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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Rarity's room


Rarity shook her head "no". As she did, the light from the lavish lamps reflected off of the crystals covering half of her face. She almost became a dazzling light show for a couple seconds. "Unfortunately no. Your work will take place in the facilities that can only be accessed by the top arcanists and artisans. And your sleeping quarters will be in one of the guess bedrooms on the bottom floor of this tower. Please know that this is so that we don't attract unwanted attention to our little project," she said sweetly. It's true that she wanted to avert the public's attention away from this machine, but it was also so that she can keep an eye on him. We may be partnered now, but you are not a friend in me!


He blinked at the dazzling lights, but barely flinched. And then she broke her own news. But it seemed better than before; he would stay here. That could only mean it was some position of power. He feared that others may think it could be some kind of affair, but as long as he was respected, he didn't mind what they though; he wouldn't have an affair with someone who looked the way Rarity did. He glanced out of the window. It was dark, and he didn't want to wander the streets at night, even with a guard. So he wouldn't see the workshop until tomorrow, at the earliest. He glanced at himself before looking back at Rarity, nodding.

"That's fair enough, your ladyship. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll need to get rest. I hope you have a good night's sleep."

He turned, half-heartedly, and moved towards his invention. He didn't know whether to fully turned his back; in fact, he didn't know if he wanted her to stop him or let him go.

"I'll eventually need a new suit, too. But with this project, I'm sure I'll be able to get a better one soon. Oh, if I can stretch my wings in my room..."

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Cult of Laughter- Painting- Fallenmoon II


Lila was about to yell at the stallion when he started to fly around the room instead of leave, but he caught her attention when he said he wanted to make a deal. But... that grin didn't really set well with her. She had gotten used to the Cult of Laughter 'signature grin'. Everypony seemed to have a crazy grin of some sort but his..... it made her stomach do flips. But after listening and hearing his proposal, she took the pill in her hoofs and looked it over. Everything he was offering was all she ever wanted. Loving parents. Being queen. A live and bustling kingdom. She was about to take the pill until she started to reconsider. If she accepted then she will have to work for him and help the cult. But would this be considered as betraying the cult? She most certainly didn't want to become a smiling doll. Of all things. Maybe it's worth the risk? Will she even remember anything happening in this world or would she just forget until she woke back in this world again? She looked at the stallion before looking at the pill again. She let out a breath before popping the pill into her mouth and swallowed..............

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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The Five Gifted - Equestria - Mountain Hermitage




Once again, the Composer felt a laugh rise in her breast, and she indulged herself again. While she usually felt that presenting a cold, professional front was best, it was nice to be able to show some emotion for once.


"Your flattery amuses me, Storyteller, although your proposition also intrigues me. Perhaps you would serve well as a scholar, and if a life of peace is what you desire, that is what you shall receive."


Upon hearing him label her as Chiyoko-chan, she felt a blush flare across her cheeks. Only Kirichou called her that anymore, and in the brotherly sense, not the... More personal sense.


She felt like laughing at herself. Here she was, 700 years old, and she was startled and embarassed by the words of some similarly immortal stallion.


She recalled her tutors' words: "Maintain control." She held all the cards here, and she always had. She wouldn't let herself be caught off guard.


"That is an interesting proposal," she said, feigning disinterest "Although I assume you understand the - ah - implications of your honorific of choice?"

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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(OOC: It's me right? I remembered the guard died, so it's probably me.)


House White Gold - Manehettan - Random Streets and Military Hospital.


Cunning Horn lost the air in his chest when somepony bumped him and almost fell on his knees. He turned his head and found a mare who just called her comrades to take him somewhere. He only could keep his head high as they carried him and saw the way where they brought him to. They came to a place which looked very busy. Ponies trotted around wildly, carrying bandages and first aid box with their back and magic. Some ponies were just wounded, while some other were dead in nasty condition. The scars seemed like made by explosions. He could hear nothing but whines and moans from the wounded.


He didn't get any serious wound and was just exhausted to death from the fight and the long journey before he arrived in Manehettan. His back cramped because of the fall when he was trying to run from the crazy Cult mare. A shadow hung above his eyes, making it heavier. He tried to keep them opened as long as possible, as he counted his seconds, desperately waiting for some treatments to come.



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Whitetail Woods
Spell just shrugged while she put the egg away, it was creepy how it sounded, and she knew it was an attempt at humor but “Mama Shock” sounded ridiculously creepy.

Lightning would float around and poke Spell to see the egg and other things. She was quite very curious and Eternity could see it kind of made her very uneasy on her facial expression. Perhaps she didn’t liked it or something.


Nevertheless they would continue going forward; Spell would look at the egg periodically. She didn’t knew what to do, she would make the egg warm if it was a normal one, but this one was like an icicle on itself, so warming it up would be nothing short of problematic.


She would refill her supply of water the next possible chance she would get, it was quite important to always have water. She was very uneasy, she didn’t liked how long it took them to travel, but when again they didn’t exactly sprinted all the way to Manehatten.


