Tol'Satha 163 January 11, 2013 Share January 11, 2013 (edited) Simply by living on this planet everything that happens to it directly impacts us, so the question you should be asking is "Why don't we care about our future generations?". The problem is in the mindset of the general public, who believe that whatever they do today will have no impact until hundreds of years from now (such as forests being cut down, animal habitats destroyed for construction etc). The thing is - they are right. By the time this makes any noticable impact on the planet, the people responsible have long passed away. And this is exactly what leads to greed. We know our time here on earth is limited so we try to make the most of it, ignoring how it will impact everyone else in the future. So the solutions are either: a) Raise the awareness of the general public and make them live under a lower life standard for the sake of the future generations OR Make people immortal, which will make them re-think the decisions they make knowing it will affect them aswell. Whichever you consider is easier.. Also, As a Christian, I do believe that human life is more precious than that of other animals, simply because we have been made in God's image, and thus have sentience, and may even be the only creatures with souls (cannot say for certain on the latter though, since it's never confirmed nor denied in the Bible whether or not animals have souls, and I personally hope they do in some way). However, that said, I don't obviously think that animal life is without value, nor should anypony. I believe that all life is precious, and that God commissioned mankind to be the stewards of His creation, and take care of it, not recklessly destroy. I believe that, with the right efforts, humans can in fact utilize that which we need to thrive while at the same time properly caring for God's creation. Sadly, as I mentioned earlier, there is sin in this world, and as such mankind too often takes the "easy" approach to getting what he wants, even if it involves the wanton destruction of this world. The greatest challenge these days is achieving a healthy balance between utilizing creation for our needs and wants while simultaneously loving and caring for God's creation as we should, and believe me, as everypony else has pointed out, with sin in the world, that is certainly no easy task. Remember everypony, always do what little you can to love and care for this wonderful world God has given us, and all that lives in it. No offense intended, but when i read "As a Christian", i rolled my eyes and was expecting a bunch of nonsense. Instead, you made a preety good point. What you described at the end there is preety much the philosophy i try to follow. And on a somewhat unrelated note, even the Satanic bible forbids harming animals unless it is absolutely necessary for food and survival. We're not all bad and evil. Edited January 11, 2013 by Tol'Satha 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concord 1,982 January 11, 2013 Share January 11, 2013 Hello! The simple awnser and reason to all those questions would be: Population. The Population is expanding dramatically, and everyone must be supplied with shelter, food, resources. Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverStarApple 849 January 11, 2013 Share January 11, 2013 I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure. - Agent Smith, The Matrix. Really puts things into perspective, huh? 1 I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 January 11, 2013 Share January 11, 2013 No offense intended, but when i read "As a Christian", i rolled my eyes and was expecting a bunch of nonsense. Instead, you made a preety good point. What you described at the end there is preety much the philosophy i try to follow. No offense taken, I get that some people raise their "pretentious post incoming" flags when they see somepony start a post by saying "As a Christian" or something similar (i.e. as a vegan, as a hipster, etc. ). I simply wanted to make it clear from the get-go why I do believe human life is ultimately more precious than any animal life. Glad you liked the post overall! "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 January 11, 2013 Author Share January 11, 2013 Hello! The simple awnser and reason to all those questions would be: Population. The Population is expanding dramatically, and everyone must be supplied with shelter, food, resources. Not to sound barbaric but the Chinese and their one child per household policy has the right idea. At maximum the Earth can support two children per couple. Any more than that and the resources decline, and we will inevitably all die out and use up everything the Earth has. We either reduce the population or reduce the resources each person uses. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Concord 1,982 January 11, 2013 Share January 11, 2013 Not to sound barbaric but the Chinese and their one child per household policy has the right idea. At maximum the Earth can support two children per couple. Any more than that and the resources decline, and we will inevitably all die out and use up everything the Earth has. We either reduce the population or reduce the resources each person uses. We won't die out, as there are other places to search for resources... Earth will be serve us for enough time to search for new planets For example, every polluting factory should be transfered to mars, so that the "Greenhouse" effect could warm the planet and make it habitable once again, and everything Eco friendly would stay on earth. You can say, it's temporary, and i agree somewhat on the 2 children per family. Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evilshy 5,090 January 12, 2013 Share January 12, 2013 I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure. - Agent Smith, The Matrix. Really puts things into perspective, huh? No, for 2 reasons: 1. It's incorrect. Other animals don't instinctively develop equilibrium, they do what they do wantonly until resource shortages limit their population. If you had a few foxes and a group of rabbits, the foxes would eat the rabbits until there were so few that the fox population would decline. The lack of predators allows the rabbit population to grow, which allows the foxes to increase, which depopulated the rabbits, ad infinitum. This actually happens and it can be observed if you look at population statistics for predator/prey animals. This is also why invasive species are such a big threat: they seldom have any predators to keep them in check, so they go wild. They don't say "woah, I need to hold back or all this native life will die out". They say "holy shit this place has food and no predators. PARTY TIME MUTHAFUCKAZ!" and then we have an infestation that can choke out the native life, usually forever altering the ecosystem as causing multiple species to become endangered or even go extinct. Humans actually do realize that they can use up resources and try to conserve them. Maybe not enough, but as far as conservation goes, we're better than every other animal on the planet. If we didn't conserve at all, we'd be equal with the animals. 2. Agent Smith is a computer program that hates humans and sees them as inferior. Of course he rationalizes reasons to hate them more and pass it off as helping the universe or whatever. Also, It's totally possible he just made it up to trash talk Morpheus. But I doubt it, he's just delusional, in such capacity as a program can be delusional. 1 Signature now 99% less edgy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr. Nefarious 195 January 12, 2013 Share January 12, 2013 Sounds like everyone I know. Me: ''Hey don't hurt that bird! Let it go!'' Them: ''No you pussy! Lets kill it!'' Me: ''But that's cruel!'' *they kill the bird* or Me: ''Hey don't take that! It could be someone elses'' Them: ''No you pussy! Lets take all the money!'' Me: ''But that's stealing!'' *they steal the money* CALL AN AMBERLAMPS! I NEED AN AMBERLAMPS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mephala 2,633 January 12, 2013 Share January 12, 2013 (edited) "When you tell me that your deity made you in his image, I reply that he must have been very ugly." As a vegetarian... (I hear the eye rolling and snorts...) I don't place anything below or above my own life. I'm also a bit more than a bit of a misanthropist. I just don't see the point in all the destruction. Yes, there's global growth, but my entire town is ugly-ass housing and in a few years there'll be no green left. Is that really worth it? Making the entire world a housing mess? Now people want to see if we can inhabit other planets and stuff, but we'd just destroy another. If people are actually willing to do their part (which they are not), then we might have a chance. But no one wants to give up their gas-guzzling vehicles (batteries are just as bad to be fair) or turn down their house temperature. By 2050 half the world will have water shortages. By 2075 it'll be three quarters. So if people are willing to give up some comforts then lo and behold, maybe we can slow down our imminent deaths a little. Now I sit back and wait for the angry replies. XD Edited January 12, 2013 by Captain Hammer 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss Light Diamond 2,802 January 14, 2013 Share January 14, 2013 That's why I think we should open a portal to Equestria...And then let only the bestist most nicest of people through. I think human's are very destructive, Yes. But we have also achieved some very great things. So there is good and bad in the world. But when its bad...Its really bad. Something something something something Ask me stuff...and all my OC's Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zacharias 191 January 14, 2013 Share January 14, 2013 It's pointless really...noone's going to change. It's not possible. Personally I'll be happy if I get to live till about 2025. If we're not going to destroy ourselves with nuclear weaponry, then our old resources are going to run out. Sure you say that the alternative sources are going to solve the problem, but when you think about a large truck that was designed to eat fossil fuel, it's not going to change its "taste" just because there's no more of what it used to run on. I don't even know why I'm attending school and everything because I'll probably get shot by a greedy human, or sublimate when a tasty hidrogen bomb blows up over my head. I still have a tiny bit of hope (dunno why though) and want to be prepared just in case so that I won't have to look dumb when nothing happens. Like I said in an other post, it's pointless. Earth