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S03:E06 - Sleepless in Ponyville

Yellow Diamond


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Okay, a few more random thoughts that I have about Luna's dream-entering power, then I will be done.


First, are the ponies of Equestria actually aware that Luna has this power? Allow me to reproduce some of the dialogue from the episode, when Luna introduces herself to Scootaloo in her dream:


SCOOTALOO:  You are so, so much better than the Headless Horse! But what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Canterlot?

LUNA: I am the princess of the night. Thus it is my duty to come into your dreams.

SCOOTALOO: Oh, yeah... (while looking sideways with her hoof to her chin) Wait, this is just a dream? But it feels so real!


The question in my mind is, was Scootaloo's "Oh, yeah..." more of an "Oh, yeah, now I remember learning that that is one of Luna's duties" or was it more of an "Oh, yeah, I never knew that before but it makes sense since Luna is the princess of the night and all"?


If the ponies of Equestria are NOT aware that Luna has this power, then why not? Don't the ponies of Equestria deserve to know that Luna might enter their dreams? Wouldn't it be beneficial for ponies to know that Luna might enter their dreams and that they should be sure to seek her out and listen to her advice? Even if Princess Luna doesn't make some kind of worldwide declaration that she does this, wouldn't the ponies which have had Luna visit their dreams tell others and spread the word?


The questions about invasion of privacy and handing too much power to an authority figure basically boil down to: do the ponies of Equestria trust Luna to use her dream-entering power wisely and judiciously? Maybe in the fantastical world of Equestria, Luna and Celestia are wholly benevolent rulers who can always be trusted to use their great powers only in the interest of their subjects. In the real world, though, authority figures can rarely (if ever) be always trusted not to abuse powers given to them. This is why we have inalienable rights which are (supposedly) protected by law. Thus the show seems unrealistic to me in that the rulers of Equestria apparently can be and are trusted not to abuse their enormous powers.


Along that same train of thought, though, we do have to consider that the intended audience of the show is supposed to be little kids. To some extent, little kids do have to be taught to trust and obey authority figures (parents, teachers, etc.). However, at some point, those same kids also should be taught to think for themselves and not to just believe or do anything that an authoritative figure tells them. While it may be comforting to believe that authority figures will always be looking out for you and your best interests, that will not always be the case. With those things in mind, is the portrayal in the show of total trust in Celestia and Luna that I explained above appropriate?

You're gonna kill me man!...Nah, just kidding. :P


Anyway, I don't think Scootaloo had enough time to wonder either of the choices you mentioned until the part of her brain that went "Wait, what?" on that it was a dream and not reality.


As for your other questions, Luna and Celstia probably have countless spells nobody knew they could do. Dreamwalking could easily be one of them regardless of how powerful it actually is. As for it being beneficial, sure, but I think only Luna would know if their nightmare is the result of something scary, or something far deeper, as she's the one able to "see through" the dream, so to speak.  And also, Luna would be FILLED with people looking for help, and I don't think our dear Princess of the Night could handle that, and she might as well not have all the answers. And finally, the ponies might as well not remember their dreams. And as plus, I'm sure some of them would anyway, as it would happen regardless of anything else, but we don't really know enough to make such an assumption.


The trust issue with Luna is something yet to be seen. I'd like to think they would, but I can't really tell for sure. However, if she keeps on doing good things that spread a good word for her, she'll be fine, as they already trust fully in Celestia. And also, watch out when you say authority figures, because a LOT of them can be trusted. Maybe not so much in politics, but that's another thing entirely.


Finally, I believe that Celestia has been benevolent enough and protector of Equestria that ponies trusting her isn't really surprising. Luna still probably has to mend some things here and there, but she's making it. The authority thing however, is something much more subjective, and each individual can trust whatever THEY think is right to do, and how they can handle it.

Edited by Arcanel
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I think it's interesting seeing Luna evolve. If you were to ask me back at Luna Eclipsed, I'd tell you Celestia is far better of a ruler than Luna is because, in that episode, Luna came off as not only utterly out of place (which was to be expected since that was the point of the episode), but impatient and hasty too. 'Won't love me? CANCEL YOUR ANNUAL CELEBRATION FOREVER.' You'd never see Celestia being like that, and that's just how it is. That's not to say Luna's bad at being a co-ruler, though. She was just depicted as less mature than Celestia in Luna Eclipsed.


