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How much do you actually like each pony?



31 users have voted

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I just love seeing other people's opinions. I already did a poll of a lot of favorite stuff, and i saw some other "Who is your favorite pony" stuff, but... It's pretty hard to just rank ponies in places ( or chose 1 of them, for that matter), so if 2 people like Twilight the most, and other 2 like Fluttershy the most, I can't know which of them 2 is overall more liked ( or something).


So... I came up with a silly little idea to rate popular ponies. But in a more awesome way. You can rate them from 1 to 100 with up to two decimals ( well yeah, technically you could rate a pony with a 0.01, but why??). That way, if you like 2 ponies almost equally you can put their rating only 0.01 apart.  ^_^. In my opinion, this seems much better than just choosing which ponies you like more than others. I will also be able to calculate average rating of each pony to satisfy my curiosity even more.


You can rate the following ponies:



Based on 37 ratings so far


Highest ratings are Bold, lowest are Italic. Blue - overall highest rating.


- Dash, 77.97avg

- Twi, 81.71 avg

- Pinkie, 82.86 avg

- AJ, 81.42 avg

- Rarity, 73.9 avg

- Fluttershy, 74.39 avg


- Derpy, 76.54 avg

- Vinyl, 69.49 avg

- Octavia, 66.96 avg

- Lyra, 70.55 avg

- Colgate, 59.08 avg

- Berry Punch, 52.05 avg


- Sweetie Belle, 80.46 avg

- Applebloom, 75.41 avg

- Scootaloo, 80.07 avg

- Babs, 62.1 avg


- Big Mac, 65.39 avg

- Spitfire, 69.9 avg 

- Trixie, 69.48 avg

- Cheerilee, 56.21 avg

- Shining Armor, 64.3 avg



Use this (and don't add or remove anything):


- Dash

- Twi

- Pinkie

- AJ

- Rarity

- Fluttershy 


- Derpy

- Vinyl

- Octavia

- Lyra

- Colgate

- Berry Punch


- Sweetie Belle

- Applebloom

- Scootaloo

- Babs


- Big Mac

- Spitfire

- Trixie

- Cheerilee

- Shining Armor 




Well, go ahead now. It might take a few minutes though, but think before you rate them.

Edited by PinkiePai
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` Dash 27/100

- Twi 65/100

- Pinkie75/100

- AJ 42/100

- Rarity 70/100

- Fluttershy 40/100


- Derpy 20/100

- Vinyl 11/100

- Octavia 10/100

- Lyra 40/100

- Bon Bon 32/100

- Colgate53/100

- Berry Punch I'm too drunk to rate this one.

- Dr. Whooves 34/100


- Sweetie Belle 68/100

- Applebloom 46/100

- Scootaloo 23/100

- Babs 12/100


- Big Mac 32/100

- Spitfire 42/100

- Trixie 100/100 YUS

- Cheerilee 54/100

- Shining Armor 21/100


I don't like majority of the background ponies honestly. I always found that it was pointless to like them more then the more manestream ponies. I do like Colgate though. :P

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- Dash 100

- Twi 96

- Pinkie 100

- AJ 98

- Rarity 93

- Fluttershy 98


- Derpy 89

- Vinyl 85

- Octavia 83

- Lyra 85

- Bon Bon 30

- Colgate 60

- Berry Punch 55

- Dr. Whooves 50


- Sweetie Belle 95

- Applebloom 95

- Scootaloo 97

- Babs 93


- Big Mac 92

- Spitfire 95

- Trixie 85

- Cheerilee 92

- Shining Armor 94


I would complain that this list is missing Cadence, Chrysalis, Celestia and Luna, but it's a pretty sizeable list already. ;)


Dash is best pony. :wub: Pinkie is too. :)

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- Dash          100/100

- Twi               90/100

- Pinkie          80/100

- AJ                85/100

- Rarity          87/100

- Fluttershy  90/100


- Derpy             90/100

- Vinyl               70/100

- Octavia          65/100

- Lyra                65/100

- Bon Bon        60/100

- Colgate          55/100

- Berry Punch  40/100

- Dr. Whooves 60/100


- Sweetie Belle    87/100

- Applebloom       90/100 

- Scootaloo          95/100

- Babs                   76/100


- Big Mac             75/100

- Spitfire              85/100

- Trixie                 0.01/100

- Cheerilee          50/100

- Shining Armor  70/100


that seems about right.