is a tiny dot in the solar system, which is a tiny dot in our galaxy, which is a tiny dot in the universe. Your signature is harmful towards the rights of Hasbro, and has been terminated as a result. You have the obligation to accept this. Do you accept it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CyberFlash 41 January 14, 2013 Share January 14, 2013 (edited) I have thought this exact same thought ! and you know, I believe the answer may be quite simples! Other species are forced to seek an equilibrium with thier surroundings...if too many of one particular animal exist then its food supply becomes short for them and survival more difficult! Then another animal (further up the food chain!) would likely adapt and start eating the overgrown population one until balance is restored along the food chain. THEN ALONG COMES HUMANS! We industrialised our food production and begin transporting our food around the globe to where it is needed. We create 'society' as an invisible set of rules we all try to enforce which allows even our weakest to survive. As a result our population explodes and there is absolutely no force of nature (it seems!) that will keep us in check. The urban sprawl is really more of a habit we have got into over generations of populations exploding and us realising (unconciously) there are basically no consequences to our actions. I have even wondered if events like the Black Plague were necessary consequences of the system trying to correct itself. Of course the big fear now is that if we do not take care of our environment, our environment may take care of us and not in a good way! Maybe its important for us to remember that the Earth has been around an lot longer than we have and will certainly outlive us by several billion years Edited January 14, 2013 by CyberFlash Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
khaine21x3 789 January 14, 2013 Share January 14, 2013 I got a lot of heat in another thread I made supporting the idea of governments forcibly depopulating humans so they stop killing the other living species on the planet.Democracy and capitalism combined creates the worst kind of system where humans will eventually murder all non useful animals/plants and enslave other humans with endless wars and bombings. BP oil spill and japan dumping radioactive waste onto the ocean were crimes against nature but nobody hung for those crimes, I hope that some sort of incurable disease wipes out at least 70% of the human population before they do anymore harm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverhoof 2,844 January 14, 2013 Share January 14, 2013 and I feel kind of disgusted. My town has ten thousand people but it's still considered one of the smaller towns. I am kind of horrified of the implications of urban sprawl. Until looking at how it affected even my area I didn't realize quite how bad it was. It's like humans forget other creatures exist and we just do what feels good. To further elaborate, I was thinking, why are humans so determined to take everything, until there is nothing left? Why do we suck the Earth dry? Why do we suck the stars dry? Why are we so evil? We leech off our surroundings and all we do is harm the environment. We harm other creatures, marvelous gifts of nature, and for what? Our egos? Why do we hurt so much? Why? Cause we are so good at it. seriously, I see people just wanting to live a comfortable life. not noticing nature is not evil or wrong. we are urban creatures. Termites and ants build nature proof habitats as well. are they wrong? Humans are simply doing what we are designed to do. Soon Mankind will expand into the universe and live on airless moons and lifeless planets. The pressure will be off the earth at last. Humans have made plans to terraform Mars. we will be giving new opportunities for the life of earth to expand as well. Think of it this way. Man's ultimate goal will create new habitats and spread life all across a lifeless universe. The life you see ignored today will be immortalized on a million empty planets. No mater how you look at it, the future is positive. UNICORN FAN CLUB: NEW SILVERHOOF Equestrian Physiology 101: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 January 14, 2013 Author Share January 14, 2013 (edited) Cause we are so good at it. seriously, I see people just wanting to live a comfortable life. not noticing nature is not evil or wrong. we are urban creatures. Termites and ants build nature proof habitats as well. are they wrong? Humans are simply doing what we are designed to do. Soon Mankind will expand into the universe and live on airless moons and lifeless planets. The pressure will be off the earth at last. Humans have made plans to terraform Mars. we will be giving new opportunities for the life of earth to expand as well. Think of it this way. Man's ultimate goal will create new habitats and spread life all across a lifeless universe. The life you see ignored today will be immortalized on a million empty planets. No mater how you look at it, the future is positive. It takes too long to get from one planet to another, life would not survive the transaction. The universe isn't lifeless, there are many planets with life on them, mathematical probability is my witness in this matter. Edited January 14, 2013 by Harmonic