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Will Lightning Dust become a villain?


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After rewatching the episode, the wheels in my head started turning and I thought 'hmm, this is a perfect villain origin story.' Lightning Dust gets more or less dishonorably discharged from the Wonderbolt Academy, and from her point of view, Rainbow Dash has almost used her as a stepping stone. It would be easy to bring her back as a villain in season 4. Would you like to see her brought back as a villain?


Personally I'd love to see her in conjunction with the Shadow Bolts. Maybe she's become the Shadow Bolt's captain.

  • Brohoof 2

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The Shadowbolts weren't real though, they were made by Nightmare Moon to try to trick Dashie x)


I'd prefer if she didn't turn into a villain :L

I was actually just thinking about that. I'm not so sure they were made up. The manticore wasn't. Nightmare Moon may have just manipulated them to steer Dash away from her friends, but not created them herself.

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I was actually just thinking about that. I'm not so sure they were made up. The manticore wasn't. Nightmare Moon may have just manipulated them to steer Dash away from her friends, but not created them herself.

Well Duh, the Manticore wasn't made up, the thorn on the Manticore was made by Nightmare Moon to anger it, but she did make the Shadowbolts, they vanished as soon as Dashie rejected them :V




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Well Duh, the Manticore wasn't made up, the thorn on the Manticore was made by Nightmare Moon to anger it, but she did make the Shadowbolts, they vanished as soon as Dashie rejected them :V

Yeah, halfway through typing that I realized it was almost certainly wrong, but at the point I didn't care enough to change it. Regardless, even if they were real, I don't see them ever making another appearance, and I doubt Lightning Dust will be a villain at all.

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I'm of the school of thought that the Shadowbolts are a real team in Equestria, and that they are somehow linkied with Luna/Nightmare Moon, a secret asset if you will. Yeah I know that's totally headcanoned. I've also got this idea about Soarin's younger brother being a Shadowbolt. :)

Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax. -Mystery Science Theater 3000


You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney

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I doubt it. Lightning Dust came, we saw her, she got kicked out, she left, end of story. I just don't see what she could do that would prove catastrophic. Sure, Trixie is a similar character, but, she has magic, and Lightning Dust doesn't. She can't raise a tornado on her own, unless she gathers a team of followers.


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Doubtful. In, stubborn and selfish. Left. How many episodes has she not been in for now? 

Generally with the villains of this show, they're in and villainous straight away - Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis and Sombra. You have to remember that they all came right in the show and where immediately being evil in some way or another. Or if not evil, then just generally mischievous to the point of anarchy. 


Nightmare Moon made her intentions extremely clear very early on. 

Trixie was just arrogant and gloating, but proved to be very popular with the fans. 

Discord just wanted to have some fun at everypony else's expense. 

Chrysalis was evil and manipulative, but the instant she was caught out she didn't even try to hide, instead she just figured she'd won and basically started gloating about it. 

Sombra...just...um. Well. What did he do again? 

Trixie's return saw her becoming a massive bitch. Even more so than normal.


So, no I dont think she will become a villain, she's just stubborn and selfish. So it's doubtful - very doubtful.

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After rewatching the episode, the wheels in my head started turning and I thought 'hmm, this is a perfect villain origin story.' Lightning Dust gets more or less dishonorably discharged from the Wonderbolt Academy, and from her point of view, Rainbow Dash has almost used her as a stepping stone. It would be easy to bring her back as a villain in season 4. Would you like to see her brought back as a villain?


Personally I'd love to see her in conjunction with the Shadow Bolts. Maybe she's become the Shadow Bolt's captain.

Nightmare Moon made up the Shadow Bolts, so Lightning Dust becoming their captain is virtually impossible, unless Nightmare Moon comes back into the picture.


And we don't know what happened to Lightning Dust. She may not have been dismissed at all, only demoted. She would be an uninteresting villain to me. Trixie only became a threat because she had the Alicorn Amulet to power her up. What evil could Dust perpetrate?

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*butts in for a second*


Hi,  just wanted to make a global dealy.



Villain = / = Antagonist.



Villains are...well villains. They go out of their way to do bad dastardly things.  If you can imagine it fitting for their character to have a long curly mustache tying someone to a railroad. They're a villain.    


