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People most likely to go Brony


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i would have to disagree on this point here. Yes, this is a "possibility" but really the evidence is mostly stereotypical thinking of traumatized children. The samething for outcasts.


EDIT: Also, you argument assumes that traumatized children will never recover from things that had traumatized them in the first place, which is totally incorrect and without evidence cannot be backed up. Most of your argument is assumptions and stereotype.


I'll never understand why people ignore the text I write and then try and twist my words and make assumptions.


"and are unable to move past them" >this is regarding to the ones that haven't been able to more past them.

'Stereotypes' exist for a reason, and these are just facts.

My husband is a med student for psychiatry, these things that I'm saying are not new to the world.

Educate yourself on the matters.


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I'll never understand why people ignore the text I write and then try and twist my words and make assumptions.


And we will never understand why people stereotype others.



"and are unable to move past them" >this is regarding to the ones that haven't been able to more past them.

I think you meant to say "move". Also, what supposed percentage of these people "are unable to move past them"




'Stereotypes' exist for a reason, and these are just facts.

No, they exist because of human difficulty to be able to stop judging a majority of some group(s). 



My husband is a med student for psychiatry, these things that I'm saying are not new to the world.

Thank you for sharing such irrelevance.


Educate yourself on the matters.

I have been for about 3 years now. I fight against the discriminations of these types of people. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I think people who have suffered some sort of childhood trauma and the 'outcasts' are most likely to become a brony. Children who suffer a trauma, and are unable to move past them, have a stunted emotional growth and are more attracted to children's shows and drawn to more nostalgic things. As far as the outcasts are concerned, they are usually bullied and don't have a lot of friends. So the outcasts seek out a community will love them and accept them for who they are and where they can feel popular. Basically giving them things that real life can't.



This is EXACTLY what I was saying in my Post I made in the Sugarcube corner section called Friendless, Ugly, Depressed. Though the opinion above was stated rather matter of fact and didn't try to spare feelings, it doesn't make it anyless true. I agree that most bronies fit the description above. That being said, there isn't anything WRONG with that, We all want to belong and I can tell you, long after MLP stops being the cool and hip thing going on, I'll still be here.


Oh, and I'm now a cupcake and my lovely partner finished the outline for my avatar! Woot!

Yikes! I had no idea I was sticking my nose in the middle of a pony pissing contest. That being said, I think I'll stick a hoof in the fray...


Really you both are correct on some points and you both are wrong.


The first thing that hit me was the comment on stereotypes. YES, Stereotypes do exist for a reason. They began because of enough people seeing a certain behavior from a specific demographic, HOWEVER they remain because people can't move past the stereotypes. Its ignorant to think in this day and time you can classify an entire race or community of people based off the actions of a few, or even many. So you see, both of you were right about stereotypes.


Next, you two need to back up and really try to understand where the other is coming from. I think that some Bronies are indeed people who are stunted emotionally, suffered trauma and are looking to reclaim some innocence, even if its on a subconscious level. On the other hoof, I also agree that some people just like the formula of the show because its different from the other drab out there.


In conclusion you two both have very valid points but are too busy defending your single point to accept the others view is just as valid as your own. Take a step back and remember the moment we stop learning from others is the moment we stop living. ;)



  • Brohoof 1
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This is EXACTLY what I was saying in my Post I made in the Sugarcube corner section called Friendless, Ugly, Depressed. Though the opinion above was stated rather matter of fact and didn't try to spare feelings, it doesn't make it anyless true. I agree that most bronies fit the description above. That being said, there isn't anything WRONG with that, We all want to belong and I can tell you, long after MLP stops being the cool and hip thing going on, I'll still be here.


Oh, and I'm now a cupcake and my lovely partner finished the outline for my avatar! Woot!


There is indeed nothing wrong with that but what evidence is there that "most bronies" fit into this category? I don't know most bronies so I can't say for sure whether or not they suffer from childhood trauma that somehow led them to like MLP but so far I haven't seen any evidence either from the people that claim they do, that's just like stereotyping any other group.


