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I have a complaint towards *some* Bronies


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Bronydom is just like any other community on Earth. Everyone has different opinions, likes and dislikes, etc. and the only way to make it work is if we respect each other. I don't mean we all have to read "cupcakes" and proclaim it a work of art, but at least we should tolerate those who do.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess...


As much I tend to dislike some of the clop and gore, I wouldn't necessarily call it a complete disrespect. People might tend to have strange ways to appreciate their affection sometimes, but does that put them in the wrong? not entirely. After all, they do spend time creating amazing works sometimes, like it or not.

I am in complete agreement, my friends. After four pages, these are the best messages anyone could possibly take away from the topic. Thank you.


5. "explicitly rude and sexual media" - Agreed

I don't think I need to elaborate on the dtails of this one and I will not. NOBODY likes cloppers.

So...nobody likes me. :(

Everybody hates me.

Guess I'll go watch ponies.

Edited by TailsAlone
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Eh, you sure about that? I find that the majority of the community accepts cloppers. Hell, some quite respectable people in the community like clop *cough*Mic the Microphone*cough*, and it isn't (nor should it be) a big deal.


Really? Well I'm certainly less sure now. To be perfectly honest, I've had the same opinion of cloppers as I do for homosexuals, furries, and other unusual fetishes; keep it out of my bedroom and if your partner agrees, you can do whatever the hell you want. I used to be a troll (not really "used to be") so I still have a habit of exaggerating unpopular (or so I thought) opinions. My brother is the only one I know who expresses a real opinion on clopping and he makes it sound like I shouldn't ask about it. But I'll admit, either way it was a bad move as a Brony for me to say something like that. If I may, I'd like to take that one back.


So...nobody likes me. :(

Everybody hates me.

Guess I'll go watch ponies.


I don't want to leave bad feelings in the air bro, I edited my oringal post and removed that part. Like I told Starswirl the Goateed, I was exagerating an opinion my brother gave me and I'm sorry. Btw, I remember you from Clarity's shipping fanfic contest, aren't you the guy who won 1st place?

Edited by TheBreech
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Edit: I moved my comment to Things You Dislike about the MLP Fandom as that is a more appropriate active thread for general comments about things we dislike in the fandom. This thread appears to deal specifically with the issue of mature content in the fandom.


Nothing more to see here.  ^^;

Edited by Wingnut
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I've long since lost my ability to be offended by people liking strange things. And while this is a kids show, I would like the maturity level to be bumped up a bit. Though I suppose we'll never get a Battle Star Galactica pony equivalent huh?


Some fics though, like Cupcakes, I think are... well boring. It's just a pony cutting up other ponies for blood and guts and joy. Just send down the military already!


Fallout: Equestria on the other hand still has such content. But it's treated as a side effect of what happened. And it's not the entire point of the fic. I would love more things like FoE. But not Cupcakes.

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The country is an absolutist monarchy (or, I suppose, diarchy) in which the government controls dissent by entering the dreams of its subjects to read their thoughts.


Though I agree with a large chunk of your post, I'd like to point out that there isn't so much as a hint that Celestia is anything other then a "Reasonable Authority Figure"

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Though I agree with a large chunk of your post, I'd like to point out that there isn't so much as a hint that Celestia is anything other then a "Reasonable Authority Figure"


Luna is quite clearly treated as a lesser princess ("Lunar Eclipse").  Celestia/Luna, perhaps acting on their own ideas or perhaps continuing a tradition from someone before them, have effectively killed nature in Equestria, removing natural entropy and chaos to create a perfectly ordered, planned society.  This is not necessarily bad, it it deserves to be questioned


And Celestia is no doubt an absolutist; Equestria has no Parliament and Luna is deferential to the sun goddess, so Celestia inevitably controls Equestria.  Again, I'm not saying that this is certainly bad.  But it is something worth debating: Whether a nearly perfect utopia is worth the elimination of natural freedom, the elimination of ponies' political freedom, and the enslavement of "lesser" animal species...

