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Which juice do you drink for breakfast?


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I don't drink juice. Everyone seems to drink it before I do. I usually drink water. Nice ice cold water to wake me up. Sometimes I'll have some green tea with no sugar or milk in it. Recently I've been having black coffee.

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Definitely orange juice, it is the king of fruit juices and breakfast beverages. All bow down to the almighty orange and bask in its vitamin C glory.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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Back at school I'll usually buy a Naked Smoothie (for those familar, my favorite are the Red Machine and Blue Machine) at the campus store and keep it in the fridge over night, that way I can just grab it and drink on-the-go on the way to class (yes, sometimes I cut it close :P).

  • Brohoof 1
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I drink a big glass of Sunny D. It tastes so good. For whatever reason, I don't really like plain Orange Juice (Pulp, although I like it better now), but I like Sunny D.

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I drink Gin & Juice be cause im a plaaayyaa! But on ocassions i drink chocolate milk mixed with orange juice and apple juice and cranberry juice and ice tea. Why you ask? Because I'm a....wait for it...man and i can do whatever i want regardless of how pointless it is.

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I don't like orange juice, the only juice for breakfast is Apple juice (or, in the right season and if I can get to the orchard, real apple cider). I usually don't drink juice in the morning at all though, my typical breakfast is cereal with milk and I don't need a dedicated drink as well.

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I don't eat breakfast; I don't drink juice. There are only two things on the entire earth I drink: Soda or water with lemon juice. (I suppose water with lemon juice could be classified as juice, but I don't drink it too often; only when there's no soda in the house.)

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I like to have the good old fashioned Orange Juice :3

It really doesn't matter on the pulp.levels for me, I love the strong taste of Orange Juice...





In all honesty, I would LOVE to go back into having Grape Juice or Apple Juice in the morning

Those were my childhood morning drinks and I miss them a lot :(

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I don't usually have breakfast (It's bad, I know :blink: )  so I usually start off the day with a glass of water. Bu ton the odd occasion that I do have breakfast, it's either orange juice or 5-Alive. Love that mango 5-Alive!

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Juice? HAH! Soda is the only way to go!


But seriously, I rarely drink juice, even though I like it. But I don't even eat Breakfast in the morning. My only Breakfast is Pepsi. (Yes, I drink soda all day, every day. Healthy! B) )


...Okay, I drink alot of water, too.

Edited by Twi Rubix
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I frantically drink half a cup of black coffee as such so it will burn my esophagus so I don't taste the toast I just burnt.

Breakfast is my favorite meal...on weekends.  -_-

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I usually don't drink juice, because I have mulk with my cereal.post-6675-0-86654700-1357551589.png


Still, if i DID drink juice, it'd probably be apple juice. I wuv apple juice <3


EDIT: Sorry, I meant malk, not mulk >.< stupid typo

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For breakfast, I drink milk. YEAH~


I seldom drink juice, but since I don't like to eat fruits, my mom tells my housemaid to make a blended fruit mashup for me to drink everyday. It's some of the worst sh*t I've had, yet it is mandatory for me to drink it. I usually gulp the whole thing down within 5 seconds just to get it over with. 

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The blood of the innocent.


Nah, I don't usually drink anything in the mornings. Other times, I just drink water (unless I'm eating out) because I'm hardcore like that. :mellow:

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