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The Magic of MLP Forums


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My name is Obsidian Winter. I'm a Mare who has a cutie mark of a Cresent Moon with a Snowflake in the center of it. I'm an adult, I work, I have 2 kids and I love MLP:FiM.


Theres something else I love too though and thats this community. I started here on November 24th and have practically lived here since. Its been astonishing to me how few fights there are here, the friendships that are made, the art that is created....the coming together when people post hardships in their life. It really is amazing that among all the blackness and pain in the world, a place like this can exist. This is the kind of place that takes on a life of its own. Really, we might as well have our own city in Equestria because of how this place feels and IS a community.


My life has been touched by your kindness. Recently, when I've nearly lost my temper I thought "How can I lose it and maybe say hurtful things to someone I care about, then log on here and preach, Rp and such about friendship and community." It stopped me in my tracks and I felt silly for being upset over what was really a small thing.


Its the little things guys that this place does. Maybe I have an unhealth addiction to what is shaping out to be a way life. Much like the Steampunk and BDSM lifestyles before it, they all started with a foundation....with an idea and ideals and guidelines and that is what we have here. It is a type of magic. No one here hates on each other over religion or race. It doesn't matter. We're all bronies and even if we may not always get along, and yes maybe not even like each other, its for deeper reasons then just who we worship, what country we live in, what politics we follow or the color of our skin.


No one knows how far this will go or what tomorrow will bring. I'm sure there are some dark days ahead for those of us in the closet or those who suffer the attacks of the intolerant and small minded. But there are great days ahead too. There are days that like the Elements of Harmony we will come together a vanquish those obsticles before us.


We have done here, what many places all over the world have been TRYING to do for centuries.


I may not know you all....I may not like you all and some of you may not like me, but thats okay. We are all apart of this massive thing and I hope and pray each of you realize that and keep it in your heart.


So from one Mare to all of you...from one Brony to all others...Thank you.


With love and light in my cold, shadowed heart,


Obsidian Winter

Edited by Obsidian_Winter
  • Brohoof 18

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Obsidian Winter, we are blessed to have great people to be apart of the community. That being said your presence is what makes a small community grow better as it ages. As a group of MLP Forumers we are privileged to come together and all be friends. Whether we create our own MLP content, work together or discuss miscellaneous things. We are all bound as a community to help one another, and I encourage anyone to stay  and become friends with one another. 


- Fox

  • Brohoof 3



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wow teh feels :(


that was very deep bro (I mean sis ^_^) and I can relate a lot to it.


I love this forums, I can't function without it. I gave a second chance at art because of the good feedback and encouraging words of my fellow ponies on here. I've made really close bonds with people that I think I've almost never experienced with someone in RL. Yes, I've found a few "bumps in the road" but I just feel so loved and so special on this forums and I'm very grateful for the spot that I have on here.

I am in love with my friends, not in THAT way but in that way and they and all the kind ponies on here, showed me what this fandom is about in where friendship is the most important thing. I'm blessed. <3  

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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Since I joined these forums, I've been shamelessly addicted to them, and the roleplaying, and the brony lifestyle altogether. I'm blessed to be a member of this community because, when my life is painful, it's always fantastic, almost therapeutic to escape into a world where love and friendship is valued above all else, not to mention the friendships I've forged with those who agree. I honestly can't remember how I lived before I became a brony, and made true bonds that should be nearly impossible. I can't remember it, perhaps, because I wasn't really living at all.

  • Brohoof 1

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I've only been here for about...an hour now and I already feel like I'm part of a second family.


Since everyone is pouring their hearts in this thread, I figured I should pour a little, too. LOL. Anyway, here's a paraphrased version of something I posted on another MLP board.


There's something just so...awe inspiring about the Brony/Pegasister community. The energy, the creativity, the collective spirit that everypony in our community creates is just so beautiful. I've been in fandoms before, but I've never experienced anything this beautiful, with this much power and interconnectedness.


When you're a brony, you're more than part of a community...you're part of a family. And I'm thankful everyday that I get to live in a time where I can share this passion with all you amazing people, and celebrate the universal truths that MLP teaches us - that friendship, love, tolerance, and togetherness are truly the most powerful forces in the universe.


Any time I face a challenge in my life, I'm going to carry something MLP-related with me. I already do - I always have my Spencer's brony belt on and have my keys with my brony lanyard on me. When I have my first solo flight and the flight school cuts a square from my shirt, I'll give up my Dr. Whoove's shirt (I can always just get another, what that moment signifies is much more than the price of a shirt). Why? As a constant remind of the amazing community whom I love and who love me, whom I will always protect and hold dear and who will always have my back. Together, we can accomplish anything, because we truly are one big happy family.


