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gaming Reactions on THQ


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What do you guys think about THQ dissolving? I think it is very unfortunate that they did dissolve and that their games are scattered all over the place now. I mean, I grew up with THQ as one of my favorite companies. Their bankruptcy caused them to dissolve and made me lose one of the companies that I loved the most.


They provided great games just like Metro. I was really looking forward to Metro Last Light. Too bad this had to happen before anything else.


I just want to get the reactions of you guys. What do you think?

  • Brohoof 1
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I haven't heard about THQ in so long. I remember playing Tak and the Staff of Dreams for the gamecube and playing WWE on the PS2.


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I think this is a wonderful thing-- Hold your flame war.

All of THQ's games and licences have gone to other great game companies.

(Example: South Park has gone to Ubisoft.) 

I think with new people (and old people that get re-hired) the sequels and games they create with these licences will be flawless.

  • Brohoof 1
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If I knew what a THQ was, I would be mourning their death, but this kinda seems like one of those funerals where your parents say you have to attend, but really, no-one knows who died. That kinda thing.


But it is sad, because all videogame companies have a lot of potential, and because of a lack of money, all that potential is gone. :/

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I swear if the Saints Row franchise gets sold to EA, I'm gonna start ripping off heads. hopefully Volition still owns the Saints Row title so they can continue

I'm pretty sure all the titles went to good pet owners. They should be treating them well I guess. In the auctions, I'm not sure if Activision or EA was there but I'm pretty sure they didn't get a lot or anything. Not so sure.

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I'm going to miss them.  They've produced some of my favourite games over the course of the last decade - I've got a lot of memories of gearing up for a gaming session, and watching that kickass title animation of theirs.

But, their developers are still intact, and that's a piece of mercy.  Their IP's will continue on to greener pastures, if under new names.

Celestia, I just hope none of the poor dev teams got bought out by EA.  Partially because EA likes to eat programmers alive, and partially because I refuse to fund EA's endless masturbation session *ahem* Origin, so I won't be buying anything on PC with an EA logo on it.

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While I think it is sad that the company has ceased to exist, I have confidence in the companies who've purchased their games, like SEGA for example - they're the folks behind the Total War games, so games such as Company of Heroes should do just fine.

It's also very nice to see that previous staff members have been offered to join the other companies, I'd hate to see their talents go to waste.

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I loved THQ, when I was younger this Spongebob game was like my favorite thing ever:




I loved that game.


Also, as for more recent games, I liked Saint's Row and Metro so I'm just hoping that companies who pick up the titles do the sequels right.

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THQ was one of those companies that did very very very little for the industry to grow and evolve. For me In many ways they always were like an Activision wannabe (you can imagine how that it was). Using famous IP's to sell games, investing very low in creativity and development of gameplay, creating games for kids that were stupid and no fun at all, and taking achievements from others to make people think that they were good.


So yeah… IS GREAT THEY ARE GONE... (hope the good guys in there get another job soon)

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as long as homefront 2 and metro light 2034 get released I kind of don't care. Atria going under to which is a shame.. I wonder if that means no more test drive unlimited games

Edited by MadDoggyca
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What?! this is the first time im hearing this! my head was in the ground and now all of a sudden THQ is no more? I think i died a little. Yes i will say that THQ was something i grew up on. alot of their games were a hit and miss for me. but seeing Saints Row go to another company pains me. Red Faction is another game i hate to see in the wrong hands

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Well THQ had a good run with huge franchises like Saints Row and WWE games for PS2 and PS3.

But the very lack of performance of WWE '12 and WWE '13 has a lot to be desired.

I just hope EA does not buy any licenses to continue THQ's games. Just no EA.


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