  • Brohoof 2
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Coolio although i think i'd rather give each of them a letter grade than a  number grade.


- Dash    30/100 (Yeah come at me Rainbow fans)

- Twi       70/100

- Pinkie   65/100    

- AJ         100/100

- Rarity   70/100

- Fluttershy  95/100


- Derpy    80/100

- Vinyl      40/100

- Octavia  40/100

- Lyra       85/100

- Bon Bon 35/100

- Colgate   65/100

- Berry Punch  30/100

- Dr. Whooves 50/100


- Sweetie Belle 85/100

- Applebloom 65/100

- Scootaloo  90/100

- Babs 45/100


- Big Mac 70/100

- Spitfire 50/100

- Trixie   50/100

- Cheerilee 30/100

- Shining Armor 55/100


(No Celestia,Luna or Spike!?!? what!!)


Ill add them myself then


-Celestia  40/100

-Luna        75/100

-Spike       100/100

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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How do you work it out to two decimal places :P


Applejack = 100%

Ponies that aren't Applejack = 99%


Id go threw them a little more carefully but I'm about to start watching season 1 of "Game of Thrones"

Sorry it just slipped xD It took me a while to calculate all that and before I was done I got another reply, so wait a bit for the real results.

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- Dash 55

- Twi 80

- Pinkie 85

- AJ 99.9

- Rarity 99.8

- Fluttershy 60


- Derpy 49.9

- Vinyl 40

- Octavia 35

- Lyra 46

- Bon Bon 10

- Colgate 20

- Berry Punch 60

- Dr. Whooves 0


- Sweetie Belle 80

- Applebloom 80

- Scootaloo 80

- Babs 80


- Big Mac 50

- Spitfire 98

- Trixie was 75 now 40

- Cheerilee 50

- Shining Armor 50


Celestia 75

Luna 40

Spike 78


most of these are also based around fan behavior over these characters to RD, Fluttershy and Derpy would have been higher 

Edited by PonyEcho
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Applejack 100/100

Twilight Sparkle 90/100

Rainbow Dash 85/100

Pinkie Pie 85/100

Fluttershy 80/100

Rarity 65/100


Derpy 95/100

Vinyl 70/100

Octavia 75/100

Lyra 65/100

Bon Bon 65/100

Colgate 65/100

Berry Punch 70/100

Dr. Whooves 50/100


Sweetie Belle 100/100

Applebloom 95/100

Scootaloo 95/100

Babs 70/100


Big Mac 95/100

Spitfire 80/100

Trixie, 65/100

Cheerilee 65/100

Shining Armor 45/100

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Ooh, this is going to be a long (and fun!) post.


I was going to describe each character fully before rating them, but I reckon that'll apply to just the Mane 6.


Dashie, I was never a massive fan of her at the beginning - but I've grown to appreciate that beneath all that flyer bravado she's a really lovable character. She's second place out of six. 81/100.

Twilight never really stood out for me, unfortunately. I can still relate to her passion for studying :3 However, I've never truly bonded with her or felt her frustration properly in episodes like Lessen Zero or Winter Wrap Up, because she seems to have a very singular identity. She takes fifth place. 68/100.

Pinkie Pie is ADORABLE. Without a doubt, my favourite pony. She's joyfully over-enthusiastic, brimming with happiness, carefree and never fails to put an enormous grin on my face. What I like even more is that underneath that ridiculous joyfulness is sensitivity for others - I admired how she held back from playing a practical joke on Fluttershy because of her sensitive nature, and also how she tackled the issue of Gilda with throwing a party trying to turn her into a nice person. 100/100, and would go tons further if I could.

Applejack was my favourite pony for a long while, ever since her warm welcome and generally bright attitude in the first episode, her selflessness and caring in The Ticket Master, and her fortitude in Applebuck Season. However, since then I feel she's become just a little stale. Appreciating her for what she does and doesn't do, she earns a 78/100.

