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private Equestria Divided Roleplay


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House Moon and Star - Hoofington - Outside of the Inn


- “Ponies are greedy. Does Miss Twilight have any lie detection spell? We could play it as if they tried to rob us, on the “Command of archmagister”. I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was done at least once. No one has any idea what’s going on, so…  “– Spell replied, taking her cape from Lightning. – And thanks for the help you two. It means a lot.


She sounded a little bit too chilly, but it really meant a lot for her, since it was about Lightning.


Lightning would get her tail up and… stung herself with static somewhere between the wings. It looked like they stuck in place due to that.


- “No rope necessary, they will be like that for a bit. Thanks for the help” – she replied smiling and well, getting into the robed. Spell would take a pencil or a stick and carefully place it into her hair, so it would look like horn was under the hood. It was relatively steady, but still Lightning would take caution in actions.  


Spell would help Lightning adjust the robes sizes. They both were fillies after all, but a little bit of folding and you can wear anything, really. 


- "I never will understand Twilight" - Spell replied - "She is a smart mare, why not ask for help? Just to make sure, someone will be a smart-ass and will sabotage the whole building process?  Ponies can do crazy and desperate things then they think their lives are over."

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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White Gold - Manehettan - Above a roof.


Cunning Horn hasted more energy in his horn when he caught a flying mare with white mane in his sight. No ordinary mares. The face and insane expression was enough to convince him that they were the Cultists. He believed that the mare wasn't alone. Not just because it was stupid, but also because the havoc continued in the ground. He felt his magic drained too much energy, and he doubted he could do more than one shot of magical arrow. He had to kill the mare who was flying fast with one shot, and survive from the rest of the Cultists, which sounded crazy even for him. "Why the hay do these Cultists come here when I need some sleep?!"


He glanced at the road below the roof he was standing on, and saw some police ponies trotted to the direction of the mares. He got an idea.


He narrowed his eyes to the flying object. Calculating her speed and the speed of his magical arrow. His horn glowed brown, filled with a large amount of raw magic energy and shimmering red from the intense heat. Though the magic wasn't efficient enough, that was the best magic he could do. He used to regret that he didn't take formal study in magic while he was still in Canterlot. He snorted when the edge of his sight caught the magnificent glimmering magical wall made by the Arcanists.


A bolt of magical energy darted from his horn to the pegasi, slashing the sky with a silenced hissing sound. The arrow itself was just as big and as brown as a peanut, but Cunning wasn't sure that his target wouldn't notice that attack. He sat heavily on the roof, clearly exhausted, watching his arrow which cut the range between him and the Cultist with an incredible speed as he gathering the rest of his energy, trying to be as prepared as possible for the incoming battle with the mare if his shot missed, or even the worst, all of them.


(OOC: Sorry if I forgot to mention that Cunning is a markspony, but he can only do that magic once every 15 minutes. You can play "ouch my wing" thingy if you think it's OP.)

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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House Everfree (Maybe?) - The Royal Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jades' eyes widened a considerably large amount when the Lady spoke of her being a personal student. "It-It would be an honor, My Lady. What is the pledge you require?" She tried very hard not to show her enthusiasm, although it did peek through her sorrow a bit.


She still didn't smile, though.


Trying not to pay attention to the...awkward...situation the Lady was putting the stag in, Jade looked around the room and tried to identify various types of plant life.


The Cult of Laughter - Soaring Above Manehattan


As Derpy flew, she noticed the dome put around the city and the tiny dart speeding towards her. Unsure of what to do, she prayed to the Laughing Mare. In hushed chants, the Laughing Mares' presence grew stronger and stronger, until she was very, very close to the mortal realm. The dome became blood red and emitted an eerie glow. The dome rose somewhat, but only slightly, just enough for a pony to slip through.


The dart flew with immense speed, and it hit Derpy in the wing. The pain was horrid, and she looked angrily to where the projectile had come from. She spotted the pony who had fired it, a unicorn stallion who looked very tired. Derpy came at him very fast at first, but soon the injury to her wing took effect. She cried out in pain and glared at the unicorn, a fire in her eyes. She lunged, once again, this time folding her wings and going in a straight dive. She knocked into his horn and gave him a whack, not hurting him too much, before seeing that the dome was slowly lowering. She heard the Mares' voice, sighing slightly in the effort to keep up the dome.


"LILA! WIND!" Derpy called. "GET OUT! FOLLOW MY LEAD!" Then she flew, in the same manner as she had attacked the stallion with, towards the opening with a raging battle cry: "FOR THE MUFFINS!!"


(OOC: If this seems too OP, let me know. BTW, if you want @MagicalStarRain, you can have Derpy, Wind, and Lila get caught)

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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White Gold - Manehettan - Above a roof.


