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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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House Earthborn - The Ruins of Cloudsdale


Applejack took off her helmet and held it close to her chest. Her eyes closed as she silently mourned for the fallen. The Soldiers, the Civilians, Granny Smith. Over years of suffering she seemed allot better at containing it hat Dash, who was still grovelling over her loss. Then again, the loss of her city and her subjects had to be a crushing blow.


After a few seconds she gave a silent nod and placed her helm on the ground. "This ain't a matter of grudges any more, this just got a whole lot more personal." She waved back a hoof and the entire Earthborn fore departed down the hillside, save her personal Guard and captains. Dash seemed to be recovering well, a new look of determination on her face. But the old commander grew concerned at Fixit's words. "They aint gonna try anythin' on us, not here. Ah don't think they're even strong enough. I appreciate ya concern, but request denied sergeant." While she seemed to be weary of the Earth Pony, she always admired him for his sheer gallantry. "And that was a mighty nice speech you did then...  just sayin'."


Applejack drew slightly nearer, almost noticeable nervous. Her head slightly craned in but quickly pulled back. After a couple more anxious seconds she moved in again, lightly pecking his cheek and then trotting off as if nothing happened. After a small awkward cough she turned back for a split second and looked a Fixit in a rather strange fashion. "Keep up the good work Sergeant. Go see to it that the others set up camp down hill."

Edited by The-Master


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House Whitegold




As his targets vanished into the darkness, Swift ground his teeth angrily.


What had gone wrong?! He'd been acting perfectly... besides, who was that earth pony who had threatened him so viciously?


An accomplice perhaps?


It was a minor setback in the big scheme of things, that the ponies he had been instructed to capture were guarded. So, what now? Swift remained where he was for a a while, allowing the others to get further and further from him.


He would have to track them from a larger distance, following their trail through intuition. Or... he could strike now, capture the targets while neutralising the earth pony...


But three against one? Swift didn't like those odds. 


Suddenly Swift started to walk again, following his targets at a great distance. He could continue the act if he bumped into the group again; they were unsure of him, and that was all it would take.


Besides, if the need did fall that they would have to fight, then Swift was sure that he could defend himself.


This wasn't over yet.

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House Earthborn - The Ruins of Cloudsdale




Fixit nodded reluctantly. They wouldn't take vengeance today, it seemed. 


Thank the stars for your respite, Everfree, he thought vengefully, If I were to have my way with you I would turn the fury of a thousand cannons against you in an instant, and then we would see where your witchcraft gets you.


"Acknowledged, ma'am. I'll hold off on giving the order for now, he said, then felt his cheeks flare at her compliment "Oh, um, well, thank you, Supreme Commander.


He watched her fumble around confusedly for a few moments, wondering what in blazes she was doing. Have I got something on my face? he wondered, blisfully unaware of what was to come Maybe I should ask- Dear Sweet Celestia!


Everything was happening today; Everfree was on a rampage, Stormwing had been decimated, and now he'd been kissed on the cheek by the pony he'd always admired but never said anything about. He felt his heart flutter a little as he watched her go and hastened to stammer a response to her orders.


"Um, yes ma'am, of course, right away, and thank you... um, for the compliment I mean!


Mentally, he slapped himself. He should have responded in kind, but he'd bucked that up too. That's the price you pay for spending your life around machines, he supposed, and set off down the hill to set up camp with the rest of the force.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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@,@@The-Master, @@AnonBrony, @@Flareon,



House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 01 - Sweetie Belle's room


"Mmm, guess you're right," Sweetie Belle replied. I really should. I don't want to go insane like Rarity almost did when she got that stupid crystalitis disease. I better keep strong. Then she felt the need to reward the two of them, mainly for helping her out and being her friends. "It isn't much and it's all I have on me, but here," she said, hoofing over 100 bits to each of them. Well this isn't much, but it'll have to do... Nightshade thought as she turned to leave. No wait. I can't have her think I'm just after the financial benefits. That wouldn't be good at all. She turned back around and walked back to the two singes.


Star Rain - Manehatten - Undercity


At the moment, Star Rain could care less about some whining traveller. She commanded Athens to stay quiet and to not attack so that he doesn't attract anymore witnesses and especially soldiers. She then froze at the sound of Long Stride's voice. Long Stride?! Protecting US?! There's gotta be a reason behind this... She knew however, that it was not wise right now to seek it. She just rushed to catch up with Eternity. The owl however, stared suspiciously at Long Stride and the pony following them.

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House everfree - the forest - somewhere ?




Rain ran to his room and gathered up all his supplies that he would need, then he returned and made his way out of the castle ruins alongside Fluttershy, letting her lean on him as they moved farther and farther away from the ruins.

