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gaming Camping - Your Thoughts

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Camping - Yea or Nay?  

27 users have voted

  1. 1. Is camping ok?

    • Yes
    • No

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So whilst trolling through the things that annoy you thread a fantastic member posted that campers piss them off...so it got me to thinking I can see both sides of this issue


As a veteran I am familiar with tactics and it got me to thinking..so let me present both sides as I understand them and then finish with my personal belief


Pro - Camping gives you a good K/D ration if you do it right. All the rushers will walk into your well-covered area and find themselves staring down your gun


Con - Camping deflates the fun of the game and the purpose is to charge in or move around to tactical positions to find your kill. The only campers should allowed should have a sniper rifle on them


Now I am sure it's pretty clear where I stand


In the game I have done both. I've camped and have been a rusher...so here is my side of it


My Belief - Camping is natural and important. I understand there are calculated attacks in real life war that involve storming a compound but I also know from the real world military life that there is such a thing as tactical position and allowing an enemy to come to you to meet their demise. So yes I believe camping is just fine...unless you're that one guy who camps in some location and doesn't do anything...then I don't understand


Personally I think people just get irate over the game and their deaths and look for someone to blame...I know I've done it


So what say you? Is camping ok in any situation outside of sniper locations or is it all bad?


Yes I realize this is a video game btw...but my position is still the same

  • Brohoof 2

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I love games with tactics. It shows that you need to think through your options instead of blindly running into the fire.


I don't camp much, but if I know I am surrounded in a game, I will hide in a corner and try to fend off attackers. Even if I do camp, it will only be for a short amount of time.


I tend to find that drop-shooters are worse: that drop to the ground to have a better chance at not getting hit and increasing the accuracy. I find that relatively annoying if you know that they are yours. It's like catching a rabbit in a snare, only for it to kick you in the tender parts and run off, only to do it again.


Am I digressing here?


In the end, I don't mind campers, as long as they are not doing it ALL the time that they play. It makes the game a chore instead of fun.

  • Brohoof 2

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I love games with tactics. It shows that you need to think through your options instead of blindly running into the fire.


I don't camp much, but if I know I am surrounded in a game, I will hide in a corner and try to fend off attackers. Even if I do camp, it will only be for a short amount of time.


I tend to find that drop-shooters are worse: that drop to the ground to have a better chance at not getting hit and increasing the accuracy. I find that relatively annoying if you know that they are yours. It's like catching a rabbit in a snare, only for it to kick you in the tender parts and run off, only to do it again.


Am I digressing here?


In the end, I don't mind campers, as long as they are not doing it ALL the time that they play. It makes the game a chore instead of fun.

I can agree with this. I find myself picking off 3-5 enemies then moving tactical position. That's partially why my KDR stays above 1.00 because I use such tactics

  • Brohoof 1

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Well it all depends, I don't do either. I've come up with my own strategy. Which is far more annoying than rusher & camper.

Sure both have their downsides, however I've come to my conclusion that camping is fine, especially with my playstyle...

Let me explain what mine is, which I like to call. "Stalker"

Step 1: Follow a troll / Someone you dislike.

Step 2: In-game, study their tactics from afar, learn what weapon they tend to use etc.

Step 3: Use pistols! Nothing is more humiliating then demolishing the competition with "Crappy guns" as most noobs call them.

Step 4: Remain silent! Wait for the troll to react to your actions, Simply do not talk and keep targeting him. When he's had enough and rage quits. Just keep following him in lobbies and such.

Stalkers tatics:

Walk around corners and slowly observe your surroundings. 

Using small arm weapons / Knives & Melee. You want to be stealthy and swift.

[if a game like Halo with tea-bag worthy kill cams...] Don't tea-bag. Instead... stare at their body. and just stare until they re-spawn.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't see why people seem to get up in arms about it. Sure it can be annoying, but on the other hand it's not that difficult to make a camper move. You just have to remember or find out where they are. IMO campers should be able to camp if they want to, and shouldn't get peer pressured into changing their playstyle simply because those fighting them aren't good enough to remove them from their 'nest'. I find camping more boring than running around as you have to wait for the enemy to come to you, so I don't do it much. Tis fun every once and awhile though. 


