


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