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Which pony do you have a personality closest to?


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I have a personality very close to Fluttershy.  I even had someone call me Flutterguy.  I am so close to being like her, its kinda scary.

  • Brohoof 4

"Get it on your butt!" -- My last words while playing R-Type II

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the pony i got my personality closest to is Big Macintosh :3

a really quiet guy, helpful, strong and i used to live on a farm c:
but i kinda have a pinkiepie spot because im always bouncy and really hype when im with friends :3

  • Brohoof 2
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I'd have to say Rainbow Dash. I'm a go-getter type of guy and I'm also loyal. I can get a bit arrogant sometimes. Also, I like to show off my skills at anything. 


I also say Pinkie Pie because I love to have fun. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Having taken the personality test from the Mane 6, i came out most like Twilight sparkle, The second clossest, would be Pinkie pie.


Having to choose from all the ponies, i always thought i had a little of celestia in me, and ofcourse, side to that... Derpy...

  • Brohoof 2


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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My personality is much closer to that of Fluttershy.

I am very quiet, timid, and I don't normally talk to people unless they talk to me


Over the internet however, I would say I am either Pinkie Pie or Princess Luna



I am generally random and I tend to not use contractions

  • Brohoof 2


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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Like twilight when it comes to knowing things..


Flutershy in most cases... I work at a raptor rehab center...


And rainbowdash when it comes to showcasing my skills at stuff


And rarity... I like to act

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm pretty much a male human version of Pinkeh Pie. The main difference is that I enjoy being alone and hanging out with other people. I am super spontaneous and eccentric, and I'm not afraid to be myself in public. I talk very fast, and I'm quite bouncy. I like to have fun, and get others to have fun too. I also tend to laugh a lot. Sometimes I'll laugh for no reason.

Edited by Urdnot Pinkie Pie
  • Brohoof 6
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Off the top of my head, I'd say Luna. Part of the reason I like her so much is the whole relatable-to-half-the-fanbase thing.

Maybe Pinkie. When I'm relaxed, I do have a tendency to go off about things that may or may not make sense to other people.

I would say Fluttershy, but while I'm usually shy IRL, I'm not... Fluttershy shy. xP

Edit: The test said Twilight Sparkle. I'm not as much of a bookworm/genius, though. :/

Edited by Snowfeathers
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According to the test I'm about equal parts Rainbow and Applejack with Pinkie behind them and I agree with this. Combine Applejack's general personality and Dash's need for approval and competitiveness with Pinkie's randomness and spontaneity and you could get a decent idea of who I am.

  • Brohoof 1
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Probably most similar to Twilight. Except for the fact that I'm pretty much the worst student in the history of eternity, and up until a month or two ago I hated reading books. But other than that I'm quite similar. I'm pretty awkward when it comes to social events, although I go a bit crazy when I'm with friends. I am subject to psychotic rampages, but most of the time I'm quite calm. I usually have a bad case of stage fright, and am embarrassed to show off in front of others.

  • Brohoof 2

how even is otter and how can it be if

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In some ways I'm like FLuttershy. Iif I'm in public or around people I don't really know, I am extremely shy. I've hidden in the bathroom a couple times during class to avoid doing presentations, and I have a stutter and say "Um," a lot. I'm also a total animal lover and animals seem to be attracted to me. (Not like fluffy bunnies or anything though. I always get bats and rats. I've had both climb all over me)


I think the majority of the time I'm extremely Pinkie Pie ish. I love sugar and being random, and I actually bounce when I'm happy. I'm also insecure and worry about losing my friends, and if I do lose a friend I kind of become a Pinkamena (Though I haven't talked to bag of flour... Yet  ;) )


Also, me and my friend are a lot like Lyra and Bon Bon. Not like we're lovers or anything, but basically she's the reasonably normal person and I'm the extremely quirky friend who is obsessed with another species (ponies :wub: )

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm a mix between Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. I love to read and enjoy learning to a certain extent. Twilight. 