Cunning Horn hasted more energy in his horn when he caught a flying mare with white mane in his sight. No ordinary mares. The face and insane expression was enough to convince him that they were the Cultists. He believed that the mare wasn't alone. Not just because it was stupid, but also because the havoc continued in the ground. He felt his magic drained too much energy, and he doubted he could do more than one shot of magical arrow. He had to kill the mare who was flying fast with one shot, and survive from the rest of the Cultists, which sounded crazy even for him. "Why the hay do these Cultists come here when I need some sleep?!"


He glanced at the road below the roof he was standing on, and saw some police ponies trotted to the direction of the mares. He got an idea.


He narrowed his eyes to the flying object. Calculating her speed and the speed of his magical arrow. His horn glowed brown, filled with a large amount of raw magic energy and shimmering red from the intense heat. Though the magic wasn't efficient enough, that was the best magic he could do. He used to regret that he didn't take formal study in magic while he was still in Canterlot. He snorted when the edge of his sight caught the magnificent glimmering magical wall made by the Arcanists.


A bolt of magical energy darted from his horn to the pegasi, slashing the sky with a silenced hissing sound. The arrow itself was just as big and as brown as a peanut, but Cunning wasn't sure that his target wouldn't notice that attack. He sat heavily on the roof, clearly exhausted, watching his arrow which cut the range between him and the Cultist with an incredible speed as he gathering the rest of his energy, trying to be as prepared as possible for the incoming battle with the mare if his shot missed, or even the worst, all of them.


(OOC: Sorry if I forgot to mention that Cunning is a markspony, but he can only do that magic once every 15 minutes. You can play "ouch my wing" thingy if you think it's OP.)

Cult of Laughter-Manehattan-City streets


Lila looked around her while Wind tried distracting the guards. She momentarily let down her shield so she could run off without wasting energy. She took a quick glance around her and noticed the Police ponies gathering around the roofs and another one, a unicorn, seemed to be doing something. *Is that an arrow?* But before she could answer her own question the projectile flew forward towards Wind. Lila saw that she was only a few steps away from Wind and that arrow was going really slo.... wait everything is slow. Including her. She could see every detail of what was happening and when she caught a look at the arrow she knew that magic wouldn't help her right now, or Wind. But she had to do something! Lila felt her feet begin to move towards Wind. One step... two steps... three steps.....



Lila hit the ground and slid across it for a foot or two, not saying a word. When she came to a stop she was finally able to look at the carnage. It hit her, but wasnt deep. About a fourth of the way almost half possibly, but right then she was in too much pain to be able to tell. She had about three hours to live at the max with where the arrow hit her. The arrow hit her in the mid section. She looked at it again and focused her magic on it but stopped as soon as the arrow moved and shot pain through her whole body. Lila laid there waiting for the worst to happen to her and Wind. Mostly she wished that Derpy would make it out alive.

(Ok Flame, your turn to save me. You're welcome!)

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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((The arrow was sent at Derpy...but lets just say that he sent another one at Lila and Wind so we don't need to edit anything.))



Wind was caught off guard as Lila knocked her out of the way of the arrow, she fell to the ground and quickly got back up to her hooves. "Damn it Lila...just tell me that there's an arrow next time...none of this dramatic 'I gotta jump in the way' stuff." She said, looking up at the dome that surrounded them...which had been lifted off the ground ever so slightly.

Wind smiled, knowing that this was their only chance, she spread her wings, grabbed onto Lila and flew at lightning fast speed's under the dome and high into the sky.

She wrapped her front hooves around Lila's middle and held on tight so there was no chance she would be dropped. "DERPY WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE NOW." She yelled.

She looked down at her bag and couldn't help but laugh slightly as the whole bag was now a dark red. "Cookie's going to be coming to life soon...also you didn't see my Uncle Bob anywhere did you ?" She asked Derpy. She still had a firm grip around Lila...to Wind, Lila felt as light as a feather...almost.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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The Cult of Laughter - Just Outside the Manehattan City Dome


The dome dropped, and Derpy hoped that the unicorns would take a while to remove it. "If we go to the Fillydelphia Hideout," she said, "they'll know where it is. Let's throw them off course! Wind, you carry...Lilo! No, wait, Lila!" She giggled. "Lilo is my doggy. Anyways, let's go!"


She took to the skies, flying as fast ad her damaged wing would let her. She would have asked Lila to heal the wing, but Lila was having a similar problem. Much worse, actually. It eventually started to get to Derpy, too. Her wing was extra sore, and it was starting to cramp up. Oh no.. she thought. Her wing snapped shut, and she spiraled towards the ground. Slowing her progress with her other wing slightly, she plummeted towards the ground. The earth hurtled towards her at an alarming rate. She crashed on the rocky ground, cutting her skin. Dirt entered her wounds and she cried a bit. Sitting up, Derpy ate a muffin to help regain her strength and hoped Lila and Wind weren't too far behind.

