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I have two phobias.

One of certain ending logos (eg Screen Gems, Viacom go look them up on clg wiki)

And a fear of heights. Whats even worse is im going to Alton Towers today, and my sister says shes going to get me to go on The Smiler (newest atrraction and its a rollercoaster D: ).

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  • 4 weeks later...

What are some of your biggest fears?


I have a long list of them, so I'll try to list what I can remember.






Loud Noises





There's probably more, but I can't think of them. D:

  • Brohoof 2
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I have lot of fears but maybe the biggest and what is affecting my life the most is my fear about what people will think about me. It may not seem that big of a deal but it is affecting my actions and way I behave, because I don't want others think bad of me.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well there are two BIG ones for me I hate the Idea of death but my biggest fear is a very common one... Heights, Oh sweet jesus I hate 

heights with a flaming passion. Any other common fear like Arachnophobia are nothing to me as I have a Tarantula and I hope to get a Emperor Scorpion. Still though heights... *Shudder*

  • Brohoof 1
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I have lot of fears but maybe the biggest and what is affecting my life the most is my fear about what people will think about me. It may not seem that big of a deal but it is affecting my actions and way I behave, because I don't want others think bad of me.

What others think is not important. Only you know yourself and if it's necessary only you'll like yourself. If others don't like you ignore them, let them hate and dislike without proper reasons.


I've had that problem before in my life. I don't care anymore about what other people think. I'm not trying to change your thoughts, but don't let others make you feel inferior.

  • Brohoof 2
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most bugs



I forgot about vomit. I actually have a fear of others throwing up. I'm not sure why, and it's not so much that it grosses me out. I've had this fear for as long as I can remember though. I just start panicking of someone starts throwing up and I'm near them or around them. There was one time I was at the hospital with my parents once, and I had to move to a different area because there was someone with a bowl for throwing up in. :/

  • Brohoof 1
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What others think is not important. Only you know yourself and if it's necessary only you'll like yourself. If others don't like you ignore them, let them hate and dislike without proper reasons.


I've had that problem before in my life. I don't care anymore about what other people think. I'm not trying to change your thoughts, but don't let others make you feel inferior.

I know that and I try not to care, but if I mess up something in front of everyone I feel like this:




and not caring seems impossible at that point. Recently I've grown stronger thanks to this forum, but it's still hard sometimes.

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I forgot about vomit. I actually have a fear of others throwing up. I'm not sure why, and it's not so much that it grosses me out. I've had this fear for as long as I can remember though. I just start panicking of someone starts throwing up and I'm near them or around them. There was one time I was at the hospital with my parents once, and I had to move to a different area because there was someone with a bowl for throwing up in. :/


yes I feel you! it makes me so anxious to be around people who are prone to throwing up or even knowing that they are sick in the stomach makes me kinda nope the fuck out; and when someone in close proximity does throw up, or starts to show signs of it, I kinda walk like 30ft away from them and turn around or stare at a wall.

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I know that and I try not to care, but if I mess up something in front of everyone I feel like this:




and not caring seems impossible at that point. Recently I've grown stronger thanks to this forum, but it's still hard sometimes.


If you're trying, the more time passes the stronger you will become. That's good.

  • Brohoof 1
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Heights, I completely freeze and hyperventilate if I am too high.

Flying bugs, as they are random and can land on me. Exception is bees.

Needles ( at one time ) had to face it due to taking insulin now.

Elevators- I really hate these.

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That's my only phobia and let me tell you when it hits it hits hard. I combust and have a breakdown. Not every time but sometimes I do. The times I don't it's almost like being petrified.

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I must have the weirdest mine are:



the people in costumes like at Disney or something

big black clips that hold papers

man those I used to use those all the time until the thing happened I used one and somehow it broke and went into my finger and my parents don't do nothing so I had to pull it out so not liking them!!


and I guess cancer don't want it again one time was enough!!! 

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Silence. I sleep with the radio on, or Netflix running on the tv. In the summer, without my fan going, and the tv off, the only part of the all consuming darkness that truly scares me is the void of any audio. No bugs, no creaking, no anything. Pitch black in audio form. Even on this short break to Vegas, I've been sleeping with my phone playing Derpys Lullaby.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Arachnophobia. Sure I'll hold stuff like snakes and whatever but spiders. I was enjoying myself when one crawled on my leg. I screamed, ran out of the room, and came back with a can of bug killer (Raid? Something strong) and doused the room. Those things are just evil! Their webs get everywhere, they crawl on everything, they can jump, and they can bite you! It's just yuck! Time to question my masculinity now.

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I can get through mine easily, but I do have a couple

So... irrational fears.



Right now I cant think of any others, I used to be scared of heights and wild animals but I overcame those, but spiders despite being incredibly small and harmless just eughghghghghghghh 

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