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I tried asking my parents for a Rainbow Dash plush...*hangs head*


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After re-reading all of the info you've provided, I would say that the only way you could possibly get your narrow minded parents to think about what you want would be to not invoke logic, but instead, emotions.  Humans were meant to think with logic, but some of us are more affected by emotions than we are with facts and numbers.  And since your parents seem to be less effected by reason, I would assume that the only other way to reach them would be through their emotions.  


So how do you go about doing this?


Well, the most basic form (just to give you an idea) would be to buy them a super huge gift for father's/mother's day.  A gift so incredibly amazing that they would have no way that they could think of to repay you but with the one item that they know you want: RD plush.


But after being able to turn away most of the suggestions given so far, I would say that your parents can pretty much slide themselves out of any way we can come up with to solve this.  


P.S. If nothing else, you could always try accidentally injuring yourself for the good of your parents.  That tends to strike a TON of emotion and guilt in the human mind.  Just keep that as a LAST last resort though.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature by Azura

みぞれ 恋人 (:

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I spent a long time reading every post here, and all I can say is to try out the things that the others suggested.


Also, this probably explains your parent's personalities/situation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denialism


From the examples I've read, your parents seem to have a difficult time accepting something that is new/foreign to them. 


There isn't much else for me to say but to KEEP CALM AND BRONY ON  :) and good luck!~

  • Brohoof 2

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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I spent a long time reading every post here, and all I can say is to try out the things that the others suggested.


Also, this probably explains your parent's personalities/situation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denialism


From the examples I've read, your parents seem to have a difficult time accepting something that is new/foreign to them. 


There isn't much else for me to say but to KEEP CALM AND BRONY ON  :) and good luck!~


I think you're right on the point of their personality. Also, "denialism has been defined as the rejection of basic concepts that are undisputed and well-supported parts of the scientific consensus on a topic in favor of ideas that are both radical and controversial." So, Fox News, right? Because that's their favorite source of "news". The best part is they call it a "reliable source".


*hands you bat and bends over, pointing to head*


Please hit me as hard as you possibly can.

  • Brohoof 1
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Then he compared the show to Sesame Street because it also "has characters and teaches lessons" and asked me what I'd say if (someone I know) had plushes of Big Bird and Elmo. I told him I'd say that's his thing and I wouldn't judge him for it. He said that was fine, but others aren't like that.


Yes, this is true, but Sesame Street also taught about diversity, and that all of us in this world are different. Sesame Street taught us to be ourselves, to think and feel for ourselves, and how to count to 4.


I'm curious, is your dad a psychologist or something? "Development level?" So according to him, and people like him, we should all enjoy the same things that everyone else does, meaning there would be absolutely no creativity in this world, and no individuality.


I'm sorry to say, but I don't think your father likes who you are, but that should be none of his business. Judging by your profile, you're about 1 year away from being a legal adult in the US. Its at this point he should allow you to be more independent. You should be who YOU want to be, not who others choose to see.


And "pedophile?" Sure, let people think what they want, but unless you've actually committed the crime, who cares?

  • Brohoof 3

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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If you were old enough to move out, you could move in with me and you could help me ponitize our house! :D I would buy one for you if I had the money, like you said it probably wouldn't blow over so well with your parents. Most people are so quick to judge on others' interests. They don't understand from your point of view because they haven't experienced it directly. The only way to have things your way is move out honestly. Your parents don't seem like bad people, but not having one simple thing because it's not "Age appropriate" burns my hooves. >.> Maybe someday they may understand. I wish I could help. :/

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm curious, is your dad a psychologist or something? "Development level?"


No, my dad isn't a psychologist. He's actually a gum surgeon/dentist called a "periodontist". He doesn't have any knowledge of psychology as far as I know, although he does seem to know how to get in peoples' heads.

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blackopp1, I'm so sorry your parents made you feel that way. Your post and the other persons also make me really glad I'm an only child... geez siblings can be mean.   Sometimes parents have an idea of what their kids should be and it's really hard for them to accept anything different... no matter what you do.  :(  You aren't doing anything wrong.  My mom used to get mad at me for one thing, then when I caved and did what she said, she got mad about something else I was doing.  It never ended.  Still hasn't and I'm in my 20's.  From your profile, it looks like you will be 18 soon and you can save money and open your own bank account and get a debit card and buy whatever you want off amazon.  I don't get why parents pick such strange battles to go nuts on.  You want tv show merchandise... not a solo spring break vacation with alcohol, drugs, and attractive teens.  Honestly, just wait until you are 18 and load up on ponies.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with collecting things you like.  

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 months later...

@@blackopp1: If you cannot buy the plushie, why don't you try to make it yourself? It's not that hard as it seems at first. And you can learn something new along the way.