"Um...how exactly to we plan on getting into Manehattan ? I am a deer and I will easily be noticed. Then there is Iron Will...and then you...everypony will know who you are. I'm just kinda worried about how we plan on getting all the way to Manehattan and then into Manehattan without being detected."



Cult of laughter - Phillydelphia hideout


Wind walked down the hall and into her friends room. She placed the things her friend had given her on the bed then made her way down the hall to her own room.

She walked inside and unpacked all of her things. After doing that she walked out of her room and began searching around for one of the prophets.




@@Spell Shock






"A week ? Well...that is a long time...but okay, I suppose that would be a good idea, just to make sure we have everything planned out." He said. The truth was, he wanted to go invade NOW, he hated being stuck here not being able to do anything...it was getting rather boring.

Edited by Jolteon
  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Vedana got angry at Twilight as he was forced outside and the door closed behind him. He kept a quiet mouth and took it on the chin. Maybe she was right, maybe it was time to change and move on with the times. "Maybe you are right Twilight...Maybe friendship really is over." The blind unicorn said as he trotted over to the edge, listening to the pain and howling of the Earth and Pegasi ponys. Slowly he began to smile, somewhat happy Twilight acted that way. "Celestia was right...You are becoming more and more of an appropriate leader."





House Stormwing - The Ruins of Cloudsdale


Orange Lightning began to clear up the place, wasting no time and moving the dead bodies of the fallen Stormwing and Everfree soldiers on either side, "Incredible...How could this have happened so quickly?" Orange lightning said, as this was a huge time of mourning the loss. "They were all brave even till the end, whoever trained these fine Pegasi of Cloudsdale deserves a medal." The process will take time, as he moved from ruined building, collecting the dead bodies to another, making sure all are counted for, and checking encase any cloudsdale forces are still alive.


The chances of that are slim.

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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Eternity - Manehatten - The Undercity 


"Why would you do that Long Stride?" Eternity asked him "You didn't need to do that. Especially after I accused you." He would of apologized but there still some quite right about Long Stride. "I didn't like that you threatened the poor pony, or thief, or whatever he was, but as long as you didn't hurt him, I suppose what you did was right. Still didn't think you would want to help us... wait. Why are you still with us?" Eternity didn't think Long Stride would follow them. What is this pony up to? 


They would of kept walking until the Tavern came into view. The Under City wasn't the brightest of places at night. It was all rather dark and spooky. Ad the buildings seem like they would fall any moment. Almost like a ghost town, except this ghost town was filled with thieves, murderers and bandits.


"Well, this is our stop. I don't think you were still staying here." Eternity looked around again and tried to sense if there were any ponies lurking in the dark. He didn't think that brightly colored earth pony followed them. Or at least not up close. "Come on Star,... errr Don't know if they would let an owl into the place. Maybe he could just fly through our window?" he said to Star Rain.

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House Whitegold - The Undercity - The Tavern


The old fool shook his head in annoyance, not even to sure he knew what he was doing. These ponies should be left to their own devises, he had no reason to keep probing into their affairs...  so why in tartarus was he still here. These mares have nothing worth his service or his protection. The more he thought bout it the more he realized how stupid it was. But of course he had one code he must honour, for it was more than a simple coincidental meeting.


"I don't have a place to stay yet...  might as well be here. Have to keep an eye on you in this city." He pushed past the door and back into the main room, turning back to face Eternity. "The elder of Earthborn once believed that ponies were bound to a path through life, often merging and crossing others along the way. I don't know why but our paths seemed to be intertwined, and it for that reason I am still here. As much as I would be pleased with simply leaving you behind it seems that isn't an option anymore. You're under my watch now."


House Stormwing - The Far North of Equestria


As his eyes began to slowly force their way open his was greeted by the piercing light that was the rising sun. Quickly he shielded the blinding light from his vision, given no proper chance to observe his surroundings. He could feel the cod mountainside beneath him but made little attempt to adjust himself. After a few seconds he found the strength to get on his hooves,stretching out his hind legs and giving a rather exhausted groan. Looking around finally he saw a rather stunning sight; the mountain peaks above the clouds, the morning sun beginning to shine across the white blanket that covered the land.


Suddenly from behind he could hear the powerful beating of wings and the scraping of claw against rock. The stallion quickly turned to face the new arrival only to see Gilda the Griffon standing it its place. "You're up finally. We were taking bets as to how long you were just going to lie there. Anyway we better go meet up the others. I trust you still have the ability to fly Star Keeper?"