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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@,@@Marathon, @, @@Spell Shock, @@AnonBrony,


House Whitegold - Manehatten - The Streets of the Inner City


The Arcanists were shocked when their magic was undone in a way. "THEY"RE GETTING AWAY!" the pegasi above shouted in panic. Two of them, without thinking, bolted into the air after them. They kept their legs close to their bodies as they shot through the air so that they went faster. With a burst of speed, they cannoned themselves into the runaway mares, hoping to get them to fall or at least stunned. 


When the grey mare plummeted toward the ground, some Arcanists sprung forth and pinned her down. Some police ponies, guided by the Arcanists, hoof-cuffed and wing-cuffed the mare.


House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Star Rain felt warm and fizzy on the inside at the sound of the younger fillies thanking her. "Your welcome," she said, nodding her head in response. She couldn't remember the last time she was thanked for anything.


"That pencil will do, but I doubt it will work for long. I still say we go over to your place and get your fake unicorn horn," she whispered to Lightning, so that nopony who might do harm to them would notice and pick up her words. She then levitated her saddlebags back onto her back.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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(OOC: I am gonna kill one of the two pegasai and have the other capture Wind and Lila...because Wind is carrying Lila and that makes fighting a little difficult.)


Wind hadn't noticed Derpy fall towards the earth...she was to focused on the two Pegasai that had just flown at her, making her almost lose her grip on Lila. She gave the two pegasai a crazed smile and laughed hysterically. "You two do understand that you just attempted to knock A EUPHORIE FROM THE AIR." She said, her smile widening even more.

She got a firm grip on Lila and flew at one of the two pegasai. She gave him a deep long cut across his chest and quickly flew back towards him...this time aiming for his neck. She flew by and with a red flash his head came clean off. She turned to look at the other Pegasus but then noticed Derpy being captured. "*Sigh* well...I cant fight you when I am carrying my friend here...let's get to the ground." She said, flying down towards the ground.

She placed Lila gently on a small patch of grass then looked around at one of the guards. "You may have caught us...but we will escape eventually. It WILL happen." She said, sitting on the ground and holding out her hooves to they could be tied up.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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@@Spell Shock,  


House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Eternity nodded Star and Spell not saying a word, in agreement to go to Lightnings home. It will at least be a place to stay as well. If Guards catch us that pencil will not work.  But it will have to do.


As eh was about to turn around a couple of guards ran out of the Inn. "Over there! Those are the ponies that teleported!" 


Oh come on!! Eternity thought. "How about we run n- Oh dear" As He was saying that a couple of guards teleported behind them. They were surrounded. We are screwed...


"Why all the running? Are you hiding something?" One of the guards said

"No no no, we were just scared is all. I panicked. Sorry. We are just a bunch of normal unicorns here." Etenrity tired to give a fake smile to seem innocent.

"Wasn't there three of you?"


"And how about you remove your hoods then."


"If you are all Unicorns, then you would have horns. Remove you hoods."


"Well if you are not going to remove 'em the I will do it."


The guard remove dour hoods with magic and Lightnings pencil horn fell out of place.


"An Earth pony!? You were hiding something!" The guards began to draw their swords.


Eternity placed his staff in front of Lightning. "You are NOT getting your filthy hooves on this filly, ya hear!?" Don't worry lightning. I won't let them take you.

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(OOC: I am gonna kill one of the two pegasai and have the other capture Wind and Lila...because Wind is carrying Lila and that makes fighting a little difficult.)


Wind hadn't noticed Derpy fall towards the earth...she was to focused on the two Pegasai that had just flown at her, making her almost lose her grip on Lila. She gave the two pegasai a crazed smile and laughed hysterically. "You two do understand that you just attempted to knock A EUPHORIE FROM THE AIR." She said, her smile widening even more.

She got a firm grip on Lila and flew at one of the two pegasai. She gave him a deep long cut across his chest and quickly flew back towards him...this time aiming for his neck. She flew by and with a red flash his head came clean off. She turned to look at the other Pegasus but then noticed Derpy being captured. "*Sigh* well...I cant fight you when I am carrying my friend here...let's get to the ground." She said, flying down towards the ground.

She placed Lila gently on a small patch of grass then looked around at one of the guards. "You may have caught us...but we will escape eventually. It WILL happen." She said, sitting on the ground and holding out her hooves to they could be tied up.

*Buck, Wind stop!* Lila thought as Wind attempted to fight off the Pegasus after them. Her flying around the way she was, was really hurting her and she let out a sigh when Wind gave up. Lila looked down and saw Derpy being hoof cuffed and winged cuffed. When Wind set her down Lila laid there for a second before wrapping her magic around the shaft of the arrow and quickly pulled it out while biting down and the grass beneath her. Lila let out a sharp scream of pain before quieting down breathing heavily. She saw one of the guards by Derpy and lazily threw the arrow at them with her magic, but it landed harmlessly in front of them. "This is your fault!" Lila yelled pointing at Wind. "You had to kill that bucking guard." Lila tried to stand but fell back down clutching her stomach. "If we survive this im going to beat you senseless! I hate you, you stupid Euphorie! I hope that they cut your head off for your bucking ignorance. We had it in the bag but you just had to ruin it! Everything!" Lila let out all of her rage before finally collapsing exhausted.

