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I think some bronys need to show more respect to the old gen MLP on YouTube


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I’d like to point out, that I’m not calling all bronys trolls or nasty or any of that stuff, I love you guys and know it’s obviously not all of you or anything so please don't get the wrong idea by this post. But I think this issue needs to be brought into the light and discussed.


As a brony, I obviously love Friendship Is Magic. And if you’re here it’s most likely you’re a brony or a pegasister and do not need the whole list of reasons it’s a good show.


I do however like the old generations of MLP to, and I watch these old generations on YouTube.


I know a lot of you on here probably don’t like any other generation of My Little Pony other than the G4, and that’s fine by me I don’t have a problem with that at all.


I do however have a problem with the amount of disrespectful, closed minded and childish trolling comments that only bronys leave on the past generations of My Little Pony on YouTube.


Twilight Sparkle and her friends in MLP FIM teach us love and tolerance, but as a My Little Pony fan commenter who watched one none G4 video said “love and tolerance goes straight out the window with bronys when it comes to past generations of MLP”. And if a lot of the bronys comments I’ve read are anything to go by, then I’m sorry my fellow bronys, but this person is right.


Another commenter who grew up with G3 but also liked G4 but didn’t identify them selves as a brony, even said that I was the only nice brony they’d met because I was the only one who dare I say didn’t just jump on this bandwagon of hating anything not G4. And that’s from someone who isn’t even a tropical brony hater, he or she is in the same boat as us as far as enjoying FIM. And that’s quite sad in my opinion that a fellow MLP fan has the wrong impression of us because of these comments.


I think showing that MLP FIMs message actually teaches what we all say, isn’t just saying nice things about people. It’s being respectful of what other people like, and if for example you watch x gen and think “meh don’t like this”. Not to comment and say “this is crap” or something along those lines.


It’s to not comment at all, move on and stick with what you do like. Or to say something negative positively aka positive criticism. For an example “To be honest I don’t like G3, but Pinkie and Dash are my favourite characters in G4, so I’m glad that Lauren Faust reinvented those characters for the version I’m more into” or something along those lines depending on which generation it is you may comment on


Anyway I hope this doesn’t annoy any of my fellow bronys out there, and hope we can all discuss this. Look forward to hearing what you have to say about this issue








Edited by Asherdangerdash
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I personally don't hate people for likeing any of the other generations, I won't go downright insulting anyone for liking it.

But I don't really like it at all myself. I haven't outright insulted fans of the show. And I don't plan to, I've probably had a few joking insults to the show itself, which may have been insensitive and I apologize for it.


I do agree some people take it to far. Though i personally never watched any of the other generations, and personally I think G3 looks the worst of all, and 3.5 just looks bleh.


but whatever you wanna watch is fine with me, it doesn't bother me :P.

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Agreed. Granted, the only old stuff I've seen is the "call on the sea ponies" bit from G1, but how are you instantly going to judge something (I'll get to G3/3.5 in a bit) without even seeing it? Hmmm, that sounds familiar...


G3/3.5, on the other hand...yeah it's pretty infamous for being the most dumbed-down, looks terrible, etc. But that's not an excuse to jump on someone if they grew up with it and/or happen to like it. They're not hurting anything, leave them alone! I personally don't care if someone likes past gens or not, as long as they're not bashing others for liking them.

Edited by Hook Echo
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I myself, have never watched any of the previous generations, so I can't really give my opinion as to just how good or bad they really were, but I do see where you're coming from when it comes to direct, constant hate towards the old gen; it seems really unfair.


Even if, one hated the previous gen's, being a brony and all, you'd think that most of us would be polite and simply speak their opinion rather than force it onto other people. If not even that, try to make light of the previous gen's, "I really hate gen x, but it paved some inspiration for FIM, so at least I can thank it for that" or something to that effect.


Whether I watch any of the older generations or not, whether I like them or not, I don't think I'll ever understand why people/other bronies hate on it so much.

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Although I didn't get into the older MLP generations as a kid I think I understand where you are coming from, I have been a fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for over 20 years and have grown up with the 80's and 90's cartoon. I recently got into the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show and liked it but was unpleasantly surprised at the amount of hate the 80's and 90's cartoon has gotten from some fans of the 2003 series. I am a member of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles forums and one of the rules they stress is not bash the old series which is something I think wouldn't even need to be stated. While I haven't seen nearly as much of it with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as I have with MLP and really don't mind if people prefer one over the other I don't like people dumping on something without at least giving it a try.