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Luna is quite clearly treated as a lesser princess ("Lunar Eclipse").  Celestia/Luna, perhaps acting on their own ideas or perhaps continuing a tradition from someone before them, have effectively killed nature in Equestria, removing natural entropy and chaos to create a perfectly ordered, planned society.  This is not necessarily bad, it it deserves to be questioned

We have no evidence that what Discord did was "natural" the order of things in Equestria could have been the way they are now, and he changed them when he came to power They could have been undoing damage he did.  


And Celestia is no doubt an absolutist; Equestria has no Parliament and Luna is deferential to the sun goddess, so Celestia inevitably controls Equestria.  Again, I'm not saying that this is certainly bad.  

You can't really compare our politics here, she's more like the benevolent queen from a fairy tale, than a real dictator. 


But it is something worth debating: Whether a nearly perfect utopia is worth the elimination of natural freedom, the elimination of ponies' political freedom, and the enslavement of "lesser" animal species...

Again, we have no evidence this is happening.


They're interesting things to consider, but we have to remember it's just speculation that's probably nowhere near cannon.  

Edited by Shoboni
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While I personally don't like (or read) clop-fics, gore stories, grim dark stories I do have to say one thing. It's all fan made. It's not intended to offend anyone, or the show itself.


Also not all bronies are into these things such as gore and clopping (just needed to make a point there).


Although I see what you are saying.

I have younger sibilings who love the show, and I never tell them about these types of fan works. I don't think they are capable of handling this side of the fandom. Even I don't like this side.

This doesn't stop me from being a brony because there is more good in this fandom then the bad I have seen.


I don't like either one, but people are free to do what they please (and I'm not one to judge people, that's how I was raised).

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I get the complaint, because, yeah, I'm not a fan myself of gore fics or clop fics, or, heck, most shipping fics even, mostly because I see most of the latter as being out of character.  But at the same time, these kinds of things kinda just come with the territory of most fandoms these days, and are to be expected.  It is unfortunate that it is pretty easy for younger viewers to accidentally stumble across these things on the Internet through a seemingly harmless search, but what can ya do really, besides trying your best to avoid this type of content yourself if you find it distasteful.  That's been my strategy so far, and it works 99% of the time, although I still on occasion come across a pic that I REALLY regret seeing (seriously guys, somepony out there thought he would ship filly Twilight with adolescent Shining Armor?  SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!  C'mon guys, there's pushing it, and then there's just plain sick, and sorry, incest will never be JUST PUSHING IT!!!!!!!!  Ughhhhh!!!!! :ph34r: ).

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Maybe it's just me, but my sister and my cousin certainly agree with me. You see, I think *some* Bronies need to show more respect for the show. I think they need to remember that it really is a just a kid's show. I am disgusted by videos like Cupcakes, pony wars, blood, guts etc... how people find this entertaining, I do not know. Yes, I know, I speaking typically but what about all the little kids that love the show itself and watch it on YouTube and see these horrific excuses of fanfiction. Bronies should love the show for what it is, and if they did, surely they wouldn't create such horrendous images, videos and whatnot.They need to take their violence and gore inflicted in fan-made videos/stories down a notch, because I don't see how that is loving or appreciating the show in any way. I think this also to certain explicitly rude and sexual media - this is totally wrong and it's disheartens me that people think of the ponies like this. 


Yes, I know, it's free world and people can do what they want, because who cares about kids or whoever finds their stuff? And that generally, males like more violence; it's just upsetting that they would even dream of making these crazy things from such a lovable show as My Little Pony. Just read the name. My. Little. Pony. It sounds so sweet and harmless. Sorry if I'm making you gag here, but I'm sorry boys, if this is what being a Brony is about, then I don't want to be a part of it.


