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The future of MLP

Melody Charm

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From what it looks like, MLP is evolving, and isn't going to be the same as it has been in the past....


But how do you think it going to be changed? 


What do you think is going to happen?


What are you predictions for the future of MLP



My opinion?


Has anyone ever seen the Winx Club?


In short, it is about a group of fairy friends, each with a special power.


The series revolves around these friends each getting more and more powerful, and gaining more and more magical skills by doing something big. Like sacrificing themselves or finding a special object or something.


For a better explanation:




I think this is exactly how MLP is now going to go.


Twilight's obviously going to do something HUGE, resulting in her being transformed into the next level of the magical kind, an Alicorn (sound familiar?)


I highly doubt that the writers are going to make Twilight leave Ponyville and her friends behind - the entire show revolves around them and their friendship.


How can there be My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, when one of the friends have abandoned the group to "fulfil her destiny"?


........Does that sound like friendship to you?



So I'm pretty sure that, one by one, each of the remaining Mane 6 are going to have to make a huge decision or sacrifice, and join Twilight as an Alicorn.



Although I don't agree with the transformation of Twilight,

If the writers use the same sort of plot as the Winx, it would sure make one heck of a storyline.




I could completely wrong, and far from the truth.


But it makes a lot of sense, if you think about it.


What do you think?

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think the change is going to be as massive as people have apparently convinced themselves is going to be. Twilight isn't going to leave her friends, and I don't think the rest of them will become alicorns as well. If anything, it'll add a new dynamic to what already exists instead of comepletely changing the status quo, and that's considering the alicornification is permenent.


If anything, she stays in ponyville, but now has to handle princess and/or alicorny issues in addition to whatever issue of the episode, and still learns a friendship lesson in the end.

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The only thing I foresee for sure is a good and well-received season 4, followed by an abysmal season 5.


The content itself though... What we have now ranges from genius masterpieces such as Party of One and Best Night Ever to incredibly simple Hurricane Fluttershy and Fall Weather Friends. I fail to see a pattern yet, but I see the show is still being written by a bunch of talented people. I was surprised a lot of times, expecting one thing from an episode and receiving something completely different as the episode went by. This makes judging the future almost impossible, at least for me. I can't draw parallels with other shows, base my opinion on stereotypes, I'm talking about people who turned a wedding episode into... well, THE wedding episode, one of the most praised moments of the show.


The show will change its focus, of course, simply because they'll eventually run out of morales to use (if not already). I think there will be more adventure episodes, pointless characters, retcons, but it's hard to justify.


The show is running on the edge of a giant blade, with its target audience sitting on one side, and bronies on the other side.


Tl;dr: G5 is what will happen.


Obligatory Twilicorn reference: I'm okay with it and I await something deep and interesting to come out of it.

Edited by Sepraxian
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I'd be happy ifit took a adventure focus, the adventure episodes like Elements of Harmony, The Wedding, The Crystal Empire, and Magic Duel are always my favorites.  

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I think this upcoming Alicorn thing is just going to be Twilight discovering it is her destiny to become the future ruler/protector of Equestria. I think Celestia just hasn't told her yet because she knows how stressed out she gets over things.


Lesson Zero, anyone?


This way Hasbro can sell their toy with the tie in and her entire character isn't drastically changed. I'm not saying it would be a terrible for her to undergo a transformation, but I feel like this is the most likely thing to happen.



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The show is going to go on, and still be fine even though Twilight is going to become an Alicorn. This is not goin to have nearly as big of an effect on the show as people are making it out to be. Don't worry, the future of the show will be alright.



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I'm still of the position that it's a temporary part of the cutie-swap (a permanent change like this in 22 minutes, when it isn't even the main plot of the episode? That's just unrealistic). It will probably be a "Crystal Ponies" style change where everyone is the same in the end, but there's enough of a change for just long enough to justify a new line of toys.


I, for one, always liked the "misadventures"style that the show had. It was down-home. The adventures/epics are cool, but I wouldn't want that to become the main theme of the show.

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
  • Brohoof 1


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Right now, there are two things that could potentially be a possibility.


1: The Adventure Continues: Twilight will still hang out with her friends but the episodes aren't just in Ponyville. WIth Twilight becoming a princess, this could be a chance for some new locales in some future episodes and seasons, like Manehattan and the Griffon Kingdom.


2: A New Group: Maybe this is the end of Mane 6's journey and we get a new batch of friends who become the new Elements of Harmony. Twilight will probably still be there, what with being a princess and all. This would also give Hasbro the chance to sell more toys.


I highly doubt the second scenario will ever happen. But, who knows?