Since I heard that Lauren Faust's main inspirations was generation 1 I did get curious and watched some G1 MLP on youtube and though I prefer G4 I do not by any means hate G1. I don't really care too much for the animation style mainly because the ponies all kind of look the same to me, and the diabetes inducing moments are much more numerous it aside from these and a couple of other issues is actually fairly respectable. The villains are perhaps what I was most pleasantly surprised with, they are surprisingly dark for a little girls cartoon and are interesting and fairly well written. None of them can compete with the likes Discord but I think they can easily compete with the other villains from G4 quite well. G2 I don't hate either, but it is just not my thing as for G3 I haven't really seen it yet but if it really is as bad as I have heard then it just proves that sometimes you need to hit rock bottom before you are able to pull yourself back up.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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There really shouldn't be any issue with older gens of MLP, because that practically goes against what we believe in. I personally HATE older generations, not because others do, but because they do not in any way entertain me, but if another person does find it amusing, there shouldn't be an issue, and those who have an issue are no better than all those brony haters

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I, for one, do not hate on the other generations... It's like having family, without them, this wouldn't exist.  However, I will state that I dislike G3.5 and will continue to laugh at its atrocious attempt at being "good".  But by all means I do see where you are coming from and I would like to retort that, within my opinion, G1 was the only other good generation.  


So yes, we could afford to stop trolling on the internet with remarks, but only within reason--for the well made foundation of a fandom is the memes it was built upon.

Edited by Scootalove


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I think My Little Pony Tales was still considered G1 even though it came out in the early 90s.  It actually had more male characters than FiM.  They were all earth ponies and the only character I remember is Bon Bon who was like a 12 year old girl in a typical suburban household.  It was basically an animated sictom for girls although I know it also had some male fans at the time. 


Anyway, are some bronies trying to prove their manhood by liking only FiM and trashing everything else that came before?  It's a damn shame some people are so insecure. 

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I actually like older gens quite a bit. Sure, they can be pretty bad, but it's part of their charm. Maybe I'm just a sucker for cheesy things. 


One thing that does bother me is when people don't know the difference between gen 3 and 3.5. Gen 3 is actually decent - I recommend A Very Minty Christmas to anyone wanting to check it out. Gen 3.5 is the one with the terrifying babies that even I don't like XD


And I agree with you. Bronies don't have to like older gens of MLP, but they should show enough respect to refrain from leaving hateful comments. After all, FiM wouldn't be here without the older gens.

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The ultrarealism of prior generations can be described as nothing less than grotesque. It's disturbing and it's art style is just bad. I hate it, legitmately, and cannot respect it. I don't know what I even mean by ultrarealism, maybe it's just that it's ponies are just plain creepy. I don't mind people who like older generations but I personally can't/won't watch them.


Maybe most of my flak should be towards gen 3 and not 1 or 2.

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I have watched the old series and honestly I just didn't like it, but you won't see me going to videos and saying things like,

"LOL this sux so bad,"

I honestly think we should just respect that it happened, and if you don't like it, then go ahead and dislike it just don't bring it up on videos about it.

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I actually watched generation one when I was younger, I rented it from the library in town, I liked it quite a lot, especially since there were bad guys. I also grew up playing with generation three toys, I did not watch the show, but i fell in love with the toys xD. I would make up stories, one I remember was my barbie was evil and caught them and they had to fight dinosaurs to escape xD I remember when 3.5 came out, how I was devastated that I would never be able to collect all the generation 3 toys, and I remember thinking they were gross and stupid back then, and how after that, I was mad at the company so I packed all my ponies away, and didn't think about mlp again until I learned about bronies. I remember I only knew the names of a few since I got most of them when I couldnt read, but I do remember having: Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Desert Rose, Cherry Blossom, and Tinka-Tinka-Too. I based one of my OCs off a gen 3 pony I had. I really don't mind Gen 1 or 3, but I am slightly concerned if you like 3.5, but hey, whatever floats your boat :3 I honestly haven't seen/watched/know anything about Gen 2. So, Yeah, I don't hate on ya :3

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My opinion on My Little Pony prior to FiM was simply "they're creepy, childish, chubby ponies, and I don't like them".