Please note I am a girl, so I may have a reason for disliking such content, and I do not wish to join the Brony community anyway since I am a Pegasister. If this is found to be an inappropriate complaint, I am sorry, since this is a website for Bronies to unite after all.... I just wanted my opinion to be heard and whether anypony else agrees with me.


I understand what your saying. Personally I avoid most Grim dark stuff when it comes to the fandom. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying it's bad but I guess when people want to contribute to the fandom they do it in their own way and are looking to appeal to a target audience. This can be said for gore, R34, etc. This fandom is like a series (yes I know, don't bother telling me lol) and like a series there's different genre's to the series that will interest people who share a love for the show but have different tastes for what they want to see and that should be respected. It's best to just ignore and avoid the stuff that you and your cousin aren't really into. I don't really know how to go about such a thing but probably sticking with EQD would be a start but i'm guessing you check it everyday so kinda pointless to say that. However it does help and most of the time its usually comics, videos, art, music and other submissions people have done. Personally its rare for me to see anything Grimdark and there's definitely no R34 material there so there's nothing to worry about there. EQD and this site are usually the only websites I go to when getting my pony fix. (lol talking like an addict now.)

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I have issues with the Brony fandom, too, but I think you're approaching it from the wrong angle OP. The folks that disrespect the show are the ones that seem to forget who its intended audience is and insist it should cater only to Bronies/men, and act in sexist, racist, or otherwise hateful ways. The show is all ABOUT accepting others and being respectful, so when people are talking about how women/men suck so much or how this race or that is disgusting and awful, basically they've missed the entire point. I've seen a lot of issues in fandom with these kinds of behaviors and I call it out when I see it, as turning a blind eye to it does not solve anything.


But liking clop and gore? Heavens, no! I'm not a big fan of excessive gore and clopping myself, but you know, there's some really talented, thoughtful people who are into that who absolutely adore the show and are very respectful. Some of the ATTITUDES in those sections of fandom aren't the best, and to me, that's the real problem. 


I think instead of demonizing mature fanworks and claiming THEY'RE the worst thing about the fandom, we should focus on the legitimate issues that can affect and hurt actual people, such as misogyny or racism.

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I think instead of demonizing mature fanworks and claiming THEY'RE the worst thing about the fandom, we should focus on the legitimate issues that can affect and hurt actual people, such as misogyny or racism.

I haven't really run into too much misogyny or racism in this fandom but I have run into a couple of jerks and hypocrites but that comes with any fandom but I am glad to say that I have seen a lot less of that in this fandom than other ones I have been involved in.

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I actually don't mind all the things/people in this fandom that are typically complained about.


I don't mind it.


It's not any of my business what you're sexually attracted to.

These are the only things that really irritate me about the fandom:

OCs (Mainly because most of them are haphazardly made without any regard as to whether or not it would look decent.)

People who are a bit too open about being a brony


People who feel as if they need to criticize every episode, despite the fact that it's a kid's show and doesn't need criticism.

And while I don't really have a big problem with the whole "Love and Tolerate" thing, I can't take it seriously because nobody is actually capable of doing it. 

Edited by Ursnampls
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i will be that guy.


i happen to love the blood and gore, not really the clopping, part of the fandom, all fandoms do have this stuff, its not a respect/disrespect thing towards the show, people make these because they like a change of scenery, and as for children seeing these things i honestly dont care.


it exists and will continue to exist until this fandom dies out, deal with it.

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People who feel as if they need to criticize every episode, despite the fact that it's a kid's show and doesn't need criticism.

And while I don't really have a big problem with the whole "Love and Tolerate" thing, I can't take it seriously because nobody is actually capable of doing it. 

Nobody is perfect so nobody is going to live up to it every time all the time but striving to do a little bit better is something I think I can support.

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Maybe I worded my last statement quite wrongly - When I say I don't want to be part of the brony community (bad move, I know), I just meant that because I am a girl I was sticking on the side of generalisation that I didn't like all this gore and stuff.