Revelations Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Stranger 812 January 14, 2013 Share January 14, 2013 (edited) and I feel kind of disgusted. My town has ten thousand people but it's still considered one of the smaller towns. I am kind of horrified of the implications of urban sprawl. Until looking at how it affected even my area I didn't realize quite how bad it was. It's like humans forget other creatures exist and we just do what feels good. To further elaborate, I was thinking, why are humans so determined to take everything, until there is nothing left? Why do we suck the Earth dry? Why do we suck the stars dry? Why are we so evil? We leech off our surroundings and all we do is harm the environment. We harm other creatures, marvelous gifts of nature, and for what? Our egos? Why do we hurt so much? Why? I understand how you feel completely. Unfortunately us humans aren't the most pure hearted animals in existence. With power comes corruption. The fact that we're animals that possess intellect (a form of power) that in itself is dangerous. We have no one to keep us in line but ourselves. No creature in existence has the advantage of intellect like we do so that puts us in a position of power. We will murder this planet into oblivion before we move on to another or become extinct. But not all is lost. In this world their are a few humans like you and I who care for this planet and life itself. Unfortunately people like us are outnumbered by those who don't care for this planet and life like they should. Maybe one day things will change but not in our lifetime. Humans need to wake up before it's too late. We're taking this planet and life for granted and that's the truth believe it or not. Edited January 14, 2013 by Twisted-Bone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverhoof 2,844 January 14, 2013 Share January 14, 2013 It takes too long to get from one planet to another, life would not survive the transaction. The universe isn't lifeless, there are many planets with life on them, mathematical probability is my witness in this matter. Excuses excuses. 1) Today it takes a few months to get to Mars. Life can survive the trip easy peasy. a 2nd world is just a few months away for life from earth. 2) Humans plan for interstellar travel with either faster than light travel or hibernation. Whats can preserve human life can preserve animal and plant life. 3) yes there will be life in then universe. But we will find far more earth like planets with NO life. Time and again we can recreate an earthly paradise. I think lifeless planets will be far more valuable to humans that life bearing planets for just this reason. Conclusion. Don't be so negative. The future is positive. UNICORN FAN CLUB: NEW SILVERHOOF Equestrian Physiology 101: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 January 14, 2013 Author Share January 14, 2013 (edited) Excuses excuses. 1) Today it takes a few months to get to Mars. Life can survive the trip easy peasy. a 2nd world is just a few months away for life from earth. 2) Humans plan for interstellar travel with either faster than light travel or hibernation. Whats can preserve human life can preserve animal and plant life. 3) yes there will be life in then universe. But we will find far more earth like planets with NO life. Time and again we can recreate an earthly paradise. I think lifeless planets will be far more valuable to humans that life bearing planets for just this reason. Conclusion. Don't be so negative. The future is positive. 1.) I know that, but you said several, Mars is just one planet. 2.) You can't travel faster than light.. It's not physically possible. It would take infinite energy to accelerate past the spped of life. 3.) I can agree, but again, that assumes we can get to these planets. Edited January 14, 2013 by Harmonic Revelations Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silverhoof 2,844 January 14, 2013 Share January 14, 2013 2.) You can't travel faster than light.. It's not physically possible.. We may not be able to now. But we will. Discovery has already devoted several shows to the subject. and NASA is researching how to sidestep this barrier, How we break the barrier doesn't matter. we will. Its our future. the first stars will be colonized with men and animals in suspended hibernation. So we sleep for 100 years. humans, plants and animals will wake up ready to colonize a new world. Even lower tech is the generational ship with humans, animals and plants live out several generations in order to reach a new star. No mater what your excuse. people will colonize space. And we will take all the live of earth with us. We face a glorious future. The frontiers are endless. There will be room for everyone and everything. UNICORN FAN CLUB: NEW SILVERHOOF Equestrian Physiology 101: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 January 14, 2013 Author Share January 14, 2013 (edited) We may not be able to now. But we will. Discovery has already devoted several shows to the subject. and NASA is researching how to sidestep this barrier, How we break the barrier doesn't matter. we will. Its our future. the first stars will be colonized with men and animals in suspended hibernation. So we sleep for 100 years. humans, plants and animals will wake up ready to colonize a new world. Even