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Trixie Remains a Villain, Here's Why:


Trixie still a villain?  

36 users have voted

  1. 1. Will Trixie return as a villain?

    • Yes Silverhoof. You are correct...as always. I must bow to your wisdom.
    • NO! and don't you dare Talk about my wife, Trixie like that!
    • If your house gets TP'd, dont blame the Trixie Fan Club. Just saying.
    • I think Silverhoof will show up as a villain, and Trixie will kick his ***!
    • I'm not sure, but I would like to say, BITE ME, Silverhoof!
    • You've always had it in for Trixie. LEAVE TRIXIE ALONE!
    • I like cheese.
    • No. Trixie will save the day. and get a spinoff show.
    • You're the guy behind Equestria Girls. I'm sure of it!...Infidel!
    • My name is Idigo Ponytoya. You messed with the wrong pony. Prepare to die!

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Trixie has a character flaw, jealousy. She may have forgiven her rival Twilight, but now Twi has gone and stepped beyond anything the great and powerful Trixie can do.


One-up-manship, is all about the Trixster. This news will drive her into the depths of despair, and all those thoughts of redemption and forgiveness go out the door. Trixie MUST challenge Twi again...conflict is inevitable.


So what do you think, am I right? or Not?

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Hide yo Oc's, Hide yo Fanons, hide yo kids, hide yo twilight's, Cause Firebolt be knocking this thread down!


I don't think she'll return a villan. She has already been redeemed.

Edited by Concord
  • Brohoof 4


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She wasn't a villain until twilight handed her her flank,  ruined her title and made trixies current way of life impossible.



if anything twilight is the villain



Regardless, because of the aforementioned.....destruction of her livelyhood.....trixie spiraled into vengeance and was driven to buy a corrupting amulet of power,   which in turn caused her to be outright evil.    "It's not me, it's the amulet",  probably why trixie wasn't thrown in pony jail for her abuse of the ponies of ponyville. (pony pony pony).  

She may come back and antagonize,  or make an appearance,   but no,  she's not a villain and I'll eat my hat if she ever comes back as a harmful one on her own accord  

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Trixie was never a villain except when wearing the Alicorn Amulet. The worst she got without it was somewhat obnoxious and arrogant IMO. Anyway as long as she can make her way in the world I doubt she has any kind of reason to pick a fight with Twilight (and she has several reasons not to, since Unicorn Twilight was way too powerful for her anyway, attacking a monarch is stupid and even if she succeeded Dashie would hunt her until the end of her days) I honestly think that Trixie bears no animosity towards Twilight since Magic Duel. And even if she does, I think she's smart enough to know that picking a fight with Princess Twilight would be the dumbest thing imaginable for her.

  • Brohoof 4
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I don't think that Trixie will be a villain mostly because the only time she has been a villain is when she was corrupted by the amulet. Sure she may have been a jealous bitch but that doesn't make her evil or life threatening. In magic duel she seemed to have been redeemed at the end and she apologized. In theory, she might not be the happiest that Twi's an alicorn but I'd like to think that she is somewhat a friend to the mane 6 and that includes Twilight.

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noooooooo not Trixie

she was only mean to the hagglers that interrupter her show like how comedians make a laughing stock of people that interrupter them in the middle of a performance so it totally was in her right to do it  so she wasnt a villain in the first place

people just saw her as one since she made a laughing stock of some of the main 6 then twilight ruined trixie's life where no pony would come to her shows anymore so she couldnt make money

and because of that she had to work at a rock farm then then all trixie could think about was having her revenge on twi for ruining trixie's life 

but now that twi and trixie forgive each other she should come bak as a friend

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I highly doubt it, it looks like she learned from her mistakes, rather than having feelings of jealousy and "hatred" for Twilight


But I did voted for "I like cheese", so I am probably not the brightest person around here, don't take my opinion to seriously

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The only way for Trixie to be a villan again is snag that corrupting Alicorn Amulet. But that won't happen again. Although Twilight has surpassed her in all ways possible, especially now that she's an Alicorn, Trixie is definitely gonna swallow her pride and humble out.  

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I must admit, I don't see the point in making a poll when you're not honestly trying to gain any pertinent information from it.