I've also never heard or seen of R34 before now, so maybe that's confusing me a little. But I'm not intending on finding out.

And you're all talking like its some serious problem that is mentally affecting me - I don't give one! Honestly, I just thought that since this is a briny community and that was my opinion, it should be heard. Not to mention then having a civilised discussion. I can tolerate it, sure I can. I ain't lettin that stuff get to me, and I ain't gonna stop them. I just have a strong opinion in which it would make me happy to know if people agree with me :3

Edited by (\ScootaDash/)
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Ever hear about tolerance,you should check that word up. I if you dont want your cousin or sister to read cupcakes or clupfics ,then dont allow them to the material. Dont hate others fun man.

I can't stop my relatives from seeing them, they are just as responsible for themselves! I said this because we don't like it and we just wanna know if anyone agreed.

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I'm sorry but isn't My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic a show about LOVE AND TOLERANCE? While I personally don't see the appeal in some of the fandom's creations (rule 34, grimdark etc.), I can still TOLERATE the bronies who do. People like to experience things and appreciate things differently, so who am I to tell them that what they are doing is wrong?


This whole argument seems really close-minded to me. After all, THIS ENTIRE FANDOM is devoted to a show originally designed for little girls. To the rest of the world, being a brony is wrong. So why is that some of us are so close-minded to others when we are all discriminated against equally by the rest of the world?


Is a painting of a naked woman considered art or pornography? Is dubstep music or noise? Is the glass half-full or half-empty? It's all a matter of perspective, and while we all may think differently, at the end of the day we all share the same interest in the show. How we express that interest isn't a matter of right and wrong.

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I've listened to Cupcakes personally, and I threw up afterwards, I dont understand how people can find that amusing, its just not of a human's nature. 

Funny you should say that, because unfortunately, it is. There's always gonna be those people (nearly said men, but I'll lay off that now) who enjoy this darker fiction. Trust me, I do not understand how it pleasures them, but anyone could say that to anyone about anything. "Why do you like cheese?" "because I do...."

We just have to ignore it - no, we shouldn't have to ignore it, we shouldn't get involved with it in the first place. Makes me sick.

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I have heard that there is violence and gore in some of the fanart and fanfictions and I have never sought it out or accidentally seen any, thank goodness. I hope I never do, I can't understand why people do horrid things to characters they like in a fandom.

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I have heard that there is violence and gore in some of the fanart and fanfictions and I have never sought it out or accidentally seen any, thank goodness. I hope I never do, I can't understand why people do horrid things to characters they like in a fandom.

I actually never found out that grimdark stuff was considered one of those "Avoid this" things in the fandom until actually seeing stuff like this for the first time back in February. 

I used to actually love grimdark stuff. Not so much anymore, though. I still like Crookedtrees' grimdark stuff, but that's about it.

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Personally, I abide by this rule:  If you don't like it, don't watch it/read it.  I'm not going to judge others based on my own ideas of what it means to be a fan.   Everyone enjoys the show in their own way, whether it be through r34 or gore fics or whatever, and while I have my own personal opinion of what they do, I pretty much keep it at that. 


Personally, the thought of r34 ponies creeps me out,but gore done in the right way can be pretty entertaining, IMO.  I have no interest at all in reading, say, Cheerilee's Garden or Sweet Apple Massacre, but I find MisterDavie's video for Cupcakes to be hilarious.  It's so balls-out over the top that I can't really take it seriously as horror (the music in this case really helps).

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Oh yes, I agree with you all the way. Cupcakes, Rainbow Factory, these should never have been. They are just plain disturbing and do not go with the show at all. Why the hay would somebody put awesome loving caring ponies into a violent situation? But unfortunately, people will be people and there's almost nothing we could do about it. 

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I read cupcakes, chuckled a bit through it.

Read Rainbow Factory, somewhat enjoyed it.

I've read Sweet Apple Massacre, and I just clicked away afterwards without anything to say about it.

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