This is what this fandom has taught me: If there's anything in this world you don't like or want to change it, or if you want something to come into existence which isn't there already, you can always use your own creative powers to make it happen! :-) Creativity is Magic! ;-)


I'd never thought that I'd be learning myself how to play the songs from the show on my keyboard synth, or drawing ponies, or making vector graphics, or even trying with animation. Not to mention such things as baking muffins (what a non-manly thing ;-J heheh) or making my Easter eggs 20% cooler ;-)
Now I wonder: If I could do such things, what else can I do? :-> Creativity is a force which cannot be depleted. It's life itself, in its purest essence. And it's really worth to discover this Magic back again in these times where this powers has been taken from us. It's time to start to create our own future instead of endlessly waiting for better times to come. This world won't change all by itself. God cares for those who care for themselves ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

All i did when i was in a situation like i went to the store bought a Visa card and bought my Rainbow Dash slap band at ebay. Although my parents (except my mom) slowly accepted me as a brony.


Signature made by me.



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I dunno if you resolved this yet, but have you considered asking them to watch that documentary John de Lancie made, or at the very least the animated part "Let's go meet the bronies" which the animator put up on youtube? Just say "look, it's an internet thing, now get me a polychromatic pony, damnit!"


I for one don't have any plushies, but I do have a shirt and my Mum just bought me a poster which should be arriving in a few days, and they just look confused at me and say "cool..." so I guess I'm pretty lucky, huh?


Good luck, man! Don't stop until you get yourself your own little Dashie, m'kay?wink.png


(unless you got one already, in which case good for you!derpy_emoticon1.png


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I know how you feel, and I wish you the best of luck. Unfortunately I can't think of any suggestions that haven't previously been mentioned.


Personally I don't own a plushie, but to a certain extent I find that a lot of MLP artwork does make up for it, like this kind of thing:


Now all you need is some kind of fluffy lining for your computer screen!

  • Brohoof 2

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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Oh, sorry man that's about as worst case scenario as it gets!  Sorry it didn't work out, but good on you for giving it a shot in the first place, and also for not being willing to go behind your parents backs, that speaks to your character, it really does.  I don't have any alternative solutions to offer you, unfortunately, but again I commend you for being as mature as you've been in this situation. smile.png   Hope something works out that allows you to get a Rainbow Dash plushie in the future.

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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I appreciate the responses, everyone, but really, this is a dead topic for now. No, things haven't improved (long story short, my parents wanted me out of the fandom completely, so I've have to resort to going about it in secret), and even if I do get some of my friends to be Bronies (which the odds are increasingly slim, but I've been trying), they still might not agree to anything. I've given up on getting a plush anyways.


To be honest though, I think my parents can be summed up in one quote from someone I knew: "My gosh they're dense."


Anyways, like I said, thanks everyone for the support. I'll keep working on getting my friends into the fandom, but the plush may just be something I'll never get (or at least until I move out). I wouldn't put it too far, though, as a friend of mine who went on a trip to Disneyland has a pillow pet of Simba, and proudly displayed it on his Facebook in a photo (and of course everyone I know thought it was awesome and supported him for it. Hypocrites), stating that he's "proud to own it." With that in mind, I think I may have some bargaining ground, but only if I can get him into the fandom. But even then, like I said, it might not work.

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Bah, people can be so ignorant at times. 

Still the fact you can come out and tell them about being a brony despite their hate for the show apparently or the fandom atleast is admirable, i can't even come clean with my parents. Or anyone really.


I do think that its dumb they're concerning the fact you'll be judged for it when its really your problem not theres, thats one thing I don't really get.


I'm sorry your parents won't get you the plushie due to being a bit ignorant. I wish I could offer help or something, but honestly being a closet brony I got nothing much really.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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so, my parents are on the same side of this. I was like, 'ok, so its Saturday, and imma rewatch season one of mlp. PONY MARATHONwub.png " and they were all like 'ummmellow.png my little pony? you-you're kidding-right?" and im all like, blink.png "no, of course not! friendship is magic!happy.png " and then my dad is like "seriously Tori you're 13. that show is for LITTLE GIRLS!" and so im like "well maybe it was originally made for them, but then they saw it changed and made it less girly.'  yes, not entirely true, but oh well. "plus, there are tons of teenage boys and girls that watch it. actually, 3/4 of the people are 13 or older." him:  "....then they are pedophiles. have you been hanging out with pedos? Tori seriously, I doubt that many people watch it. and what could there possibly be good about this little girl show?" me: RAGE MODEangry.png " well, its anything BUT a kids show almost. the songs are catchy, the animation is better than most shows actually, and there are jokes that little kids WOULDNT understand! like in one episode one of the ponies say 'the punch has been spiked'"  I know that probably made it worse but oh well. I left some stuff out cuz its mostly the same. and now im working on finding a bunch of non-girly battles and things in MLP to show him. im not a rational person, so fuck Fluttershy persuasion. and im not trying to make him like the show or anything, its just this is only ONE of the times dry.png he harasses me a lot, and idc, since im a smartass, but harassing me about the best thing in life (mlp) is a no-no. that gets bitches on my butterfly list