She would need to hide egg in some way. No doubt it would be an excellent prize for a thieve of sorts, especially in the place where all the thieves call home. 


- “So how we should play it? What should we do?” Lightning would ask eventually “I mean, It’s kind of a big place we heading to, lots of things to do and stuff”

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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((Sorry, guys. I've been feeling uninspired lately. Just couldn't motivate myself, really.))

House Whitegold - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On Stage


The mare shuffled back from the agent and bolted toward him with her sword pointed toward him. Unfortunately her though, she had accidentally severed the rope holding the curtains back and she got caught between them both. She also knocked down a table of props that scattered everywhere.



Artisan District
Performance Hall

Swift raised an eyebrow at the assassin, now tangled within the vast stage curtains.

"Good going..." he announced. Well, it looked as though that fight was over...

The agent strode to the entangled assassin, standing before her. The stage was littered with props, scattered by the assassin's slip. Could a professional killer really make such a mistake...

"I suppose that now you're all tied up... There's no harm in asking who you are," his voice grew a little colder, "and what house you're from. You clearly came here to strike out at Rarity... or rather her sister. You see, I like to know which house I'm subtracting a member from, before I kill scum like you."

It wouldn't even surprise Swift if she was from Whitegold itself; the amount of backstabbing involved within the government could easily lead to something like this.

Swift raised one leg, inspecting the hoof arrogantly while he waited for an answer from the assassin, a beg for mercy perhaps...

It made little odds to him what this killer had to say; he'd heard it all before.



House Whitegold - Manehatten - Artisan District - Performance Hall - On Stage


The mare thrashed around, trying to get free to no avail. She looked quite savage now, despite her not being a professional fighter. "That... that... RARITY... was nothing but... a KILLER! A power hungry KILLER! ...Ha... Haha... HahaHA..." she was slowly beginning to lose her mind. "AND YOU EARTH PONY! If you don't stay shut about all of this... you'll.... you'll... be UNCOVERED! Yeah! Haha, THAT'S RIGHT! You'll be locked up, never to see the light again!" Tired and slightly psychotic, the mare fainted. Some guards arrived to  take her away, not paying attention to the agent who played a rather major part in taking her down.

House Whitegold - Artisan District - Performance Hall


Encore watched the whole exchange actively, body taut, ready to jump back into the fight at a moment's notice, but it hardly seemed necessary. The assassin literally trapped herself in the curtains. Shame. Curtains are expensive. And seemed to lose her marbles, too. It was really quite pathetic, in the performer's opinion. He set the mic stand down, and looked at the agent who had come to his aid. "Good timing," he murmured. "What do you think she meant? Uncovered? Locked up?" Encore peered more closely at the stallion. "And who are you, anyway?"


House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jade looked Sand up and down. Was he really not able to stop that spear? she thought to herself. He could be lying, but what would be his motivation? Fluttershy did call him a trickster. He could be telling the truth, though - I have no knowledge of unicorn magic. Casting her thoughts aside to ponder over later, she started to mull over what Lily had said.


"I think you're right. Lady Fluttershy will know what to do, if there is anything to be done." Turning to the door the Lady and the stag had gone through, she asked, "Who else will come?"


House Everfree - Castle Ruins - Dining Hall


Evergreen looked up, almost seeming alarmed. "You're gonna go talk to Lady Fluttershy?" She looked out the door Jade gestured to apprehensively. "Well, I dunno." She sounded doubtful. "I'd come, but I should probably stay with Sparrow. Just in case she gets worse. She's not really in a fit state to move, I don't think..."

  • Brohoof 1

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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House Stormwing – New Ponyville


Commander Rainbow Dash snapped. “Hey, who exactly do you think you are talking to!? If you want to keep your head attached to the rest of you I would highly recommend shutting your yap before it gets you killed! You have no place to speak among us!” Rainbow continued to stare daggers into him, an uneasy tension slowly building.


“You know nothing about honour, or loyalty. I would do anything to prevent my House collapsing, even if that means asking for help. I do what I can to save as many as I can. What are you? A brawler that fights for no pony but himself. Do not sicken me with your words.”


She turned back to Applejack, still in a rather foul mood after that discussion. “Are you going to help me or not, because either way I’m going back to fight. I don’t care if you send ten or ten thousand, but I guarantee this won’t be the last you see of us if you refuse.”


@@MagicalStarRain@@Spell Shock@@AnonBrony,


Long Stride – Whitetail Wood


Great, we have a bunch of bird minders now. What a ruddy great waste of time.  Maybe just looting these guys in the night wasn’t such a bad idea after all. I mean they don’t look like warriors, act like warriors, heck I doubt any of them have been in an actual fight. I guess I’ll stick with them until they’ve exhausted their usefulness.


Long Stride kept at a steady pace, occasionally falling back when his leg became too much for him to handle. His ear occasionally twitched when he heard something near, but it was more often a squirrel or a robin than a bandit. It paid to on watch though. “We’re getting near the walls. You can just make them out beyond the tree line over there. It’s pretty hard to miss considering the size of it.”




