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Ancient Evils


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"We've got some live ones!" exclaimed Gust. Three more chains shot out from beneath his cloak, spinning rapdily. He launched them towards Star Rain, narrowly missing. A fourth shot towards Thunder, but he stopped it in front of him, and let it fall. He seemed to be waiting for something.

Topaz turned to see what was happening from within his home. He grabbed a scimitar from his cart of trade goods, and tried his best to hurry outside. His horn alight with magic, he stared at Gust with a look of shock.


"So, you're back." said Topaz.


"Is it really you? This will be fun indeed!" exclaimed Gust.

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Star Rain began to change the magic in her sword into ice-based magic. She began to use it break one of the chains that was launched at her while slowly freezing the chain to make it break faster. After five minutes of this(it still didn't break), she jabbed at Gust very suddenly and barely missed.

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A cocky grin appeared across Gust's face,as he pulled back all of the chains very suddenly, causing cuts across the legs of any nearby.   "A magician, eh?" he said. "Let's see if you can handle this!" He flew up high, and charged straight at Star Rain with his hooves.

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Thunder jumped in front of Star Rain and prepared to take the blow himself. Being as strong as he was, he was confident he could take the brunt of the pegasus' attack, and he could probably take a hit better than Star Rain who was maybe 2/3 his size. Bracing himself, he hoped he wasn't underestimating the Gust's strength.

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Star Rain instantly dropped her sword underneath herself and casted a light-based shield spell with her horn pointing upward at Gust so that if he somehow broke through her spell, he would be pierced by her horn. The spell surrounded Thunder and her like a cyan dome, protecting everything inside of it. She kept a bloody hoof on her sword to protect it as well.

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The other cultists began to set houses on fire, waiting for the villagers to flee their burning homes.


Tondrak approached, he saw Dust fighting agaisnt the other ponies. "Ahh,their fighting agaisnt Dust, it looks like not all of the ponies here are cowards, maybe i should fix that." Tondrak walked up and shot a few fire ball spells. They were fairly smaller than he had expected.

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Gust slammed hard into the shield, damaging it quite a bit, but also hurting himself. He fell to the ground propping himself up with one hoof. The chain-blades shot out once more, although he kept one unfired. He spun them around himself, hoping to give himself some time to get back up.


Topaz managed to prepare a spell. Even in his weakened state, he was a pretty decent mage. A flash shone throughout the town, and his left hoof was ablaze with a blue energy. He hurled the orb of energy at Gust, before being hit by a fireball spell thrown by Tondrak. Gust was shocked by the energy, and sent flying into a nearby building. Topaz collapsed, the fire overwhelming him.



Gale slowly emerged from the cloud of smoke left by the spell, the left side of his face ablaze with black flames.




"Topaz, you old fool. Did you honestly think you could stop me?" said Gust. "You couldn't stop Sin before, and you certainly won't now."


Some of the chains wrapped around Gale had been destroyed, leaving a solitary blade left. He used that blade, and charged at Thunder once more.

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The shield broke when Tondrak's fire spells combined with the impact of Gust's attack hit it. She was knocked back by them with what little protection she had left from her spell to protect her. She levitated her sword back into her sheath and she fired a water orb spell at Tondrak. It would have been very powerful had she not started to shiver at the sight of the skeletal "king".

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"Maybe he couldn't stop you before, but he has us to help him now", Big Thunder said. If they were going to stop them, they had to act fast, before any more of the town was destroyed. Gathering all of his strength, Thunder charged at Gust and met him half way with a powerful kick.

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Tondrak raised a protective shield to block Star Rain's attack. Before the water orb hit, Tondrak's shield colaspsed upon itself. Tondrak was shocked at how much weaker he was, he couldnt even keep a shielding spell up for a couple of seconds. The orb hit Tondrak trapping him in a water ball."Do you think you can drown me? I dont need to breath." Tondrak shot fire to evaporate his water prison. "I cant waste any more time with you, my staff awaits my return."

