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Christian bronies: meet, greet, and mingle!

Zach TheDane

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@Sterling Crimson


Tell me, what specific topic within biblical theology is your dad focusing on in his studies? I've always admired people -- Karl Barth, for example -- who were active both as pastors and theologians. It's a rare skill since many lay people (i.e., those not inclined toward theological discourse) may see theology as a hindrance to faith. I find it to be quite the opposite.


I was indeed very lucky to get a course with my own dad. He got us to read the entirety of the New Testament along with Introduction to the New Testament by Achtemeier, Green, and Thompson. Truly tremendous stuff, given how short a graduate semester can be.

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My dad does quite a bit of work dealing with metaphysics and philosophical hermeneutics. He gave me names such as Jean Luc-Marion and Martin Heidegger. I've also seen him read some Nicholas Wolterstorff and John Calvin. He goes through a lot of reading and knows a whole variety of theologians and philosophers. He'd know Karl Barth as well.


I agree with you there. Theology is so important in knowing how the Bible was originally conceived. Too many times have people performed incorrect exegesis and missed the entire point of a passage in the Bible. 

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I am a Nontrinitarian Christian, which for those that don't know what means I am a Christian that doesn't believe in the Trinity doctrine as was made during the Council of Nicaea.


So admittingly I'm probably the odd one out here.

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I am a Nontrinitarian Christian, which for those that don't know what means I am a Christian that doesn't believe in the Trinity doctrine as was made during the Council of Nicaea.


So admittingly I'm probably the odd one out here.

It makes sense why some people don't believe in the doctrine of the trinity. It is more implied in the Bible and isn't really outright stated. If you don't mind me asking what is your stance on the existence and purpose of each side of the trinity. Like do you believe there is a holy spirit? Are Jesus and God the same or are they at different levels of power and importance? I would really like to know.

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Well God is the Father and Jesus Christ is the Son. An actual father and son relationship thus why you see the words 'Son of God' in the New Testament so often. The Holy Spirit is His voice and messenger of God, the one that allows connect with the Father in prayer and tells us God is very real.


One analogy I use when it comes to the Father and the Son is that the first was the architect of the universe and the second was the builder of the universe.


As Jesus Christ said "I and my Father are one" which is that they are one in purpose and mindset... they will never disagree. Jesus Christ goes about his Father's business, not his own though because they are one the Father's business is the Son's business.


Also Jesus Christ is the Jehovah thus why Jesus said he is the great 'I Am', the god the Old Testament.

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I believe in God the almighty. I can try to win a debate with an atheist if I could :P.


There are a fair number of threads in the Debate Pit, where you could do just that, if you're so inclined.  The discussions on pro-life/choice and gay rights almost always boil down to whether or not somebody believes in God (and by extension, whether they consider the Bible a valid source of laws/customs).

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Hey dude. I am a Christian and I recently got into a debate with a handful of aethist on this site. Let's just say I didn't make any progress. Not because I said the wrong stuff but because they weren't listening to me. They were being simple minded and extremely annoying.

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I had no idea you were a Christian! This is SO NEAT! Pleased to know this!



Debates always end that way. You shouldn't bother debating against people unless you enjoy that sort of stuff. It never really gets anywhere in the end and only makes you tired.

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Well God is the Father and Jesus Christ is the Son. An actual father and son relationship thus why you see the words 'Son of God' in the New Testament so often. The Holy Spirit is His voice and messenger of God, the one that allows connect with the Father in prayer and tells us God is very real.


One analogy I use when it comes to the Father and the Son is that the first was the architect of the universe and the second was the builder of the universe.


As Jesus Christ said "I and my Father are one" which is that they are one in purpose and mindset... they will never disagree. Jesus Christ goes about his Father's business, not his own though because they are one the Father's business is the Son's business.


Also Jesus Christ is the Jehovah thus why Jesus said he is the great 'I Am', the god the Old Testament.


This is interesting stuff. Where exactly do you differ in respect to Trinitarian Christians?  I believe in the trinity very strongly, but what you have written seems to agree with that for the most part.


Nice to meet you, by the way!


There are a fair number of threads in the Debate Pit, where you could do just that, if you're so inclined.  The discussions on pro-life/choice and gay rights almost always boil down to whether or not somebody believes in God (and by extension, whether they consider the Bible a valid source of laws/customs).