Edited by AlbinoThunder


"Sending some assholes your way to the death dimension!" -Lelouch (Code MENT)


"Kenpachi Ramasama, why didn't you do your math homework?" "Oh, I'm sorry. My toast wouldn't cook and then I had to go and become a sailor scout. RONIN WARRIORS!" -Matt and Pat (Two Best Friends Play)

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It's just going to be an aesthetic change. A pointless aesthetic change, But whatever. It's going to be ackward as hell to watch sometimes... I cringe at the thought of Twilight now being able to walk on clouds while three of her friends don't have that luxury. But meh. I've watched mostly for other characters that aren't her anyways, so I won't feel much damage. As long as they don't mess with Discord, Luna and Fluttershy I'm happy.


Show should remain just about the same with it's slice of life plots.

Edited by himanuts
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I think it's going to be temporary, so I guess there's not much to worry about? The future of MLP will remain stable I guess, the show isn't going downhill or going for absurd plotlines (unless the Twilight alicorn thing is badly written, which I highly doubt).


The team that makes the show have made the show awesome for 3 seasons and never disappointed us, I don't see how the future will be any worse.


In other words: Whatever they do that isn't waaaaay to extreme will be well made and awesome

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Check the main Twalicorn thread, everypony. Permanent change (at least through the end of Season 3) has been confirmed.


With that said, that means the beginning of Season 4 can go in three primary directions.


- Twi realizes she's not ready for her destiny and returns to her friends. Either that or during her research in Ponyville (which, originally, was what her time there was meant to be) she "goes native" for her friends, and decides in the end that this is not her destiny. Old Mane 6 continues as normal. A very likely possibility, in my opinion. Lots of people love how Twilight is now (pre-Alicorn), and leaving on a cliffhanger will keep them coming back to Season 4, when she makes her final decision about whether to stay princess or return to her friends.


- New adventure format that will likely predominantly follow Twilight as her new role as princess. The rest of the Mane 6 will probably have an overall reduced role. Again, a likely possibility if Hasbro wanted a fundamental format change to the show.


- Twilight will have a reduced role and will now be more like Celestia, appearing at certain times. The show follows the Mane 5. The likelihood of this is low, though. Now that Hasbro got their way in the first place, they will likely want the Twalicorn focus to continue and make her the primary character. Sadly, an "ohmygodlookattheprettyprettyprincess" attitude.


What concerns me the most though is this: Why would Hasbro be making these changes - changes that usually are harbingers to said show soon ending - to the most popular program in their history? Are they planning on wrapping up MLP:FiM after season 4, regardless of popularity and ratings? Why? Was this planned since the start?

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
  • Brohoof 1


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To be honest, I don't really even like to think about it. I normally like to ponder and think about these things, but I can't this time for whatever reason. I'm trying not to think of the future of it and just wait and see what it will be.

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Skipping past the Alicorn thing, because there's already enough going on about that... And all I'm about to say is pure speculation on my part. I've got no real facts backing any of it up. I'm just seeing stuff that is starting to look like a pattern, and I could easily be mistaken about it or misunderstanding what I'm seeing.


Season 4 is confirmed, so the immediate future isn't so bad.


However, Hasbro itself has found itself in a very strange situation. They have a very successful property on their hands; MLP is now one of the leading lines, according to what I've heard unit-for-unit outselling their other toy lines. But the fandom they have attracted has an unusual number of creative-types with real skill and access to tools that didn't used to be available to the hobbiest. Brony-created animations that are close to, if not matching, show quality. A slew of fan-VAs doing quality radiostyle-plays. Tons of games, both computer and tabletop. Fanfictions that have their *own* fanbases. And worst of all, plushie and custom toy makers that are putting out stuff that could easily be used for production line models. None of this is being produced at a rate that can rival what professional studios/manufacturers can do, but the Bronies are getting faster as they get more experience.


Basically, if the Bronies continue to improve their skills, both as creators and as marketers, there will come a point where Hasbro will find itself as only one of several content providers. They would effectively lose control of their own franchise. Lawsuits and cease-and-desist letters will only go so far due to the distributed nature of the fandom, and if really effective may damage the market itself.


There is another option, though.They could make enough changes to the franchise that the fan-based creators can't keep up. Their advance knowledge of the changes would let them keep the toy lines up-to-date, but by the time the fan-based creators had someting ready, Hasbro changes the franchise again, and the cycle goes on indefinately. Basically this would be G5+, but unlike the previous generations they'd only last a year, or maybe less, before the next gen cycles out and the new stuff would cycle in.

  • Brohoof 1


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Twilight becoming a alicorn? you folks it is the past day. Still bet that there is temporal change though.