I've lived in a dangerous place for quite some time now but I don't feel the need to watch children's cartoons or buy children's toys, I only started watching MLP and adventure time because I saw them on 4 chan.I don't own any mlp toy or shirt either and I've always felt the mainstream media is full of degenerate content and refused to watch them before I even started watching MLP.

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Brony converters are the most anoying part of the fandom maybe more then.....say cloppers (at least they have the decency to hide it) Luckily i wans't converted to the fandom by other people i just wanted to check out how it was because Lauren Faust helped make alot of my favorite cartoons like FHFIF or the PPG

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There is indeed nothing wrong with that but what evidence is there that "most bronies" fit into this category? I don't know most bronies so I can't say for sure whether or not they suffer from childhood trauma that somehow led them to like MLP but so far I haven't seen any evidence either from the people that claim they do, that's just like stereotyping any other group.


I've lived in a dangerous place for quite some time now but I don't feel the need to watch children's cartoons or buy children's toys, I only started watching MLP and adventure time because I saw them on 4 chan.I don't own any mlp toy or shirt either and I've always felt the mainstream media is full of degenerate content and refused to watch them before I even started watching MLP.


It is true that none of us can say we know most bronies, but there is a fine line between stereotypes and forming an opinion based on research, personal experience and statistics. Though these things don't make someone always right, they give a good insight into a certain demographic. Thats why I call it my opinion. I happen to believe what I posted based off my experiences. Others, like yourself disagree and thats totally fine. we don't have to agree. both arguements are valid and make for interesting debate in which we can all learn something new if we keep an open mind.

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This is just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood moderator to not turn disagreements into personal attacks. It serves no purpose other than to hurt feels and incite ill will.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh come now One, don't be like that. I think "convert" was used in its more literal term of going from one opinion to another. I can't imagine anyone wanting us to try and throw the show down anyones throat. That never works. Just sit back and enjoy a cupcake with me? :wub:



Felt like sharing this.


Anyways that cupcake would be nice :)


(Sorry it took so long to respond, I didn't have time this morning and I was at school all day)

  • Brohoof 1
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I have no interest whatsoever in getting people to watch this show. My mom and my sister or maybe both my sisters have seen me watching the show on TV and drawing ponies or coloring ponies in my niece's MLPFiM coloring book. They probably have no idea what a Brony is.


And I do not want people who draw scraggly MSPaint Sonic the Hedgehog OCs on deviantART, or "furries", to be associated with what I am into. Oh well, it was already too late by the time I first watched the show in August 2011.

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It is true that none of us can say we know most bronies, but there is a fine line between stereotypes and forming an opinion based on research, personal experience and statistics. Though these things don't make someone always right, they give a good insight into a certain demographic. Thats why I call it my opinion. I happen to believe what I posted based off my experiences. Others, like yourself disagree and thats totally fine. we don't have to agree. both arguements are valid and make for interesting debate in which we can all learn something new if we keep an open mind.

Present the research that has been credited as a good source if such case and be presented.


Yes, we can agree to disagree.

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Present the research that has been credited as a good source if such case and be presented.


Yes, we can agree to disagree.


As I said in my post, I based what I said off my experience, not research. I have not done research into the brony fandom, only in the Otherkin communities. Frankly I really don't care enough to do research. My experience was enough to form my opinion. But again, its healthy to agree to disagree. No two ponies will always see eye to eye. ;)

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As I said in my post, I based what I said off my experience, not research. I have not done research into the brony fandom, only in the Otherkin communities. Frankly I really don't care enough to do research. My experience was enough to form my opinion. But again, its healthy to agree to disagree. No two ponies will always see eye to eye. ;)

Not especially with the Fluttershy stare.


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ZOMG!!! NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THAT! I give I give! Uncle! You win! lol...I love how even in the face of disagreement folks can still get along. ;)

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Even in the point of disagreement, people shouldn't hate.  :) 

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I hate brony converters, why try to force it on people? Your probably doing more damage than you are good and give us a reputation of being pushy and obsessed. I personally prefer the cloppers over the converters, but maybe that's just me.