I take spoonfuls out of the sugar bowl, can get hyper, and love parties. Pinkie.

Tomboyish, love to beat people, wanna be fast, but I'm not. Rainbow. 

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im pinkieshy :P litterally im extremmly random shy at some times I like to have fun and her type of partys are fun cupcakes are my fav baked good im extremlly childish but also have been told to be a bit wise I cry easily and biuld up anger  it inrrupts into a explosion im good with kids  and I love animals (but am allergic to dogs) lol ive been told to be kind i love love love talking and typeing :Pbut im a bit like the other mane six im stubborn like pinkie im not very hyper though i have a friend thats excatlly like pinkie all day every day and even more with sugar but i get hyper off werid things like a bit of candy or cupcakes doesnt work but soda or a sandwhich will i say um alot irl because my mom does oh and i bounce randomly when im happy :P im very eccintric my friend compared me to luna love good on harry potter but i havent read that yet so idk whether to be happy or a bit werided out :P



apple jack: I love telling the truth but recently its got harder

twilight: im somtimes a perfectionist argubally worse then twilight because if i dont have a chance with somthing i feel i dont have a chance with anything related to that but in the internet im very stubborn i like books especially manga related

rainbowdash= i  used to be tomboyish

rarity= perfectionist  im sorta artistic or trying to be :P

Edited by pinkieshyrose

Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!"

Pinkie Pie : "who turned off the moon? dont go near that cake theif! stop theif! oh are you ok theif"?

http://pinkeshyrose.deviantart.com/ my da account

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According to extensive scientific research by Twilight, i'm mostly like Rarity, Rainbow Dash but closest to...




Which is surprising. I thought it'd be Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy.


But if i'm mostly like the famous party machine.... I'm not complaining! :D


Wait... this explains a lot! My hyper-active, random and crazy behavior, blasting party music when nopony's home and just loving to see the fun in things... :huh:

Edited by Supernova
  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I\d say I'm half between Applejack (commonsensical, genuine, down-to-earth, loyal) and Pinkie Pie (hyper, friendly, fear of abandonment). I have no idea how that manages to combine into a single person. Whenever I take the test I get a different result but usually I'm a pretty good mix of all the ponies. Here's me for now: 



Edited by Rooish
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Hmm well according to this im a mix between Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle i can see that i have some traits from each.


Im hardworking

know right from wrong

always stand up for my friends

Cant stand lazy people



I can be alittle timid and shy when im in a new surrounding

I never hold a grudge for long (depends on the situation)

Im always looking out for others before myself


Twilight Sparkle

Im very well-informed

I can be a Leader when the need arises

I think that about covers it.


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According to the test im like Pinkie Pie. Dont get me wrong, I love Pinkie Pie, but im nothing like her. All the other tests ive taken said im like fluttershy. Anyway, im actually more shy than fluttershy and I dont connect as strongly with animals as she does, but I do a little bit. Also im not afraid to do adventrous stuff like she is. Other than that, though, im exactly like her.

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I'm a combo of Applejack, Fluttershy, and probably Twilight Sparkle. I'm a horrible student though, but I do love to learn and good gravy I LOVE books, I am a dependable employee though and have a horrid time lying, on top of physically I am pretty strong. Fluttershy represents the fact I can be very shy and anxiety ridden at times, as well as I am pretty good with animals. 

I may have been born yesterday sir, but I stayed up all night - El-P

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The pony personality test said that I'm most like Twilight Sparkle, but I also have elements of Pinkie Pie and Rarity thrown in there too.

I would think I would be like Rainbow Dash since I'm pretty tomboyish.

I'm definitely most like Twilight Sparkle, I'm pretty smart and when I get stressed, I get STRESSED.

I'm not the most energetic of people, so I don't really know how I'm like Pinkie Pie at all.

When I do sports, I'm nothing like Rainbow, I'm more like a Fluttershy, I hide from the ball and hope that the other players don't acknowledge my existance, but it never works :/

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to Lunia :)

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