Anyway, I really doubt we'll see her again. But if we do, I imagine she'll be more of a friendly rival, instead of a dangerous enemy. I'd really like to see her join the Mane Six; it would provide a nice foil to Twilight, and I'm sure there's more opportunity for character development. Plus, then the balance of 2 Earth ponies, 2 pagasi, and 2 unicorns would be restored.

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Trixie will not return again as a villain. I believe this for multiple reasons, the first of which not being that she doesn't have any motive to be evil. She has a big ego, sure, but she's not a villain. She has never been a villain without the Alicorn Amulet. She has only been arrogant, she has never actively served as a villain in the show.


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Just to be different:


I hope she comes back as a villain. I love her as a character but, geez, the way she rolls her r's can get annoying. And that seems pretty darn evil to me.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I agree with you, and it would be appropriate to make her appear in season 4 (infact I want to see this battle). Of course since the show does revolve around friendship, holding a grudge and being jealous doesn't really stick with the whole theme, but naturally you're right. Logically based on past experiences with Trixie, she will be jealous as that is in her nature, but for the sake of the show I do not think they will make her evil again.


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You ARE the guy behind Equestria Girls!!!!! You'll rue the day....


Anywho, I don't think Trixie will come back a villan. I mean she was only a villan once, and that was when she had the cursed Alicorn Amuelet. If they do bring her back (which I'm kind of hoping they do) she'll probably be a friendly rival type charecter.


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Trixie isn't going to return a villain primarily because she doesn't have a reason to be evil. I want Trixie to return actually and help the mane 6 somehow. Trixie is very skilled it was indeed her jealousy that got the better of her. Here's something to consider. Why is it Trixie knew about the Alicorn Amulet and Twilight didn't? It would seem to me Trixie is just as smart as Twilight is. Trixie is also evidence that Twilight is not the only one who has Magic as their special talent.



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Probably, but there's always room for redemption. But that wouldn't be part of Trixie's character. It seems she needs to boast .

Edited by ~Vallo~
  • Brohoof 1



Your breath stinks.

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you just had to put the "I like cheese" option in there didnt you. You do realize that by doing so you negated the entire poll. I mean really how many could truly resist voting that. I dont even care what topic the poll covered I know as a matter a fact that the cheese option would come out on top. 


To answer the actual question, no. I dont think Trixie will come in as a full on villain again. If this did happen it would make her a stale character unable to learn from her past mistakes. I do however think her return is posible. 

Edited by Anadu Kune
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Oh come on!  Silverhoof obviously put this poll up in anticipation of the debate between Firebolt and me.  Now both of us have expended most of our Trixie powers.  Thankfully I have a bit left.


I doubt that Trixie would challenge a co-monarch of Equestria, no matter their past.  She might, though, if she reaches greater heights.  For now, though, any envy towards Twilight cannot be turned into a revenge episode.


Oh, and Trixie was never a villain, just someone the main characters were against.



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Nah I think Trixie learnt her mistake in Magic Duel. It would be a pretty stupid move to challenge Twilight again now that's she's officially a Princess and was able to switch her friends cutie marks and back.

I'd like to see Trixie's appearance again in season four at least, but not as an annoying character or villain, but as a friend xP Snips and Snails would probably have to be in the episode if they know Trixie is returning though xP Even if it's revenge for making them slaves after they treated her like their Goddess


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I'd like to see Trixie as a competent rival for Twilight. Screw the Alicorn thing. Just to further prove Alicorns aren't the unbeateble deities many make them out to be and to make Twilight out as still being rather normal, bring Trixie back with newfound knowledge, skill and training that make her an opponent that'll give Twilight a run for her money. I can see Trixie coming back and challenging Twilight in a polite and/or respectful manner, just to see how she measures up to an "upgraded" unicorn after all the hard work she could had put in becoming a better magician.

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Scenario: Trixie is dying and learns that Twilight is an alicorn princess. Through magic means, Trixie switches bodies with Twilight! Twilight dies in Trixie's body. Trixie now lives in Twilight's body. Trixie vows to be a better element of magic then Twilight ever was, hence forth she will be THE SUPERIOR TWILIGHT SPARKLE!(Superior Spider Man joke :P)


^I was joking on this. And while Trixie would be jealous, what mare wouldn't be? So i don't think she will be a villain. 

