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This... described my mood right now. I know that everyone of us in the RFC missed Ghostie, including myself but we can't leave this sanctuary abandoned then let it fall down into ruins. All of Ghostie work will be meaningless. I still have hope that Ghostie will return. Now, it's our time to keep this place be our safe heaven. Our little Sanctuary. There's still light at the end of the tunnel.

Edited by Arcing Storm
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Rarity being pretty drunk.


Get it? Pretty drunk? HEHEHEHE!


Really like her manestyle in this! I love it when she varies her beauty a bit, not that her usual style would ever get boring... Its beyond lovely. and it always makes me happy to see her gorgeous and flawless curls. Her flowy, coiled mane is just so much her, unique and alluring, elaborate but naturally beautiful at the same time.

What gets me the most is the gorgeous colours and gradients, and the way it contrasts with her pristine coat in such beauteous ways...


*Sigh*... All words fail to describe her perfect appeareance... All that is left is to just stand back, and enjoy her perfect look...post-25189-0-71790700-1413723875.png


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She looks gorgeous even with low details just the shapes and different colors post-28950-0-60876900-1413056552.png


The shapes are so softly carved and elegant that the picture doesn't need any more details to express her ultimate beauty.






With the additional details added it becomes absolutely mind blowing experience. Which is also known as perfection. post-28950-0-12753300-1413056493.png



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She looks gorgeous even with low details just the shapes and different colors


The shapes are so softly carved and elegant that the picture doesn't need any more details to express her ultimate beauty.


Rarity is just simply elegant and gorgeous, her colours give her a certain royality. Fitting... seeing that she is royality at heart...post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png

Even in simple simple poctures like yours, or in in this one,


she looks like the true masterpiece she is.


And now to something completely different:



Rarity! What are you doing in my burger? Are you eating it?


Dont look at me all adorable like that! You know you are irresistible...


*sigh* Fine...you can have it...


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Lady Rarity defending the realms of fabulosity!






The sky was dark and cloudy, like a gloomy prophecy of the horrible things to come.


Young lady Rarity let her sapphire eyes wander over the ponies she called her subjects. Ponies she was sworn to protect and that were sworn to protect her, as their beloved liege.


They were more than that though... They were her friends, and the thought that she may loose some of them in the coming battle broke her heart.


She hated that it had come to this, but it always had been inevitable. The enemies of the Empire of Fabulosity knew no quarter, they wanted to spoil everything she and her ponies had build for themselves. They envied their wealth and prostperity, and even though the always generous unicorn queen was more than willing to share, the ravenous hordes wanted everything for themselves.

They wanted to raze the white marble cities, topple the elegant silver towers, tear the silken flags down. 


But they would never succeed.


She herself lead the gleaming Platinum Cavalry that would smash the enemy lines like the hammer that crashes down on the anvil that were the regiments of her Sapphire Phalagites.

Grim mares and stallions in mirrored armour, bearing long sarissas and heavy shields, banners dancing in the wind, the echo of slender warhorns, mournful but glorious, filling the air.


Lady Rarity trotted forward, proud and confident, deadly and gorgeous, inspiring and inspired. Clad in resplendid armour that enhanced every curve of her young and attractive body, without sacrificing protection. Armed with a wickedly sharp lance, crafted from the best blacksmiths from rare meteor iron gifted from the stars themselves.


She would lead her ponies against the onslaught of the destructive host. The barbaric hordes that hated beauty. That hated generosity. That hated peace and love.


With a warcry she signaled the charge, her companions followed suit. The thuder of thousand hooves filled the air. The ground trembled.


And as if the heaven itself wanted to give the bold defenders its blessing, the coulds parted, and the suns warm rays filled the soon to be battlefield with its radiance.

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Most generous ponu gives her slice of the Granny Smith's delicious apple pie to Derpy who is at the window.


Only the most generous pone could think of that there is poni near the window who wants pie, but is maybe too shy to ask.


Rarity truly is the element of generosity post-28950-0-60876900-1413056552.png


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So uh guys, I got GMoD yesterday (sorta, it's a family share)


and I already added THIS!



(and yes, Cadance is my player model)


(Also, Ghostie left? D:)

Edited by Percy
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Rarity dressing as a french maid.post-25189-0-54776600-1413723885.png






I find her dressing up so endearing... Her different outfits and styles, how she varies and plays with her beauty...post-25189-0-71790700-1413723875.png


A maid outfit is not very realistic though. She is not a servant... she should be served at all times, and i would be totally willing to do that 24/7.post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png

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Rarity's Nightmare Rarity costume !






I never read the comic which has nightmare Raritu So I don't know much about her, but she looks stunning post-28950-0-60876900-1413056552.png







Also fabulous pone wearing another beautiful creation crafted by her own hooves and magic post-28950-0-46282100-1413056515.png

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Rarity getting the CMC ready for Nightmare Night. They all look extremely appreciative of her efforts and talent. I know I would if I had a genius like that helping me when I was a kid.





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Also fabulous pone wearing another beautiful creation crafted by her own hooves and magic

Hmmmm... I know i saw a picture of Rarity wearing that outfit somewhere... Looked really fabulous. Maybe i find it again.


Also, baking applepie in real life, so this crosses my thoughts naturally.






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Rarity and her gorgeous pet cat Opalescence post-28950-0-46282100-1413056515.png







Raritu couldn't have made better choice for a pet. Cats are so cute and lovely. Rarity loves Opal and takes good care of her. They both are such lovely and precious gems post-28950-0-60876900-1413056552.png




Opal don't need to eat on floor. She can eat on table with her beautiful owner. I wish I could be Rarity's pet post-28950-0-12753300-1413056493.png It would be so wonderful ??



This is so sweet ?:



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