"And with a sigh, she closed the old dusty book and set it gently back on its self. Wishing for a better day to come tomorrow. So that today can be forgotten and lost in the memories of that book..."

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cadence-r2169 -Cadence (Little Hop)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lila-fireheart-r2356 -Lila Fireheart: The queen of FallenMoon
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-note-r5473 -Flash Note: Silent, sweet, and explosive....


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The Cult of Laughter - The Fillydelphia Hideout - The Chamber of the Prophets


Tondrak wasn't sure of his opinion concerning the laughting mare's realm. He would need to see it to believe such a realm. It seemed as if she truly hated her realm. "The twins may hold the key but someone still needs to guide them on how to use it. But laughting mare my last item is in Canterlot. There is a possibility that i will meet this Twilight responsible for your death. What do you think of that?"


The Mare was straining somewhat to keep contact with Tondrak, what with her currently attempting to save Derpy and her companions in Manehattan, but this seemed more important at the moment. She sighed a little, and slowly the dome began to drop. "I think," she said, "Twilight deserves this fate. Your offer and attitude suggest that you think I am great. Your words hold wisdom, and I accept - get your item before the deaths. Derpy and her comrades are in the city, and them I pity Go now and be fast, for forever the Mad Prophet will not last. If you wish to get your crown, do it yourself, not dragging others around." Then, as she started to leave, she added, "If you succeed, something from you I need, not just me freed, but something to satisfy my greed."


"As you wish, it should be easier for me to find it since i can sence it's pressence, but their is still the issue of getting in the city without them noticing my missing skin, what should i do about this?" Pinkie just stared at him. Well, her eye sockets at least. Finally the Mare spoke. "Don't you fret, there shall be planning time yet. For now the trio needs you fighting, standing tall,outside the city walls." She sent images to his mind of the location of "the trio" and then departed.


(OOC: Not controlling Tondrak, me and discorded planned it in a PM)

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House earthborn - climbing the mountains to Canterlot


Big macintosh lead the soldiers to towards Canterlot. Climbing up the steep mountain. The outcome of this battle could affect the result of the war, victory for earthborn would speel disaster for Moon and star.


House earthborn - New ponyville ( @Archi sorry there's no battle, i though everfree and stormwing would continue the attack and march to New Ponyville. You can have your Oc do what he wants)


Applejack and the other soldiers succesfully retreated back to New Ponyville, thankfully the retreat help minimize the house's looses. "Curse Rainbow Dash for working with Everfree" She put down Long Stride. "Tend to the wounded." Breaburn and his reinforcements arrived late unfortunatly. "Applejack is everything alright?" "Breaburn perfect take your troops and set up defenses around the city, we lost alot of soldiers, we need to prepare in case of another attack." "Right away"



House Stormwing - Eves of he Everfree


The question caught Windslash of guard, he never expected Scootaloo to open up to him. It was obvious that she was talking about Rainbow Dash "Huhh... well i did have a mentor once, he taught me a few sword fighting style's. I always wanted to impress him with my skills in fighting. One day i had a sparing match with another student. We started with two swords each, i managed to disarm one of his sword's. So to make it fair, i dropped one of my sword's, and in the end i lost the match. My mentor was dissapointed in me for not taking advantage of both my swords. I felt so bad that i let him down. I failed him and i really wanted his approval. But i eventually realised that i should be my own pony and not need to try to live up to another pony. I hope that i managed to help, im not really the best at talking about my feeling. The whole reason I joined stormwing so that i could help put an end to the fighting. I just want to see this war end. Why did you join Scootaloo? 


Cult of laughter - Filydelphia hideout - Chamber of the prophets


Tondrak walked out of the room. He was kind of unhappy about going to Manehatten as he did not want the knowledge of him being a lich to be found out, but he didn't want to let the laughting mare know that he didnt want to go to Manehatten. On his way to the travelling carrage, he tought up a brilliant way of how to not be detected by Whitegold on sight and make it through the wall. He rushed to his reasearch lab and dragged a recently dead body unto the carrage. "Nothing personal but im going to need to borrow your flesh" Tondrak had alot of skill at sowing after making so many smilling dolls over the years. The carrage departed, making it's way towards Manehatten, Tondrak began to skin the dead pony.

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington


- “That’s enough Eternity. Let me handle it. Yes, you were right. We were hiding something. She is not a normal earth pony, she is a pony created with magic. And we are not just normal ponies, but students of top researchers and the archmage herself. If you want, you will hear about it yourself, from her and one of her top researchers. If you won’t leave us alone, I will make sure you are beheaded via magic decapitation for your rude behavior.” – Spell replied, preparing to attack with glass shards. She sounded cold and angry, her horn was sparkling with little dark lightning bolts, she was getting angry and that anger turned into something vile, something they all except maybe Lightning could feel.


