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The Mane 6 and their nationalities

The Soldier

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Not being sarcastic. There are a lot of German Mennonite communities where I live and a lot of them have sideburns like Pinkie's dad. Hope I didn't offend anyone.


Don't worry, you didn't. I actually didn't know what Mennonite meant, resulting in a quick look on Wikipedia, but I still don't fully understand other than they're related to Christianity.

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Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all seem to have characteristics that can mostly likely have them stereotyped as being American. I mean Twilight just seems to be that average study hard, work hard, and leader-like individual(though with her studying habits, we could also associate her with Asians lol). Applejack's southern accent can easily have her resemble any stereotypical southerner. And Rainbow Dash, well I guess her arrogant personality can make her appear American. I mean stereotypically, I'm sure a majority of foreigners would see us Americans as a whole kinda prideful. Correct me if I'm wrong. ^_^


I'd say that Fluttershy could be Japanese in nationality, hypothetically and stereotypically speaking of course.


Rarity....well I'm not sure, her dialect seems to be defined as Mid-Atlantic English, which is a mixture of American and British, without being predominantly either. I would guess that she would be mostly British because of her parents, since according to Sweet and Elite, she was born in Ponyville.


I don't even know. I over-think a lot. ^_^ I'm just gonna say her nationality would be British if she had to have some kind of nationality.


Pinkie Pie would be impossible to describe when talking about stereotype and nationality. I would just say that she could be something like Hispanic, since that's my gf's personality and she can be like Pinkie Pie at times. :P

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I like to imagine that Rarity would not only be born in some town in the Midwestern USA, but also that she has a boring and pedestrian family history that she would attempt to mine for ANYTHING interesting. Like, "Oh, well lots of generations ago I was the second cousin of some barely known noble in France". 


For some reason it seems like Fluttershy would have an incredibly dense and exciting genealogy line spanning the world over.

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Twilight would be Japanese

Rarity would be British

Applejack would be a North American southern country gal.

Rainbow Dash would be North American

Fluttershy would be a quiet North American Girl

Pinkie Pie would be an American Party Girl. 

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What could the Supporting Characters be ?




Princess Celestia:Greek


Princess Luna:Greek


Silver Spoon:Welsh


Diamond Tiara:English






Snails:Um, English I guess




Sunset Shimmer:Australian


Queen Chrysalis:Greek


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What could the Supporting Characters be ?




Princess Celestia:Greek


Princess Luna:Greek


Silver Spoon:Welsh


Diamond Tiara:English






Snails:Um, English I guess




Sunset Shimmer:Australian


Queen Chrysalis:Greek

Why are all alicorns in your list greeks, if I may ask?

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Why are all alicorns in your list greeks, if I may ask?

The way Pegasus' come from Greek stories, I am not sure where Unicorns come from so I just went with Greece even though I think there from Sweden, and if Luna and Celly are sisters there gonna be from the some country.

For Chrysalis being Greek, she reminds me of Medusa, and she came (If she existed at all) came from Greece.


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Why does everyone think Applejack sounds Texan?

Has no one ever heard accents of people from the Ozarks?

She sounds more Tennessean or Missourian to me.

Texas isn't the only Southern state guys.  Is it because she's a cowgirl?   :huh:

yes, and it's because there are a lot of cattle ranchers out in Texas


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The way Pegasus' come from Greek stories, I am not sure where Unicorns come from so I just went with Greece even though I think there from Sweden, and if Luna and Celly are sisters there gonna be from the some country.

For Chrysalis being Greek, she reminds me of Medusa, and she came (If she existed at all) came from Greece.


Luna and Celestia have Latin-derived names, though, and the palace guards have Roman helmets. And the mythological borrowings? Just look at Vergil and his fanfiction of the Trojan Cycle the Aeneid. 

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Hmm in my opinion;


Rarity would be either Italian or British 


Fluttershy would be Native American or Canadian or Japanese


Pinkie Pie would be Caucasian American, Korean or Japanese


Twilight would be African American or Indian 


Rainbow Dash would be Greek or Russian. 


And Apple Jack would be Country (American)

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  • 2 months later...

This is for any specie and not just the mane 6, so would it be eligable for a thread for it's own ?


I would say Twilight would be South Korean, she is pretty smart and loves books


I would Applejack would be American, her accent.


I would say Fluttershy would be Canadian, she loves nature and is really shy


I would say Pinkie Pie is Belgian, she loves Sweets and parties.


I would say Rarity is English, her accent and she is very well mannered


I would say Rainbow Dash is Russian, she is pretty sporty and athletic


I would say Spike is Japanese, It seriously just into my head.


I would say Princess Celestia is Latin, along with Luna and if Cadance is adopted, then she would be from France I guess.


I would say Shining Armour is South Korean also, if he is Twily's brother and she is from South Korea


I would say Prince Blueblood is Latin, if he is the nephew of Celly


I would say any CMC is the nationality of their big sister, since Scootaloo has no Siblings, she seems like she is from Canada for some reason.