This episode really evolved her slightly from what we saw in Luna Eclipsed, though. She was as calm and regal in voice as Celestia, yet still retained her own unique 'Luna charm'. She had to be that way, since she was comforting a scared filly and had to come off as motherly, but still, the fact she -can- be that way now shows she's really more synced into society than before, and has regained her royal composure, so to speak.

  • Brohoof 4


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This episode gave me mixed reactions. First and foremost I enjoyed it, of course, despite reading multiple grumbling comments from dissatisfied fans before watching it, but on the other hand I do kind of agree with them...something was a bit off. That something was the message the show was trying to describe. For instance, first you see Scoot trying to impress Dashie and then getting ignored, which to me seemed like the episode was going to convey the "Be yourself, don't try to be something different just to impress others" message, but then Dashie suddenly acknowledges Scoot and now we're telling ghost stories...okay, I guess the message now is "Don't be afraid of the dark; face your fears", that makes sense. I guess it was just me wishing for the former message, but It would've been interesting to have a show themed around having to deal with pressure to please others. I feel that this "face your fears" message had been done to death, but we got a descent episode nonetheless.


I didn't understand the complaint that Luna was shoehorned in the episode and stole Scoot's spotlight, because it only seemed natural to have the the princess of the night appear in a episode that was set in night time. All she did was give Scoot advice, I don't see how she was stealing the spotlight. To think 2 years ago she was the first mane villian of the show is almost unbelievable the way she acts now.  


Not the best episode overall, but I enjoyed it.



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It takes something real fierce to make me like Scootaloo, the fact that this episode could do that puts it up there for my favorite episodes. Not to mention it had Luna which made it even better :) a great one altogether.


(Did I mention all the "ermegerd!" moments throughout?)

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I wrote in my previous comment that Powell's writing "show's clear tendency towards frivolousness". That wasn't fair. Sleepless in Ponyville is an episode the comprises mostly of build up and the issue is that said build up isn't particularly entertaining in itself. Which is alright, what matters most is that what it builds up to was worth that time, and it was. But that time was not spent on frivolities and for the most part her writing did stay down to earth. Only real problem is the scene where Scootaloo falls asleep on her scooter, that scene annoys me. Powell's episode is a solid though not quite great addition to the series and I'll be sorely dissapointed if Scootaloo and RD's new relationship doesn't get followed up on in subseqent episodes.  

Edited by ByTheTides
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So I've seen lots of people complaining about Scoots being a great singer and Sweetie bad all of a sudden... They're growing young ponies, clearly they're hitting puberty and their voices are changing. Scoots' voice is maturing more, while Sweeties is just going through a whole bunch of changes (which explains her bad singing and higher amount of adorable squeaks this season than last).

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Eveybody seems to complain about Sweeties bad singing. I didn't see any problem with it. 99 bottles of beer is generally sung badly and I assumed that's what they were going for. She also seemed like she just wanted to let loose with the singing and have a laugh. True campfire style.

  • Brohoof 5

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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I liked how the dreamscape changed when Luna revealed herself to Scoots. Her ability to enter your dreams also gives her the ability to make the dream lucid. It is in our dreams where we are often the most honest with ourselves.

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The CMCs sound different because the actresses' voices are changing. DURRRRR


Michelle, Claire and Madeleine are how old, 13? 14? Old enough for, say, Sweetie Belle to start losing her trademark squeak.


Yeah... nice observation there. :) I hardly noticed the voice change, but now that you mention it....


And if the trademark Sweetie squeak is being lost, then she acts it out pretty well, if the Babs Seed ep beginning was any indication.  :lol:


On a further note.... maybe that's why we were briefly shown Scoots hovering and Sweetie's spark of magic in that episode? For moving the character's age (just a little...) along with the actors.

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I was right - this episode is REALLY good on rewatching. I think that is because you know what KIND of episode it is then, and aren't expecting something that never happens. I was also able to spend more time looking at the drawing/animation of the characters which was fun, especially RD and Scootaloo! Applejack answering back about the headless horse was also more obviously funny too.

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Personally, I thought this episode was fantastic. The only episode I can recall enjoying more is the Season 2 premiere. 

Also, it's funny how this was the first episode Corey Powell wrote for the show, and it turned out to be one of the best episodes in the series.

  • Brohoof 3
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I was right - this episode is REALLY good on rewatching. I think that is because you know what KIND of episode it is then, and aren't expecting something that never happens.