She of course was bluffing about Lightning’s existence, but it the first thing which came to mind, especially since she could try to summon another “life” if he would accept it and demand proof. She didn’t know better what she is, in fact creature of magic.


And I would think, the robes of scholar of whichever Star would give Lightning proved they from well, Canterlot.


Lightning would look at him without flinching; she was prepared to evade him. She was agile filly and if they would keep his magic busy, she would be able to escape.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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@@Spell Shock,



House Moon and Star - Hoofington


This is not good, this is really not good. Eternity thought as he looked over a Spell trying to be courageous. Hes never going to buy what she is saying. Especially since its coming from her mouth.


"That's very cute kid." the guard responded tow hat Spell said "But even if that was all true, we've received word form the Archmagister herself to secure all Pegasi and Earth Ponies in Hoofington. At last time i checked we don't take orders from her students or a big mouthed filly. And even if that Earth pony was magical, which i doubt, I'm pretty sure Sparkle would like to see her.


Now, How about you just hand over (Hoof Over?) the filly for some ponies get hurt and if you do, i won't tell Sparkle of your little insubordination"


"No... Never!" Eternity shouted at him. "I don't care if Twilight ordered you, I will never hand her over (hoof her over?) to you!"


"...Very well, We will just take her by force" The guards wielded their swords and spears and started to close in on the group, they were completely surrounded. What to do... I guess we have no choice but to fight.

Edited by AnonBrony
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Swift lay on the hall rooftop, relaxing for the first time in months. It was strange, he usually hated doing nothing...


Yet here he was, wasting time on a roof. His attention switched for a second, and he noticed faint, distant sounds of panic.


Turning lazily, he looked in the direction of the action, noticing the occasional flash of magic lighting the distance.


"Not my problem," the agent sighed, looking away from the flashes. It looked like there really was a cult attack... but he had neither the motivation nor the need to intervene. The military would probably have resolved it by the morning.


A flicker of doubt crossed his mind.


If it was discovered that he hadn't helped in the capture, then that could spell trouble...


But Swift didn't care. He could handle a rant from the director,  it wasn't a big deal.


Besides, those cultists wouldn't last another hour under the full force of the Whitegold guard. All of his efforts to help would be superficial, another straw onto the camel's back.


He may as well just stay here, relax until the end of the concert, then head out for the cultist cleanup.


Swift calmed down once again, returning to his peaceful listening. The song was nothing special, and he couldn't really hear it from up here. Only the pace carried, faint snatches of voice from below. He had a feeling that he recognised one of the singing voices...


Probably just a hyped celebrity, or artistic aristocrat having a go at singing...


No one special...

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House Earthborn - New Ponyville - Town Bastion




(OOC: Oh it's fine, I was just confused as to what was going on. Thanks though!)


As he and his team approached New Ponyville, Fixit gasped at the devastation. Several walls had been battered down and bore the marks of hydra talons, wounded were scattered about being tended to by combat medics and craters scattered the landscape from cannon shots.


"By the stars... Looks like we were too late. Praise be the spirits that they retreated when they did."


He looked around at his team and saw a variety of reactions: Eagle Eye was, as usual, serene, although he could tell that beneath the surface a cold anger burned; Buff's expression had hardened considerably; Short Fuse looked like he was struggling against an unseen force; and Gunpowder looked more shocked than angry at the carnage around him.


Fixit considered the situation; it was doubtful that the other Houses would return for another attack so soon. It might be best to let his team come to terms with their rage before they assembled on the walls.


"Team, you are dismissed for now. Quiet your rage and return in 10 minutes to assemble on the walls."


The team dispersed, and Fixit found himself standing alone. However, amongst the crowd he spied the one pony he respected above all, and he felt his heart flutter a little; Supreme Commander Applejack had made her way from Appleloosa to command local forces! He watched her, eyes taking in the glorious blonde mane, the emerald eyes, the faded orange coat that told of years of experience. She was the exemplar of all truth and honour, and the sight of her made him feel a little nervous yet happy inside. He trotted over to her, shaking a little with anticipation.


"S-Supreme Commander! It's an honour to meet you in person, my lady. If it's not too inconvenient, might I walk with you for a while?"

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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House Moon and Star - Hoofington


Spell would start using her magic to spray one bag of crystalized glass into their faces.  If it gets into their eyes, their recitals are pretty damn dead. It would also discharge all the little lightning bolts in her horn, she was really angry so it could cause some problems. Afterwards Lightning would pull Spell back, so she wouldn’t be in range of any attack which they could well, do to them with a spear.