I love you guys. The feels!Posted Image

  • Brohoof 5


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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I have to agree with you this does feel more like a community than many other forums I've been on. Thats why I love it on here, people are creative, imaginative, tolerant and very giving. :)

  • Brohoof 1

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Any time I face a challenge in my life, I'm going to carry something MLP-related with me. I already do - I always have my Spencer's brony belt on and have my keys with my brony lanyard on me. 

They have brony stuff at Spencer's? Okay, that's kinda off topic... Not really why I'm posting again...


I wanted to continue on my train of thought from earlier, and say that before I got into MLP, I was seriously depressed. MLP actually saved my life. It gave me a reason to stay here. If you catch my drift. I still have moderate anxiety issues, and can't sleep some nights, but that's okay. Because I have a loving and supporting family here, and in the show, to help me through it all. I believe in the Magic of Friendship, and the Magic IN friendship, because it saved me from myself.

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 3

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Every person wants to feel something....love....friendship....to feel apart of something. When you stop being somebody and start to become somepony, its a transformation  in yourself. Yes there are people who just think its a cool show and after a few years it will leave them with just good memories but for some of us.....for a lot of us, its more then that. Its a lifestyle change.


Yesterday we were talking about Rule 34 stuff and going back and forth with ponies who were for and against it. I added that a lot of people in their RP do hook ups and then when the story progresses that far, do the "fade to black" thing. We all know what happened in that room with those ponies and no one bats an eye. Now think about that................They. are. PONIES. PONIES...sleeping together ina romantic fashion. Now if I came to any of you 4 years ago and said "Yo, did you know you'd find RPing out a relationship as a horse and then sleeping with another horse appealing in a few years..and maybe taking a slight peek at some R34 stuff would be your thing"  would you have believed me?




I use that as an extreme example that the community changes you...your perspectives and your own tolerance levels. Not every pony likes the same things but the longer you are in it, it changes you on a personal level. Its not a bad change, its a good change. We are at the beginning of it my fellow mares and gentlecolts. We must be careful to lay solid foundation so that those that join us everyday and those still far in the future can enjoy what we have now. Be an example. Lead by example and remember......Friendship may be magic, but its loyal, honest, generous, kind and fun ponies that put that magic IN friendship.



Edited by Obsidian_Winter
  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Yeah they do, hats and belts (not usually a fan of "swag" items like flat-brim hats and wide belts, but for something like MLP I will gladly make an exception). Not sure about shirts, though, Hot Topic usually covers that stuff. But as you said that's kinda besides the point of this thread. :P


I'm glad you were able to find a light in life in MLP, my friend. I know the same feeling. The anxiety, the sleepless nights, I've been there, done that (once, a few months ago, before I discovered all you beautiful people and the show we celebrate, I was in the dorm laundry room doing some late-night laundry, and all I did while my clothes were being washed was sit in the corner crying). I was in the same position before, and like you the Brony community has helped me so much. My heart has been filled, and there's no greater joy I can imagine than that, it's almost heaven on Earth. Sometimes I find my eyes welling up with tears of joy.


Case in point: Just a few minutes ago I listened to Mandopony's "A Long Way from Equestria" for the first time (all this music...it makes my head spin! There's so much!!) I'm not ashamed to say a few of those tears of joy were shed. It may be true that we are a long way from Equestria, but with every kindness, we bring our world a little closer to Equestria. That song could almost be our community's theme song, or at least a musical manifesto of sorts. Equestria is already real in all of our hearts, we must live by its tenants - the Elements of Harmony - if we want to make our world into the place it has the potential to be...and that place is beautiful.

Edited by Captain Cirrus


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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Hm. I need to listen to that song now. Usually I'm not big on listening to music other people make, and rather listening to my own, but there are ... certain exceptions.


What scares me, though, is how close I came. I lucked my way into this community. I doubt I would have made it this far if I hadn't found the friendship of magic. At the very least, I wouldn't have been able to cope and I would have had to drop out of college. AT THE LEAST.

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Maybe you were guided here? Maybe we were all guided here? Maybe something bigger than us knew of our true potential, of all the good we as a community would do, and are doing. We are the real elements of harmony, and the magic we create can help heal our hurting world.

  • Brohoof 1


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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I haven't been here very long (only a few days), but everypony has responded kindly, and I hope that continues for every new member who joins. The only fights I've seen were resolved quickly and everyone respected each other. Hope this place stays a happy and friendly place for many years to come ^_^


Proud to be a brony, and proud to be here ^_^

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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I... I don't know what else I can add to this (a manly tear (or two) has been shed this day).  All I can say is that I can't express how grateful I am to this community.  This is one of the few places where I feel completely accepted and (as long as I'm not a jerk) not judged.  We are all a part of something far greater than ourselves, and there is very little in this world that can take that away from us.

  • Brohoof 1

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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