I can understand why people like Rarity - they're fans of glamour and talented characters. But Rarity never really shone for me outside of making dresses and being Spike's love life. I do think that she is overly finnicky, sometimes even pretentious. But, as I do, I try to recognise her skills and assets, so I won't throw her in at the deep end, and I'll give her a 62/100, which makes her my least favourite of the mane 6.

Fluttershy is an undeniably cute character. I can relate to her also, she loves animals in the same way that I do. Although, like Rarity, I don't see much to her over her masterful ability to handle animals, aside from aspiring to be more assertive. She still gets a high score from me for being a generally lovable character to watch - her soothing voice and a sprite that you just want to hug makes me give her 78/100, tying her for third place with AJ.


Derpy gets 100/100 for her representation of our fanbase's outstanding progress.

Vinyl gets 75/100, DJs are cool but she's nothing special.

Octavia 31/100. What's the fuss about her? >.>

Lyra likewise, she's just a background pony. I like the colourscheme though, have a 40/100.

Bon Bon also has a decent colourscheme, but again, background pony. 40/100.

Colgate, I don't even know who he/she is. 0/100.

Berry Punch can have a 40/100 also for the colourscheme.

Dr. Whooves is obviously a classic among bronies, but I never connected with the guy. Still, he can have 50/100.


Sweetie Belle gets 62/100.

Applebloom gets 82/100 because she is so adorable, and is normally first to see the bad in a situation as compared to her two friends.

Scootaloo gets 71/100.

Babs gets 80/100 for an excellent reformation of character. I love characters that do that - start off with you hating them and then you love them.


Big Mac can have 72/100 for adorableness. 

Spitfire is a cool character and all, but I didn't like her as much in Wonderbolt Academy. Reformation of character is still great, though, so she can have 72/100.

Trixie, 20/100. I despise her in every way. Cocky, arrogant, weak and there isn't anything good about her. How she got the fanbase she did I have no clue.

Cheerilee 78/100, for being quite literally the brightest pony around (maybe with the exception of Pinkie Pie) but also knowing how to bond with her students.

Shining Armor seemed a bit too sudden, doesn't anypony agree? Came right out of nowhere. Couldn't bond with him long term, so he has to get a 60/100 unfortunately because he still means well.

Edited by Flipturn
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- Dash 94
- Twi 93
- Pinkie 89
- AJ 81
- Rarity 83
- Fluttershy 100
- Derpy 100
- Vinyl 90
- Octavia 89
- Lyra 88
- Bon Bon 80
- Colgate 87
- Berry Punch 82
- Dr. Whooves 84
- Sweetie Belle 83
- Applebloom 80
- Scootaloo 85
- Babs 79
- Big Mac 76
- Spitfire 80
- Trixie 96
- Cheerilee 65
- Shining Armor 82

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Well in my last poll Dash got most of the votes, guess everyone likes her. But why so much hate for Trixie? She was an entertaining antagonist, unlike most others.

Edited by Full Spectrum
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- Dash, 45/100

- Twi, 85.61/100

- Pinkie, 90/100

- AJ, 99.99/100

- Rarity, 40/100

- Fluttershy, 59/100



- Derpy, 100/100 :wub:

- Vinyl, 77/100

- Octavia, 34/100

- Lyra, 83/100

- Bon Bon, 82/100

- Colgate, 22/100

- Berry Punch 62.95/100

- Dr. Whooves -100/100 (if negatives don't count then 0.01/100)


- Sweetie Belle 60/100

- Applebloom 57/100

- Scootaloo 64/100

- Babs 38/100


- Big Mac 58/100

- Spitfire 25/100

- Trixie 85.72/100

- Cheerilee 73.16/100

- Shining Armor 30/100


I think that's about right.


I'd also like to clarify that Dashie only got her score cause she's a mane 6. :l

Edited by TGAP Haven
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Ooh, this is going to be a long (and fun!) post.


I was going to describe each character fully before rating them, but I reckon that'll apply to just the Mane 6.


Dashie, I was never a massive fan of her at the beginning - but I've grown to appreciate that beneath all that flyer bravado she's a really lovable character. She's second place out of six. 81/100.