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I don't think that there's a "better" or "worse" kind of person to "go brony." Most people who actually decide to give it a shot at least understand why others could like it. The only issue is getting someone to try it, and trust me, loads of people are willing to try it. Throughout this fandom we have amassed a following of everybody: teens, adults, boys, girls, athletes, gamers, "nerds", outcasts, cool kids, etc.

  • Brohoof 1
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I ended up watching MLP due to curiosity really, I tend to be the kind of person who when I hear someone say something bad about something I alot of the times have the tendency to see if its really as bad as people like(Basically this applys purely to movies and games, or TV shows, but still.)

Anyways after hearing alot of hate about bronys who I knew nothing about up until hearing about the hate on them, and I had much less heard of a new MLP. Honestly I wasn't a hater though, I was pretty open minded for the most part, kinda sceptical and wondering why I was watching the show, but not a hater really. I mean I kinda thought that the theme was stupid(Which I actually like now..) But other then that no hate.


And I wasn't technically apart of any Fandoms of those kinds, I wasn't really in any fandom really, and the only forums I ever had been on much where the League of legends forums, minecraft forums, and that's really the only important ones I remember. No fandoms for a show though. I didn't know fandom was actually a term to be honest before coming here..


Anyways  I suppose not everyone follows that but still.

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I think people who have suffered some sort of childhood trauma and the 'outcasts' are most likely to become a brony. Children who suffer a trauma, and are unable to move past them, have a stunted emotional growth and are more attracted to children's shows and drawn to more nostalgic things. As far as the outcasts are concerned, they are usually bullied and don't have a lot of friends. So the outcasts seek out a community will love them and accept them for who they are and where they can feel popular. Basically giving them things that real life can't.


I've never suffered a childhood trauma. I'm not an outcast. I've never been bullied. I have plenty of friends. What now, Shankveld???


However, in all seriousness, I think you make a good point. I think a lot of people join communities such as this where they can feel accepted by their peers because they do not have that acceptance in real life perhaps.


Personally, I think that the kind of people most likely to become bronies are those who are open-minded enough to give the show a chance before they judge it. And then if they like it, they become bronies.

Edited by RainbowDash92
  • Brohoof 1
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I've never suffered a childhood trauma. I'm not an outcast. I've never been bullied. I have plenty of friends. What now, Shankveld???


However, in all seriousness, I think you make a good point. I think a lot of people join communities such as this where they can feel accepted by their peers because they do not have that acceptance in real life perhaps.


Personally, I think that the kind of people most likely to become bronies are those who are open-minded enough to give the show a chance before they judge it. And then if they like it, they become bronies.


That's where the nice part of the post that says "are more likely to become". Of course it's not going to be the case for every brony and of course everyone who has been bullied won't be a brony, but it does increase the chance :) I'll never making a sweeping statement because there are always exceptions. 



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That's where the nice part of the post that says "are more likely to become". Of course it's not going to be the case for every brony and of course everyone who has been bullied won't be a brony, but it does increase the chance :) I'll never making a sweeping statement because there are always exceptions. 



Well technically, you said "most likely" not "more likely" in your post, but yeah there are always exceptions.

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I think people who have suffered some sort of childhood trauma and the 'outcasts' are most likely to become a brony. Children who suffer a trauma, and are unable to move past them, have a stunted emotional growth and are more attracted to children's shows and drawn to more nostalgic things. As far as the outcasts are concerned, they are usually bullied and don't have a lot of friends. So the outcasts seek out a community will love them and accept them for who they are and where they can feel popular. Basically giving them things that real life can't.


For some reason this made me feel really sad and almost made me cry, it's very touching. I also feel it makes the brony community look even worse then it already looks (with stereotypes like that we are all 30 year old pedophiles into bestiality). But whatever...
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