House Everfree – The Southern Ruin – The Dining Hall


Lily looked back at her wounded and bandaged side, some of the pain returning when she remembered the situation. “Well, I’m on my hooves. That’s a good start. How about we just keep moving and see where it goes from there? You don’t have to worry about me; I think I can handle it.”


She took another step but found herself leaning back on Jade in no time. After a quick apology she tried to regain her balance, a bit easier the second time round. “Okay, let’s go see Fluttershy. I need her help and its only right I should be there to ask for it. I just hope there aren’t any stairs.”

Edited by The-Master


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House Earthborn - New Ponyville




"I know who you are," Fixit said with forced calmness, concealing the rage broiling inside him "You are Commander Rainbow Dash of House Stormwing, leader of the only House equal to our own in the virtues of honour and honesty. Make no mistake, Commander, I have a deep respect for you, but insulting my lady Applejack and my House is not the correct way to strengthen that respect."


He tried to soothe himself somewhat, taking deep breaths. He had overreacted, he shouldn't have done that, it could be the last thing he'd ever do at the rate things were going. At Rainbow Dash's comment as to his loyalty, he bristled, but rushed to swallow his pride.


"Do not even begin to suggest my loyalties lie outside my House! he said desperately. He felt his voice crack a little as he strained to control his anger "I have served the House faithfully for 15 years as an Engineer, I am not a lawless brigand looking for a fight or treasure or glory; the House is my strength, my family, my life, and I'm sure that I would do the same as you if my House were in this position. That is why I tried to convince Applejack to help you, and why I didn't condemn you as she might have done were it not for me and Braeburn!"

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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The Five Gifted - Equestria - Mountain Hermitage






As Chiyoko and Mythos talked a tall dark purple unicorn slowly made his way over to the two ponies...and the shelter. Next to him floated a small basket full of vegges. Strapped to his back was a violin and a its bow and a beautiful black and white shamisen. The violin bow looked rather odd, it was shaped like a normal bow but along one side it looked like a sharp metal blade.


He placed the basket just outside their small shelter and walked over to the two talking ponies. "Hey Chiyoko. I found some carrots celery potatoes and tomatoes...I was thinking of making some stew." He said, smiling at his sister then looking at the colt...a little less warmly. "And what took you so long ?" He asked, glaring at Mythos...then he smiled and let out a small chuckle. "I'm just kidding. How have you been my friend ?" He asked, placing the violin and its bow just inside their shelter but keeping the shamisen strapped to his back as he turned back around to face his sister and Mythos.

Something something something something


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Archi the Sandworm


The Six Gifted - Equestria - Mountain Hermitage


The Storyteller’s smile grew, as it was more often than not a challenge to get the Composer to smile let alone laugh. To actually get her to blush though was a rare treat indeed, and in his fifteen years of knowing her he had seen her blush a total of seven times… three of which was because of his words. Getting her to laugh was a bit easier, but only seventeen times in fifteen years was the lets he had gotten any mare to laugh.


On her words he was glad that she would be willing to allow him the position he asked for, yet secretly he did not believe she would succeed at her plans and hoped that perhaps she would remake her clan somewhere else.


He considered her blush, as well as watches her work to keep herself strong. Though all this was only seconds he prided himself on his ability to observer the reaction and actions of others in detail. The Composer did not often show strong emotion, except perhaps determination and seriousness, which made her embarrassment all the more enjoyable.


Onto her question of her assuming that he understood the implications of his words and calling her what he did he answers with a chuckle, “Why of course, I have travelled to your land as well as read about it. The honorific I used and lack thereof was speaking to you in a more affectionate and dare I say intimate. I understand the implication very well my lovely mare.”

House earthborn - Applelossa - hospital

Applebloom had been speaking to Granny Smith for a while, letting her know about all her problems or consernes. Granny gave Applebloom some reassurance. Applebloom had been feeling more and more neglected by her older sister, believing her sister only wanted her to come up with new weapon designs, but Granny convienced her otherwise. 


House earthborn - Applelossa - Hospital 

Granny Smith spoke quietly to Applebloom, holding the young mare's hoof in hers shakily as she explains, "Your sister... has lost herself.... to this conflict. She does care about you Applebloom... she is just spending too much time being a leader... she should have never been."


Turning her wrinkled head away from the mare next to her for a second she sighs as her eyes get wet, "I am a broken old coot, I have allowed my love for your sister to cloud my judgment at my age. All this pain, all this sorrow, all this death..."


Shaking her head Granny Smith looked back into Applebloom's eyes and says, "I will tell you something I have never told Applejack... as I fear she would hate me for it... I believe in the princesses. I know the royal sisters had not lied to us and yet I refused to speak against your sister, you and your sister and your brother are all I have of my own children... of your mother and father."


With difficulty the old mare takes Applebloom in for a hug and says with a whisper, “Promise me… promise me Applebloom… that you will help your sister escape the darkness around her… remind her of what is important... please.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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House Whitegold

Artisan District

On Stage


Swift turned to the previously silent performer, raising an eyebrow.