Spell wasn’t trained in combat, but Lightning was trained in dodging, somewhat. She liked to snoop around and she was pretty good at dodging attacks, neither she nor Spell was going to give up on that whole thing. She would quickly spring her wings with her tail, so they would be back in action, ready to fly up with Spell.


And Spell was kind of risking here, she was spamming little magic acts, she was angry, the thought of Lightning being in danger alone infuriated her to the brim. If she is lucky, her bane for once will be of some use for her, if not, well – she will have to do it as is. She will NOT let them take Lightning away, the little lightning’s on her horn appeared and disappeared a few times a second.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Cult of laughter - Manehattan - inner city...somewhere





Wind's smile faded so she was left expressionless. "We did not have it 'In the bag' I had MY OUTFIT IN THE BAG. And I bet you had books about evil magic in your bag...The guards were going to search us either way WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE ? DON'T YOU BUCKING YELL AT ME." She...yelled.

She glared at Lila and sat down, waiting to be tied up. "Seriously...They were going to search us none the less. Your stupid story didn't do a thing to convince them. You saw the agent in the room back there...he was definitely going to lock us up so shut your bucking mouth you stupid unicorn." She said, crossing her front legs. "WOULD SOMEPONY JUST GET OVER HERE AND TIE ME UP ALREADY." She yelled, looking over at a nearby guard. "ALSO...HAS ANYPONY SEEN SOMEPONY NAMED BOB ? HE WOULD PROBABLY BE A PEGASUS." She said, still yelling.

She didn't really care about what Lila thought of her...but she was a little angry at the fact that Lila thought they could do something else. "Had it in the bag...HA." She muttered, spreading her wings, wanting to just fly away...but she knew that she couldn't leave Derpy...and Lila.

Edited by Sir Flame of Dancerville
  • Brohoof 1

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The Cult of Laughter - Just Outside Manehattan - Being Dragged To Manehattan


Derpy gritted her teeth as the soldiers tied her wings and legs behind her back, and her jaws were soon pried open again to insert a cloth between her teeth so she could not scream or yell. She glared at the pony in front of her as much as her eyes would permit before the blindfold was put over them. She was dragged in the dirt, thrashing and shouting all the way. Her cries, however, were heard through the cloth as mutters of "chpchk, chpchk, chpchk, chpchk, chpchk," repeated over and over with increasing volume. As she struggled, she occasionally moved with such force that she was thrown into the air, then thudded on the ground, much paining her wounded wing. This annoyed the soldier, and he opened his mouth, releasing his hold on Derpy. He called another soldier, who, from what Derpy heard, was a unicorn. The unicorn summoned something, and Derpy soon afterwards felt chains being tied around her. Fully and utterly bound, she was levitated by the unicorn towards wherever they were being taken, her chants of "chpchk" growing into full-blown shrieks.

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House Stormwing - Eves of he Everfree


The question caught Windslash of guard, he never expected Scootaloo to open up to him. It was obvious that she was talking about Rainbow Dash "Huhh... well i did have a mentor once, he taught me a few sword fighting style's. I always wanted to impress him with my skills in fighting. One day i had a sparing match with another student. We started with two swords each, i managed to disarm one of his sword's. So to make it fair, i dropped one of my sword's, and in the end i lost the match. My mentor was dissapointed in me for not taking advantage of both my swords. I felt so bad that i let him down. I failed him and i really wanted his approval. But i eventually realised that i should be my own pony and not need to try to live up to another pony. I hope that i managed to help, im not really the best at talking about my feeling. The whole reason I joined stormwing so that i could help put an end to the fighting. I just want to see this war end. Why did you join Scootaloo? 


House Stormwing - Eves of the Everfree



Scootaloo looked back down at the ground, kicking the brush under her hooves. After a few seconds of silence she looked back at the mare in front of her. Rainbow Dash was very much the legend they made her out to be, she was strong, she was courageous, she was daring. What was Scootaloo compared to her? But no matter how bad it got she would always be there for her.




Scootaloo did feel a bit more relaxed, even with the slight tension between them. “Thanks for sharing that with me by the way. You’re an okay guy Windslash.”


House Earthborn – New Ponyville – Medical Bay


Long Stride didn't at first appreciate being dumped on the ground for the medical team to deal with, but the pain relief certainly made up for it. A lack of magic certainly didn't help, stitching up and cleaning the wound became clumsy and tedious. Still better that simply having the leg lopped off. After a few hours of rest and care he was free to leave, be that with a large number of makeshift bandages. No matter how much he tried he couldn't help but limp through the town with his leg in tow. How degrading.


It was bad enough being wounded in battle without dying in the process, but now he must live with the humiliation of his inadequacy permanently etched into his flesh. A Pony at Arms was to either return victorious or to die, any other result is spat on. Long Stride hobbled his way to one of the local Inns, resting on a stool and taking the weight off his leg.