My main attraction to FiM was the art style. It's clean and crisp(for the most part), and the ponies are more stylized than just being chunky mini-horses. Since this, my opinion towards the previous gens has melted down into "it's not my thing, but I won't bash anyone else for liking it", which is basically my view on everything, anyway. I'm actually starting to come around to it, maybe considering watching a few episodes.

People on the internet are really... vocal sometimes, though, especially when the topic is something they don't like. Especially on Youtube. That's the worst place for that kind of thing. Just ignore those people, I'd say, since they're physically unable to shut their mouths anyway.


TL;DR: I'm not too big of a fan, but I'm fine with those who are. Ignore the whiners.

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Don't take Youtube seriously. It's basically /b/ but instead of posting pictures, people post videos.


I do agree that it is unfair that some people judge the previous MLP generations so harshly though. I watched an episode from all of the generations, and I actually like the 1st generation. Nowhere near as much as 4th generation, but I still like it.


I'm not a fan of the others though.

Edited by Urdnot Pinkie Pie
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I actually kind of like G1, I've been meaning to watch all the old gens, even G3.5 if I have to, just to see how far MLP has come. I've seen the first two specials of G1 and part of the movie, and I have to say I like the antagonists, Scorpan, Katrina and the witches have some pretty interesting characterisation. 

I recommend that anyone who hasn't watched the old gens at least give Rescue from Midnight Castle and Escape from Katrina a look before judging.


By the way, has anyone else heard the G3 theme song without the vocals? Say what you want about G3/3.5 but you have to admit that tune is awesome:

Edited by Flutters
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 I agree. Personally, I don't really like the old MLP, I watched it when I was little, but now it doesn't seem very good to me. But a lot of people forget that with out the older generations of MLP, we wouldn't have Friendship is Magic now.

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I completely hate the other generations of MLP. That was the case when I was a bairn and it remains the case now. In saying that, I'm not an immature little idiot who judges others for liking what I can't stand.


Anyone else likes it? More power to them.

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I actually kind of like G1, I've been meaning to watch all the old gens, even G3.5 if I have to, just to see how far MLP has come. I've seen the first two specials of G1 and part of the movie, and I have to say I like the antagonists, Scorpan, Katrina and the witches have some pretty interesting characterisation. 

I recommend that anyone who hasn't watched the old gens at least give Rescue from Midnight Castle and Escape from Katrina a look before judging.


By the way, has anyone else heard the G3 theme song without the vocals? Say what you want about G3/3.5 but you have to admit that tune is awesome:



Thanks for the feedback, I love the theme song to G3 too


Hey if you wanna check out some G3.5, I'd recommend Twinkle Wish Adventure. It's up on YouTube, it's not got much in it for adult audiances compared to like G4 (which is kinda like G3 in general). But it's still quite a nice festive little film, and has some quite good song's.

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It's kind of fascinating to see the "my generation is/was the best" mindset in reverse, with people hating on things from the past instead of recent installations of their favorite music/games/shows. That said, I think it's a pretty petty thing to  give someone grief over.

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I watched the old 80s show as a kid, thought the storylines were too simplistic and the ponies had no personality and instead, just made my own stories up when I played with my toys. XD However, I've got better things to do than hate on someone who loved it growing up... like wish for FiM to get Sea Ponies, cuz that would be awesome.



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The only pony I really liked from the 80s show was Firefly; I see a lot of Firefly's persona in Rainbow Dash. XD I'm pretty sure that Lauren Faust based Rainbow Dash on Firefly.

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I like to make a point here

While I have not seen the older generations of mlp I don have to say one thing


To bronies that hate the older generations you have to calm down. Some people like it and some don't and that's okay.

Sound familiar


In a way bronies need to thank the older generations because I it weren't for them then we wouldn't have ponies today. In fact MLP FIM wouldn't be here if the older generations didn't have some kind of succes.


If you don't like the older generations then fine, but don't be consumed by the dark side and hate on a show like others are hating our show.

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Even thought i don't like the older generations, i do have respect for them. It's simple to say that withouth those generations we wouldn't have G4...


Don't get me wrong here! But i think, because of how fast the mlp fandom is spreading, alot of "Non quality?" (Hope i don't get to bashed for using this kind of term) people join in aswell...

Edited by Concord
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Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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I make fun of it the same why I make fun of Justin Beibier. In good fun. I don't really hate him and I don't mind people liking his music. But I'll still make some jabs at him in good humor. If one of my friends said they liked him I would poke fun at them a bit but nothing mean or nasty.

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