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private Pirate Adventure RP!


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"yes, i understand. Ah probably got carried away, and ah'm still helping. ahm firing that cannon there." she sighed "alright, so it's not just my command only! apparently the first mate is giving the commands." she set herself on one of the cannons, ready in case.

"can we still do the left to right thing? ah like that tactic."

(OOC: i thought i was giving the commands for one level of cannons only)


"Dash, you do get a level of cannons, but the First Mate will be giving the main commands. Now, Fuse-"

He spun around.

"I'm captain. I make the main commands, and you obey them. Everyone obeys them. I've found Dash to be reliable. And I need reliable. Now just bare with my and hold tight."

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"yes, i understand. Ah probably got carried away, and ah'm still helping. ahm firing that cannon there." she sighed "alright, so it's not just my command only! apparently the first mate is giving the commands." she set herself on one of the cannons, ready in case.

"can we still do the left to right thing? ah like that tactic."

(OOC: i thought i was giving the commands for one level of cannons only)

"Hmm... Smart tactic, I'll give ye that... Only if needed, lass. Only if needed...", Fuse told her.


"Aye, sir. I was only making sure she doesn't go wasting our stock on reckless hits.", he said, heading back up to the deck and eying the ship with his telescope. The wind was picking up a little, his orange mane starting to part his bandana.


"Wind's starting to pick up."

Edited by Rockshire
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As the Asylum got a little closer to the Abyss, Slicer Waved. "HELLOOOOOOOOOOO.......I'D LIKE A WORD." He called.

"Ok, I am going to fly ahead...Fade you said you would come. The rest of you." He turned to look at his crew. "If they start shooting...Get the ship away from here, Ok ?" The crew nodded and Slicer Smiled.

Then he looked at Cascade. "Cascade, I know you are probably not feeling your best right now, But you are welcome to swim over and meet us there, Ok ?"

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~
  • Brohoof 1

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"They'd like a word... oh, joy... The Asylum's captain wants a word. I hear they say he's way off his rocker... Hopefully he'll be understandable..."

"Then what are you waiting for?" He yelled back.

"They're in close enough range that we could get a few good holes in their hull..."

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Arcane helped the repair crew to finished repairing the ship. He found out they had a small breach in the hull that was missed, but was soon fixed and the water drained out.

"Good job, we should be leaving port soon, we need to get to Stalympos, that's where were going to set up a deal with the pegasi, and i hope they accept the offer..." he said before turning to head to his cabin. "But captain! What about the bar? You said you would join us. Besides, story tellin' just ain't the same without ya'!" yelled one of the crew members. Arcane sighed and nodded, "Aye, i did promise you that, and that's a promise i intend to keep. C'mon boys, were headin down to the bar!" he said before motioning for them to follow him. Arcane broke into a gallop to get to the bar, challenging any of the other crew members to a race, whoever won got a free drink from the captain. And if Arcane won, then they had to play a rock paper scissors tournament to see who would buy the captain a drink.

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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As the Asylum got a little closer to the Abyss, Slicer Waved. "HELLOOOOOOOOOOO.......I'D LIKE A WORD." He called.

"Ok, I am going to fly ahead...Fade you said you would come. The rest of you." He turned to look at his crew. "If they start shooting...Get the ship away from here, Ok ?" The crew nodded and Slicer Smiled.

Then he looked at Cascade. "Cascade, I know you are probably not feeling your best right now, But you are welcome to swim over and meet us there, Ok ?"

Cascade nodded at her captain. She didn't care about this headache; if Slicer hoped to stay on track and civil with his conversation with the captain of the Abyss, she figured she'd better be there. She nodded at her captain, and nodded at the same stallion that she vaguely remembered carrying the captain with. His name... What was it? Sea Shanty? Something like that.


"Be ready, just in case something happens and we need to make a quick getaway. You're in charge if they try something." Shanty nodded. "O'course, ma'am." He looked around, and started ordering ponies to man the bizarre assortment of naval combat weapons that Slicer kept along with weapons. Cascade knew Shanty had a level head, even if he drank a bit much rum sometimes, and wouldn't order an attack unless it was obviously necessary. And with that thought, Cascade dove into the water, catching up to where her captain flew in ten seconds flat. Her ailments seemed to disappear as she swam beneath them, her mind thankfully clearing. Water always seemed to have a regenerative effect on her...

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 2

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(OOC: I'm actually using Snowy Fields instead of Silver Heart.)


Snowy Fields watched Guin as she walked into the room. "So you're the informant...your name is Guin, correct? Well welcome aboard. Now, tell me what I need to know about Casaflanka."




(OOC: Oh so you do remember me. If I had known that you planned revenge I would have brought Silver Heart into this one instead of Snowy. I was so disappointed when Red left that RP...)

(Did you think you could beat me? Did you think I would forget YOU?! But in all seriousness, you can still stick Silverheart in this, if Krystal is okay with it.)