I'm looking forward to reaching 40 posts!


That's very true. All debates I've had on any ethics topic seem to boil down to the basis of God and the Bible in the end. Kind of tells you where the issue lies, doesn't it?




Hey dude. I am a Christian and I recently got into a debate with a handful of aethist on this site. Let's just say I didn't make any progress. Not because I said the wrong stuff but because they weren't listening to me. They were being simple minded and extremely annoying.



Debates always end that way. You shouldn't bother debating against people unless you enjoy that sort of stuff. It never really gets anywhere in the end and only makes you tired.


Yeah, debating is incredibly draining... Even debating other Christians.


Debating over the internet makes things even more difficult.


I get the feeling that ponies don't tend to take arguments on the internet very seriously, but I don't have much experience to speak from.


Ohhhhhhhhh! oh! oh! oh! me! me! me! me! me! pick me! pick me! pick me! am! I am! *jumps up and down repeatedly waving hand in the air like a spaz* lol I am! :D :D :D :D


Welcome!  :lol:





Oh right here! I was actually raised Jewish had a Barmitzvah and all that jazz. However later down the road I converted to Christianity. I am so happy I did!


Welcome to you, too!


Good to meet everypony!


It's quite heartwarming to see how many Christian bronies there are out there.

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Oh right here! I was actually raised Jewish had a Barmitzvah and all that jazz. However later down the road I converted to Christianity. I am so happy I did!

So was I! I just like Christian religion better, I was actually raised Christian and went to a Christian school until my mom realized we were Jewish I practice the religion for her but I will always be Christian. (we  went to the Christian school even after we found out we were Jewish)

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Christian here.  :muffins:


Well, I'm from a conservative Bible-Presbyterian church, and I believe in the reformed faith (Calvinism). 


Glad to see other Christians here! 


S. D. G.! 


Wow! After our conversations about classical music we have something else in common! I too am Presbyterian, a member of the PCA. Definitely a Calvinist. Soli Deo Gloria, indeed! :)

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Wow! After our conversations about classical music we have something else in common! I too am Presbyterian, a member of the PCA. Definitely a Calvinist. Soli Deo Gloria, indeed! :)


Wow. Such a coincidence! Glad to find you here! :) 

At least I've someone to talk to about classical music and Theology online. ;) 

Heh. :)

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I had no idea you were a Christian! This is SO NEAT! Pleased to know this!

Thank you :)


This is interesting stuff. Where exactly do you differ in respect to Trinitarian Christians? I believe in the trinity very strongly, but what you have written seems to agree with that for the most part.


Nice to meet you

Statements made by the Trinity doctrine:

There is only one God, The Father is God, Jesus is God, The Holy Spirit is God, Jesus is not the Father, Jesus is not the Spirit, The Father is not the Spirit


I do not believe in the three in one aspect, I believe they are literally separate... physically though one mentally and emotionally.

There's another aspect of the Trinity that I did not cover the last post and that is the belief God is a spirit... I believe God has a very real and physical body as does his son after living a mortal life, dying, and being resurrected. The only one without a physical body is the Holy Spirit thus allowing him to dwell within all of us and allowing us to be connected with God.

This is why I am a Nontrinitarian Christian.


Thank you I'm glad to meet you as well.

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Statements made by the Trinity doctrine:

There is only one God, The Father is God, Jesus is God, The Holy Spirit is God, Jesus is not the Father, Jesus is not the Spirit, The Father is not the Spirit


I do not believe in the three in one aspect, I believe they are literally separate... physically though one mentally and emotionally.

There's another aspect of the Trinity that I did not cover the last post and that is the belief God is a spirit... I believe God has a very real and physical body as does his son after living a mortal life, dying, and being resurrected. The only one without a physical body is the Holy Spirit thus allowing him to dwell within all of us and allowing us to be connected with God.

This is why I am a Nontrinitarian Christian.


Thank you I'm glad to meet you as well.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the explaination, I had never previously considered Nontrinitarianism (say that three times fast!) before.




Oh, wait, I think I misunderstood your first explanation. When you say an "actual father and son relationship", do you mean physically? Like a human father and son? Please excuse my sluggish mind.

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