Twilight never really stood out for me, unfortunately. I can still relate to her passion for studying :3 However, I've never truly bonded with her or felt her frustration properly in episodes like Lessen Zero or Winter Wrap Up, because she seems to have a very singular identity. She takes fifth place. 68/100.

Pinkie Pie is ADORABLE. Without a doubt, my favourite pony. She's joyfully over-enthusiastic, brimming with happiness, carefree and never fails to put an enormous grin on my face. What I like even more is that underneath that ridiculous joyfulness is sensitivity for others - I admired how she held back from playing a practical joke on Fluttershy because of her sensitive nature, and also how she tackled the issue of Gilda with throwing a party trying to turn her into a nice person. The one thing that stops me from giving her a 100 is how easily nervous she gets - normally I still find it adorable of her character, but some marks must be taken! She ends up with a lovely 97/100.

Applejack was my favourite pony for a long while, ever since her warm welcome and generally bright attitude in the first episode, her selflessness and caring in The Ticket Master, and her fortitude in Applebuck Season. However, since then I feel she's become just a little stale. Appreciating her for what she does and doesn't do, she earns a 78/100.

I can understand why people like Rarity - they're fans of glamour and talented characters. But Rarity never really shone for me outside of making dresses and being Spike's love life. I do think that she is overly finnicky, sometimes even pretentious. But, as I do, I try to recognise her skills and assets, so I won't throw her in at the deep end, and I'll give her a 62/100, which makes her my least favourite of the mane 6.

Fluttershy is an undeniably cute character. I can relate to her also, she loves animals in the same way that I do. Although, like Rarity, I don't see much to her over her masterful ability to handle animals, aside from aspiring to be more assertive. She still gets a high score from me for being a generally lovable character to watch - her soothing voice and a sprite that you just want to hug makes me give her 78/100, tying her for third place with AJ.


Derpy gets 100/100 for her representation of our fanbase's outstanding progress.

Vinyl gets 75/100, DJs are cool but she's nothing special.

Octavia 31/100. What's the fuss about her? >.>

Lyra likewise, she's just a background pony. I like the colourscheme though, have a 40/100.

Bon Bon also has a decent colourscheme, but again, background pony. 40/100.

Colgate, I don't even know who he/she is. 0/100.

Berry Punch can have a 40/100 also for the colourscheme.

Dr. Whooves is obviously a classic among bronies, but I never connected with the guy. Still, he can have 50/100.


Sweetie Belle gets 62/100.

Applebloom gets 82/100 because she is so adorable, and is normally first to see the bad in a situation as compared to her two friends.

Scootaloo gets 71/100.

Babs gets 80/100 for an excellent reformation of character. I love characters that do that - start off with you hating them and then you love them.


Big Mac can have 72/100 for adorableness. 

Spitfire is a cool character and all, but I didn't like her as much in Wonderbolt Academy. Reformation of character is still great, though, so she can have 72/100.

Trixie, 20/100. I despise her in every way. Cocky, arrogant, weak and there isn't anything good about her. How she got the fanbase she did I have no clue.

Cheerilee 78/100, for being quite literally the brightest pony around (maybe with the exception of Pinkie Pie) but also knowing how to bond with her students.

Shining Armor seemed a bit too sudden, doesn't anypony agree? Came right out of nowhere. Couldn't bond with him long term, so he has to get a 60/100 unfortunately because he still means well.



I love it when people take time on their posts and when they're being very detailed. A for effort in my book for that nice essay.