Tondrak sent his zombies to kill Star Rain as he began to head towards the towns magic shop.

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Star Rain sent a small barrage of icicle spikes raining down on the zombies, which either killed them because a spike got lodged into their heads or pinned them on the ground because a spike managed to do so without piercing the head. She raced across the pinned or killed zombies and slashed some zombies her spikes missed. She didn't look back to see if the zombies were dead or not. She continued in speed-walk so that Tondrak doesn't notice her. I have to defeat him! was the the only thought racing in Star Rain's mind. She didn't know what he was after and the answer was in her book. There wasn't time for reading though.

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Tondrak was walking down the street, not knowing that Star Rain was following him. After a little while Tondrak made it to the entrance of the towns magic shop. He could sence that his staff was very close now, once he got his staff all he would need to reach his full power, would be his book on necromancy. Tondrak opened the door into the shop.

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Meta Knight jumped down from the rooftops in behind of Tondrak. "Hello, old friend. It certainly has been a long time. And I definitely haven't seen you like this... I guess necromancy has it's upsides and downsides, eh?" He smiled. "Anyways... I have orders to remove you from existence- again- and orders are orders." He pointed his sword at him. "En guarde!"




A shadowy figure watched as a youngling started to climb a mountain. Ah, the stupidity of the young! He opened his wings- two massive bat wings- and flew into the cave to wait for Tondrak's return. He, too has a mission, but more of a diplomatic one.

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"I do believe you have me confused with someone else... i died over 1000 years ago, wait one moment and i shall show you the idiocy of challenging me." Tondrak ran into the store approaching his staff.

(Tondrak is not the mad king flare, thats brosparkles oc)


(ooc:Brosparkle i think you should maybe add a link to your oc flare in the ooc because people are starting to confuse my oc with yours)

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Collision bounced up the mountain in excitement, leaping deftly over cracks and holes on the face of the mountain. He'd gone pretty high now, and the ground was getting more and more dangerous. He ignored this, or perhaps didn't even realise it; the kid was entranced with the idea of being a hero, an adventurer like Meta.


Collision stumbled over a precarious drop in the ground, and hung in space for a second, before falling through. He reached up a hoof, grasping the jagged surface, then eventually pulled himself up. The kid continued to hop along, ignorant of the danger that he had been in. To an outsider it might have looked like bravery...


If Collision had glanced over his shoulder at the town not far behind him, then he might have seen the glow of flames or even the light of warring spells.


But he didn't. He kept hopping forward, blank to the outside world.

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On the surface of the mountain, a crowd had gathered. They all chanted for Collision. He saw visions of heroism and glory, adored by the masses.  This was the moment where he became a hero, and all he had to do was enter the crowd, and receive his adoring fans. The crowd seemed completely oblivious to anyone else, and was in the mind of collision alone. (I've posted the link to Flare in the OOC discorded, I put it in the OP and a post of its own, hopefully this will clear up the confusion.)

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Collision ran towards the crowd, entranced by its sudden appearance. He hadn't solved anything, found anything, nor even reached the top! This was too good to be true, he was a hero!


Then something caught his eye, something far off that he could make out only distantly. A town, no, a city sat on the horizon, surrounded by flashing lights, and buildings that sparkled in the light. All thoughts of adventure left his mind as he saw the town, and the kid skidded to a halt. He turned away from the crowd to get a clearer view of the city. It looked so...


"Awesome!" he cried out suddenly. He turned back to the crowd, noticing how strangely they moved, repetition and humourless laughter. The sight chilled him a little, and he started away from them, towards the city. It was about a weeks walk away but still...


A voice nagged him in the back of his mind. 'What about your friends?'


He could make new friends... friends who liked his personality and were fun to be around. With that thought in mind, Collision bypassed the still cheering crowd, and set off down the other side of the mountain, bouncing with joy.


Thoughts of heroism had been replaced with thoughts of flashing lights and a shiny skyline, much in the way that one fad overtakes another.