  • Brohoof 1
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Ok I know where you're coming from. My dad and brother were on that pedophile track for awhile. It broke off of my dad, but my brother is solid as a god damn rock and can't break him of what he thinks. Because he thinks that whatever thought that goes in his tiny brain has got to be true. So this is what I told my dad when I had to talk to him about it. "People are changing, and people don't think the same as for what they thought about in the 80's. So maybe this brony fandom is more famous than you and I think it is, but for all I know is I am a fan of My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic and you better get used to it because my mindset is stuck on being a brony. No matter what your thought pattern is like your not going to change mine. So if you think that your own son is going to be a pedophile when he grows up then I will see you in court, but until that day comes, because I know it never will, then you have no evidence of me being a pedophile to anyone. Even if I do like a show that was intentionally made for little children. Because it doesn't just appeal to little children it is supposed to be a show for the family, because that is how the creator wanted it to be, not just 4 year old girls." If I would want a plushie I would walk up to him and say, " If it is in my best interest to get a rainbow dash plushie then I have my right to one unless you have a legitimate reason on why it is not possible for me to get it as a present for my birthday or christmas." I hope this helped in anyway from another personal experience.


                                         Thanks to ~Cider Barrel~ for the signature

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Peraonally I think it all has to do with age gender and attatchment level to the show. Its one thing for an 18 year old girl to like mlp. Its completely different for a grown man(over the age of 16) to go around coddling a plush pony. I know only like two or three male bronies who are even straight. And to tell you the truth there been a lot about the pony fanbase on the news and 75% of the fanbase is 40 year old single obese men touching themselves to a show, that yes, by legal standards, is aimed towards an audoemce of young girls. Its one thing for a man to occaisonally draw them, or collect trading cards, or even have a keychain or a figure or two, but its another to have a plush. This isnt Girls Bravo or HighSchool Of The Dead. This is cute little ponies with absolutely no sexual aspects. It was never intended for middle aged men to say "rarity is so sexy look at that ass" and get sexual ordinance out of it. They are animals. Not women with big breasts. Society sees all bronies as exactly the same as the vast majority, and not everybody is like that. What you understand is that all parents are parents and they think they know best. And thats not always true amd we all know that. Parents just don't understand that. They wach the news and make assumptions. Just go for something smaller like a little Rainbow Dash figure or keychain from Hot Topic. They can't keep you from being who you are. You just have to make a stand. This is your life, not theirs to control. Good luck getting your Rainbow Dash!!!

  • Brohoof 1

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I don't think there is anything wrong with you having a RD plushie. I think you should wait and buy one when you are 18 or move out... save up your money and order a commissioned fan made one. The manes are weird on a lot of the official ones. They have lots of other great merch though like stickers, keychains and small figurines. Maybe you could get a small one to put on your desk or a bookshelf. (I like the all vinyl ones (the hair looks more show accurate). 


I am a 28 year old female and I want some of the merch myself. :)


I am not done watching all of the episodes yet but one of my favorites is Read It and Weep (not sure which number that is but it is season 2) It features Rainbow Dash and it teaches the valuable lessons of not judging something before you try it and that reading is for everyone. I don't think your parents could object to that. 


Good luck! 

  • Brohoof 2

Jupiter Skylight

cat mom * vegan * artist * knitter * bookworm * gamer * pegasister!

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Favorite ponies are:

Twilight, Rainbow Dash,  Fluttershy, Doctor Hooves, Derpy and Princess Luna.


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Oh, man! I'm really sorry to hear that. I'd totally buy a Rainbow Dash plushie for you!


It's too bad your parents aren't too understanding about your love for the show. Maybe see if they'll watch an episode? They shouldn't really judge it until they've seen it for themselves. Maybe then you'll be one step closer to getting your own little Dashie. :)


                       Sig made by the talented EarlGrey!

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Oh, man! I'm really sorry to hear that. I'd totally buy a Rainbow Dash plushie for you!


It's too bad your parents aren't too understanding about your love for the show. Maybe see if they'll watch an episode? They shouldn't really judge it until they've seen it for themselves. Maybe then you'll be one step closer to getting your own little Dashie. :)

I'm not saying my dad is always honest, but the day after I'd admitted to being a Brony, he came up to me and said, "So I saw an episode of that My Little Pony. I gotta tell you (my name), it's weird that you like that."


Besides, by now he thinks I'm out of the fandom, and until I can get some of my friends in on it, it's best kept a secret from them. All it does is give them something else to lecture me on as well as a reason to think less of me.


It's not like they aren't hypocrites in any other ways, either...

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I just don't understand the big deal. You sound like a good kid. You get great grades and don't get into trouble. So what if you want a toy pony? You deserve that plushie. With all the bad things going on with some young people your parents should feel lucky to have you. You could try to learn how to make your own Dashie. There are patterns for hand sewn ponies on Deviant Art and you can make them out of felt, fleece or other fabric. You could also make some for friends for practice. I found one that looked simple that I want to try myself. I can't remember the designer but I saved it so I can look for it if you want. You would have to figure out the mane but the body is the same. 

Jupiter Skylight

cat mom * vegan * artist * knitter * bookworm * gamer * pegasister!

My knitting page (custom orders, ready made coming soon)

My art page (custom orders and portfolio)


Favorite ponies are:

Twilight, Rainbow Dash,  Fluttershy, Doctor Hooves, Derpy and Princess Luna.


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