lower tech is the generational ship with humans, animals and plants live out several generations in order to reach a new star. No mater what your excuse. people will colonize space. And we will take all the live of earth with us. We face a glorious future. The frontiers are endless. There will be room for everyone and everything. No, you cannot break the barrier of light. Did you miss the "Not physically possible" part? Do you know why it's not possible? Atoms cannot hold enough energy to accelerate that fast. And you certainly can't survive even going half the speed of light. Edited January 14, 2013 by Harmonic Revelations Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MiStErUnMeRry 328 January 14, 2013 Share January 14, 2013 (edited) Most people who proclaim about humanity supposedly destroy and marauding the earth as if it was some sort of aggrieved rape victim have not done anything or will never hope to do anything as much as the people who make said technologies of man and that technology to help life, ALL LIFE comes not from a pretentious desires to preserve some form of traditional order of nature, which frankly is becoming victim to its own rules of evolution and extinction to a much more benign, focused and overall superior force made by man to meet the demands not only of humanity but the demands for safety and higher quality for all living on the planet, if what neighsayer are declaring is true. Once again, as I stated in my previous post. If nature had its way, it is most likely that most of us here would be dead, it is most likely that half of the writers of MLP would be dead, it is most likely that LAUREN would be dead. Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't she have a disabled son. I am pretty damn sure he would be dead or if not dead struggling to survive. Poets, writers, media students and artist and tech guys don't tend to flourish in nature dominatrix centered placed order. The world won't be destroyed and if it is then it will most likely be caused by natural issue and not man made issues. We won't run out of resources because we will find a way in the end to draw resources and double it from absolute minimums if need be or totally make new ones from a endless supply. We won't bomb the Earth because that overall totally retarded AND insane, anyone with any tactical mind and even a shred of respect for his fellow man would know that the only reason you make a nuke is purely to threaten people with M.A.D politics and to show off your financial and military muscle, you can't actually use it and even if you have a mini-nuke or one that capable of destroying a specific area there no reason because even if you are totally evil you still do sieges of other countries to take its components and assets, which a nuke would totally ruin and make un-inhabitable for the next god knows how many years. Plus, using a "safe" nuke would immediate make every other country scared of you and pile drive you into the ground. Humans are not populating so much that the Earth is getting over crowded and even if we do manage to effectively populate too much of the Earth we won't be floundering about. We'll realize the issue and start to rectify it long before we get to a end of the world scenario. We are sentient, the whole idea of being sentient is we can analyze future errors and outcomes then prepare and alternate our actions based on them. Just because the guys around you everyday don't go into a dramatic speech about animals are fantastic and that nature is so awesome, all that jazz doesn't mean they have a disregard for life. They might not consider live equal to a human which is totally natural since they EAT most other live-being omnivores by nature-and that as someone stated earlier that none sentient creatures cannot comprehend things on the same level as an sentient one. The world isn't doing it job. It isn't helping us, it isn't giving us anything new or actually merciful. It just a big rock that happened to meet the right conditions for life, mother nature in that respect is just a whore. All it does is produce new life, either microscopic or huge and when its done it apathetically goes to sleep while the offspring of its conditions fight among each other and beg her for food, best case scenario she wakes up and beats us with a natural disaster . Humans learn to take care of themselves first, we earn the right to rule because we crawled our way out of the existential ghetto. I fail to see the wonders of it, I like to walk in the woods. I like to enjoy the silence of a un-tampered world but beyond pretty scenery nature doesn't offer us anything specially fantastic or important that we can't replace right now or cultivate again or make new. also silverhoof space travel is definitely the next step but I think it will take a very long time for us to travel across the galaxy without taking years. We either need to find a way to travel faster than light-black holes have a gravitational pull stronger than light so there is a force of some sort more stronger than light, or we need to discover portals. Or just out right stasis or to increase human life span long enough for the trips. Edited January 15, 2013 by MiStErUnMeRry A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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