Edited by JesstroidPrime


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noooooooo not Trixie

she was only mean to the hagglers that interrupter her show like how comedians make a laughing stock of people that interrupter them in the middle of a performance so it totally was in her right to do it  so she wasnt a villain in the first place

people just saw her as one since she made a laughing stock of some of the main 6 then twilight ruined trixie's life where no pony would come to her shows anymore so she couldnt make money

and because of that she had to work at a rock farm then then all trixie could think about was having her revenge on twi for ruining trixie's life 

but now that twi and trixie forgive each other she should come bak as a friend

Oh, yes, because she treated Snips and Snails so wonderfully and politely. Why, as soon as she was away from the public eye, I expected her to be rude, not to say thanks for her oats smoothie, be brusque and tell her "enthusiastic little admirers" to go away and leave her alone until morning (when she was only too glad to have them around during her show when they were talking her up to the rest of Ponyville,) and then turn her nose up at them when they actually obeyed her... oh, no, wait, she did all those things. She wasn't a villain, but she wasn't a nice pony either. She was as much a villain as Gilda was, and for many of the same reasons.


And gosh, wasn't Twilight such a villain when she rescued the town (including Trixie) from the Ursa Minor? And how about the way she spend the next two seasons boasting about beating Trixie and spreading the rumour of her victory to all who would hear her? Please. 


The Great and Apologetic Trixie? Perhaps she was worried that since she came seeking revenge (the reason for which she bought the amulet in the first place, the cause of the events, not the effect), Twilight might well come after her for her own revenge. So she made sure to butter her up, get some indication that Twilight was not going to hunt her down in retaliation and then ran away (again) without apologizing to Ponyville at large. If she was so certain the Amulet excuse was going to get her off the hook, why only say it to Twilight? 


Okay, even I have to admit I don't really believe the stuff in the previous paragraph is true, but neither is it too far outside the bounds of possibility.

Edited by Full Spectrum

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Oh, yes, because she treated Snips and Snails so wonderfully and politely. Why, as soon as she was away from the public eye, I expected her to be rude, not to say thanks for her oats smoothie, be brusque and tell her "enthusiastic little admirers" to go away and leave her alone until morning (when she was only too glad to have them around during her show when they were talking her up to the rest of Ponyville,) and then turn her nose up at them when they actually obeyed her... oh, no, wait, she did all those things. She wasn't a villain, but she wasn't a nice pony either. She was as much a villain as Gilda was, and for many of the same reasons.


And gosh, wasn't Twilight such a villain when she rescued the town (including Trixie) from the Ursa Minor? And how about the way she spend the next two seasons boasting about beating Trixie and spreading the rumour of her victory to all who would hear her? Please. 


The Great and Apologetic Trixie? Perhaps she was worried that since she came seeking revenge (the reason for which she bought the amulet in the first place, the cause of the events, not the effect), Twilight might well come after her for her own revenge. So she made sure to butter her up, get some indication that Twilight was not going to hunt her down in retaliation and then ran away (again) without apologizing to Ponyville at large. If she was so certain the Amulet excuse was going to get her off the hook, why only say it to Twilight? 


Okay, even I have to admit I don't really believe the stuff in the previous paragraph is true, but neither is it too far outside the bounds of possibility.

yea i  fan of trixie XD so got all my points  idea from a fimfic i just finish reading

the reason she wasnt nice to snip and snail was cause she grew up in the the streets homless with no family or friends and learn not to become close to anyone casue they can turn their bak on you at any time

im also a bigger fan of twi (until she became a alicorn) and yes twi isnt a villian for saving the town but she could have defended trixie  

after the the event since trixie's house was the only one destroyed in the Ursa Minor's rampage but instead she ignored it and let txixie become homeless again until she rebuild her trailer then when she did im pretty sure some one put out the word that trixie is a fraud so no one came to her performance  and everyone laugh at her and make fun of her in ponyville from trixie's flash bak scene in magic dual and twi is like herp derp ignores wat was happen while trixie was being bullied


so yea the fimfic is called:

 A Twixie Love Story

it contain some wat descriptive sex scenes and it about twixie shipping so please do not read if u do not like either

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