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- RD                99/100

- Twi               90/100

- Pinkie          95/100

- AJ                80/100

- Rarity          85/100

- Fluttershy  0/100


- Derpy             95/100

- Vinyl               60/100

- Octavia          70/100

- Lyra                80/100

- Bon Bon        80/100

- Colgate          90/100

- Berry Punch  85/100

- Dr. Whooves 60/100


- Sweetie Belle    90/100

- Applebloom       65/100

- Scootaloo          50/100

- Babs                   76/100


- Big Mac             70/100

- Spitfire              60/100

- Trixie                 99/100

- Cheerilee          70/100

- Shining Armor  60/100

- RD                99/100

- Twi               90/100

- Pinkie          95/100

- AJ                80/100

- Rarity          85/100

- Fluttershy  0/100


- Derpy             95/100

- Vinyl               60/100

- Octavia          70/100

- Lyra                80/100

- Bon Bon        80/100

- Colgate          90/100

- Berry Punch  85/100

- Dr. Whooves 60/100


- Sweetie Belle    90/100

- Applebloom       65/100

- Scootaloo          50/100

- Babs                   76/100


- Big Mac             70/100

- Spitfire              60/100

- Trixie                 99/100

- Cheerilee          70/100

- Shining Armor  60/100

- RD                99/100

- Twi               90/100

- Pinkie          95/100

- AJ                80/100

- Rarity          85/100

- Fluttershy  0/100


- Derpy             95/100

- Vinyl               60/100

- Octavia          70/100

- Lyra                80/100

- Bon Bon        80/100

- Colgate          90/100

- Berry Punch  85/100

- Dr. Whooves 60/100


- Sweetie Belle    90/100

- Applebloom       65/100

- Scootaloo          50/100

- Babs                   76/100


- Big Mac             70/100

- Spitfire              60/100

- Trixie                 99/100

- Cheerilee          70/100

- Shining Armor  60/100

- RD                99/100

- Twi               90/100

- Pinkie          95/100

- AJ                80/100

- Rarity          85/100

- Fluttershy  0/100


- Derpy             95/100

- Vinyl               60/100

- Octavia          70/100

- Lyra                80/100

- Bon Bon        80/100

- Colgate          90/100

- Berry Punch  85/100

- Dr. Whooves 60/100


- Sweetie Belle    90/100

- Applebloom       65/100

- Scootaloo          50/100

- Babs                   76/100


- Big Mac             70/100

- Spitfire              60/100

- Trixie                 99/100

- Cheerilee          70/100

- Shining Armor  60/100

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- RD                99/100

- Twi               90/100

- Pinkie          95/100

- AJ                80/100

- Rarity          85/100

- Fluttershy  0/100


- Derpy             95/100

- Vinyl               60/100

- Octavia          70/100

- Lyra                80/100

- Bon Bon        80/100

- Colgate          90/100

- Berry Punch  85/100

- Dr. Whooves 60/100


- Sweetie Belle    90/100

- Applebloom       65/100

- Scootaloo          50/100

- Babs                   76/100


- Big Mac             70/100

- Spitfire              60/100

- Trixie                 99/100

- Cheerilee          70/100

- Shining Armor  60/100


- RD                99/100

- Twi               90/100

- Pinkie          95/100

- AJ                80/100

- Rarity          85/100

- Fluttershy  0/100


- Derpy             95/100

- Vinyl               60/100

- Octavia          70/100

- Lyra                80/100

- Bon Bon        80/100

- Colgate          90/100

- Berry Punch  85/100

- Dr. Whooves 60/100


- Sweetie Belle    90/100

- Applebloom       65/100

- Scootaloo          50/100

- Babs                   76/100


- Big Mac             70/100

- Spitfire              60/100

- Trixie                 99/100

- Cheerilee          70/100

- Shining Armor  60/100


- RD                99/100

- Twi               90/100

- Pinkie          95/100

- AJ                80/100

- Rarity          85/100

- Fluttershy  0/100


- Derpy             95/100

- Vinyl               60/100

- Octavia          70/100

- Lyra                80/100

- Bon Bon        80/100

- Colgate          90/100

- Berry Punch  85/100

- Dr. Whooves 60/100


- Sweetie Belle    90/100

- Applebloom       65/100

- Scootaloo          50/100

- Babs                   76/100


- Big Mac             70/100

- Spitfire              60/100

- Trixie                 99/100

- Cheerilee          70/100

- Shining Armor  60/100


- RD                99/100

- Twi               90/100

- Pinkie          95/100

- AJ                80/100

- Rarity          85/100

- Fluttershy  0/100


- Derpy             95/100

- Vinyl               60/100

- Octavia          70/100

- Lyra                80/100

- Bon Bon        80/100

- Colgate          90/100

- Berry Punch  85/100

- Dr. Whooves 60/100


- Sweetie Belle    90/100

- Applebloom       65/100

- Scootaloo          50/100

- Babs                   76/100


- Big Mac             70/100

- Spitfire              60/100

- Trixie                 99/100

- Cheerilee          70/100

- Shining Armor  60/100

Yeah I'm pretty mad. confused the buck out of me the first time I read it over. Took me a while to realize it was copy pasted all over the place. Good job lol

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Please note: 100 is best pony possible, 50 is neutral and 0.01 is worst.