What actually creep me out is that Twilights going to be voiced by Morgan Freeman. I cannot even imagin that. Not that i disrespect him but ... i cannot fit his voice and ... Twilight?

Edited by IceBeerG
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Oh, I know Winx Club. I stopped watching it cuz it got kinda annoying and AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT! *clears throat* hmm. I don't think the changes in MLP will ever be as big as in Winx Club, but it may leave some damage on the future. MAY. Twily would never leave her friends for a bigger opportunity. She sticks by her friends and they stick by her. It would be absolutely absurd if Twilight left to go fufill her Alicorn duties. Maybe Princess Celestia will change her into one and test her on how well she handles her friendship after she makes the transformation. Eh.  -_- Could be a possibility. In Time. All Will Be Clear. :P

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Just so this topic isn't flooded with posts about the alicorn thing, I'll get it out of the way right now. Warning, possible spoilers ahead.


Yes, the Hub tweeted that Twilight will become an alicorn, but they also tweeted that a season 4 will come, but not for awhile.

Edited by ~Vallo~
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I bet maybe it be that twilight may become a alicorn... probably by magic

But then she will have so much work to do like a royal judge...

I bet in a episode her friends would get blamed for something and twilight would have to judge them

Im just randomly guessing :)

Another opinion

Maybe Twilight would turn into a evil alicorn like nightmare-moon and her friends would have to remind her of their friendship and that would stop her.

Either which I really don't know :)

P.s. These are my opinions so don't take them to seriously. :)

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I have no clue on the future of the series. I hate to sound like a pessimistic fan, but things don't look good now and here's why. Twilight becoming an alicorn within a week has destroyed this fan base and torn it into two. Twilight becoming an alicorn will only shift all the focus onto her, which I do not like. The show is supposed to be about all 6 ponies. I love Rainbow Dash, and is she got any special treatment and out shined any of the other characters I would be pissed. Because in the real world friendship is all about equality and respect. Twilight will no longer be equals with her friends, she will be above them. Yeah she will mot likely not be faster than rainbow dash or strong like apple jack. But she would be considered royalty while her friends are peasants. We also don't need X amount of princesses. They should have just stopped at Cadence. I have been in the fandom very shortly and I hate to leave it early. I am just hoping for a season 5. Because Twilight becoming an alicorn is something they should do when they end the series. I hope this doesn't happen, but what if season 4 is the last season and it is all centered around Twilight that would suck

Edited by TheMarkz0ne
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Well from my understanding the change is perminate.

Now I was okay with this change form the beginning.

Now I think the show will be more of an adventure style as Twilight learns about the responsibilities of being a princess. One does not become a princess for a mere title. She will have responsibilities as well as a new princess.


According to the writers she will still be her old self just an Alicorn and have responsibilities.

As for her friends, she will need them more then ever as she learns about the responsibilities of being a princess.

Plus this was Laurens intention from the start. Twilight from the beginning was destined for greatness and now she has to live to that responsibilities.


Now back to her friends, I think that they will develope as well. If the show is now all about twilight, then the shows initial purpose about teaching the magic of freindship will be lost. No I think the writer have plans for the rest of Twilight's friends as well. What those plans are, I don't know, but I don't think they are going to be ignored or left out of the action.

Think about it, from the beginning of the series Twilight has needed the help of her friends to help her in the challenges she has faced. Well being a princess is a challenge and she is going to need all the help she can get.


Look let just wait and see what happens. Everything has been good so far so let's settle down and enjoy the show. I enjoy the show for what it is and for what the writers bring to me. And so far they have done a spectacular job. We may have had bumps along the way, but never the less we have had a good season and a great series so far. Soon it will be time againe to wait for more glorious adventures to come.


Now if you'll excuse me I have to make a plan of action to make waiting for season 4 a little less painful.

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  • 1 year later...

Please put this in the speculation folder or a similar article if necessary. Season 4 is finished now. And i was wandering. What is next? Will twilight struggle being a princess? And after Tirek. Will Lavan, Scorpan, Catrina and Grogar return? Will Pinkie Pie's family relationship with Applejack be fully explored? And what about the Changelings and Chrysalis? Were they supposed to die in that fall(Excluding comics canon)? And what about the CMC? I know, I know. Too many questions. But we have 5 more years left and eventually G5 Will come. At least i can watch Doctor Who this year!!!

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Only thing I'm banking on is CMCs getting their cutie marks.


I would like to see more exploration in terms of other cities. We haven't seen enough of Cloudsdale, Griffon Land, Saddle Arabia, and Changling Land.

  • Brohoof 2

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