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private Heart of the Jungle RP


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*Ugh, what time is it?*

*Come on Hop get up. Got a big day ahead.*

*Its too early. Why did I decide to go on this stupid trip?*

*Dear Celestia, why am I so lazy in the mornings?*

Hop opened her eyes to find a slightly dark room. She knew it was morning but didn't know what time it was, so she decided to check out the window. She got off the bed slowly so she didn't stumble and fall. After that she made her way to the window and moved the curtains out of the way quickly placing them back as the suns rays shone into her eyes. *Well...better get ready.* Hop took a quick shower, after which she brushed out her mane and tail not curling them but instead put her mane in a ponytail. When she was all set she quickly grabbed her saddle bag which was filled with canteens, food, a few books, note pad, pencil and some medical supplies. Hop trotted down the stairs to the lobby where she found food and the stallion North Arrow, who Diamond said was acting weird and made a mental note of it.

"Morning." she said with a yawn. Hop placed her saddlebag down by a chair and ordered a tea then grabbed something that reminded her of a grapefruit. The juice tasted sweet just like the tea and wondered if it was the same thing they put in it. She also reminded herself about Somber, who she also made plans to talk to along now, with North. It seemed they were already getting nerves from this trip and wondered how easily they would snap under pressure. She then realized she hadn't actually introduced herself to North. Hop swallowed before speaking. "Sorry, I didn't get a chance to meet you last night, North. Im Cadence, but I go by Little Hop, or just Hop for short. You ready for this?"

(OOC: night everypony)

Edited by Marathon

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Diamond awoke to the sun shining through the window onto her face.

*Ugh*"I hate morning's." She thought, Sitting up and yawning with a stretch.

She walked into the bathroom and looked at her mane. *I still hate morning's.* She thought, grabbing her mane brush and brushing tale and mane.

When she finished she packed all of her things into her bags, then trotted out of her room, Locking the door behind herself.

"Good morning Hop, Good morning North." She smiled at the two ponies as she walked down the stairs and sat down at the bar.

She ordered a cup of tea then yawned. "I...Really don't like mornings." She chuckled.

"Anyway, I am all packed and ready to go...The only thing I need to do is drink my tea." She said.

"How did you two sleep ? Mine was rather...Uncomfortable." She smiled at the waitress who placed a mug of hot tea in front of Diamond.

She took a sip and closed her eyes. "That...Is some good tea." She said, Taking a few more sips.

*I wonder when everypony will be getting up.* She thought, Glancing over at the stairs, Waiting for somepony to walk down.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"SQUAWK!" Solaris was on Flare's head making noises and lightly pecking at his pegasus friend. "Uhhg...Fine I'll get up." Flare said in a grumpy, tired tone. Flare then did his usual routine, brushed his teeth, took a quick shower...well actually it was kind of a long shower. For one the hot water felt great. For another Flare wanted to savor this shower as he would be in the jungle for a few days, looking fro who knows what and running from the next monster that tried to protect it. "Might as well see who's up, come on." Flare says picking up his pet and going down stairs.


"Good morning everypony, and if your wondering about the featherless bird...well it's a long story but his name is Solaris." Flare Blitz explained "Anyway when do we leave? I'm ready for some action." Flare says to everypony before ordering some tea from the waitress. "And Diamond, I'm taking your word that this is good tea." he says as he notices Hop. "Hey there, I don't think we've met...in fact I only know about two ponies here." Flare said thinking out loud. "Anyway I'm Flare Blitz, you?"



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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Yemaza's eyes slowly opened, and like every morning, he found himself outside of his bed. In fact, he found himself remembering that, like every morning, he had awoken hours earlier. He was sitting on the roof of his hut, meditation, and he eyed a gathering of ponies in the sunrise, obviously the Equestrians sent on the expedition, the ones he was to escort. "I see we leave very soon," he mumbled to himself, standing and springing off the roof, landing ever so softly on the ground and making his way to the group of ponies.