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House Everfree: Fluttershy, Sand and Parthos the Elder (Just entering.)
Fluttershy heard them each in turn, fully aware that her proposition to each of them likely came as shocking and in some cases embarrassing. She did sympathize with them a little bit, but each of them was in a unique position and she really did need what she asked them to do. Everfree had gone too long without contact to the outside world. She knew of the rumors crossing the landscape about her and so called 'ritualistic' practices. Students were essential to the continued existence of Everfree should she pass and there had to be somepony to fill in while she was kept elsewhere. Finally... one got lonely in her position. The lack of companions was taking a toll on her, all of the pent up emotion that she hid behind her facade was beginning to become too much and needed some release.

She relented from her massage of the Stag's back for the time being, leaving her hoof draped across his lower back. The first she responded to was Lady Robin, a vague expression of disappointment crossing her lips. "I will admit, I am rather let down by your intentions... but I think we can still co-operate. Tell me what you seek so that I might better know how that would function." Next she nodded to Jade, her face showing her quiet pleasure. "The oath is simple. Intone the Volshiin words 'Hist, Vol, Shuul' at the stroke of midnight. Be careful if you do though, those words do not bind you in a magical sense but the effect on your life will be immense." Her eyes switched to Evergreen for a moment. "I would make you my Housecarl Evergreen. Your duties would be that of both a bodyguard and steward, if that clarifies any. My right hoof if the metaphor is appropriate." Finally she addressed Sand, though she did not look at him. "Trickster, you likely know what you will have to do if you are truly from the Deep Wastes, but modify the process slightly. Use a tree root instead of a stone. Any of those from the Grand Oak's would be suitable." The stallion didn't say much, just nodding. He gave an encouraging smile to the others, though he did seem a bit nervous.

At that point Fluttershy raised her head, listening to some distant whisper barely audible to the others. "I believe that an important guest will be arriving: Commander Rainbow Dash and her guards. They should be a while yet, so we still have some time. In the Stag's mind he would hear a soft whisper: 'We shall talk with more depth later.'

Parthos for his part plodded along with satisfying progress, clearing a path for the Pegasi as he passed. "We are to arrive within the hour if the tree's whispers are to be believed," he announced to those present. "Be careful to stay in the path I make. While you are honored guests, it is still possible for the Forest to kill that which is not careful. It would be a great waste of life if you stepped on this bush for instance. It will grasp on to your leg and pull you into the ground, where you will be feasted on by spiders." The bush in question looked like a holly bush with thin vines draped across it like tinsel. He leaned in to Rainbow Dash, sufficiently lowering his volume in order to whisper. "I feel I must tell you of the growing gravity of the situation you will face. You must not allow Fluttershy to remain alone in this place. While she is Queen, it is slowly turning her into that which she fights against. She is broken Sky Mistress, and she has called out to you to give her the courage she needs, whether she knows it or not. Please, I beg you, do not let the Liege have her or we are all doomed." He looked around, the forest seeming more menacing. "I cannot explain more for now, I'm sorry."

House Everfree: Occupation Forces
If one thought that the Everfree War-bands would rest after an attack it would likely be one's last thought. Already the rash of the Forest was spreading southward, unopposed for the moment by Earthborn while it licked its wounds. Hydras rooted out any resistance with overwhelming force. Though oddly enough those uprooted from their homes were most often not harmed, rather being herded southward by the packs of Timberwolves. Those that did die were those who fought or tried to make a stand. In the newly established borders of the Forest itself the defenses became increasingly formidable to the point that you could take a step in any given direction and step on a trap.

The Trees had halted their progress a few hundred meters from the Outskirts of Ponyville. From these shaded plants stalked one of the Minotaur Warriors, Iron Will himself. In one hand he held a long poleaxe though one up-sized to fit a Minotaur's bulk. It made normal spears look like twigs. From the end of this flew the banner of Everfree and a flag of white. He planted this in the ground before turning to Ponyville and bellowing in a voice that echoed for a mile. "Come forth orange one, killer of saplings and head of Earthborn! I will have words with you, but if you consider trickery there will be nothing but a quick death."

Edited by Higurashi


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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House Everfree (Pretty Much) - The Old Castle Ruins - Lady Fluttershys' Dining Hall


Jade looked at the Lady with respect, but also wonder. Was this a test, or did she just deem it unimportant? "Lady Fluttershy, I must ask, what do these words mean? I have no knowledge of the language of Volshiin, and did not know it existed until you mentioned it just now." She did not want to wander into a trap and utter a phrase that would kill her, although she did trust the Lady not to do that to her, at least not yet. "And," she added somewhat sheepishly, "I do not have a clock, and even if I find one, I can barely read them." She was an educated pony for the situation she was in, but her family hadn't owned a clock since the flood of Ponyville, and even when they did have one, Jade was only two and was still just learning. "If you will tell me how to identify midnight, I think I can manage, though." Truthfully, she wasn't sure she even remembered what a clock looked like.