After a few minutes they landed among the ramshackle tents of Gilda's remaining forces, a quick improvised camp for them to regroup. But there was more there than simply girffons,a number of Pegasi were also present and helping around with the labour. "After the doors to the Citadel fell we made one last quick dash to save what we could. We got 50 out alive, which is better than nothing, but we left thousands more to Everfree's hooves. You may have hit your head at some point or rather,so watch your step."


Star Keeper rubbed the back of his head as he felt the rather prominent lump begin to throb slightly. "The what happened to the city? What happened to Dogmatic, to Scootaloo, to Windslash, the everypony?"


"Whoa whoa, calm it. Dogmatic is fine and here with us. Sure he took a few scrapes and cuts but that wont be an issue. As for everything else... probably dead or dying. Cloudsdale fell in the distance as we flew here, there's nothing left but rubble. I doubt they left any survivors. I'm sorry."


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Eternity - Manehatten - Undercity - Tavern 


"Oh Joy" He said in response to what Long Stride while rolling his eyes. Well that's just dandy. I guess we aren't done seeing this guy anymore.


"I don't know why our paths have crossed either. Maybe you are a more important pony after all if your path is intertwined with us." He laughed a bit. He then walked over to the stairs. "Well, I'm going to go up to our rooms for now. You should come up as well Star."


He went up to their rooms and decided to check up on Spell and Lightning to make sure they were fine. "Let's see how they are do- !!! B-Buh-BIRD!" He said as he opened their door. He shut himself up and closed the door as soon as he and, if Star came up, her came up just in case some other ponies saw or heard him.. He immediately saw Lightning and the blue phoenix as it flew around the room.  The bird was beautiful and wondrous  How It already knew how to fly was astounding. He just starred at it in owe for a moment  He then saw Spell was still asleep, so he went to wake her up.


"Spell wake up." He said to her giving her a little shove to help wake her up. "Wake up." As soon as she would of got up he would of said: "Congratulations Spell... You are now a mother." And then would laugh and continue to look up at the bird.

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern

Actually, Lightning woke Spell up so she was awake. She and Lightning were looking at the bird flying and falling a little from time to time. Spell would catch her and put her back on the bed, for the bird to fly back again. Lightning would open wings and show how to fly for longer periods of time properly.

Spell would just keep them two safe in the little room, while the bird learned from Lightning how to fly. Again and again she cached her before and after Eternity opened the door.


- “I see that Eternity, I’m not blind” – Spell said half-softly, half-annoyed. She didn’t like the way he pointed the facts to her sometimes, like she is mentally retarded, she didn’t it in return, did she?


As the time would pass, she wold still look at the bird silently and when look at the stopped clock, which were broken and were just hanging without one of arrows. They were set to Dawn.


-“I think I even know a good name for her. Daawn. Will it do, birdie?” – Spell asked, looking at the bird as she flew up again, to which she just landed on her horn and making a positive noise. She also would look at Eternity and if she could at Star, drilling them with her stair, examining them.


-“I reckon she does agree it will work” – Lightning would reply and hug Spell, while Daawn flew up to train a little more, Lightning joined her soon. Neither she nor Spell wanted to sleep after what happened, it was fascinating and exiting for them, after all.


The Six Gifted - Equestria - Hidden Mountain Hermitage
Singer would mearly nod, she didn't liked idea of going to Hoofington, she hated the place but she would do it if it's nesecerry.

Hoofington was somewhat of a sad place to her, she knew it long before and hated it even longer, for one or another reason. The cursed city always seemed to took something from her, which was maybe another reason why she was so pale today, not singing much. She certainly had something bothering her.


Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Artist (?) -  Manehattan (Inner City) - Somewhere...


Tondrak sighed heavily, exasperated. "I haven't gone yet," he said through gritted teeth, "because you've failed to fully explain what it is I'll be doing." In a more normal but still very angry voice, he continued, "I don't know what you mean by  'steal the Laughing Mare'. Imprison her? Transport her? Bring her to the mortal realm? What? There are hundreds of possibilities and you've yet to explain to me one. And please hurry up with your answer, whatever it is. I'm sure you could go on for quite some time, but the skin I've sewn on is starting to rot..."


While he was standing, he took a second to look at the townsponies, knowing that he did not want to look at The Artists' deranged eyes. He saw an assortment, some tall, some short, some poor, some rich. There were a few who obviously did not want to be there and some who looked surprisingly content. The ponies weren't all he saw - there were also various houses of different sizes and shapes and all sorts of colors. It was a big city, and that was just the outer wall.

