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my first pony sketch!


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ok fillies and gentlecolts, this is my first attempt at hand drawing a pony. when i was in high school i would draw fire,guns, cars but never characters of any kind. she is based off of a OC that was created in a pony builder for a fanfic so this is not from memory (though i hope to get good enough to do so....practice!). i made a attempt at drawing the wings out but seeing as i made her to long in the torso they wouldn't come out right for me and the eye just wouldn't cooperate for me. at the bottom is the generated pony with a little photo shop and her with a cm on a cm background (warning, i went crazy with the blur tool to make the fire more realistic. also this is my 3rd day on photoshop too!) . 


lets see back story....(still under Construction) 


her name is Fire Storm and she is incredibly shy/anti social. she longs to make friends but lacks the abilty to talk to them seeing as she is mute. she has a very sweet dispossession despite a life time of being teased for being both mute and afraid of heights . 


cm backstory: she found her cm one day when she was being bullied by a group of older ponies. they chased her into a dry wheat field where she took flight staying only a few feet off the ground. she flew as fast as she could and before to long she found herself going too fast. she dropped her hooves to the ground to help slow herself and in doing so the friction set fire to the dried grass. 


she's flawed

and thats why i love her!




  • Brohoof 5
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This is excellent as a first time, but my drawing are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapy!"


i cant speak for your drawing seeing as im new her but i can say that your taste in names is freaking epic! also i love you avatar, very badass, i have liked it for some time now.

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I'd say it's pretty good, but the body should prolly be a little shorter and perhaps the mane at the top of the head could go a bit more back, because as it is, it makes me feel a bit like she has two unconnected manes, one on the top of the head and one on the neck. Also the legs could be a little bit thicker.


Oh, and sorry if you weren't asking for critique.  :P

Edited by Jessper
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i cant speak for your drawing seeing as im new her but i can say that your taste in names is freaking epic! also i love you avatar, very badass, i have liked it for some time now.

i didn't draw it, i found it in google.

my drawing is soooooooooooooooooooo freak.

so, i don't upload my drawings.

but my bro drawings is great!

i'll upload it soon.

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Your right about the mane. It does need some love now that im looking at it. I think i have been spending too much time on photoshop and not enough on paper. Oh well thats what we like to call practice!



Thank your for you criticism! Its welcomed.

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Wowzers! This is your first attempt?! o.o


If I tried something like this, it would probably take me months of practice for me to make something as aweshome as that.


I mean seriously. It's like you took the vector there and reprinted it with pencil!

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Good job! for a first drawing it's really good only critique I have is Their is not much hair...
The legs, make it a bit thicker the body shorter and the tail longer but in overall it's great!

And the eyes are the best thing you drawn by far
Pony eyes aren't that easy as they sometimes look so, good job sir

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Good celestia! The more i look at it, how the hay did i make her body so freakin long! I must be sleep deprived to the max! Its a wonder i dident draw here with 6 legs or something 0_o.

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The body looks a bit long, I would suggest making that shorter in the future, as well as making the legs a bit wider.


Very good for a first attempt though!

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Heres what I've got for you.

1. Shorter body

2. Fix both front and hind legs (make slightly thicker)

3. Wings will go slightly past the rear end (work on drawing wings)

4. Proportions!



Print a reference off your computer (make that two), take your first one and map out the major areas of the body like the head, chest, and flank. look and see how they are all spaced between each other. Now once you have done this take your second copy of the reference and place it under a white piece of regular copy paper. Now trace. This will help you learn the proportions and anatomy of the pony. Do this until you think you have it down. Congrats! Now you have a way to better yourself at drawing Mlp. Note that when your mapping out major parts of the body, make sure to use a color that you can see and use a marker or pen to do it too.

  • Brohoof 1
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Legs too small, body and neck too tall, big flank.


For a first attemp, that's practicaly nothing, the first time I tried was far far worse.

Keep on practicing and you'll be able to do much better than the model (and more personal).

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Good celestia! The more i look at it, how the hay did i make her body so freakin long! I must be sleep deprived to the max! Its a wonder i dident draw here with 6 legs or something 0_o.

The good news is that you can already see the flaws in your original drawing.  That's the first step to improving your pony drawing skills.  :)

  • Brohoof 1
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