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S03:E08 - Apple Family Reunion



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I liked everything about this episode except for one thing: the song.  Nothing against AJ or her singing voice.  Both are lovely.  I just hate square dance music.  Plus, the lyrics made me cringe:


We raised this barn, we raised this barn

Yes we did

Together we sure raised this barn

Yes we did


Yeesh, that's bad no matter how you look at it.  But now that I've gotten the bad out of the way, I can move on to the good.  Babs Seed was much more likable this time around, which is a given of course since she's no longer a bully but it's just nice to see her actually getting along with Apple Bloom.  Braeburn didn't do too much but just seeing him at all was more than welcome.  Applejack herself was pretty adorable in this episode, and it's nice that she's the one to learn a lesson for once.  It's been a while since she's actually done that. 


I'm sure I don't have to point out this, either:




The shooting stars most definitely represent Applejack's parents, meaning they are indeed dead.  This was confirmed by Sibsy on her twitter.

  • Brohoof 2
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Finally, an Applejack episode! This had better not be the last. It was awesome meeting the gigantic family of the Apples... wait a minute...


post-3288-0-69279400-1356227930.png           post-3288-0-99175900-1356228005.png


Is Octavia related to Applejack now?

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not even going to lie, I loved the song.

The lyrics were pretty repeptive but holy *hit SHE GOT A SONG AND THAT IS ENOUGH FOR ME.

And that is going up in my favourite songs.

I could deffo do without the Babs but Braeburn (wish he had more lines) and Granny Smith (OMIGOSH SQUEE) were awesome to see <3

Probably actually going up there in my favourite episodes. I'm so happy right now.


Edited by Nicolas Cage
  • Brohoof 1


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That's not Octavia.  You can clearly see her mane and coat are different.


Holy crapola! I didn't even notice! Thanks for pointing that out! /sarcasm/


I just found it ironic that their Mane and Tail were the same style, along with them playing similar musical instruments.

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Actually, she had a letter in "The Last Roundup" as well, and it was a legit letter, not like her troll letter to Celestia (which is still the BEST CELESTIA LETTER EVER!!!!!!!!  :lol: ).


Oh, and as for "the shooting stars are her parents" thing, I need to look for that the next time I watch the episode to see it, but holy crap, this actually opens doors now!  I'm serious, they have officially opened the door to potentially addressing the issue at some point in the future of the Apple siblings' parents, and I know the perfect way Studio B could, as well as introduce RD and Fluttershy's parents, and also explain Scootaloo's parental situation at the same time.  Ya'll ready for this?  They could do it... with a Parent's Day episode!!!  Think about it!!!  It's the perfect way to show or explain all of the Mane 6's relationships with their parents, or at least explain what their parental situations at home are!  This thought literally just came to me today after hearing about the shooting star thing, but now I REALLY want to see it happen!  C'mon Studio B, make it happen!!!  I mean, it wouldn't be the first time a children's show has directly addressed the loss of a parent; the most distinct and daring instance that I can recall is whenever the show "Rugrats" addressed Chuckie's dead mom, especially in the Mother's Day episode.  Looking back, that was bucking impressive for a children's show, and now I really, really, really, really, REALLY want to see MLP do the same!!!


Oh, really.. Darn it never mind that then, I still like this letter better anyways :P.


The shooting star is literally at the end after the camera zooms out to the barn at night in the end of the episode, they both cross the sky(They also appear at night somewhere closer to the beginning probably not the same stars, but still.)


And as for the parents day thing, I am totally with you on wanting to have it be totally offical cannon explanation of each of the parents. However I'm really not sure if studio B could do this. Like wouldn't this surpass their rating restrictions somehow? I'm really not sure if something with the rating of MLP could do this type of thing.


Trust me I'd love to make all of the speculations cannon, but I have a feeling its just not possible. I think the most that is going to be done is its going to be implied or hinted at, but never fully outright stated.


I dunno, maybe Studio B will surprise me, but I just can't see a show that was originally targeted at children dealing with something like death.


I know all we have is speculation, but I think its pretty safe to assume judging from some hints and implied things that AJ's parents are dead, and Scootaloo is an orphan, she is atleast Sisterless thats for sure, but I think shes an orphan to.


As for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, well I don't really know, I assume the reason they where never shown is because they where at flight camp where I assume the parents don't stay around. I don't know if I'd say they're orphans though.


Another thing is Pinkie's parents, who could also be dead, or they could just be gone or something? Did she leave? I think Pinkies has the most mystery here where we don't really have a good explanation as to why she lives with the cakes other then her parents being dead, I mean she didn't have a bad relationship with her family or anything, so why leave?


Maybe it just has to do with not wanting to leave on a rock farm anymore and just wanting to go somewhere filled with more joy.


Anyways I'm getting kinda off topic, I'd love to see all of these speculations cleared up and a cannon official answer released, but I'm pretty sure they are just going to be implied and never directly stated.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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If all the speculation about Applejack's parents being deceased is true, then this episode could be one of the most emotionally impactful of the whole series... and brilliant too. They couldn't come out and say that they are dead... but its what they didn't say that told the story. It seems like such a bland episode on the surface, but this could very well be the Citizen Kane of all the episodes in terms of psychological underpinnings.

  • Brohoof 3

Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax. -Mystery Science Theater 3000


You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney

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Well this episode was a total bust. I loath it! I used to like AJ so much, but this episode makes her look so hollow and void of qualities. Who wrote this? "Cindy Morrow"? Who is that?

