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deleting role-play posts

Rainbow    Dash

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I beseech the mods please allow the thread creator the option to delete posts. I'm sorry if this has been posted before; i tried looking for a similar thread but i couldn't find an exact one. I can not tell you how frustrating it can get when someone in your role-play doesn't pay attention to the rules or the post previous to them and de-rails either the whole role-play or the direction it was headed.

 Also i just had a random person who was not involved in my role-play ruin the whole thing. I had to re-do the whole post as a private. i could have salvaged it by simply deleting his post but since i could not half the players saw the post and discovered the plot twist i was trying to hide. seriously fuming mad right now and hope this issue is addressed. DIP out.

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What's wrong with reporting such posts for them to take care of?

well first there really no correct way to categorize it. The posts that messes with the RP is neither Pointless or off topic since it does follow the rp to a certain extent. its not really abusive either since they aren't attacking anyone.


Also, i think it would easier and quicker for the person in charge of the role-play to be able to quickly delete a post that conflicts with the rps story. for example,

say you, me and others were in a role-play thread about a group of OCs traveling to Twilight's house. You are the leader and you say we are here at her house. Let's say I post something like: I turn into King Sombra and destroy Twilight's house. you could just say ignore that post and kick me from the rp. But what if that post was 2 pages away and the story started to revolve around me destroying her house.


you see what i'm getting at? --I'm terrible at explaining right now. I'm trying to say that giving people this option, would make situations where other people do this kinda stuff easier to handle.

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Just a quick note since I'm at work presently and can't dig too deeply into this at the moment, but you can always report something using the "other" category - it was added specifically for these sorts of instances in which our standard garden variety report cateory selections may not be applicable.

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Let's say I post something like: I turn into King Sombra and destroy Twilight's house. you could just say ignore that post and kick me from the rp. But what if that post was 2 pages away and the story started to revolve around me destroying her house.


If you're the one in charge of the roleplay, and you tell the others to ignore the post of someone who's obviously trolling, I doubt they'd take his post as canon and continue on from it. :)


Nontheless, if you report his post, I can almost guarantee it'll be taken care of before it gets out of hand, and you'll be able to keep on and pretend the post in question never existed.

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@@Aureity, forgive me for pressing this issue more, but i believe that it would make the mods job easier as well as making the rolepley run along alot smoother. Forgive me if im wrong. 


To be honest, the Roleplay mods have a pretty easy job already. I'm pretty sure we'd *love* to get more reports so we'd have more to do.


Besides, giving thread owners the power to regulate, edit, and delete anything that the other roleplayers can say or do just isn't right. While it may be a noble idea, some thread owners will ultimately use it as a way to remove what that they disagree with, and then we'd have even more of a headache on investigating claims by members that they're being unfairly censored.


Thanks though, we do appreciate your input. :)

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To be honest, the Roleplay mods have a pretty easy job already. I'm pretty sure we'd *love* to get more reports so we'd have more to do.


Precisely why there's zero mods for the RP section in our recent hiring. There's not a ton to do there.

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Besides, giving thread owners the power to regulate, edit, and delete anything that the other roleplayers can say or do just isn't right.

I'm starting to see it your guys' way. I guess the only thing i can do is learn how to correctly file reports of these incidents. 


Though, why not make this ability available to high ranking members like "Pegasus" and up? I'm sure they wouldn't abuse the power. 

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I'm starting to see it your guys' way. I guess the only thing i can do is learn how to correctly file reports of these incidents. 


Though, why not make this ability available to high ranking members like "Pegasus" and up? I'm sure they wouldn't abuse the power. 


Multiple reasons. For one thing, post count is not indicative of quality. Not to mention that basic roleplay posts don't count towards the "post count" one needs to get a higher rank. So basically, someone could have spent their entire life in the roleplay section and still be a cupcake. :P

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You know, speaking from experience, I think you can probably solve this problem easily just by DMing better (no offense). If you catch it quickly enough you can respond before people react to it too much and it gets out of hand. Either that, or you just scare your players so much that they wouldn't even think about messing things up. Sometimes you have to flex your muscles as a DM.


Oh, and there's always the possibility of improvising if a plot twist gets spoiled. Being able to think on your feet is an essential part of DMing. At least it is for me, but I don't always do things by the book to begin with.


At any rate, the ability to delete roleplay posts is too much power for anyone directly involved in the RP, DM or otherwise. And considering my philosophy of the DM essentially being god, that's saying something.

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if someone posts a stupid post then ignore them


if they put anything offensive or trolling then just tell them to stop or drop kick them though twilight's window if showing them the door and asking them to use it doesn't work.


if they do it out of spite then mark them as a troll and dont let them rp ever again, im sure a mod will put them on a stool in the corner with a nice big cone on their head which displays a bold letter D on the front

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