"Blah. I forgot how much zese pirates like alcohol. I'll stay on ze ship." Red had a bad feeling about this plane of existence. There would be issues if he used any of his technology from the last run, and it gave him a bad taste in the mouth. The taste of bleach, and sour memories...

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OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Slicer jumped off the side of the Asylum and started flying towards the Abyss.
Before landing on the deck of the Abyss, Slicer hovered just of the side of the boat. "Permission for my first mate and I to board your fine ship Captain Nightfall ?" He asked, Smiling, Showing off his filed teeth.

  • Brohoof 2

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Slicer jumped off the side of the Asylum and started flying towards the Abyss.

Before landing on the deck of the Abyss, Slicer hovered just of the side of the boat. "Permission for my first mate and I to board your fine ship Captain Nightfall ?" He asked, Smiling, Showing off his filed teeth.


Nightfall lifted one hoof up, as if he was a bit uncomfortable.

"Wow, he is as crazy as I've heard... filing his teeth..."

"Climb aboard, captain... Please, follow me. We'll meet in my cabin. Oy! Fuse! Come on down to my cabin. We're meeting the captain and first mate of the Asylum!"

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Slicer's smile widened as he landed on the deck of the ship. He stuck his head over the side and looked down at the water. "Um...Do you have a ladder or maybe some ropes for Cascade to climb ? She is quite the speedy swimmer." He smiled and noticed a small rope ladder on the side of the ship. "Never mind."



 (OOC: Just to speed things up I said there was a rope ladder...If anyone had something else in mind, I will edit  :) GREEN)

  • Brohoof 1

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@, @@Nightfall,  


Cascade, whose head was poking out of the water, laughed. They thought she needed a ladder. She dove under the ship, past its barnacley bottom, and leapt out of the water from on the other side of the sihp, landing on the deck of the ship behind its Captain. "Have I missed anything?" She asked, dipping her head respectfully to the captain of the Abyss.

Edited by Descant
  • Brohoof 1

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Slicer burst into a fit of laughter. "OH...CASCADE...THAT WAS....HAHAHAHAHAHA."


After a second Slicer managed to get a hold of himself. "That...Wooooow...Ok...You said we were going to talk in your cabin ?" He asked, Turning to Nightfall and grinning. "Another one of my crew mates may join us...But that depends, She may have some stuff to do  on the ship." 

  • Brohoof 2

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Just as Guin was about to open her mouth to talk to Krystal, two crewmen dressed in Equestian Navy uniforms appeared at the door "That's my ride. See you later. Hopefully I won't be clawing your eyes at the time of out next meeting" Guin whispered in Krystal's ear as she walked out the door. "Let's go boys." Guin said to the crewmen. Take me to the ship."


After much walking, Guin arrived at the Arbitator and promplty yelled in her best griffon yelling voice "SILVER HEART! I'M HERE!"


When no one answered, she had the crewmen take her to the captain's quarters

Rich looked out of the porthole from his quarters. "A griffon? Is that the informant? I would have preferred someone a bit more subtle." Rich said to himself. He readjusted his uniform and went to the captain's quarters. "Sir." He saluted his commanding officer. "This is the civilian, the informant? I assume making the whole island aware of our presence by yelling at the top of her lungs was some kind of double bluff?"

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Spark walked into the bar and saw a familiar face. "Hey Krystal!" Spark, First mate on the Wasp, recognized Krystal as the captain of the Sea Peregrine. Arcane let her go to the bar after she told him she wanted to go. Spark needed ale so she ordered one, putting adew bits in The bartender's hand

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Snowy Fields watched Guin as she walked into the room. "So you're the informant...your name is Guin, correct? Well welcome aboard. Now, tell me what I need to know about Casaflanka."


"Well, my lovely captain, The captain of the Sea Peregrine is here. Isn't there a bounty on her ship?" Guin asked, raising one eyebrow. "I talked to her a bit. Nice mare" Guin had a mocking smile on her face and honestly hoped she wouldn't have to claw Krystal's eyes out. It would to terrible things to her talons which she took great care to manicure.

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Sky had silently drinking his drink silently. His mind preoccupied by a certain question that had been rattling his mind for months. He was snapped back into reality by Krystal mentioning an Equestriain ship. "What would an Equestriain ship be doing on Casaflanca? What' more is why haven't anyone seized it yet?" Sky thought a loud.

"Maybe Celestia's gotten tired of ponies like us raiding her trade ships. Or maybe that's the same one from back in Las Pegasus and it followed us. I'll bet everypony is too scared to go after it, they've probably got as almost half as many guns on that ship as there is on this entire island"




Spark walked into the bar and saw a familiar face. "Hey Krystal!" Spark, First mate on the Wasp, recognized Krystal as the captain of the Sea Peregrine. Arcane let her go to the bar after she told him she wanted to go. Spark needed ale so she ordered one, putting adew bits in The bartender's hand

"Oh, hey. You're that mare who lost to that colt with the crazy accent. But I must say you put on a wonderful show doing so" Krystal gave her a slight wink "So what can I do you for? And how'd you know my name?"

avatar and sig by your's truly
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"Oh, hey. You're that mare who lost to that colt with the crazy accent. But I must say you put on a wonderful show doing so" Krystal gave her a slight wink "So what can I do you for? And how'd you know my name?"