As he approached, his pace quickened for a few seconds, his mind wandering to what they might encounter on their journey, but he slowed down as he finally arrived at the outer circle of the ponies. "I see it seems we are ready to leave for the ship that is bringing us to the forest, unless you intend to trot all the way through the scorching sands." He gestured out the gates at the desert beyond, signifying that ship was the best possible method of transportation for this journey.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Hop had finished the fruit and smiled as Diamond came down the stairs. "Morning Diamond. My sleep was okish, I had a lot on my mind last night and that book Lyra gave me isn't helping much either." she said ordering a tea along with Diamond. Another pony cam down the stairs. Somepony she hadn't me yet and assumed he was part of the exhibition. The stallion then greeted her, which surprised her a little then noticed the featherless bird. She recognized the bird to be a phoenix, a species she adored very much. Hop gave Flare a smile and introduced herself to him. "Hi, Flare. Im Cadence, but I go by Little Hop or just Hop for short. I see youre bringing a phoenix along with you. I like phoenixes, theyre a very interesting bird but ive never been able to find one myself. Maybe ill get one after the trip." *If I come back from it. Maybe I can still back out if its not to late. But... ugh, come on Hop get your head in the game!* Hops tea came and she took a sip of it, then grabbed another piece of fruit and began to munch on it.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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North had leaned back slightly, looking at Hop curiously, wondering how she had known his name already, but evidently decided that that did not matter, as he took another chomp out of his orange-thing and shook her hoof. "It's nice to meet you, Hop." His voice had regained some of the confidence that it had lost the previous night. It was not fully restored, but it was there. 


When Diamond arrived, he took another bite of his orange-thing, and discarded the core. "I didn't sleep particularly well either," he told her. "Shame." He got up and went to get another orange. He read the label on the container this time, and read that it was called a mango. He took back to his seat after another pony had arrived. When Hop mentioned the name Flare, North extended his hoof, as always. "You're Flare, then? I'm North Arrow. Nice to meet you." North gazed at the phoenix on Flare's shoulder curiously for a moment, then, when they had shaken hooves, sat back where he had been sitting before. "Usually Phoenixes don't take to ponies. You must be really special to have bonded with one."

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Somber woke up with the oddest kink in his neck... The bed that he had slept on wasn't the best, but it was doable... He was never used to sleeping on beds, mainly on clouds... Stretching a little, he went out of his room and went downstairs, able to see a few ponies conversing with each other. He tok note of this, and sat on the farthest table back of the room, trying to avoid social interaction...


He had never really wanted to accept this expedition, but sadly, he hoped it was for the best... Only way to quit his fear of jungles was to survive in one... But the things that Hop had told him about the jungle made Somber re-think his entire choice.... I mean, how would trees eat ponies whole?


While he was pondering this, a waitress appeared at his table, and gave him a small cup of that tea from yesterday... The same type that had that odd taste in it again... He took a sip, sighing happily at the wonderful aroma in his mouth... Now, all he needed to do was just avoid anyone else that wanted to talk with him, and he would be perfectly fine...

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(OOC: Sorry if i'm late, hope we don't leave already...)


Leaf suddenly felt heat. He woke up to find that he had been sleeping on the roof of the tavern  "Why did I even come up here and how did I even survive up here..." he questioned himself. Then Leaf quickly realized that he was going on the expedition to the Heart of the Jungle and all that, and to find his cousin. He then flew up from the roof to the road, and went inside the tavern. Leaf then noticed Diamond, Hop, and North, Flare all chatting in the bar area. There was also Somber who was by himself. He would join then soon, but he needed to go check on his items to see if he got everything he got. He then trotted to his room, in there he found all of his things he would need, including the canteen that he got yesterday. When he was done organizing his things, he then took a quick, hot shower. He felt like he needed to wash away all the things that were worrying him. After he was done, he then headed downstairs to the bar where all of his friends were chilling. Leaf then called a waitress and asked her for a small cup of tea.

Edited by Danger Dashie
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"Yep Solaris and I have been through a lot, I just wish he would complete his life cycle again. I don't want to be in the middle of the jungle with him like this." Flare says responding to North Arrow's comment. "But ooohh boy when Soloaris gets back to normal he'll be able to kick some serious flank, no tree is gonna eat us up." Flare brags as is tea comes. "Which reminds me just what kind of monsters are in there? I mean besides pony eating trees, which doesn't even make much sense to begin with." he asks North Arrow before taking a sip of tea, which he almost spit out. "Oh...that's uhh quite an, uh, interesting taste." Flare says cringing. "So anyway assuming we get there, what do you think is in the center? I mean the obvious answer would be gold or something boring like that but if an entire jungle is dedicated to defending this it has to be something cool right?" Flare took another sip of tea which he forced down. "Like the secrets to Equestria or something...eh maybe I'm just letting my imagination get the best of me but I't have to be something like that, something worth the trouble were about to go through."