"I'm a whisper of wind, a snatch of conversation... Swift Nimbus..." he announced dramatically, "but seriously, I'm just a lowly agent who happened to be in the right place at the right time..."


Swift returned his gaze to the mess of curtains. "Strange... this assassination attempt seemed like more of a personal attempt. She didn't have the qualities of a trained assassin." 


Swift tossed his hair back arrogantly. "No doubt she's probably just another victim of political foul play, hoping for a chance to strike back at Rarity for whatever reason."


Swift suddenly paused, tilting his head and turning towards Encore, seeming to take in the performer fully for the first time. 


"So where do you come into all this then? I take it that you were the one singing... This is probably a bit much for you; a glimpse into how ruthless individuals can be, even towards the innocent..."


Remembering Sweetie Belle, Swift paused for a moment. "Speaking of the innocent, I suppose that you'll want to return to Miss Sweetie Belle's side. The way that you rushed to defend her, without thought for yourself... She must mean something to you."

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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





In response to the Storyteller's advances, the Composer placed a hoof on his shoulder and smiled a sad smile.


"You are a good friend, Mythos, but that is all, at least until my mission is fulfilled. I apologise if you were truly looking for something more and not just toying with me. I know what you're like."


Before she could make another snide comment her brother arrived, and she felt as if a weight had been removd from her shoulders. Her brother had that effect on her; it must have been all the time they'd spent together over the centuries, that sense of safety they shared after relying on each other for years and years. While she had never voiced it she greatly appreciated his staying by her side for all this time. Sometimes she wondered if she'd have made it this far without him.


"Good day, Kichirou," she called out to him "That would be splendid, thank you, although stay for a while while I wait for the Artist to return. There is much to discuss, if you wish to join Mythos and I."

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Archi the Sandworm


The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage

The stallion accepted the block, expected it even as he had often tired in the past to gain the affection of the mare before. She also wasn't far off as well, as even he has admitted to having a liking for lovely mares no matter who they may be. Yet he did smile and say, "I understand such my lady, and will accept it for now. You do not wish to be distracted from the mission in which you have set out on."


Turning to the mare's brother the Musician he laughs as the stallion looks warmly to the Composer and less so to him before assuring him that what he said was a joke. He was lucky that the brother had not been too protective when it came to how the Storyteller had been trying for quite some time to gain the attention of his sister… though it helped that he knew the Composer could take care of herself.


On his question of a meal he answers, "Without a doubt, I am very hungry... with me needing to become my characters and play the part of the story where I show myself allied with so many. On the Artist I am sure he is just having a bit of fun, with his... eccentrics it is best to allow him to think he can do what he wants that way he can be of use to use."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





((You're taggin' the wrong Eevee there Archi wink.png ))



Kichirou nodded. "Let me just start a fire, we can all sit around it and tell ghost stories or something...I actually think we should wait for The Artist to tell ghost stories." He joked, smiling at the two then walking into the small tent (Shelter hermitage ?) and grabbed a pot plus a few other ingredients.

He walked back out levitating the pot alongside himself then placing it next to a fire pit before walking a little ways away to gather up some sticks and logs.

He tossed the logs onto the fire and focused his magic on the kindling underneath the logs. A few moments later there was a small fire which began to grow.

Kichirou sat down and started chopping up some of the vegges using his magic. "Come sit down you two." He said, gesturing at the seat across from him.

He had noticed how The Storyteller was always trying to get Chiyoko's attention and had always reminded himself to watch him...Closely. But of course, that didn't stop him from being nice...kinda...

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


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The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage





(OOC: Damn, sorry about the tagging I rushed a little and forogot to check names. Also the hideout is in a cave/tunnel complex but there's like a cloth windbreak around the entrance to provide an area away from the wind.)


"Quite so," she said in response to the Storyteller, and sat across from her brother, warming her front hooves by the fire as she did so. She loved the versatility of fire - whether it was used to cook, heat or destroy, it did its task quickly and efficiently, and in the end, wasn't that all that mattered?


She watched as her brother sliced up the ingredients for the stew. Sometimes she wished she had inherited her father's genes and been born a unicorn, but it was not to be. Good old Earth Pony determination and grit was how she got things done, and while it took longer the results were often the same as her brother's fancy magic. Now that she thought about it, writing her compositions would be so much easier with a horn to hold her precious quill.


Her gaze was drawn from his handiwork to his face, and she saw him casting suspicious glances at the Storyteller every now and then. She stared at him to catch his attention, and thn gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head and a shrug. Roughly, the message she was trying to convey was "Nothing's happening between us; I can handle it."


The Storyteller's comments about the Artist made her frown again and she looked beyond the windbreak and still saw nothing. Where was that idiot now?


"I wouldn't say so much eccentricities as mindless slaughter. Every time that stallion returns from one of his "expeditions" his eyes are a little more crazed and his grin a little more twisted," she spat on the ground in disgust "He sickens me."

  • Brohoof 2

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@@Spell Shock,




Eternity - Whitetail Woods.