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House Everfree: Zecora the Witch Queen

Zecora was having the day of her life. Armies that rivaled the size of an entire city's population, soldiers that would refuse to die even when their hearts had stopped beating, colossal monsters that could undo the physical being of a mortal with no effort, poisons to rival the greatest of alchemists, and more... and more and More even after that. She did not fancy herself a scientist. No, her experiments were far too depraved. The creations she made defied reality itself. She thought herself a title that was feared through out history, a Witch. Not just that, but the Queen of all Witches, whose power could darken the sun and blot out the moon. Still, that her power was only allowed by the Liege's grace was only a minor set back. One day, she planned to be rid of him.


For Earthborn, retreating to make camp was a foolish mistake. She would never allow them to gain a base of operations, or even gain a moment's respite at that. Her manufactured slaves would continue advancing, on and on and on, until the passing of their hooves wore down both the mountains and steel. So her forces swept forward, following after the enemy and pouring from the bramble like a rotten tide. In the distance, she knew the Ent-slaves were readying themselves for another foray into the field. That would take time. However, the Grand Flayer Cannon was more than prepared to rain death onto their enemies. It rose from its resting place, now metal plated and with an array of new weaponry. The main cannon remained much the same, but the rest was equipped to be versatile in all methods of war. While it was currently ground bound, she was working on that. Its first salvo sent a screeching wave of noise across the land, quite possibly the wails of souls that were being used to power it. If that was indeed the case, it would only serve to either enrage or demoralize the enemy.


The first salvo hit the ground near the middle-rear of the Earthborn forces, a high shot. She would have to recalibrate the firing crew's brains so they were more accurate. The infantry wall was drawing closer to Earthborn even while she made slight adjustments to her own mount. As of yet, she had failed to make a portable version of the Flayer Cannons. It was rather unfortunate. If every slave under her command could be equipped with that marvelous invention, there was little to nothing that could hold up. Unfortunately the Flayer Cannon relied on ammunition that drew directly from a pony's soul, sometimes draining it entirely and making it useless. While there were plenty to use, she knew they would eventually run out if she followed that train of thought. As well, as the infantry legions now being deployed had had their souls removed, contact with external souls had caused complications. For some hapless test subjects, the soul had entered into the subject's body, ultimately resulting in massive trauma and pain. None of those had survived, as they either killed themselves or had to be put down. On the other hand, the soul would simply destroy itself in an act of defiance, causing a good bit of collateral damage. Only the Ents had proved suitably stable to use the Flayer Cannon, so for now they would remain the only users.


Oddly enough, when she attempted to rouse the Minotaur's for possible experimentation they had all disappeared. This was rather frustrating, as their bodies were much stronger than the largest stallion's. She had purposely set up wards around their dwellings to prevent an escape and yet they still were gone. Hunting them down and killing them was a matter for another time. More importantly, some of her scouts had noted the presence of free Ents in the ranks of Earthborn. How they had come to be there was a mystery, but she welcomed the gift of more subjects to mutate and no doubt she would be able to find her answers when they were under her control.


House Everfree: Fluttershy

As she leaned against Rain Fell, she felt her affection for him grow slightly. She still loved Rainbow Dash... but she was not sure whether their next meeting would end happily. Even if Rainbow felt the same way... she still might blame her for what had happened and try to take revenge. Her affection for Rain Fell was... a bit premature and she was well aware of it. But she desperately needed someone to talk to, to lean on, and to simply be with. Living beings needed company and love. That was one of the first things she had learned as a filly. Still... it felt selfish of her to rely on him so. "When I send the Tri-... Sand, away; I sent with him an important parcel. I knew he would be unable to resist opening it. Inside were instructions to pave the way for our escape. I did not know that the Liege would go this far... but I suspected. He has set up a number of way stations, safe houses if you will. They are owned and operated by those... who wish this war to end I suppose. It could also have been a way for me to move across Equestria if I needed to do so secretly. Currently, he has set up a hiding place for us in Manehatten. True, we stand out quite a bit. But Manehatten is the city of secrets, the kingdom of lies, and the empire of wealth. Many things hide there and all kinds of creatures dwell within its walls both secretly and publicly. Though this is a fairly obvious fact to everypony, it still remains a place where somepony can disappear indefinitely. As well, Sand is instructed to set up a meeting with Rarity, for good or bad."

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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@@Spell Shock,



Eternity - Manehatten - Undercity -Tavern


Eternity looked at Spell with a confused look on his face.


"Dawn? You are naming her Dawn? Okay. It's your bird I suppose." He said to them "I guess the name... suites... her." His voice trailed off at a bit as he starred into the birds eyes. Quite a majestic bird she is... She is special... I can see that. He quickly shook his head and snapped out of it.


"Well, I'm going to my room and off to sleep. You should too. Who knows what tomorrow has in store. Well, G'Night you three. And you two birdie." He opened and the door. "Oh and make sure she doesn't cause much noise so that we won't wake up the other ponies." Especially that Long Stride character...