I will do more later.


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Interesting, but I must admit to not being a fan of bringing the ponies too far into our world. Clearly the show uses stereotypes, especially accents-southern US, African, upper crust US, English-and that's fine. But, fandom stuff make me warily; I don't always get where it comes from.

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I never understood why everyone calls Rarity's accent British when it is not.



but for race I see


Rarity- Belgian(since she is based off of Audrey Hepburn)

Twilight- Cameroom(She reminds me of my darling best friend who is from there)

Rainbow Dash- Greek

Apple Jack- Good ol west-southern gal.

Pinkie Pie- Alien

Fluttershy- Indian





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There's a problem here.


I thought we were finding nationalities matching their personalities, but AJ is ALWAYS associated with South America based ON HER DIALECT ONLY.

Twilight is compared to Asian people for being studious. But aren't they also physically hard-working (enough to steal jobs from Western workers)? Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack could be Chinese in that regard.


Following the same logic you guys do with AJ, every single one of the mane 6 would be from an English-speaking country. Particularly on the North American continent, except MAYBE Rarity.

In fact, save from a few characters like Photo Finish, Zecora and Gustave, you NEVER get to see ANYONE from ANYWHERE else.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but relying on accent alone, the great majority of characters we've seen are from the US or Canadian.


If this is about personalities and not accents, why systematically make Applejack South-American?

If accents are being taken into consideration, why even ponder what nationality they may be?


I don't know about the others, but i'm basing my decisions on not just personality, but aesthetic style, interests, behaviors, quirks etc, basically everything. My reasoning for putting AJ as Texan/Tennessee/Southern has less to do with her accent and more to do with who she is in general.

Let's look at her for a moment. She holds strong value over being dependable, hardworking, honest, being family oriented, and welcoming. Check. Her interests/skills include farming, applebucking, rodeos, strength competitions, herding animals, and using her lasso. Check. Her appearance; she has freckles, a shaggy blond mane, and wears a cowboy hat (and cowboy boots on occasion). Even without the accent, her entire aesthetic persona (check 4:10 for an example of it) reeks of cowgirl and her "style" is very american westernish. As a Texan, I can confirm that she is just generally very Southerner.


OT: I sorta get a "Greek" vibe from Rainbow Dash. When you look at her, she has high interest in athletics, being with the best of the best, and is quite proud. Her can be a bit hot-tempered and competitive. When you look at her visual aesthetic, you notice a common motif with her (when she decides to wear clothes) seems to be ancient-greece inspired clothing. She also played the gladiator/warrior-type character in the heartswarming eve play.


I think Flutters would fit in the most with some sort of peaceful native tribe (or maybe just as a hermit in any nation). She holds a special bond with animals, and has a nurturing personality. Her common motif is nature.

Someone else also said Canadian, which is also quite possible.


Pinkie..... i have no idea at all what that pony is. Shes from Candyland or something. Or the North pole, with Santa Claus.


I would say that Twilight would likely be from a country where scholarly and introverted behavior is more respected. Maybe Twilight would be Japanese or Chinese? Or maybe Indian, given her motif with the stars/astrology. She's also hard to pinpoint exactly. She could be from the UK for all i know.


And finally, Rarity. She could definitely pull off being a French transplant, given her love for fashion, high class, and sophistication. Only thing, (and someone else mentioned this too) is that shes' actually too nice to be native french. And i think it sort of reflects the fact that she's still a small town girl who dreams of bigger things.

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OT: I sorta get a "Greek" vibe from Rainbow Dash. When you look at her, she has high interest in athletics, being with the best of the best, and is quite proud. Her can be a bit hot-tempered and competitive. When you look at her visual aesthetic, you notice a common motif with her (when she decides to wear clothes) seems to be ancient-greece inspired clothing. She also played the gladiator/warrior-type character in the heartswarming eve play.


That description is more akin to Ancient Rome than Ancient Greece. Rome was also about practicality over intellectual speculation, a description that also fits Rainbow Dash. So maybe Rainbow Dash is Ancient Rome?

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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That description is more akin to Ancient Rome than Ancient Greece. Rome was also about practicality over intellectual speculation, a description that also fits Rainbow Dash. So maybe Rainbow Dash is Ancient Rome?

I think she could be either, really. I was thinking more Ancient Greece merely because it was the "original" while Ancient Rome was the "renewal" that also included alot of other cultures.

Now that you mention it, maybe more Rome considering that Rome was a great empire which fits the warrior thing...


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"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

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Fluttershy would be Japanese

Rainbow Dash would be American

Pinkie Pie would be Russian or French

Twilight would be British

Applejack would be American (southern)

Rarity would be French

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Let's See:


Fluttershy: Indian

Rainbow Dash: Mexican

Pinkie Pie: American

Twilight: British

Applejack: American

Rarity: Italian or Spanish.




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