(OOC: @Higurashi, if you don't want to come up with a meaning for the phrase, you can just say Jade will find out when she says it or something like that)

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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Cult of laughter - on the road to Manehatten


Tondrak finished skinning the pony. He placed his necromancer book inside his own rib cage where it would be safe, then procceded to put on the skin like a costume. He sowed the skin shut, keeping his book safe. He cracked his neck ajusting to the skin. Tondrak pulled out the dead ponies eyes and placed them in his hollow eye sockets. They eyes rolled in the back of his head making a 360% turn. He put on a fancy suit to cover up the sowing marks. He looked out the window to see the wall of Manehatten "Carrage drive, stop here, you may return to the cult, i will walk the rest of the way." Tondrak walked out of the carrage and he looked like a normal pony. He walked for a few minutes to arrive at the front gate. "I wish to enter Manehatten" Looking over to the side he could see that something had happened here earlier. "Excuse me but what happened here?"


The-Master (one of the good parts about Long Stirde being injured is that now you can go or do whatever you want)

House Stormwing - Eves of the everfree


Windslash smiled at Scootaloo's compliment "Thanks." After lisening to Parthos's warning about the forest, Windslash felt a little bit intimidaded. He tried to keep on a brave face, but he just hoped that the negotiating was going to go well.



Archi Higurashi

House earthborn - New Ponyville

Applejack could hear Iron Will calling out to her. Breaburn rushed by Applejack's side. "Applejack what should we do?" "We will meet with him" "That sounds like a really bad idea" Applejack turned to Fixit. "It looks like you'll get your chance to walk with me soldier, both of you come with me" Adressing Fixit and Breaburn. The three ponies made their way to Old Ponyville to stand in front of the tall minautor, Iron Will. Applejack spoke first "How dare you suggest that we would attempt trickery, you who sided with Stormwing to lauch an attack on us. I despise liars of all forms. You wanted to speak with me and im here, so be quick and tell me what you want."


House earthborn - Appleloosa - Granny smith's hospital room

"OOohh Applebloom it's you, how my favrite yunging doing?" "Granny, i tryed to get Applejack to come but she was to busy" Applebloom had a look of sadness of her face. "Yuur sister's just trying to do what she thinks right for Equestria" "Yes but recently she's been so caught up in the war. Im beggining to wonder if she even care's about us, she hasnt visited you in over a year." "Younging, your sister cares about us, she's just had a harder time showin' it since the war."

Edited by discorded
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White Gold - Manehettan - The Inner City.


(OOC: Cool. Now I have to find a reason why I could shot two arrows. :lol:)


Cunning watched weakly as the mare flew fast towards him. He tried to roll away at the last moment, but he was too tired and the mare succeed landed a whack on him. Though it wasn't so powerful, it was enough to make him unconscious. Before his gaze faded out, he let out a sigh when he saw the mare spared him and flew away somewhere he thought to the direction of her mates.




He woke up about ten minutes later. His head felt so dizzy that he felt he would passed away even at any slight movement. He crawled to the edge of the roof, and found that the battle has ended. Yet, there's still one thing that bothered him. Somehow, his magical arrow only used half of the energy he charged on his horn, and the other half darted wildly to another direction. Maybe that was the reason why his shot didn't cut the mare's wing off.


He saw a group of police ponies dragged three ponies, whom he recognized as the Cultists from the mare he saw earlier, along the street below him. A smirk sprouted on his face. With the rest of his energy, he waved his hoof to the mare and shouted, "Taking an afternoon walk with some bodyguards 'eh Miss Cultist?"

Edited by Sky Warden



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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Cult of Laughter - Manehattan - Somewhere


@@Sky Warden,



Wind stared over at the colt and gave him a scary looking smile...which would usually look scarier with her sharp teeth but it looked scary none the less. "I'll be out tonight and I will be searching every inn for you...you would make a LOVELY Smiling doll you know." She said, tilting her head to one side. But then a guard came over and tied a rag around her mouth...which she bit down on, Hard, tearing it to pieces. Her teeth may look normal but they still did just as much damage as they did before.

The guard's eyes widened slightly. "You're gonna need more than that, Sugar." She said, grinning at him.


A few moments later Wind had rope tied around her mouth so she couldn't open it, the guard next to her had several bite marks on his arm and he couldn't take his eyes off her...scared she would try something else.

Wind winked at the guard, then sat down on the ground and waited for something to happen...as she was beginning to get a little impatient. They would probably take the agents head away which means Cookie would have to wait...sadly. But she would get a head eventually...when the time is right, she couldn't help but glance back over at the pony on the roof...




House everfree - Castle Ruins - the dining hall place thing.

Rain nodded at Fluttershy and looked down at his hooves. He still couldn't really believe that that's what she had planned for him...it was all just too much to handle.

Edited by Sir Flame of Dancerville

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