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The final chain gust wielded snapped from the impact, and the machinery underneath his cloak fell, no longer supported.He grabbed the blade attached to the end of the chain. His body was further consumed by the flame, his face now barely visible. "This is the best fight I've had in a good while, shame you'll die soon." Without the chain weighing him down, he could now move at top speed, although he was no longer able to launch projectiles. He flew at Thunder, using his blade much like a lance, and jabbing at high speeds.

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Thunder jumped to the left in an attempt to dodge the blade and kicked at Gust again as hard as he could. He wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this up; he was going to get hit eventually. But right now he was more concerned with how the others were doing.

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"I do believe you have me confused with someone else... i died over 1000 years ago, wait one moment and i shall show you the idiocy of challenging me." Tondrak ran into the store approaching his staff.

(Tondrak is not the mad king flare, thats brosparkles oc)


(ooc:Brosparkle i think you should maybe add a link to your oc flare in the ooc because people are starting to confuse my oc with yours)

Without much thought, Star Rain ran in after Tondrak. She charged in and casted a spell much like her water orb spell, except it was an orb of dazzling light. It missed and destroyed a shelf of magical items(the staff wasn't in it though). Looks like I have a lot of paying to do afterwards... Star Rain then shot another light orb spell and rushed in to slash him with her sword, which was charged with water magic.

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Tondrak was blinded momentarely by the light orb. Star rain charged at Tondrak and cut off his head. Tondrak's body fell to the ground...after a few seconds the pile of bones reasembled. Tondrak used telekenesis and from one of the shelves, he pulled his staff into his hoofs. He began to have a dark and demonic ora around him. He looked at Star Rain "You were right, you will have to pay, with your life." Tondrak could feel that most but not all of his strengh had returned.

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Star Rain started to get shivers up her cut, bloody legs as she saw the demonic aura surrounding Tondrak. She then saw the staff and tried to use a light whip spell to take it away from him. It missed so she used her ice spike spell and sent the spikes raining down on the skeletal king(or who she thought was the king). Using that as a distraction, Star Rain used her light whip and it wrapped itself around the staff and she started to pull.

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Collision sat on the hard barren ground and sighed.


"I've made a terrible mistake..."


Behind him, a huge stretch of wasteland, in front of him... the same. He'd been hopping towards that city for a while now, and gradually he'd started to look at his decision a bit better. He was leaving a whole group of friends, along with a chance of fame and adventure...


To head for an unknown city miles out into the wasteland. He sat for a while, thinking, and images circled his head. Friends like Star, Meta and Thunder...


Eventually, the kid reached a decision, and he stood once again. He then turned, and ran full pelt back to the mountain, and the village that lay beneath it. He only hoped that his friends hadn't started the adventure without him!

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Meta charged and drew his blade. Upon sensing the demonic aura around the skeleton lord, it began to glow brightly with radiant light. "Begone, foul demon!" He gave the sword a mighty upwards swing, cleaving half of his ribs off, and separating half of his skull off, while the sword sapped the aura surrounding him. He then leaped back, with his sword at the ready, waiting for him to reform.

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Gust was sent sprawling on the ground, and lay there for quite some time. He slowly arose, with a look of pure hatred on what was left of his face, the black flame covering the rest. He let out a roar, as the rest of his body was engulfed. A aura of power emanated from him. His voice was replaced by a much deeper one. No words came from his mouth, just yells. He seemed to be quite refreshed by this change, and charged with renewed energy. 

The blue unicorn mare seemed to be focusing on something, but quickly stopped. "Damn, that kid either has a strong will, or is just stupid." she said "I suppose I should check on Gust." She focused her magic once more, and a small image of Gust appeared, along with his surroundings. "Something's wrong, he's gone into Sin." she said. "There's no way those villagers are putting up that much of a fight, he shouldn't need it. But Flare shall be back soon, and none of this will matter."

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