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Return of Harmony

Strong Hooves

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Ampyrion finished his pruning handiwork. "Yeah, go me! I finally did it!" He stepped back proudly to admire his achievement...and promptly jumped back in horror, the hacksaw clattering to the ground as he lost his focus. The bushes were a mess. It was as if someone had came at them randomly swinging a huge butcher knife, which, come to think of it, wasn't that far off from what actually happened. "Uhhh..." he looked sadly at the mutilated bushes. I...I need something to camouflage it with. This is the most pathetic decoration I've ever seen. "Flowers!" he yelled excitedly, then calmed down. "Yes, flowers would solve everything. I just need a load of flowers and large plants to disguise this...mess." Quickly looking around to make sure nopony had already seen the bushes, he quickly concentrated the water around him, thickening it into a sort of mist that obscured the bushes.

"And now...I need to find a flower shop." He quickly trotted off in the direction of Ponyville square.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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(Okay I read all of the posts before I started posting)


Breeze looked out her home it was near the Everfree, she cared for many living things from wildlife to plants, she was devastated when Discord took over Equestria, but all she could do is stay at her home and hope for the best, she tended her plants inside her home, she hadn't been outside for a couple of days now, Breeze was a calm pony but she cared for any living thing she thought of plants the same as animals and she couldn't stand to see any of them die, she looked around at her living room her plants shimmered with different colors, and the scent of the flowers made her wan't to stay inside, she finally convinced herself to stay inside, she crawled into her bed and fell asleep




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As night fell, and everypony slept, Black Lightning landed at the door to the house where Strong Hooves was staying.

"If I retrieve the elements of Harmony" He thought "I will win Discord's eternal trust! I'll be rewarded with riches!"

He slowly, and very carefully, opened the door so that it made as little noise as possible. He walked inside carefully.

"Hmm" he thought to himself "Now where is Strong Hooves sleeping? I mean, it's night. He ought to be asleep."

He continued walking.

"Maybe this door? Hmm... Let's see."

He conjured up one shadow figure.

"Go, and find out where Strong Hooves is sleeping. There's virtually no light in this house right now, it should be easy for you to blend in to the darkness. But do not try to retrieve the elements, or get spotted in any way. I'm saving the main fight for myself."

He fed the shadow figure instructions.

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lunatic saw a shadow passing his room and quickely jumped up and followed the shadow.


"there it is again!"


he charged after the shadow till he cornered it but then it was gone.

"its not safe here."

lunatic walked to the room where cloud was sleeping and knocked on the door.

"mister im sorry but we must leave."

after that he walked towards rose's room.

"miss i've spotted one of the minions of discort were no longer safe"


lunatic went to the door finding out it was locked.


Inspired by myself.

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Meanwhile, the shadow figure returned to Black Lightning.

"Do you know where strong hooves is?"

The figure said in a strange, alien voice.

"What?" Black Lightning replied. "There is someone awake in the house?"

He made the shadow figure disappear.

"I must hide. I cannot let them see me."

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waiting for the others to get ready to leave lunatic tries to find an other exit.

windows. also locked

backdoor. also locked.


"there must be a way out."

Inspired by myself.

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Black Lightning decides to see who it is that is awake. He follows lunatic.

"Well hello. This is an... unexpected meeting. I didn't expect to see you here, lunatic."


"Heh heh heh."


He uses his telekinesis to pick up the closest heavy object, and proceeds to hit lunatic over the head with it.

Thinking the others may have heard, he dashes to the door and unlocks it.

He then leaves a note on the door:

"I know where you are. You have something that I want. I'm coming for you..."

Then he spreads his wings and soars into the night.


(Btw, gotta go to school now)

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((I like how BL instantly knows everyone's names.)).


Nidal rolled around in her bed, leaving her sleep restless. She was having some conflicting thoughts, nothing uncommon for her whrn she had to infiltrate. She got off the bed and looked at the flower shop from the window and saw a single pony leave it in the low light of the moon. She was nearly sure that pony was BL.


Nidal went to the kitchen of the house and prepared herself breakfast before she robbed all of the bits that were in the house.

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(AHHH!!! You guys are moving this faster than I expected.... no worries I can work around it... those who Cloud hasnt met yet may want to hurry up and find away to meet up with our group, as of now it is about 5 am in the RP... I shall continue from Mince leaving the note... BTW Mince, this is Cloud Chaser, not Strong Hooves, lol you got your RPs mixed up)


Cloud heard Lunatic knock on his door, saying someone was in there, "OH no no no no" he said, hurrying to make sure nothing of his was taken from the saddle bag. He immediatley strapped on the saddlebag and proceeded to Rose's room, there he knocked on the door, "Ms. Rose?! Sorry to wake you but we need to get up like now! We have trouble! I have to cut my stay here short so if youre coming along then I suggest you get ready!". He proceeded to the shop section and looked outside, too dark still, there is time to wait. He saw the unconcious Lunatic on the ground and made sure he was ok. Cloud then turned on a lamp and opened his saddlebag, where he pulled out an ancient map, opening the map, he saw what was old Equestria during the life of the original bearers of the elements, parts of the map had a symbol of each element, "We need to find those elements... fast" he muttered to himself as he looked at the map...

Edited by Strong Hooves


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lunatic slowely opend his eyes to see cloud staring at a map and wonders what it could be.

"ahh... my head."

his eyes shot open.

"we need to find an exit from here! the entire place is locked down."

he tried to stand up but collapsed to his knees.

"ahh buck!"

lunatic grabbed the table to help him stand up.

looking at the map cloud was looking at.

"are you looking for the elements of harmony? but it tought they got lost."

Inspired by myself.

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Cloud looked at Lunatic as he woke up and couldnt help but chuckle, "Its ok dude, whoever was here is gone now, nothing is locked anymore" he then sighed, "Yes, I am searching for the Elements... I know others may say its a lost cause... but I know theyre out there. And I wont rest until I find them"...


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Rose jumped off of her bed in excitement, ready to leave this abandonded town. She trotted over to her dresser, taking out her saddlebag. Putting a few medical supplies in, she walked outside of her room.


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(It seems I skipped a page when I was reading over this RP, so I thought CC just went in. Sorry!)


Lightning watched as a hooded figure flew out of the flower shop. Who the hay is that? She thought as it flew off. She wondered if it had hurt anypony inside of the shop. She looked inside. "Everybody okay in here?" She yelled into the flower shop.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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lunatic looked at cloud leave the shop.


lunatic walked after him.

"please if your looking for the elements. let me join your quest. as a librarian i know quite some things about the elements."

Inspired by myself.

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(Holy crud I missed less than i though I would!)


Ampyrion ran frantically across Ponyville. Quickly, quickly, I gotta get this mess cleared up before morning breaks and the rest of Ponyville see what's left of my garden. He skidded to a halt in front of a large shop with a picture of a rose hanging from the door. (Sorry if I'm inventing objects in your shop, but I don't really know what the exterior is supposed to look like). "A flower shop?" he asked himself eagerly. "Well, that was fast. Everything went better than expected..." he trotted up to the door. "Um, hello?" he called uncertainly. "Is-is anyone in there?"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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(Im back! I will start where lunatic asks to join and continue from there)


Cloud weighed the pony's offer to join, Experience in the elements could come in handy, he thought, "Fine you can come". He then looked up from his map as he saw two other ponies entering, "Uhh, hello there" he said to the two...


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"Hello there!" Lightning said with a wide smile. She then saw the map. "A map?" She thought aloud, "Are you going on an adventure? I want to go! I love adventures!" She started hopping up and down, her wings flapping.

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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