Rainbow Dash    100

Fluttershy              92

Rarity                    91.9

Twilight Sparkle     83

Pinkie Pie              79

Applejack              75 (U mad Clarity?) 


Derpy Hooves     100 (U mad Hasbro?)

Doctor Whooves    95

Vinyl/DJ PON3       91 

Octavia                  85

Colgate                  65

Lyra                       54

Bon Bon                49

Berry Punch          30 (useless character!!!111one!!)


Scootaloo            97 (Scootalove is canon, *yay*)

Sweetie Belle         91

Apple Bloom          81

Babs Seed            77


Spitfire                90 (Eeeeey sexy pony)

Cheerilee              81 (best teacher, because Tombstone said so ^ ^)

GA Trixie              80 (because she's Great and Apologetic from Magic Duel) :D

Big Mac                67 

Shining Armour    55


Luna                   87

Cadance             78

Celestia              69 (Molestia) (lol, 69)


...and just for the hell of it


Diamond Tiara    0.01

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Please note: 100 is best pony possible, 50 is neutral and 0.01 is worst.


Rainbow Dash    100

Fluttershy              92

Rarity                    91.9

Twilight Sparkle     83

Pinkie Pie              79

Applejack              75 (U mad Clarity?) 


Derpy Hooves     100 (U mad Hasbro?)

Doctor Whooves    95

Vinyl/DJ PON3       91 

Octavia                  85

Colgate                  65

Lyra                       54

Bon Bon                49

Berry Punch          30 (useless character!!!111one!!)


Scootaloo            97 (Scootalove is canon, *yay*)

Sweetie Belle         91

Apple Bloom          81

Babs Seed            77


Spitfire                90 (Eeeeey sexy pony)

Cheerilee              81 (best teacher, because Tombstone said so ^ ^)

GA Trixie              80 (because she's Great and Apologetic from Magic Duel) :D

Big Mac                67 

Shining Armour    55


Luna                   87

Cadance             78

Celestia              69 (Molestia) (lol, 69)


...and just for the hell of it


Diamond Tiara    0.01

Damn xD this threw me off. Should go in the same order as in my post, because after calculating almost half of all that I realized you went in order from bigger to smaller rating. ^_^ fml lol

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Yeah I'm pretty mad. confused the buck out of me the first time I read it over. Took me a while to realize it was copy pasted all over the place. Good job lol

lol yeah for some reason i tried publishing the comment multiple times but an error kept coming up. But then it decided to work every time  :lol:

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lol yeah for some reason i tried publishing the comment multiple times but an error kept coming up. But then it decided to work every time  :lol:

Love the gif as your avatar though. I don't know why people hate Trixie so much, but she still has the highest rating of those few secondary characters I put up for vote.

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-Dash: 95.8/100 I absolutely adore her for her flaws. 

- Twi: 78.59 Just like me. Therefore, not incredibly interesting to me, but oh so identifiable.

- Pinkie: 30/100 Great in her own episodes, boring in others.

- AJ: 100/100 I love her in every scene she's in.

- Rarity: 70/100 Was best pony Season 1, but deteriorated since then. Her good moments are REALLY good though.

- Fluttershy: 20.8/100 Stunning Season 2 episodes and one good Season 1 episode (Stare Master). If I were just going by pure numbers of episodes, would be 5/100, but her Season 2 episodes were very, very good. Otherwise boring.


- Derpy: 15/100 Meh. Seen some decent fanfics. Don't like how people ignored an Applejack episode for her.

- Vinyl: 20/100. Inspiration for some good music.

- Octavia: 60/100. Inspiration for better music.

- Lyra: 80/100 Best background pony fanfiction. Pun not intended.