He closed the door behind him and walked into his own room. Wait... That means I'm the only one without a bird. Well, except for Lightning. Hmmm... I wonder if she can be my bird? He then picture an image of them. Star with the owl perched on her back, Spell with her phoenix on hers, and Eternity with Lightning her his back with a fake beak. He smiled and the somewhat funny thought and hopped into his bed and surprisingly, went to sleep.


(OOC: Yes I know her name is Daawn. Eternity thought you said Dawn.)






(OOC: I just remembered, we re supposed to be right outside the Under City.)


The Artist - Outside the Under City


The Artist facehoofed himself several times. "Ay. Perché sono tutti un idiota?" He then looked back up to Tondrak "I didn't think you of all ponies would be this incompetent. I already told you what you needed to know. You take the scroll. You go to her coffin with her inside. You open the rolled up scroll. You quickly place it on her. And you are done. The coffin and her will be transported into my little Art World. K? Must I speak slower? That is it. Simple as that."


He walked up to him closer and pratically put his face up against his mask looking straight into his soulless eyes if they were visible and then spoke in an angry tone. "Now, CAPISCE!?"





Edited by AnonBrony
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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
Eventually, the girls would again lie down on the floor hugging each other, falling asleep while they had some time still to do so. This time minus cold feeling from the saddlebags, which irritated Spell before, which was good and very helpful in her quest of falling asleep. Even when, they had to wake up once or twice, for different reason. Be it Lightning need to go downstairs for a glass of water, or Spell's need to get to the toilet. No rest for the wicked, they say.

Daawn however would just find first good out of the way sot and sit on it, looking at the door. Perhaps paranoia is something which she also got from Spell, or perhaps she just didn’t liked door. I mean, doors are obviously evil.


She would periodically throw her eyes on Spell and Lightning, on a window and on the door. Sleep was not something for a magical bird in the beginning of her cycle, though she could – she didn’t see the point it sleeping. In some way, giant living icicles are different from other living creatures. In some ways, doesn’t mean they don’t need to have a little rest sometimes. 


//Cewl, we now have nocturnal guard in a face of an owl and day/sometimesnight in face of Daawn.//

Edited by Spell Shock

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Whitegold




After an hour or so, Swift entered the bar, unnoticed. His head was held low, a look of misery and fear, while his once lustrous mane now dangled limply over his head.


The agent, appearing as just another traveller to the drunk citizens of the bar, approached a table filled with raucous mercenaries, speaking softly to them.


Hopefully, these hardened fighters would be drunk enough for Swift's plan to work, they'd be drunk enough to take pity on him...


Then kick off into a brawl.


"Umm..." Swift called out to them, "I was wondering if you could help me... There's a killer on the loose, and he's targeting me."


Under normal circumstances, this statement would probably result in laughter, however drink did funny things to even the strongest ponies.


Swift continued, "He's already killed a bunch of ponies over on Tallow bridge! I counted seven bodies, but then, he saw me! I ran away, but he might have followed me..."


Swift shakily raised a small bag of bits to the group. The money probably wouldn't be necessary, not at this stage... but it didn't hurt to cover all angles.


Finally, Swift dropped the last bombshell, one that he knew would tug on the patriotic reigns of the mercinaries.


The flint to light the kindling.


"I think he might of been from House Earthborn..."


(OOC, so I guess that StarRain would play the mercenaries... Right?)

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House Artist (?) -  Manehattan (Inner City) - Somewhere...


Tondrak looked at The Artist haughtily, then swiped the scroll from his hooves and put it under his cloak. Still glaring, he replied, "Capisce." He turned away and walked towards the Cults' main hideout, where he knew the mare was.


While walking, Tondrak really thought about what it was he was helping The Artist do. Does he want to torture her? Enslave her somehow? No, he probably just wants to bargain. The Laughing Mare is more cunning than him, though, more clever. At least she won't give in to his demands. Truthfully, he wasn't entirely sure. The Mare was tricky, but she did want things, and depending on what The Artist offered, she might just give in...


House Artist (?) -  Fillydelphia Hideout - The Laughing Mares' Chamber


Tondrak entered the chamber of the Laughing Mare and quickly did what had to be done. He places the scroll onto the coffin, which rattled before sitting still.


The Cult of Laughter - Painting - Somewhere...


Pinkies' corpse lay lifeless in a strange scene, simply waiting to be embodied by the Mare...

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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((Sorry I haven't been posting very often. I've had a busy several days.))