"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what we are going to do there. First we should find a place to stay at least." He said in response to Lightning. They all continued on walking. They reached a river that separated the Woods with Whitegold territory. The Springtime Forest. Eternity created a short magical bridge that was glowing green. They walked over it and continued.


About an hour later, they reached Manehatten. Sort of. Then Undercity. They were just outside of it. You could see many makeshift poor looking buildings all over the place and ponies littered the place like garbage. From there you could see the Manehatten walls in all there glory from a distance. They sure were tall.


"Welcome to the Undercity of Manehatten. Looks like we will be living here a awhile."










The Artist's smile grew. "You made the right choice my dear. Now, lets get back to...re...al...li...tyyy.... As he finished speaking the room appeared to be spinning aound Lila. Things were vanishing until it was nothing but white and then when she would blink, She would be in the Undercity, right next to The Artist.


"Look Brushy, shes alive." He said to his flying brush. "This is Brushy by the way. With that pill you don't have to step out fo the apinting to leave. I get get you out in a snap. But only you can enter it in your sleep. And you will still remember all you experiences. You will be living two lives from now on. It was totally worth it." He started walking but stopped and said, "Oh and yes, i can read your mind when you are in there, laugh out loud."


They both walked out of the Undercity. They continued 'till they were far enough away. To let out the other from the painting.


Meanwhile in the painting.


(OOC: Discorded told me to post this for him. These were his exact words)


-Tondrak was furious at Derpy for dragging him into the painting. After he say the artist hold his book did he realise that it was missing from his chest were he put it earlier. He spoke in a low angry tone. "Fine I'll play your little game... for now. And prophet Derpy" Tondrak used his magic to take the rest of her muffins. "Never force me to do something ever again." He set the muffins ablaze with fire. He was so angry at her for pulling him through.-


"Oh poor Miss Bright-Eyes." The Artist said when Tondrak burned her muffins "You made the right choice Tondrak, in giving in." He said while poofing a pile of muffins for Derpy above her head. "But- OH. Seems like it is time for you all to leave. Here." A portal appeared next to them. It was just a square big enough for a pony to fire through. But is was like a window, because if you looked through, you could see the real world. And if they were to of looked through this one, they can see Lila. "Just jump on through and you will be back to reality."


Once they were through, The Artist and Lila were waiting out there for them. "Welcome back to reality my little ponies plus one big undead guy." Oh this is perfect. We have a pony who will do anything for a treat, one who will kill on command and is in love with me, another who has no choice but to listen to me, and another who will do anything just to be happy again. They perfect group I can control.


"Once you are done getting acquainted, I have a proposition to discuss with you four."



(OOC: sorry if I'm being a bit controlling but i'm just trying to speed this along so We I can get to the six gifted)

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Cult of laughter - manehattan - under city





"Acquainted ? but we already know each other...no matter. Hello everpony...my name is Red Wind...or the other name but if you say that...lets just say I get some cravings." She said, grinning, thinking back about the guard in the box...now in her bag.

"What's your proposition ? I am good at killing, torchering, killing, getting information, killing...and baking rather tasty pies." She said, smiling then looking at Tondrak. "Hey skelipony dude guy pony...wanna make me look normal again ? It was just a simple illusion spell and I miss my teeth...plus I want to look my best in front of this talented handsome Artist." She said, looking at The Artist and grinning at him.



The Five Gifted - Equestria - Mountain Hermitage




Kichirou rolled his eyes and filled the pot with some water from his canteen. He let it heat up a bit and added the vegges, then he tossed in a few spices and some tomatoes that had been mashed into a paste. "This just needs to simmer for a while." He said, placing the lid on top of the pot then levitating a banjo from a large bag by the entrance of the cave.

He began to play...nothing to fast or loud.

Something something something something


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House Stormwing – Cloudsdale – Outside the Citadel


There was only one entrance to the halls of the Citadel, an easily defendable position should the need arise. It could fit only ten pegasi across, enough room to form an efficient phalanx and to hold them back. Spitfire set about organising the last of the Hoplites into position while Commander Soarin’ took the Thunderes and flanked their enemy. If they could close them in at this choke point then they may be able to hold on a little while longer, maybe even outlast them entirely. It was a risk but they had little choice. Every soldier was ready to die for the Pegasus next to them, even the commanders would lay down their lives for their fellow soldier if it meant another pony could fight another day. While this is all very honourable it did result in losses; losses the House couldn’t afford to take. And yet no pony would go down without dragging ten with them.


Scootaloo and Windslash stood with the last fifty Hoplites at the entrance, both now baring their large round iron shields. A wall of dull silver was drawn, their spears standing guard. Before them charged a sea of Wilding Pegasi, vicious Everfree Wraiths and swarms of Parasprites. They outnumbered the defenders over a hundred to 1, but none gave into fear. Spitfire stood and the frontlines, her shield linked together with Scootaloo and Windslash. “Give them nothing, but take form them everything!”