- Colgate: 30.9/100 Played a great game about her.

- Berry Punch: 30/100 Funny.


- Dr. Whooves: 30/100 Like Doctor Who, but he's meh.

- Bon Bon: 60/100 I like the straight mare.


- Sweetie Belle: 80.2/100 Love her relationship with Rarity.

- Applebloom: 15/100 I am sick of Applebloom. Her glut of Season 2 episodes ruined her for me.

- Scootaloo: 81.9/100 Love her in her episode so much. So much.

- Babs: 76/100 Good episode, likable in her second appearance.


- Big Mac: 20/100 Meh.

- Spitfire: 40/100 I like her. 

- Trixie: 20/100 Overrated, but a decent antagonist. 

- Cheerilee: 20/100 Okay?

- Shining Armor: 30/100 He's okay.

Edited by Stellafera
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Rainbow Dash - 50/100

Twilight - 90/100

Pinkie Pie - 95/100

Fluttershy - 94/100

Rarity - 96/100

Applejack - 85/100

Spike - 93/100


Sweetie Belle - 95/100

Apple Bloom - 95/100

Scootaloo - 96/100

Babs - 80/100


Derpy - 2/100

Lyra - 10/100

Dr. Whooves - 0/100

Vinyl Scratch - 15/100

Octavia - 5/100

Berry Punch - 25/100


- Don't care at all for/about the Background Ponies. It annoys me how much dedication some of them get sometimes. I know Dr. Whooves isn't technically on the list, but he's always bugged me the most for some reason. I think it's because I know so many annoying Dr. Who fans IRL.


Spitfire - 50/100

Cheerilee - 80/100

Bic Mac - 85/100

Trixie - 20/100

Shining Armour - 55/100


Celestia - 60/100

Luna - 90/100

Candace - 70/100

Edited by Carolina
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- Dash 95/100(it used to be around 85 percent until season 3)
- Twi 72'100
- Pinkie 79(Used to be 83 until season 3)
- AJ 65/100
- Rarity 85/100
- Fluttershy 85/100
- Derpy 95/100
- Vinyl 90/100
- Octavia 39/100
- Lyra 80/100
- Bon Bon 70/100
- Colgate 50/100
- Berry Punch 30/100
- Dr. Whooves 79/100
- Sweetie Belle 80/100
- Applebloom 85/100
- Scootaloo 100/100
- Babs 79/100
- Big Mac 78/00
- Spitfire 70/100
- Trixie 65/100
- Cheerilee 75/100
- Shining Armor 82/100

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Rainbow Dash - 50/100

Twilight - 90/100

Pinkie Pie - 95/100

Fluttershy - 94/100

Rarity - 96/100

Applejack - 85/100

Spike - 93/100


Sweetie Belle - 95/100

Apple Bloom - 95/100

Scootaloo - 96/100

Babs - 80/100


Derpy - 2/100

Lyra - 10/100

Dr. Whooves - 0/100

Vinyl Scratch - 15/100

Octavia - 5/100

Berry Punch - 25/100


- Don't care at all for/about the Background Ponies. It annoys me how much dedication some of them get sometimes. I know Dr. Whooves isn't technically on the list, but he's always bugged me the most for some reason. I think it's because I know so many annoying Dr. Who fans IRL.


Spitfire - 50/100

Cheerilee - 80/100

Bic Mac - 85/100

Trixie - 20/100

Shining Armour - 55/100


Celestia - 60/100

Luna - 90/100

Candace - 70/100

Please use the same format as my post. It's really annoying having to write all of these down. 22 columns and 15 rows is 330 numbers with 2 or more digits. I can do it reasonably fast if I can just look up the screen and write the numbers from top to bottom, but it's really annoying if people make their own order. Just copy my post and replace "# avg" with your rating, that's all there is to it.


I don't really care for Rarity, but I still gave her a 92. And even background characters are an important part of the fandom. I will only add Spike/Luna/Celestia/whatever if this thread becomes popular, which is unlikely, because otherwise it's not worth the time. I won't take your votes in consideration because of those particular details.


Also to everyone else, minimum rating is 0.01, I will not be counting any 0 ratings.

Edited by PinkiePai
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