"You're the captain of the Sea Peregrine. I'm the First mate of the Wasp. I know you, you don't know me." Spark said, drinking her ale inbetween sentences. Good ale. "Does everypony know I let him win? It seems to be." Spark grumbled, thinking that Krystal knew about her want for the pony to be on the ship.

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"You're the captain of the Sea Peregrine. I'm the First mate of the Wasp. I know you, you don't know me." Spark said, drinking her ale inbetween sentences. Good ale. "Does everypony know I let him win? It seems to be." Spark grumbled, thinking that Krystal knew about her want for the pony to be on the ship.

"You let him win? Makes sense I guess. That isn't what I meant but okay..." she trailed off as she took another sip of her slowly diminishing martini "Anyway it's nice to meet you..." she held out her hoof. Such manners may be uncommon among pirates like those she was surrounded by but Krystal was different.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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"You let him win? Makes sense I guess. That isn't what I meant but okay..." she trailed off as she took another sip of her slowly diminishing martini "Anyway it's nice to meet you..." she held out her hoof. Such manners may be uncommon among pirates like those she was surrounded by but Krystal was different.


Spark watched as Krystal put out her hoof, and it took a moment to realize she was offering a hoof shake. Spark tentively grabbed Krystal's hoof and shook it. "If that's not what you meant what did you mean? Spark realized she was wearing her clothes from her fight. She thought she knew what Krystal meant by made it entertaining.

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Pirate Opal left the tavern, deciding that it was a good time to stretch his muscles. He quickly pushed his wings in and out, letting out soft cracks, before shifting them to their full length and taking to the skies. He went straight up, not looking at Casaflanca, fading in the distance, until he turned and changed direction by a full 180 degrees. He almost hit the ground but changed position again, slowing to a stop at 90 degrees again. Sometimes he needed a quick burst of energy, but he continued to the market to see if he could buy a few things to eat on the ship.

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Rambler was watching his captain converse with a pirate from The Wasp. After a moment, he decided to go over and join them. Taking a moment to steady himself, Rambler got up and walked across to where they were sitting.


"Do you mind if join you, Cap'n, ma'am?"

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Spark watched as Krystal put out her hoof, and it took a moment to realize she was offering a hoof shake. Spark tentively grabbed Krystal's hoof and shook it. "If that's not what you meant what did you mean? Spark realized she was wearing her clothes from her fight. She thought she knew what Krystal meant by made it entertaining.

She shook her hoof and went back to he drink "Well... you know..." she gestured towards the mare's revealing outfit "I like your get-up" she said, blushing a bit yet not noticeably.




"Do you mind if join you, Cap'n, ma'am?"

"Yeah, sure. Come sit-" she was about to gesture to an empty barstool next to her but they were already taken by Sky and Spark "...Uhh, anyway, this is... what was your name again?" she asked the mare.

avatar and sig by your's truly
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"Yeah, sure. Come sit-" she was about to gesture to an empty barstool next to her but they were already taken by Sky and Spark "...Uhh, anyway, this is... what was your name again?" she asked the mare.


"Youknow what I don't think I mentioned it. I'm Spark. Spark Craft. I'm the one who knows how to repair from Greek Fire and put it out." Spark loved that she knew how. Nopony knew how, that she knew of, exept herself. And it took her years to discover the secret.




"Hello, I assume you're a member of the Peregrine?" Minath told the stallion.

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Arcane laughed as he followed behind the pony who won the race to the bar. "I must say Orsino, you showed quite a bit of endurance back there. Any first drink of your choice is on me, I hope you savour the flavour, it won't last long" he said, not noticing his own rhyme. 

Arcane looked over to Krystal, and soon afterwards noticed Spark. He walked over and put one hoof around Spark and the other around Krystal, "Hey, we finished repairs early, and I promised the crew I would come to the bar with em. Mind if I join you?" Arcane asked as he sat down next to Spark, and Orsino sitting next to Arcane. (The order from left to right. Sky, Krystal, Spark, Arcane, Orsino)


(Also, its not Greek Fire since the Greeks don't live in this world, we call it Dragon's Fire)

Edited by Ponyworld Destroyer
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Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Rambler nodded (albeit slowly to keep from getting dizzy; he was still drunk after all), "Aye, I'm Rambler, the Peregrine's quartermaster. Of course that title mostly just means theirs no-one to stop me from drinking all the rum. So you're from the Wasp, eh? She's a fine ship."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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