The sound of wood smashing against iron wrung out across the pass, the ranks of Everfree crashed into the shield wall of the pegasi with tremendous force. By the strength that was in them, the pegasi pushed the attackers back a few feet, forcing them to a standstill. But then they broke formation, shield quickly being pulled back and spears thrust forward. Every spear found its mark, each making a kill. Scootaloo almost missed her thrust but found her mark, earning a sigh of relief. Quickly they reformed the formation, blocking out the forces of Everfree once again. With another move they thrust their pears back at the, Windslash even piercing two unlucky souls who stood far too close to each other.


Now it was time to move forward. With an almighty shove they forced their enemy back, breaking formation entirely. They drew their short swords and begin to carve through the Everfree scum. Some began to flee, some simply throwing themselves down in terror. But Stormwing showed no mercy to cowards, each dispatched with haste. Scootaloo was less than thrilled to move into the open, even less when she saw the hordes of Parasprites rapidly approaching.  From the flank came Soarin’ and his band of Thunderes. They unleashed a torrent of lightning upon the swarms of vicious insects, the first volley dropping half their number.


They had to hold this last entrance, the only way to reach the civilians. Fifty Hoplites were all that stood between victory and the fall of Stormwing itself. But when the cries of the Wraiths were heard even Spitfire felt a very unnerving chill run up her spine. “Windslash, Scootaloo, with me! Let’s take out these bastards!”


(OCC: 300 quote and scenario intentional.)


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Spell and Lightning Shock - Whitetail Woods
- “Worst case scenario, we can use what we know to get in the upper city, for now undercity seems okay. For now. Just need to recheck all the protection spells” – Spell would reply and start using magic on her saddlebag. She was careful, picking a random stone periodically, just in case flux would get crazy with her. It was a necessary precaution. She would also check all of Lightning’s things.

- “And now I do not envy the next pony who tries to steal from us. He will find what stealing is a sin which can get you in lots of troubles.” – She replied, not specifying what exactly will happen. Probably nothing good, especially knowing how her magic could overreact.  


- “Just don’t kill anyone, okay?” – Lightning asked of Spell, she didn’t really liked the tone she said it in. It was kind of disturbing her but Spell just looked at her and shook her head.


- “Don’t worry, it shouldn’t kill anyone.” – She replied, walking on – Eternity, Star I would recommend to repack things if you have anything you don’t want to lose. Just in case. Oh and Long Stride, are your things enchanted? Against you know, other unicorns levitating them from you while you don’t look? Or you don’t have anything really important?


She asked mostly because unicorns could easily steal, using telekinesis after all. No need to touch or open anything. 

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Nightfall@@The-Master,@@Spell Shock,@@Sky Warden,@@AnonBrony,



(OOC: Anon, what has been going on as of late back in Hoofington?)


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Military Hospital


Nurses and doctors were rushing back and forth to keep the living soldiers alive. They quickly took the dead ones to the morgue and informed their family members of either a living pony's injuries, or an unfortunate soldier's death. Their wives, husbands, kids, friends, and relatives came to their bedside, while others went to the morgue to get their loved one's body. Unfortunately for some, nopony came to them as they laid there, dead with nasty wounds or injured and agonized by the painful treatments.


A male nurse came to the civilian(Cunning Horn) with anesthetics. Before he did his job though, he comforted the stallion. "It'll be alright. Your wounds aren't serious, but we still have to go through our procedures," he said quietly. 


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Rarity's room


Rarity glared into the back of the "unicorn's" head as she unbolted the half a dozen of locks keeping her door closed. When she opened the door, she resumed her seducing, yet eerie demeanor. "Guard, take my guest down to the guest rooms on the bottom floor please," she said sweetly. Once they were out of sight, she gestured to the messenger to come in. She rebolted the dozen locks on her door before she looked out to the window. The air around her turned from eerie and sophisticated to sinister with a hint of rage.


"Tell me, why did you wait so long to inform me on the Cultist attack?" she asked slowly, not meeting his eye. The messenger gulped, beginning to shiver in his leader's presence. "Y-yes um, it was an immediate threat! One of the spies brought the news back to us before they got here! And, and, and... you were watching Lady Sweetie Belle sing-" 


"And almost get assassinated?" Rarity said fury crawling in. The messenger was shocked, but fearing that the mistress was going to interpret it wrong, he tried as best as he could to remain calm. "Y-you don't mean the Cultists went after her ladyship?" he stuttered. Rarity however, had a different interpretation of the two incidents. She was beginning to think that two were connected somehow(truth be told, they aren't. It's pure coincidence). The messenger prepared himself as he offered his own version.


He never got the chance to though. His life and the glint of the crystal dagger flashed before him as darkness took him forever.


Star Rain - Manehatten - The Edge of the Undercity


She knew that the splendid inner city of House Whitegold's only fortress city was surrounded by a stone wall and more buildings and houses owned by the poor and those who can't afford the high entrance fee she heard, but it shocked Star Rain to see how run-down the structures were and how poverty-stricken the inhabitants are. How do they even survive here?!