An antagonist isn't always a villain, incidently not all villains are antagonists.  Antagonists do what their name implys,  antagonize the protagonist (usually one of the mane 6).   They aren't always doing so for evil purposes, or sometimes even doing it onj purpose.



For example.


In Dragonshy,  the dragon decides to take a nap in a mountain,  his snoring causes smoke to start to black out equestria.   He is an antagonist,  his actions are antagonizing the land of equestria.   Not once did he go "Oh I hate ponies, I'll fall asleep in a mountain and block out the sun causing them all to freeze/starve to death, Fwahahahaha". He just went  "wow I'm tired, ooh a cave".  


Gilda, Flim, Flam,  Ursa....these are all antagonists. 


Villians are things like the Diamond Dogs.  



Trixie is a unique example. In her first appearance she is simply an antagonist .  Kinda a *beep*  but not a villain.  It's not till her second episode that she is a villain antagonist.  Ok mini-rant aside let's look at lightening dust.



She's smart,  strong headed, likes being important, and tough.  She doesn't strike me as the kind of pony that will take her rejection from the wonderbolts academy as personal as Trixie took herself being showed up by Twilight.    Trixie has an ego the size of a large whale that ate another whale.   Being completely and utterly upstaged crushed her,  mentally,  financially, physically.    She turned into a villain in order to seek revenge.  (Not that not all villains are necessarily "bad")


Being a wonderbolt isn't like going to a finishing school. You don't need a stamp of approval for them to be a successful Pegasus.  Unlike Trixie,  Lightening Dust isn't a one trick pony,  she's got them mad skillz (yo) so she can be successful, even if her dream of being a wonderbolt isn't realized.


I'll also point out that Dash isn't a wonderbolt either (yet).  So it'll be really hard to have a plot where Lightning Dust comes in trying to take that away from her.   At best I can see Lightning coming back as an antagonist for a later Dash episode. One where there's a tournament, or a race,  or something along those lines.  Something that just pits the abilities of Dash against the abilities of Lightning Dust.  





Villain Lightning Dust ?  No



Antagonist Lightning Dust?  Probably (murchendizing!)

  • Brohoof 3

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The alternate ending for Lightning Dust was that she became Wing-Pony. So I don't think there's any real opportunity for a villain there.




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Actually I don't think we even see her get kicked out. Just given a public grilling and a demotion. For all we know she was bumped back down to private and made to retrain again.

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I don't think they'll make LD a villain as she didn't cause to much trouble, and other villains have power other than just being a pegasus, (Good at magic, bringer of chaos, etc.)

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I don't  think Lightning dust will become popular enough to get a least a Trixie-related role. I mean, I know Trixie may have gotten more attention, but that was because she captured the writers and the audience. Plus, she wasn't THAT bad to where she'd take revenge. I think she'll just appear in that one episode, and that's it.


Plus, in my opinion, there's no point to bring her back. 

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I don't think that she will be a villain later in the seasons, but I do think that she will be an obstacle for Rainbow Dash getting into the Wonderbolts if anything.


The fact that some people think she might come back in a later episode as the Shadowbolts Captain or just a regular member of the Shadowbolts could be possible. But didn't Discord make up the Shadowbolts to try to trick Rainbow Dash, and when failed they turned into dust qnd never were seen again until Rainbow Dash dressed up liked one of them for Halloween. Maybe the Shadowbolts don't exist and were a two time thing on the show, just maybe.


But of course, she could be just like Gilda. Comes on the show once, acts like a jerk, then never come back for another episode again. She may be a one time deal on the show like Gilda was. But we never know, Gilda could come back one day and so could Lightning Dust as well.





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That's actually a good idea. I would want to see her as a villain, so rainbow dash can put her in her place. They never state who's faster though. I mean RD has the sonic rainboom so I guess she is faster. Rainbow Dash no longer has to put effort into doing that move anymore anyways.

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I don't think she'd become a villain, although it would be a good plot for an episode. Like how Trixie came back for revenge on Twilight, Lightning Dust could come back for the same reason. Plus it's about time to have a pegasus protagonist for once, so I'm about 50/50 about this. I'd like to at least she her appearance again because she made quite a character on that episode.


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Was hoping Trixie would end up an Element opposite of Twilight and Lightning Dust would be a good counter for Rainbow Dash. But since Trixie is no longer that way I guess not.


On another note the case of Glinda the Griffon is not resolved with Rainbow Dash either.

  • Brohoof 1


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