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I don't agree with camping being good. But it is funny trying to camp in one place, and just dispose of the enemy one by one. Not the best tactic, but it'll get the job done. Like when you are surrounded, kill all of the enemies, and camp in the enemy's spawn all you have to do is hide in a good place and just kill whatever enemy is in your line of sight.

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Campers can be annoying sometimes, and I honestly don't see how they can be having fun, but I don't care too much either way. I am neither what you would call a rusher or a camper, but I use a different technique entirely. The way I play (knife only) demands that I'm unpredictable so I can get behind people and avoid direct conflict so I can't camp or just blindly rush at the enemy. Those techniques, I've found, work well when using a gun too.

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I voted no mainly based on if they do it constantly and all the time. However, that can easily be countered, much easier than tracking down someone who camps in one spot, and then "migrates" after they get a kill (like I do).


Now spawn-killing, that's my true enemy.

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There's nothing wrong with camping.


There IS something wrong with games which encourage camping. If it's possible to win a game by sitting in a room with only one entrance for the entire duration then either every single other person on that server is terrible, or the map is terrible. Most likely both.

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Camping made COD a complete rage fest, but I don't play it anymore. BF3 campers are all right to a small extent because it's really part of the game. Considering it's supposed to be based off of real life fighting, someone with sniper/lmg and bipod shouldn't be yelled at for getting perched up on a roof giving their teammates cover. Plus, corner campers in BF3 are VERY uncommon, so I'm pretty much all right with it.


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Well, I think spawn camping makes you an ass.


But camping, as in finding a reasonable position and picking people off is fine.

It's just a choice whether you want to bet on your patience and precision or speed and good reflexes.

  • Brohoof 2


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When somebody camps the spawn you might as well end the game at that point. Spawn camping is never acceptable. Thankfully Red Orchestra 2 prevents camping on the last remaining spawn point, and only one or two people per team are permitted a scoped rifle at any given time. Camping the exit to a spawn point in a game that provides methods of strategic exit, such as smoke grenades for cover, is a bit different, but having a clear shot at people the moment they appear is always cheap.


Camping in other places, like random hallways, is also legit if the point of the game is to capture territory. The defending team has to set up the best blockade they can to withstand the aggressor. The attacking team not only has to claim territory but they have to prevent it from being reclaimed. Territory matches by definition require camping.


In huge, open-world shooters like Planetside, it's fine, though there are features in place to prevent it from getting out of hand. Spawn rooms have shielding on the doors. Splash damage from grenades and missiles will get through but projectiles themselves will not. The only time you have to be cautious is when spawning on a Sunderer. Sunderers are personnel transports that can be deployed into a mobile respawn point. Naturally, it can be destroyed like any other vehicle on the battlefield. This means that if you spawn on a Sunderer there's a very real chance of getting immediately slaughtered depending on how overrun the area is.



Since the subject of K/D has come up, I have a few things to say about it. The importance of kill:death ratios is overblown by most people in class-based shooters. It doesn't mean much in games like that. Snipers, if played correctly, are opportunists; they cover the advance of an assault force and waiting for an enemy to make themselves vulnerable. Medics and engineers in games that include such classes will necessarily have a "worse" ratio since they spend less time with a gun in their hands and looking out for enemies. Planetside 2 is the prime example of this. My K/D is .94. Some would say that's not so good, but considering that I almost always play engineer and am constantly repairing mechanized units, leaving myself completely vulnerable, it's great. You also get experience for "kill assists," meaning if you damage an enemy and a teammate kills him, you still get a little something. I've gotten thousands of assists, making victory possible for allies who otherwise would have been killed if they were faced with a fresh enemy. I may not have gotten credit for the kill, but many kills other people have gotten wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me. Many other shooters don't account for assists at all but the same is true in them as well.


tl;dr - K/D doesn't account for several important factors, and isn't an accurate representation of many players' skill.