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Yep Solaris and I have been through a lot, I just wish he would complete his life cycle again. I don't want to be in the middle of the jungle with him like this." Flare says responding to North Arrow's comment. "But ooohh boy when Soloaris gets back to normal he'll be able to kick some serious flank, no tree is gonna eat us up." Flare brags as is tea comes. "Which reminds me just what kind of monsters are in there? I mean besides pony eating trees, which doesn't even make much sense to begin with." he asks North Arrow before taking a sip of tea, which he almost spit out. "Oh...that's uhh quite an, uh, interesting taste." Flare says cringing. "So anyway assuming we get there, what do you think is in the center? I mean the obvious answer would be gold or something boring like that but if an entire jungle is dedicated to defending this it has to be something cool right?" Flare took another sip of tea which he forced down. "Like the secrets to Equestria or something...eh maybe I'm just letting my imagination get the best of me but I't have to be something like that, something worth the trouble were about to go through."

North nodded. "I'm sure he's a forced to be reckoned with, when he's a full-fledged phoenix. And... Last time I was in there, we saw erklings, kelpies, will-o-wisps, and even the mighty nundu... and runespoors." His throat constricted slightly at the last one, but he hid it with a chomp out of the mango. "Here, I have a book that lists things that have been rumoured to be in there... The ones with extra notes are confirmed ones, but anything in this book could be in there." He pulled Legends of the Amblezon out of his saddlebag, showing it to Flare. "I've had a few extra copies made..." 


He kept the aged, original copy with Evergreen's additions for himself, and handed out additional copies of the book to the other members of the company. "We'd better be headed out soon," North said, standing up, and handing the last copy to Star Frost, who looked like he had had slept horribly. "We have a long day ahead of us."



(OOC: Anypony can read the book Legends of the Amblezon at anytime. You can submit your own entry for a legendary beast that may be in the jungle by having your OC read said entry, but please refrain from adding notes in Evergreen's pen, as your copies are distinctly lacking in said extra notes. And just because there's an entry for a beast in the book doesn't mean we'll actually encounter one. I'll make a note in the OOC if I think there might be even the slightest chance we run into any beasts that you might describe.)

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 1

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Hop took the large, and heavy, *Dear Celestia.....* she thought as she hefted the large book into her saddlebag. Hop finished off the last of her fruit and tea. "Well.... *grunts*, I guess im ready." she said as she lifted her saddlebag onto her back and waited for the others. Over time it became slightly less heavy as she got used to the weight. *Dang North, does this book have every sort of creature you can think of?* she began to lose her balance now that the saddlebag was heavy on one end, and struggled to keep from falling over. She was sure the others could probably see the strain. "So... woah! Umm, hehe, So when do you think he will complete his life cycle?" she asked Flare. The phoenix looked about ready to finish right there. She ordered another cup of tea while she waited for the others to get ready.  In the mean time she but her bag back down and moved a few things here and there to help rebalance the bags so she wouldn't fall over. Lifting it back up she felt satisfied now that it was easier to haul her luggage to the boat.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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Diamond took the book from North. She put the book into her large bag and finished her tea. "Alright...I am ready to leave when everypony else is ready to leave." She said, Standing up and smiling.


"Or maybe...If none of you mind, I may go board the boat right now so I can sharpen my knives...and get a room...And maybe take a nap...I didn't sleep well." She chuckled. *I wish everypony could just wake up so we could get going, I wanna see this jungle.* She thought, Moving towards the door. She leaned against the wall, Waiting for an answer from the small group. "Or do you think I should wait for everypony else to wake up ?" She asked, Looking out at the busy street full of zebras.


*Today is going to be a very very long day...We need to pack everything onto the boat but in order to do that everypony needs to wake up. I think when we get the the boat I am going to go to my room and just stay there until we arrive. I wonder...How long did North Arrow say the trip will be ?" She thought, looking down at her front hooves and tapping them against the stone floor.



(OOC: We need to get to the jungle...STAT.)

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


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Arcane stirred, forgetting what he was doing or where he was at the time, so he had mistakenly decided to sleep in. The sun soon shone into his face, which disturbed his quite the lot. "DANGIT, I JUST WANT TO SLEEP IN MY WARM AND COSY BE-..." he paused as he opened his eyes. He just remembered where he was, and it wasn't his warm and cosy bed.

"Oh, that's right, I'm on the expedition... wait a second... CRAP I'M ON THE EXPEDITION" he yelled the last part of his sentence as he jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and prepare for the boat ride to the Amblezon Jungle, to where they would travel to the very middle of the whole thing, and uncover the Heart of the Jungle.


He finished cleaning himself off and getting ready before bursting out his door and getting downstairs to where everypony was. "Oh gosh guys, so sorry that I slept in, I had totally forgotten I was even here. I was thinking I was back at home, so that's the reason why I slept in" he said a bit sheepishly. "But its alright, because I'm here now, and I'm ready to go"

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Somber was still sitting by himself, watching the others of his expedition party converse among theirselves. Truth be told, if he wasn't so damn nervous, he would go over to them and talk, but talking wasn't his forte. Nor was being social. Unless he had his guitar, and that was still stuck in his room...