What were you expecting instead? I expected something a bit more like Applebuck Season than what we got and certainly did not see Luna or the end scene coming, but overall it played out like I thought it would.

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Remember that tiny moment from the beginning of the episode where Granny Smith arches her back upwards to let Scootaloo pass under her and then gave a wink? That moment made me like Granny Smith more than any other appearence she's had in the show ever has.

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I just saw this episode. A week, I know, but I'll explain why.


Anyway, I adore this so much. Not that it's easy to rank the CMCs since there's just three (four), but scootaloo hadnt been as high on the liking compared to how I like Apple Bloom, but partly because she hasn't had much focus. I like her, and this seemed great. But her bonding with Dash is just the most adorbs. And the flying scene with them, so awesome. ^3^


As for why I just saw it now... well, I would have seen it on Saturday, but a day or so ago, I saw this description of a fanfic on Equestriadaily... one of those fics that's really depressing.

See, this is something that's an extremely bad point with me.

I cannot stand fics that deal with death, characters getting old, or the future of characters, or anything of the like. I hate it, I don't want any part of it. I have this really frustratingly bad OCD with stuff like that in real life, and I hate when it crosses into the show with depressing annoying fics like that.

This one in particular involved something happening to Twi, one of my favorites on the show. I didn't read the story, but seeing the name of the story, looking at the comments, I got the idea, but It bugged me so hugely, I couldn't think of her without being reminded of the stupid story. For like a day or so. I forced myself to re-realize that yes I do love Twi without having to have anything screwed up with stupid story stuff, and eventually the feeling disappated. Most of the week not seeing it is mostly just procrastination/having a job, but it started out like this.


What's really awesome is that the point of Luna's message of that show ties somewhat into my situation. It's not neccesarily fear, but this is something that bugs me to no end. I don't care for reading those fics, and I don't want to. But even just reading the synopsis/comments/knowing what it's about... drove me nuts. This one in particular seemed to get me bad.

I'm working on my OCD, but the point of the episode seemed to resonate in a good spot.

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OK, this episode has to be one of THE BEST episodes of season 3! Not just because it's a Scootaloo episode, but Luna  made an appearance! I really liked this episode and I'm hoping for more Scootaloo and RD episodes :D


Scootaloo is truly the best filly ever!

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Personally, I thought this episode was fantastic. The only episode I can recall enjoying more is the Season 2 premiere. 

Also, it's funny how this was the first episode Corey Powell wrote for the show, and it turned out to be one of the best episodes in the series.

I agree, for a first time writer of an MLP episode, this episode is literally astounding.

I didn't even know this was a first time writer until after watching, but i was shocked after finding this out.

I really hope we get more from Corey powell in the future :).

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I really liked how they used Luna in this episode.

The Princess of the NIght can now enter your dreams....



"They must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.."


I enjoyed that line, and I believe that there is deeper meaning.

I think Luna is still fearful of the return of Nightmare Moon, and of becoming jelous of her sister because Celestia recieves more love.

But she enters dreams and can defeat the nightmares of other ponies..?

Keep it up, Luna..


Exactly! This was the best part of the episode for me, even though I'm glad Scootaloo has an official role-model now. Why are all the pegasi orphans??? But yes, I think Luna's power or "duty" is sick! I want to see more of it, but not too much more. But still, she is a princess and isn't she supposed to be equal to Celestia? Let us see more of why! Or at least more of what she does do.

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Not only did I love the Dreamwalking Luna, but I also LOVED the Scootalove in here as well.


I just about shed some tears when Rainbow Dash accepted Scootaloo as a little sister :3



Yes, I am very sentimental like that

  • Brohoof 3


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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A very nice episode, people on Deviantart went crazy after seeing Luna's ability. I though it was nice to see the CMC doing something that didn't fill me with annoyance. Scoot was nice, the interactions of the different sisters were good as well. I found the ending very nice. Vastile approves. 

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This episode was hands down the best of the season for me, and honestly? Probably my favorite of any episode so far. I just really love how they handled Scoots for her very first episode, and finally tying that bond with Rainbow Dash as canon was extremely emotional to watch. Even this aside, generally being in a new setting a majority of the episode, and a grouping of ponies we haven't had before, it just overall felt really fresh.


The only downside is that it's hard to resist watching it over and over again, D:. I don't want to get tired of it!

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One of the things I have alaways wondered about...where does Scootaloo live? This time Hasbro managed to get out of showing where she lives by having them all going camping.

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