Edited by Artemis
  • Brohoof 1


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Camping is alright. Spawn-camping is the real problem. I usually sneak around, do flanks and such. So this could mean I'm running around everywhere or I'm camping, waiting for the chance to move.


It basically comes down to how you like to play. There's downsides to both styles. My friend was complaining, and he asked me "Why would anyone camp? Why would they buy a $60 game just to sit in a corner?" To which I replied, "Why would you buy a game just to run around and die all the time?" ..I just think spawn-killing isn't fair. Then the other team has no chance to do anything.

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Although I have nothing against campers, other than finding them annoying, I don't see how you can have fun playing in that style.  I constantly run around maps like a spaz, shooting down anyone in my way.  It's a good thing I could care less about my K/D ratios, my BO2 ratio is a 0.74 or something, but I don't care, because I have a crap load of fun playing in my style.  For example, this one time, I went 9-99 in a 2v2 match on MW3 with my friend on my team.  We just killed ourselves with C4 nearly the entire match, and I had a blast. (no pun intended  :P

  • Brohoof 1


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In CoD, campers are some of the worst type of players out there. They make the game very slow, and many times, they may not help their teammates. They usually do it for K/D, and even then still suck. I hate them, and wish they would atleast man up and try to run around a bit. They don't have to rush into the enemy spawn, they can just hover around their own spawn, but please, don't be a corner-camping bushwookie dark-corner McDougal or a head-glitching bitch. This applies to snipers in CoD as well. I'd rather they do what I do and hover around their own spawn, picking off enemies from a long sightline, as opposed to being perched up in a window entire time.


Whatever, that's why Black Ops II had the Orbital VSAT :). When that thing is brought up, campers are toast.


Outside of that, I'm not sure. BF3 is a very slow game, which needs more strategy than just running and gunning (Unless playing Close Quarters TDM), and guns kill slowly, so campers aren't as bad, but are still an annoyance that needs to be dealt with. Those are the only two online FPS franchises I play though, so yeah.

Edited by spas-ticShotty
  • Brohoof 1



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It all depends on the game and how it is being done. If you are playing COD and just sitting there for kills, you are no fun and are ruining the game. But lets say you are playing battlefield and you have an attack chopper pinning you down, than I see nothing wrong with camping.


As for spawn camping, that is both the developer's and gamer's fault. The developer shouldn't even make it possible to travel in enemy spawn area, and gamer's shouldn't be stupid and unfair by abusing that.


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Camping is the cheapest of tactics, but a tactic regardless.


I find it to be a fine tactic to use when defending a point in objective based matches but people who camp all the time just lack skill. But FPSs are reaction based games, people tend to camp because their reactions are too slow to be able to move about and still get kills, meaning it is entirely possible to react quick enough to kill a camper before they kill you.



I've been using snipers to quickscope for the past few months, meaning when i do encounter a camper i can quickly scope up and get a kill on them before they even hitmark me, 9 times out of 10 i can kill a camper before they kill me.


There are two things that piss me off though, campers who think that they are skilled for having a high K/Dr in a match that they sat in the same corner and campers that complain about shit spawns who obviously cannot grasp the concept of proximity based spawning.

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Depends, if you are talking about CoD then it's wrong because the maps are really small so you have to move all the time.
In CS the same thing.
Now BF3, that i'm currently playing...
Camping in conquest is ok, but in TDM or SDM is not good.

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Kinda cheap but its my fault if I die more than once to a camper. Back when C&C Renegade had a community, there were numerous matches that ended with one entire team camping in the barracks while the opposing team was bombarding the crap out of it.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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I did not vote.

The only reason for this fact is that I play two very different games.

Cod is full of campers on a really fast passed game with half of my team stupid enough to die to the same camper 20 times


While in Bf3 camping is very necessary at times.

I could say one and deny the other answer :P


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If you're not sniping, standing in the same place for more than a minute is camping and therefore NOT ok.

Ducking behind cover and shooting from there is fine, as long as you keep moving.

Spawn camping deserves a game kick. NO exceptions.

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