Evergreen cringed as he heard the Liege's horrible voice reverberating across the trees, but did her best to hold her silence. However, she was less able to do so when a pack of timberwolves approached their group, and Evergreen specifically, with a great sense of subservience. They even seemed more powerful than the ones she had raised herself. Her eyes widened as she looked around at the other members of the group. None of them were druids or beastmasters. Except for Fluttershy. But since when did she... Care?


Evergreen and Fluttershy had always been fairly distant. And Evergreen had never really felt any kindness from Fluttershy, despite it being her supposed Element of Harmony. Was this... The real her?


She listened politely as Fluttershy spoke. Surprisingly enough, she was actually able to meet Fluttershy's eyes this time. She noticed how weak she was, and said, "The wolves would carry you, Milady, if you need to ride."

House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 01 - Sweetie Belle's room
"Mmm, guess you're right," Sweetie Belle replied. I really should. I don't want to go insane like Rarity almost did when she got that stupid crystalitis disease. I better keep strong. Then she felt the need to reward the two of them, mainly for helping her out and being her friends. "It isn't much and it's all I have on me, but here," she said, hoofing over 100 bits to each of them. Well this isn't much, but it'll have to do... Nightshade thought as she turned to leave. No wait. I can't have her think I'm just after the financial benefits. That wouldn't be good at all. She turned back around and walked back to the two singes.

House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 01 - Sweetie Belle's room


Encore gazed at the bag of coins she had hoofed him. It was a very kind gesture, and one he appreciated, but ultimately unnecessary. He didn't need the money; he had gotten a fair bonus on his work with the Arcanists lately. Besides, it would actually make him feel slightly bad to leave with the bits from a mare he had helped save. He set them down on the bedside table casually, and said, "No worries." He smiled reassuringly. "It's enough to know you're alright."

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

Still searching for players! Join today!

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@@Spell Shock,






The Six Gifted - Hermitage thingy.


The Artist would of traveled back to their hideout by traveling through his paintings. Once he returned he would of looked for there Composer.


"Hey. Composer-Chan" He laughed. "Haha, it is fun saying chan after things. Anywho. Do you think we will need an Army? An extra one? Just in case? Maybe if we would need one to attacked Moon and Star?






The Artist - Painting


Meanwhile, while the Artist was back with the rest of the Six, He would appear next to Pinkie's corpse in his little 'World'.


"Ah. The corpse of Pinkamena Diana Pie. And the resting place of the so-called Laughing Mare. Funny. It was supposed to transport the whole coffin. Oh well, I can just poof up a new one." He walked around the corpse and admired it. "You are a beauty. Such a wonderful thing you are. I wonder if Pinkie is still in there. If you were to walk and talk would I be talking to Pinkie Pie or the laughing Mare. Or both? Or perhaps they are the same pony? Heheheh, Well then, Brushy, you may want to see this." His brush appeared next to him. "Watch this Brushy. *Ahem*. Rise. Rise! RISE AGAIN AND LIIIIIIIIVE!!!!"


(OOC: The corpse would be able to walk and talk, but would still look dead. Like a zombie. But still be fully sentient like Tondrak. I am actually interested to see who I will be talking too. Surely if you revive Pinkies body Pinkie would talk. Yet The laughing mare speaks through her. I'm starting to think they are the same pony heheh. Anyway: This gonna be good img-1321113-1-wink.png )



@@Spell Shock,



Eternity - Manehatten - Undercity - Tavern


As Eternity slept, he had that dream again. He was running through the burning city, looking for Spell, Star and his Brother. He got up to the part where he trips and sees several ponies. Only now he could make out who some of them. His eyes widened and he felt a sting of fear. He saw Twilight, Trixie, And he could of swore he saw some of the House leaders and a couple ponies he didn't even recognize, but more importantly, he saw her, The Princess, and his Brother. His Brother was there. He couldn't make out what they were doing, but... it seems like they are... fighting.




(OOC: I don't know what you are doing with Mercenaries, and I think you probably could control them, if not Star probably would let you, but anyway... we are upstairs in the Tavern you are in... Sleeping... just sayin'...for no reason what-so-ever... though I have no idea what Long Stride is doing.)

Edited by AnonBrony
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Everfree didn’t give them a moments respite, the attack was renewed. The forces of Earthborn began to fall into panic and disorder, each pony rushing to save their own soul. But where their captains stood the line held, and eventually an organised defence was prepared. Cannon fire began to fill the air, crashing down upon the beasts, killing them in droves. While it seemed Earthborn may have a chance of clinching a victory, Commander Applejack gave the order to retreat.