Off in the distance, she could see what seemed to be an army, led by a stallion who she guessed was their general. Now those are ponies we definitely have to avoid. She looked around and saw some soldiers scattered around, alert and vigilant. Some of them casted suspicious glances at her and the others, especially Spell Shock because she was levitating a magic bubble that had an egg in it. One of them left for the Wall after reading a sheet of paper and looking back and forth from the paper and Star Rain and her companions. Yeah, we'll have to get new outfits. We have to blend in with the ponies here.


Star Rain took Spell's advice and enchanted her stuff with an anti-theft spell. "Spell, I think you should find a safe place to put your little incubator in. Although, I can hold it on to you," she said, silently hoping she would say no because her storage spell is an intermediate spell.

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Whitegold - Manehatten - Ivory Tower - Rarity's room


Rarity glared into the back of the "unicorn's" head as she unbolted the half a dozen of locks keeping her door closed. When she opened the door, she resumed her seducing, yet eerie demeanor. "Guard, take my guest down to the guest rooms on the bottom floor please," she said sweetly. Once they were out of sight, she gestured to the messenger to come in. She rebolted the dozen locks on her door before she looked out to the window. The air around her turned from eerie and sophisticated to sinister with a hint of rage.


"Tell me, why did you wait so long to inform me on the Cultist attack?" she asked slowly, not meeting his eye. The messenger gulped, beginning to shiver in his leader's presence. "Y-yes um, it was an immediate threat! One of the spies brought the news back to us before they got here! And, and, and... you were watching Lady Sweetie Belle sing-" 


"And almost get assassinated?" Rarity said fury crawling in. The messenger was shocked, but fearing that the mistress was going to interpret it wrong, he tried as best as he could to remain calm. "Y-you don't mean the Cultists went after her ladyship?" he stuttered. Rarity however, had a different interpretation of the two incidents. She was beginning to think that two were connected somehow(truth be told, they aren't. It's pure coincidence). The messenger prepared himself as he offered his own version.


He never got the chance to though. His life and the glint of the crystal dagger flashed before him as darkness took him forever.


Nightfall magically carried his invention down the stairs, following the guard to the guest rooms. He saw the messenger standing outside her door, and wondered what message he had to bring. Little did Nightfall know, however, that he would never interact with the messenger. But he kept going down the stairs, and when they got to his room, the guard unlocked the door and gave him the key. Nightfall went in, and closed it before the guard could say anything. He locked the door, shuttered every window that existed (if any did), and sat down, waiting for a few minutes before getting up and slowly getting out of his suit. He closed his eyes and stretched his wings for a few moments before quickly putting back on his suit. He unlocked the door and opened it, looking at the guard.

"Look... May I have a meal of some sorts? I'm not picky at all; just very hungry."

He waited for a response while his brain whirled.

"You did it! And it looks like she can't change her mind without telling you, because you're the only one who knows the plans!"

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The Cult of Laughter - Painting


(OOC: Sorry Anon)


Looking up at Prophet Tondrak, Derpy sniffled sadly at what he said, and her lip quivered when he took the muffin basket. When it set on fire, her eyes watered, not only from the ghastly-smelling smoke, but also because of her deep sadness. Suddenly, a ton of muffins of several kinds fell from above her head. "Yay! It's raining MUFFINS!" She began to eat, forgetting all about the flaming muffins to her left.


The Cult of Laughter - Somewhere in the Undercity


Derpy hopped out of the painting and looked around - they were in the Undercity. Sadly, the muffins appeared to be gone. Trying to distract herself from this tragedy, she turned to The Artist. "What propos...prop...pro-whatever-you-said?"


House Everfree - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Turning back to face Eve, Jade said bluntly, "Yes." Then, seeming a little tired, for she was, she admitted, "I don't know what else can be done."


Lily then leaned on her for support, apologizing. "It's okay," replied Jade. After all, the pegasus was wounded. If she wanted to stand and walk, she needed help. "I don't mind if you need the support."

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@@Spell Shock,



Eternity - Manehatten - The Undercity


"It seems like we might need some new apparel." He looked in his saddle bag, and checked to see if he still had the 100 bits he kept. He sighed with relief when he saw they were still there. "Of course we brought other clothes but they are from Moon ans Star. We need some old run down robes or something to look like regular unicorns. I don't know if we will ever go into the inner city. No doubt word of us leaving and being the most wanted unicorns have reached Whitegold. Twilight would do anything to get us back. Which means Lady Rarity would do anything to sell us back to her. I'm going to go see if any vendors around here that sell clothes or well, anything really. You three stay out of trouble," He said to Star, Spell, and Lightning "And you," he said to Long Stride. "It was a pleasure meeting you but I suppose now is where are paths diverge. Hopefully you find a better life here. Goodbye." He was about to walk away but then he looked back at the old earth pony "Unless you choose to stay with us heheh." Eternity laughed a bit "Maybe you could look after the girls."