He could bring it, but he thinks that the leader of this party would be highly pissed. It wasn't like he was going to annoy the group with a few chords, or a cadence added during a quick break. Heck, the guitar could be used as extra wood for the fire pits they might make.


Whatever had happened to that one saying, "Music soothes the savage beast"? Would that apply easily to this situation? Or was that just an entire myth, a hoax?


He sighed as he sipped a bit more of his chamomile tea... Damn, this tasted good... He looked at the group yet again, recognizing no pony except for Hop... And somepony had brought in a small, fiery bird with him... It looked cool... But, everyone was getting ready, and he wanted to confirm his preparedness.


"I, uh... I'm ready...", he called out in a bit of a whisper.

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"Its no problem, I slept in a little as well...I didn't really get that much sleep last night...Good morning." Diamond said to Arcane as he trotted down the stairs. "I was thinking of going to the boat early...So I could get ready and sharpen my knives. Anypony is welcome to join me."


Diamond noticed a rather shy looking pony in the corner of the room say he was ready.

She smiled at him and walked over. "Hello, I don't think we have met as of yet. My name is Light Diamond. Everypony can just call me Diamond...I mean, I dont really care what everypony calls me." She smiled and held out her hoof to shake Somber's.


"As you probably just heard...I am going to go to the boat early...Would you like to walk with me ? I figured I would go over there and be ready before everypony else. And I would love some company. I mean, You don't have too if you don't want. I just thought I would offer." She said.


*Why does he have his guitar ? Maybe its like a gadget or a weapon or something...Hmm.* She thought, still holding her hoof out.

*Or maybe its just a normal guitar...Did you think of that one Diamond ?* 

Something something something something


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"Its no problem, I slept in a little as well...I didn't really get that much sleep last night...Good morning." Diamond said to Arcane as he trotted down the stairs. "I was thinking of going to the boat early...So I could get ready and sharpen my knives. Anypony is welcome to join me."


Diamond noticed a rather shy looking pony in the corner of the room say he was ready.

She smiled at him and walked over. "Hello, I don't think we have met as of yet. My name is Light Diamond. Everypony can just call me Diamond...I mean, I dont really care what everypony calls me." She smiled and held out her hoof to shake Somber's.


"As you probably just heard...I am going to go to the boat early...Would you like to walk with me ? I figured I would go over there and be ready before everypony else. And I would love some company. I mean, You don't have too if you don't want. I just thought I would offer." She said.


*Why does he have his guitar ? Maybe its like a gadget or a weapon or something...Hmm.* She thought, still holding her hoof out.

*Or maybe its just a normal guitar...Did you think of that one Diamond ?*

Somber was going to return back to his quiet and anti-social from when a new mare had shown up in front of him introducing herself. Then she had offered a hoof shake to him. He accepted it, then faced Diamond.


"M-My name is Somber Tunes.. It's a pleasure to meet you, Light Diamond... And uh.. Sure, I guess I can go with you to the boat... Faster we go, faster I can shake this fear...", he said softly, exclaiming the last part of his sentence to where she couldn't hear him without straining herself. He took her hoof, shaking it gently. He was indeed shaking from this.


*Well, nice job... She's probably weirded out by you... Quit shaking. You're making yourself seem like the bad wheel of this place.*


He finished up his tea, and got up from his seat, standing right next to Light Diamond, and looked a bit at the ground, still shaking quite a bit.


"I... I'm sorry if I'm a little nervous... The reason why I came here was that I am trying to conquer my fears of jungles... It's a silly phobia, I know, but I need to conquer this... Otherwise, I'll stay a scared pony for the rest of my life."

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"Oh, Arcane, good." North hefted one of the few remaining copies of the thick, leatherbound books onto the table. "I figure you'd appreciate this," he said, sliding one of the last copies of Legends of the Amblezon across the table to Arcane. "You look the bookish type. We all have a copy, but I figure it would be good to have somepony who can remember most of what they read, eh?" 


North glanced around the table, and seeing that everypony was indeed awake and gathered (If your character technically isn't yet, too bad. Lets just say they all are there), he gestured out the door. "Well, the sun has cleared the horizon. We'd better get going if we want to get there this time tomorrow." 


Ther group met Yemaza near the city gates, and North slipped him the final copy of Legends of the Amblezon. Then, the adventure began.