“Braeburn, get our troops back to New Ponyville! Pull all our forces back full speed! Get the cannons movin’ now while we cover the retreat!” While for a second they were rather surprised by the fact she chose to flee instead of fight, they did as they were told. Within the next half an hour they had already begun to pull back forces along the road south. All the while Applejack returned to Rainbow and the remaining defenders of Cloudsdale.


“Alright, Ah did as yawl requested. Our forces are getting’ out of here as fast at their les can carry ‘em. Are you sure about this RD? Ah ain’t doubtin’ the integrity of ya plan here, but it’s a bit of a long shot.”


“Trust me. Now we need to get going while you draw them off. Scootaloo and Orange Lightning will go south to pursue that group of ponies who are bound south. From what your scouts said they may be survivors of the attack. We can’t risk going into the forest just yet so this is our best shot.”


“And Fixit will be accompanying them?”


“Yeah yeah, I know. The remaining troops will head off to Las Pegasus and get Cloudsdale’s reconstruction underway. I’ll be going with them, but after I need to go see our allies in the griffon kingdoms. Gilda is still missing and I intend to find out what happened.”


“Well Ah wish you all the best of luck, I really do. But let’s get movin’ and hope we never have to cross paths for a while now.”


“Yeah, let’s do that.”



House Whitegold – Manehattan – The Undercity


He had to pay for another room, but it was better than remaining near those infuriating fillies and their rather noisy bird. He spent most of his night at the bar counter, drinks being served to him with a concerning frequency. He needed to think and he found the liquor helped clear his head. Unfortunately this just resulted in a headache and more confusion. He knew what he said before was utter crap, but he did feel slightly responsible. Maybe they were just too young to watch themselves so he felt like he had to?


He never liked unicorns, bloody witches. Their own sense of superiority and their obnoxious behaviour, he was glad to have killed many in his time. These mares were of Moon and Star, the worst of the bunch, especially that Spell girl. Oh did she have an attitude.  What that kid needs is a god lick in the-  okay that was a bit harsh, but they could be rather irritating.


So why the hell did I choose to stay? My head hurts.

  • Brohoof 1


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@@AnonBrony,@@Flareon, @, @@Spell Shock,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - Hospital Class No. 01 - Sweetie Belle's room

Sweetie Belle was very stunned by this gesture coming from Encore and Nightshade. Normally whenever she gave ponies money, they simply walked off without a single thank you. She had nearly lost all hope of there being a single caring heart in Manehatten, apart from General Fancy Pants. It shocked her even more when Encore simply gave her back the money just like that and when Nightshade just stayed there and didn't walk off. What is with that look on her face? It isn't that big of a deal... the zebra wondered. Before she could ponder on it though, the nurses prepared to enter the final stage in the injured singer's recovery. They moved to usher Nightshade and Encore out of the room.


Mercenaries - Manehatten - Undercity - Tavern


(OOC: You are aware that they only serve ponies that have the gold, right? I highly doubt they're driven by patriotism...)</span></p>


The rugged and unruly ponies talked away about various topics(including pie for some reason...) while cracking jokes and drinking away at their cheap alcohol. Only one of them was sober enough to respond to the traveller who had spoken to them(and he still was pretty drunk). "Sorry kid, but we ain't goin' after some murderer for that small 'mount of pocket change," he said in slightly broken words. He then chattered on with his buds, deaf to the second thing about some House. Earth-something?


Star Rain - Manehatten - Undercity - Tavern


Both Star Rain and Athens stared up in wonder at the shimmering phoenix. Star Rain herself had seen pictures before, but never up close and personal. She was almost a little jealous, but remembered that she too has a familiar now. For Athens, he was slightly envious as well, then it quickly passed. 


Totally exhausted, Star Rain just flopped into bed in Spell and Lightning's room. Athens however, was wide awake. He flew off into the woods surrounding the city and came back in ten minutes with some mice for both him and Daawn. He nudged some of the mice toward Daawn while he gulped down the others. He perched next to the blue phoenix, keeping a very watchful eye on the sleeping(or half-asleep) ponies. Eventually, Star fell asleep as well.

  • Brohoof 2

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House Whitegold





Swift cursed again, tossing the bag of coins away, before walking towards the stairs. "Damn it!" he muttered under his breath, "none of this is going the way I planned..."


They only option left now, was to take on the targets himself. He'd been relying on the mercenaries being drunk enough to blindly charge into a fight, regardless of money...


Relying far too much on hope. Now he'd have to face that guardian earth pony himself, and risk allowing the targets to slip away.


Swift climbed the tavern stairs, reaching the top floor quickly and quietly. The fugitives could be behind any one of these doors....


As could that Earth Pony...


Swift stood in the hallway, judging his plan carefully. He just wanted to capture these unicorns quickly, to end this disastrous mission before it could go any worse.