He walked off in look of some kind of merchant. He eventually found one who was selling what looked like clothing. Mainly old rags. But he also had other things for sale too. Eternity asked him if he had any clothes for sale. He did. Old though. He bought some robes for them. Nothing special. Just plain, grayish-brown clothes. He go two smaller sizes for the filly. But it wasn't made for pegasi. They could probably punch some holes in it though for Lightnings wings. Eternity ask the merchant if they had any books for sale. The vendor said no but he had this old blank journal if he wanted to but it. Eternity said that would do fine and he bought that too. He only had about 75 bits left. Now time to look to see where the fillies have ventured off too. He thought.







The Artist - Outside the Under City.


"Yes, a proposition Derpy." He said. "You've all have said that I should join the cult right? How about the opposite. You all, join me."


he paused for a but and just smiled. "Yes," He finally said "You all, work for me now. No more cult. Under me, " He looked to Wind and began to walk around them "You can kill many more ponies and make 100 Cookies." He was referring to the laughing Doll. He than looked to Derpy. "You can get all the muffins you want." He looked at Tondrak "You can get what you need most." Then at Lila "And all you dreams can come true." He stopped walking when he was in front of them "So what do you all say? You all work for me? Or that stupid cult who was always restricting your potential and holding you all back?"

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Wind sighed and rolled her eyes. "So...what you're saying is join you or die...right ?" She said, stretching her wings. "You know...if we did that, the whole cult would be after us...and you. You are probably one if not the most powerful pony I have ever seen but the cult wont stop...ever. And I don't really fancy being a smiling doll...but I also don't fancy being dead, can we not come to an agreement where when you need us, we could help you but we could also stay a part of a cult ? Because...the cult is like my home. And its not possible for there to be 100 Cookies...I would have to name them all something unique and clever...like Muffin...or Ice Cream." She giggled and adjusted the strap's of her bag...which was now completely red.

She looked at Tondrak again. "Hey...hey Mr skeleton Tondrak master guy...make me look like my normal self again or I wont ever kill somepony again." She said, stomping her hoof on the ground...but moment's later she burst out laughing. "HAHAHAHA...oooh....i'm joking, I wont stop killing ponies. But seriously now...make me look like I usually do...please." She said, giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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(Oh my god, I haven't posted in three pages. SORRY!)


House Everfree: Zecora the Witch Queen

As the gathering hurricane swirled overhead, Zecora was already plotting her next move. To her, victory was assured and there was no use in standing still. She was admittedly a bit surprised with House Stormwing. Most ponies would have simply wailed in terror and tried to hide. However, even to the last are, House Stormwing fought against what seemed to be their inevitable doom. The vast majority of Cloudsdale lay on the ground far below, ruined masonry slowly being consumed by toxic waste. Only the Citadel remained out of all of those grand buildings. For the moment the Grand Oak Flayer had fallen dormant, re-orienting itself for the next march. The civilians inside were needed to fuel its continued progress and simply flattening them into a messy paste with its main weapon was out of the question.


As the minutes dragged on and Zecora still awaited the news of absolute victory, she grew impatient. Things were taking too long and every moment that the campaign stalled gave the other Houses time to regroup. Finally she became fed up with waiting for her minions to accomplish the task. In a flare of vile magic she teleported herself and her Ent-slave mount directly in front of the entrance to the Citadel. The transfer of mass caught several Hoplites of guard and sucked them into the nether, rending their bodies into small pieces and spitting the tatters out where Zecora had originally waited. "You have done well to resist this long Scootaloo!" She yelled in a voice akin to a banshee's wail. "But now you and all you love will be consumed by the Liege!" The ent-slave brought forth its Flayer cannon, pointing direction at the center of the Hoplite line and at the Citadel's door.


House Everfree: Parthos the Younger

Parthos towered above the bickering mares, despite his young age. "Enough!" he bellowed in a roar that shook the earth. "You both are close to dooming both yourselves and all that you care about. The Everfree Liege has corrupted the Forest, enslaved my kin, and holds captive the only mare that thought you were even worth saving. She tried to call you together and you cursed her. Fluttershy has had her soul stolen! As have every mare and stallion who has died in this wretched conflict." He glared at the two. "I don't care if you believe, for it does not matter. You both have those you care about. If they pass while the Liege is in power they will all be consumed and bent to his will. I do not have time to banter here. I came to warn you and beg that for one moment, you would remember that you are mares! Not honorless bigots." He huffed and quieted himself. "As I was saying. Fluttershy needs all five of the other Elements of Harmony together to break the Liege's power. But first you will need to defeat Zecora the Witch Queen. Even if helping a one time friend is not enough Earthborn, perhaps your Grandmothers soul passing safely into the afterlife will."


House Everfree: Fluttershy and Sand

At that moment, Fluttershy mounted the stairs and opened the door within which she had been locked. Rain Fell was expected to follow behind her. "I am... glad you all survived the retaliation from House Stormwing. I apologize sincerely for not being there but I cannot miss certain dates and rituals, as much as I'd like to. Please, tell me what you need. Except for you Trickster." This last comment was meant for Sand. "You must hasten to House Whitegold. Find Rarity, whatever it takes, and give her this." Fluttershy handed a small folded package to Sand, who departed with haste.


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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