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No, you created a meme that's exclusive to our fan club :D


{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;}



On break at work so I hope this posts right


Edit; nope. Sorry for the bad post. And I know I can't copy and pastes gifs from my phone now.

Edited by JLmle
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I find this gif very funny for some reasons.


I've created a monster with the whole Link thing


:lol: It will be over in a few days maybe. Edited by Blobulle
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It isn't new actually, I found some pictures like this one on Google:


That can't be right. Link is the embodiment of Rarity hatred - the poster boy for all those who dislike Rarity. He wears nearly solid green, for pete's sake! Green is the color of all things not fabulous! :okiedokielokie:


Link is not our friend. Link is an enemy of fabulosity.

Edited by ghostfacekiller39
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Rarity is so pretty here!!! :D








I don't know why but adding a bit of "evil" to Rarity makes her so much more interesting to watch. I guess there is a reason why Nightmare Rarity is my favorite Rarity, but still... there's just something that when you see her 'scheming', villain-y etc it's just so much more entertaining.

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I don't know why but adding a bit of "evil" to Rarity makes her so much more interesting to watch. I guess there is a reason why Nightmare Rarity is my favorite Rarity, but still... there's just something that when you see her 'scheming', villain-y etc it's just so much more entertaining.

I hated Nightmare Rarity :( It had so much potential and I was honestly a bit excited to see her play that role, and boom, it was filled with clunky dialogue, irritating behavior from just about every character, and had a horridly stupid resolution that you'd see in a children's book - something I don't expect from MLP. Then, throw in the fact that the way she was written after joining the Nightmare forces was nothing more than a shallow villain lacking any depth, which is something else that bothers me - Rarity is one of the most multi-dimensional characters in the show, dammit, and her shallow ramblings as a villain were as flat as a piece of paper. I was excited only to be very disappointed -_-


Of course, to each their own :D

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I hated Nightmare Rarity :( It had so much potential and I was honestly a bit excited to see her play that role, and boom, it was filled with clunky dialogue, irritating behavior from just about every character, and had a horridly stupid resolution that you'd see in a children's book - something I don't expect from MLP. Then, throw in the fact that the way she was written after joining the Nightmare forces was nothing more than a shallow villain lacking any depth, which is something else that bothers me - Rarity is one of the most multi-dimensional characters in the show, dammit, and her shallow ramblings as a villain were as flat as a piece of paper. I was excited only to be very disappointed -_-


Of course, to each their own :D


Oh undoubtedly. There could have been a lot more to her. But you know... ... ...her design was SO DAM' AMAZING.




Royal Purple and darker shades of it, along to various blue colors, were my favorite ones a long time before I even watched the show. So you can imagine how wide my smile was to see such a design to my favorite character. There's a lot I can forgive if something is eye-candy. And if that didn't feed me with joy, addressing my artistic expectations, then nothing would xD

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Rarity dressed as the "enemy of fabulousity"




She's going incognito, I see :ph34r:




Oh undoubtedly. There could have been a lot more to her. But you know... ... ...her design was SO DAM' AMAZING.




Royal Purple and darker shades of it, along to various blue colors, were my favorite ones a long time before I even watched the show. So you can imagine how wide my smile was to see such a design to my favorite character. There's a lot I can forgive if something is eye-candy. And if that didn't feed me with joy, addressing my artistic expectations, then nothing would xD

I will give Nightmare Rarity that - she had a damn good design :D She made being the night fabulous :D

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She's going incognito, I see :ph34r:

I guess Rarity is a master of disguise.


Also, I just reached 1000 posts. Let's celebrate


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I guess Rarity is a master of disguise.


Also, I just reached 1000 posts. Let's celebrate



Wow, 1000 posts. That's a pretty big milestone. Congratz :D



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Hi guys, been a few days.  Busy with my summer internship, but then I guess there's always time for Rarity!


I nominate Spike as an honorary member of the Rarity fan club.



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Msp mlp is going on and I found out today when I noticed a group of people with the badges. Really had it rubbed in when I saw a lady at the moa build a bear cosplaying as rare

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Hiya, Rarity fans. How is everyone this evening?

Pretty good. Playing some Chrono Trigger :D Great game. 




Msp mlp is going on and I found out today when I noticed a group of people with the badges. Really had it rubbed in when I saw a lady at the moa build a bear cosplaying as rare

I take it that you're unable to go, then? :( That sucks.

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Not completely sure what to think of this picture so I guess I'll just leave it here and let y'all go rampant :D



Rarity looks so sexy cosplaying as Luna :wub: Of course, her natural beauty is just something that's more than a bit awe inspiring, is it not? :D

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