It was true, he realised at last; He really was loosing his touch. His flair, his confidence in the completion of a mission without interruption. What had gone wrong?


Sighing, Swift chose a door, carefully  slipping to it. The agent raised a lock pick to the door, effortlessly opening it.


A peek inside revealed a group of sleeping earth ponies... wrong door.


This tactic of trial and error continued, until at last, Swift found what he had been looking for. Or partially.


Two unicorns and a pegasus slept, and Swift recognised one of the unicorns from his encounter earlier. So the plan was simply to slip into the room, use the inhibitor rings on the unicorns while they slept, and...




Swift froze where he was, staring directly into the eyes of a guard owl.


Good going...

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
The second bird alongside the owl however wasn’t so silent. Immediately she would look at him and make the loudest shrieking she could, it was stunningly loud and Spell, just as Lightning would wake up immediately, while Lightning would back off not getting what was going on, Spell would stand up in a weird kind of “battle” stance.

- “Intruder!” – Spell would scream out loudly, not to give him a chance to get away unpunished for breaking it, if the bird didn’t woke up at least eternity in the nearest room, she did.


Daawn also would be ready to if not to attack the intruder, but to pester him. She got significantly more cold, ice appearing on the place she was sitting on. No doubt touching her now would cause severe ice burns, it would seem she didn’t like the thoughts of intruders on her first night ever. Lightning also got ready to fight the intruder if anything was to happen.


Oh and just to make it more fun, i forgot to mention what she still has a trick or two up her hoove. Yeah.

  • Brohoof 1

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Spell Shock,@, @@AnonBrony,


Star Rain - Manehatten - Undercity - Tavern


Athens shrieked as well, but Star Rain woke up to Daawn's shriek first. She looked up and saw the pony who had entered, but didn't recognize him as the traveler that had been following Eternity and her since she flat out ignored him like he was nothing. 


"What are you doing here?!" she shouted. She got into her battle stance, ready to use her horn as a more mundane weapon as opposed to something to use her magic with. The main reason was so that the light from her spells doesn't attract any unwanted visitors to their place. She wants to make sure that they lie low, aware that a spy or two from this wretched House had picked up information on them that could potentially be very valuable to the leader of this House. 


Athens readied himself to fight as well. His jet black eyes bore into the intruder's eyes as he hissed at him. Star Rain could translate it to,"Get out. I don't trust you and neither does Star!" He spread his wings puffed himself up to look even more intimidating. If it came to a fight, he would slash savagely with his talons. He was also capable of leaving small burn marks due to Star's influence.

  • Brohoof 1

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Whitegold




Swift slowly drew his sword; a slender crystal blade that glistened in the light of Phoenix flames.


"You know, you've turned out to be a lot more trouble than first expected..." Swift announced, act gone in place of bitter honesty, "I was hoping to finish this quickly. To complicate matters further, Rarity seems to want you alive."


Swift's expression of hatred deepened. 


"Otherwise I'd have finished this sooner."


Resting his sword upon the floor, Swift pulled the capture rings from where they lay within his bag.


"The two unicorns, come quietly and we can end this before it turns bitter. As for the pegasus... I could take you in as an accomplice, however matters are complicated enough as it is. You can just count your luck for that."


Extending the rings carefully, Swift watched to see how his targets would react. Upon capture, he'd have to take out the the two birds hovering above their owners; they were an unnecessary annoyance. 


As for the third and final unicorn, Swift could deal with him after these two.


Although the recent commotion had probably already awoken him, alongside that damn earth pony guardian. Swift would have to act fast.

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Spell and Lightning Shock - Manehatten UC - Random Tavern
- “And how about I will slowly tear your flesh from you, bit by bit until only bones remain?” – Spell asked intimidating for a child, her horn was glowing dark. Daawn would be ready to do something too, as Lightning would be ready to use her mobility to pounce him.

If he would so much as twitch in attack, Spell would throw crystalized glass she had into his eyes. He had no idea what she had it, so he would get at least distracted by it. She also would probably use basic offensive spells.


Daawn probably could use her extremely cold feathers are projectile weapons, or just barrage him and deepfreeze burn him.


Basically, they all were ready for fighting, neither Spell nor Lightnig bought the Rarity thing, if she would need them she would as, not send a boogieman to fight them. So yeah, we will totally fight and I do not think he is winning 1 on 4 of us in any way shape or form.


OOC: Just in case, SPell and Lightning have basic fighting capabilities, they had fights in their life. Daawn is so cold what she really is a problem and being atiny bird who can fly, hitting her with the sword is problematic. i would suggest strategic retreat =P

  • Brohoof 1

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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