Unless those recurring twin shooting starts had any symbolism or foreshadow something that's going to occur to AJ in a near future plot, I say this episode was a waste!

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I really liked this episode, but I felt bad for Applejack when she teared up after the barn collapsed since she was trying so hard to make it the best reunion ever.


Filly AJ was adorable. Those fruit bats were freakin' awesome. The Octavia-like pony with the violin was pretty awesome.


And.. Does anypony know what this pony's name is?


  • Brohoof 3
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Well this episode was a total bust. I loath it! I used to like AJ so much, but this episode makes her look so hollow and void of qualities. Who wrote this? "Cindy Morrow"? Who is that?


Either this was sarcasm or I think I just found my discorded self. Do you hate The Mysterious Mare do well and have Fluttershy as your favorite pony, by any chance?

  • Brohoof 1

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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i missed this episode on TV this morning, had to work :(. but i must admit, im liking Applejack a bit more :) Also, her song "Raise this barn" and "Babs Seed" are my two favs so far :P


But at the beginning and end, with the shooting stars.. i had a feeling those were her parents :( two stars dont fall like that if they weren't meant to be there. But one can think

  • Brohoof 4
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But at the beginning and end, with the shooting stars.. i had a feeling those were her parents :( two stars dont fall like that if they weren't meant to be there. But one can think



Apparently its been confrimed according to EQD on a twitter post. Lauren had intended for them to be dead and the shooting stars were a tip of the hat to it :)

Edited by Fridge

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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Yep! You're good. One of my sisters agreed that the red one might just be an ear. But the tan one clearly has a horn coming out of her hair. Also note that none of the others at that angle have a visible right ear, and the sharpness and cone shape of the horn.


I just noticed something new relating to this. At the very start of the song, we see those same two fillies, and neither had horns.


You can see them in the bottom right of this picture. vvv




Also, country Octavia is there, and so is Bonbon looking slightly derpy.

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I just... Exploded three times in that episode. Exploded twice when AJ baby said "I'm Applejack, more apple fwiddiew?" and one last time when she cried at the barn's wreckage...


Just... DAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Look at that!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:




^Vector by me^

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Ha, I called it. I knew from the beginning of this episode (just now watching it) that this was gonna turn into Spongebob's House Party where Applejack's gonna try to force everyone to do what she has scheduled instead of whatever they want. :P

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I liked the episode,if only because given the chance,AJ will turn a family reunion into a thinly veiled slave labor camp. :P

Seriously though,I thought it was pretty good.The song was meh,but Baby AJ more than makes up for the entire episode.Like,holy nutballs she is so friggin' cute as a baby!

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Just finished the episode. Definitely loved it all. The song probably coulda been a bit better but it still had that flair that made it "Applejack's song"


Bout time she got her own solo song. RD is the only one left who hasn't had one, right?

  • Brohoof 1
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Either this was sarcasm or I think I just found my discorded self. Do you hate The Mysterious Mare do well and have Fluttershy as your favorite pony, by any chance?

No, I think TMMDW was a pretty good episode because RD gets belittled and the rest of the Mane 6 learns the power of anonymity. And no, Applejack was going to be my favorite pony, but the writers have been doing her injustice lately, especially today.

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I'd like to know more of why people find AJ so bland or however you want to describe her. In real detail, not just that she has no personality.


From how I view the episode, it showed once again that her greatest love is her family. She just wants them all the have the best time they can possibly have. It's showing that she takes the responsibility of leading this event seriously and she's a little nervous that she can't pull it off and please everyone.

This all leads in to one of her flaws which they exaggerate this episode(they do this with every character). She takes it all too far trying to get people having fun, missing the point. This is done so that she can realise what she's doing and fix it so we can have the happy, family even closer than before ending. In the end she succeeds in doing what she had been trying all a long but this time without all the rules.


People seem to have gone into this episode critically staring at the screen for either real mention/appearance of her parents and the song. The first didn't really happen and then the song isn't what people wanted. The song fit AJ. It doesn't matter if it's what some people wanted her to sing about or not.


Did the episode expand on her character bringing in new bits and pieces about her? Probably not. Did it go backwards? No. Just showed us more of the caring AJ and showed us that she gets carried away with work as is her character. Pretty much like all of the episodes so far besides SiP.


It was a slice of life episode. Simple as that. The only problems I could really see were with the pacing or if someone just doesn't like the characters involved and/or the country style behind the whole thing.

  • Brohoof 4

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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I thought this episode was a great one, there's nothing wrong with a bit of the Apple family!


But the thing that made it for this episode was the song "Raise this barn"

All of the songs in MLP are great, but they usually all revolve around the same genre.

We haven't really had a country song yet - especially not a big one like in the reunion!


I also loved how Babs came back. Few characters actually reappear in MLP after their one episode,

Eg, I haven't heard from, nor properly seen Cranky Doodle Donkey since "A friend in deed"

So I thought it was great how we got to see the life after the one action packed episode with Babs and Applebloom - like their relationship and Bab's life back in Manehatten. It really was great, like a proper look in at their life.

  • Brohoof 3
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This episode was awesome. I just finished watching it since I just got home from my caravan.

And I have to say, damn I'm impressed.

Filly Applejack was just adorable.

I loved the song, it definitely was one of the best of this season so far.

The two shooting stars at the end literally broke my heart </3

But finally, there was a letter. Seriously, I have been so excited to hear the words 'Dear Princess Celestia....'

Definitely in my top 3 episodes of season 3, love it.

  • Brohoof 2


Credit to Lunia :)

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