-time skip- 


It was nearly midday when the group reached the ocean. The small fishing villiage that served as the port for Timbucktu only had a few docks, and none of the boats docked looked like they would provide a luxury cruise. North lead them up to the largest one, which was only slightly larger than the average two-story yacht back on the Gulf of Manehattan, and nowhere near as luxorious. "It'll be a bit of a squeeze, but we'll all fit. I even got a guy to take us there. We should arrive at dawn tomorrow morning," North informed everypony in their group as the gangplank was lowered for them to board the small, slightly rusted vessel.


(OOC: I'll allow for a few posts to describe the boatride, but let's try and keep it short. I want to get to the jungle, and this boat ride frankly doesn't merit 90 more 800 character posts.)

North Arrow stretched. The salty sea air had become incredibly humid, as opposed to how it had been near Timbucktu. He sat, reclined in his cabin that was the size of a broom closet, doodling in the ancient tome of his the picture of the three headed snake that he remembered all too well... The Runespoor. He heard excited shouting from outside, and placed his tome open on his bed, which was the only thing, behind his pack and himself, the room had room for. As he emerged onto the deck, the sun was about two-thirds of the way through the sky. "Land! LAAAAAAND!" The captain of the ship cried. North strained his eyes, and saw the leafy canopy of the Amblezon Jungle. It seemed everypony else was on deck, too. "Okay, ponies," He announced, hovering up slightly so that he could be seen, "This is just the fringe of the jungle. The Fringe extends for several kilometres into the jungle, and is mostly benevolent. We won't see much resistance until the Jungle realises we're headed farther in than the Fringe." He watched as the ship lurched, and the gangplank was lowered onto a small, rocky peninsula that extended from the outer, widely spaced trunks of the Fringe, which, except for this one peninsula, engulfed the entire visible coastline...

  • Brohoof 1

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(OOC: @@Descant Are you refreshing the creature that Flip encountered in one of my posts?)


Leaf Orange left along with the group, once he heard all the others were ready, He gave his pack one more check to see if they got everything, and then they headed off to the dock, everypony got on the boat, noting the boat was barely big enough to carry the group.




Time went by, it has been hours since they departed for the Heart of the Jungle, Leaf Orange was put in the same cabin as North Arrow, mainly because there wasn't enough rooms to occupy one of each pony on the trip. There was a change in the air he breathed, It was salty, but at least it had oxygen. Leaf spent most of his time resting as lightly as possible. His mind was still filled with thoughts of what happened with Flip Flair. He hoped to Celestia that she wasn't dead. He then suddenly got bored of sleeping. Yea, he got bored of it and decided to peek over on what North was doing. He saw him sketching something on something... He then saw the three-headed snake freak thing... "Could that thing be the thing that got her?" he thought. Leaf then heard the captain yelling about something docking into the Amblezon.

Edited by Danger Dashie
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Diamond had been packing up the few things she had taken out of her bag when she heard somepony calling about land. *Bout bloody time.* She thought, Strapping on her bag and walking up to the mane deck. She smiled and looked at the massive tree's of the jungle.

"Its...Beautiful." She muttered, Walking over to the bow of the ship.



After a few more minutes of sailing, They had Arrived and the Gangplank was lowered. Diamond grinned and trotted down onto the rocky shore.

Almost the second her hoof touched the ground she felt something strange...She felt scared. *Not now Diamond...This is just the beginning.* She thought, Taking a deep breath and taking a few more steps onto the beach.

She looked into the Fringe and gulped. *No going back now...I am here to stay.* She thought, Looking back at the ship, Waiting for the rest of the group to get off.

*I wonder how far we are going to go into the jungle today. Its morning (I think.) So I guess we will have the whole day to move in.* She stretched her wings and took another deep breath. "Bring it on." She muttered, Staring into the jungle.

Something something something something


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(They had to sail for a whole day... so yes, its morning technically, but the day afterwards)

Arcane was disturbed by the rocking of the boat when they got near to the jungle, the waves were a lot choppier and the wind was faster the closer they got. This was an hour before, and Arcane was already roaming around the boat.


When the ship docked, Arcane hastened to get all his things in order and off the boat. He smiled at Diamond and walked down onto shore. The jungle was a lot scarier looking that he thought it would be. It was so dense that he could barely see ten feet into the, the foliage covering almost everything. The clouds overhead were gloomy and look a bit grey, signifying that it might rain while they were in there. 


"Hm... i'm no traveling expert, but i say we go 10 miles before setting up camp, and then have somepony quickly scout ahead to see what dangers there might be." he suggested. He didn't know the full potentials of the jungle, so maybe his plan wouldn't completely work. But it was simple enough.

Edited by Ponyworld Destroyer
  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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