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Day vs Night


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The order between the royal sisters has been broken. Celestia as pulled the final string with Luna, and she has broken away from the kingdom. Taking followers with her, Luna set up a kingdom outside of Equestria and named it "Twilight Town." The government system she has set up is duely named the "New Lunar Republic. Outraged from her sister's actions, Celestia has initiated a call to hooves to destroy her sister's new nation, creating a war between the light and the dark. Which side will you fight for, and which side will win? Only time can tell.


Luna(New Lunar Republic):



Posted Image

You will be fighting for the night, and the beauty of the moon.


The national anthem for the New Lunar Republic.





Celestia(The Solar Empire):



Posted Image

You will be fighting for the day, and the fierceness of the sun.

















Let the battle begin.


Name: Rose


Age: 18


Sex: Female


Species: Earth Pony


Faction: New Lunar Republic


Description: Cream white pony with Violet hair. Her cutie mark is a rose for a number of reasons, and those she is wary to mention.


Personality: Rose is an outgoing mare, ready to jump on any possibility of anything she finds enjoyable.


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I'm really hoping this one won't be as bad as that other one, where you were ninjad constantly. Whatever, I'll try and be more active in this one.


Name: Stiletto


Age: 19


Sex: Female


Species: Pegasus


Faction: New Lunar Republic


Description: White Pegasus, black mane with purplish-streaks. Knife cutie mark, showing her skill for combat with sharp weapons.


Personality: Loyal, not afraid to go into a life-threatening situation. Loves Princess Luna with all of her heart, and will die for her if needed.


(Our theme song is the best ever. :D)


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I'n in! Name: Sirius Age: 12 Sex: Female Species: Pegasus Faction: The Solar Empire Description: Silver pony with azure mane with the similar mane of Rainbow Dash, Lightning cutie mark, has almost the same speed of Rainbow Dash Personality: Sirius is able to escape out of any situation and packs an extreme speed jab.

Edited by Dreamland200


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Before I say anything. Rose has a flower cutie mark...If one of those reasons is that she loves flowers then why join the night?




Name: Earth Quick


Age: 18


Sex: Male


Species: Pegasus


Faction: New Lunar Republic


Description: post-20-0-01230600-1327447774_thumb.png


Personality: What he lacks in strenght he makes up in speed. He always wants to do the right thing. He joined the new lunar republic being tired of Celestia's rule.

Edited by RaccoonBL
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You are going to need a pretty good background description for me if she is "Legendary". A filly doing this sounds rather... odd.

Yeah. She's not really a legendary.


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Name: Dr. Zanthak


Age: 18


Sex: Male


Species: Unicorn


Faction: New Luna Republic


Description: A Unicorn with Black hair and Dark Green eyes


Personality: With him being so dark colored and all, such as his eyes and his mane, naturally he would be a night-pony. He was studying to be the top Doctor in his class, (and he was at the time) but when the war began, his friends betrayed him because he loved the night. He ran as far as he could but then a soldier from the New Luna Republic caught him and brought him to Luna. Luna accepted him into the rebellion and he is now a field medic in the war. He is brave, but very suspicious. He only trusts Luna and some of her advisers. He is smart and very strong and super fast, but he is only good at casting healing, resurrection, and other types of life magic. But, he can summon Shadow Knights at will, and that is because, during his free-time, he had been studying the forbidden Shadow Magic for several years.

Edited by Dr. Derpy



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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Name: Agent White (Skinner)


Age: 20


Sex: Male


Species: Pegasus


Faction: The Solar Empire


Description: post-493-0-74156700-1327448943_thumb.jpg


Personality: Outgoing, loving, cheerful, loyal to those he trusts, fierce and reckless when angry. Doesn't like being teased for looking the way he does since his mother was a zebra and his dad was a Pegasus (can I roll with this kind of breeding?) Stayed with The Solar Empire out of respect for Celestia, and fear of exile by his family.

Edited by Mr. Cricket


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Name: Autumn Breeze


Age: 20


Sex: Male


Species: Pegasus


Faction: New Lunar Republic



Posted Image


Personality: Quiet, yet kind. A gentlepony, yet shy. He loves to read. Has an open book for a cutie mark. Joined the New Lunar Republic because he sympathised with Princess Luna, and thought it unfair that her night was ignored. Loves stargazing. Pacifist, but will fight to protect those he cares about. (Pretty much myself as a pegasus.)


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Sex: Female


Faction: The Solar Empire

Description:Blah! light orange mane, golden coat and cutiemark of a 3 colored lightning bolt

Personality:Kinda like RD


(....and now, me trying something new)


Name: Dusk

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Species: Unicorn

Faction:The Lunar Republic

Description: Blue coat, and a darker shade of blue for his mane and cutiemark of a constellation of stars

Personality: Smart, studious, and loyal to Luna

Edited by Pinkazoid




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Im in! Go easy on me if i mess up somehow please :blush:


Name: Lullaby Dawn


Age: 17


Sex: Female


Species: Earth Pony


Faction: The Solar Empire


Description: A white earth pony with a flowing golden mane and tail. Her cutie mark is of soft, musical notes.


Personality: A Shy but talented singer, who usualy shies away from confrontation unless Celestia or her few freinds are threatened. Enjoys nothing more than watching the sun rise every morning.

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Twilight Town... makes me think of Kingdom Hearts.


Name: Fire Lily


Age: 19


Sex: Female


Species: Unicorn


Faction: Solar Empire


Description: Tan pony with a dark curly mane with a red curled streak through it. Her cutie mark is an odd red symbol. (Appearance here.)


Personality: Eccentric and very emotional, she bursts forth with a relatively upbeat and kind of insane behavior. Has a very passionate temper and attitude. Can be very kind and caring and always lends a listening ear. Her flaws include extremely low self-esteem and lack of social graces. She also appears to keep a lot of important things to herself.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Name: Shadow Wind


Age: 18


Sex: Female


Species: Pegasus


Faction: New Luna Republic


Description: Grey coat with black mane and tail and spinning balloons with lightning bolts on the balloons as a cutie mark


Personality: Really fast and likes to spin around a lot and loves to party at night.


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Alright, we can start.



Lunar Republic:


Luna has gathered you into the auditorium. Make your ways inside.


Solar Empire:


Celestia has gathered you into her champer. Make your ways inside.


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Excited to see Princess Luna, Stiletto flew

as fast as she could to the auditorium. Being

one of the first ones there, she searched for

anyone she knew, and especially searched for



Oh my gosh I can't wait to see Luna!

It'll be such an amazing honor to be in her presence!


Eventually Stiletto settled down a bit and waited

patiently for something interesting to happen.


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Luna appeared at the front of the stage from a cloud of smoke and looked down at her subjects. One pony in particular caught her eye, as the pony had rushed into the room.

  • Brohoof 1


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Skinner made his way towards the chamber, smiling brightly as usual as he came towards one of the seats. He was eager to hear what Princess Celestia had to say to the Empire, and he couldn't wait.


(BTW, Agent White is his formal name, Skinner is his informal name.)

Edited by Mr. Cricket


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Surprised to see Luna appear so suddenly

from the smoke, Stiletto almost screamed in

excitement. She had a huge smile on her face,

but tried to not look like a freak.


Oh my gosh!!!

Should I go up to her?!

Should I just stay here?!

I don't want to waste my chance though!


Stiletto's heart was racing. She decided

not to embarrass herself, so she just

watched Luna in awe. She tried not to make

it obvious, so whenever Luna looked at her,

she quickly looked away so she wouldn't seem

like a freak.

  • Brohoof 1


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