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Is it stupid to fall in love over the internet?


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It really all depends on age.


If you are dating someone online, and you are like a teenager(13-17), then you better watch out. The person you're dating might be a pedophile.


If you are dating someone online, and you are an adult, then be cautious.



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In my opinion: Yup.


I've had enough arguments with people in text conversations to know this - text tends to convey far less information, especially emotional information, than simple face to face communication and even physical interactions. I think you can admire people over the internet, but you can't truly understand them enough for intimacy without meeting face to face.

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I met my only boyfriend over the internet, and a girlfriend, (that really wasn't?) It isn't stupid at all. In fact, it is a rather intelligent idea, particularly for people like the OP (I would assume) and me, who are LGBT and can't find somepony who likes the same sex. Or people like me in general who have personalities that are quite unique and unnattractive to the people you live around.


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I've been in a similar situation and I chose to date online, and to talk via skype, since we were somewhat long distance (bout an hour and a half away)


It was good until I had found out the person I fell in love with was more of a facade than anything. She turned out to be a bit of a whore, that liked to use her beauty and soft tone of voice to hypnotize guys into things....enough said there.


She cheated on me end of story...do not date online unless u really know the person is honest and what they are really like.


I could rant on for the next ten- twenty minutes but im going to save my fingers


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I think it's great. My best friends parents met on LoL and their happily married. I met my boyfriend on Minecraft. Some say that if you're just talking on skype it's not really "dating", but you can feel close to somebody even if you aren't physically close. We have been together for a little over 1 1/2 years (2 years in April) and he is coming out to see me this summer. I have talked to his mom and he has talked to mine. I think that it's dating as long as you still do things together and enjoy each other's company.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think it's a terrible idea. My aunt is a single mother that is a gamer. She met a dude over PS3 that lived in the UK. She almost completely abandoned her kids so she could find someone to love. Her kids had to make their own food, pick out their own clothes, and do their own hair. She basically forgot she had kids. Then she gets a plane ticket to go and meet him and he is a 15-year old kid that lives with his mother and he was using a mic deepener. Summary: You can't always trust whom you talk to over the internet.


My rule for the internet: There are no girls on the internet. And that rule there is why I never flirt.




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I think it's a terrible idea. My aunt is a single mother that is a gamer. She met a dude over PS3 that lived in the UK. She almost completely abandoned her kids so she could find someone to love. Her kids had to make their own food, pick out their own clothes, and do their own hair. She basically forgot she had kids. Then she gets a plane ticket to go and meet him and he is a 15-year old kid that lives with his mother and he was using a mic deepener. Summary: You can't always trust whom you talk to over the internet.


My rule for the internet: There are no girls on the internet. And that rule there is why I never flirt.

Ok this sounds like a really bad experience but I don't think it's rational to believe it's ALWAYS like that. You have to be careful who you talk to and if you can trust them, yes, but that doesn't mean NOBODY can EVER be trusted.

Did you read my comment? I mean not to sound as though I'm bragging but my friends mom MARRIED somebody she met on League of Legends. Also I met my boyfriend on minecraft and he turned out to be exactly who he said he was.

And besides the way a person reacts to a situation, even that one, is dependent on the person.

Saying that a situation can never end well just because you saw how poorly it can end, is like accidentally biting off of a bad apple and saying that all apples are rotten.

Just my thoughts though.

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No, it's not stupid or forever-aloney at all. My parents met over the Internet, and that was before there was Skype and stuff like that. 


that's...pretty much it in a nutshell...you just need to be careful, about who you're talking to...you never know, just who is on the otherside of the screen after all.


do I think it's stupid? no...I just think, if you're only limiting yourself to FB, or e-mails, then it should be fine...

Hey look here...beavers! You better hide your wives, hide your husbands, and look here, both of you, hide your kids, cause we're coming!

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I only think it's stupid to fall in love with someone and intend to date them online because you have given up on trying to date offline and believe you no longer can.


Personally I think you can't "fall in love" with someone purely based on an online relationship. The most it can get to is infatuation. Chances are they're not your true love or your only shot. You may really grow to like someone you met online but there's no point in pursuing a relationship unless you have the motivation and means to see them and spend time with them. I think it's just a waste of time to assume you'll be with them in the vague "near" future, especially if you're still young and live with your parents and don't support yourself.


Don't give up on the world around you because what you have online seems secure and stable. It will most likely end up in a world of heartbreak and disappointment, either because you or the other person finds someone IRL and find it easy to forget about you because you were about as real to them as something in your imagination OR you'll be so in love that it will be painful how much you can't see each other. And what if you do eventually meet and the expectations of your "prince/princess" is shattered because you built up a relationship in your head that can't survive without the security of a digital screen.


It probably sounds cynical, but to date online is a big risk and isn't for everyone. Personally, I won't ever date anyone online because I need the physical, face-to-face connection. I also wouldn't trust myself to stay with a person I've never met if someone else came along and swept me off my feet because nothing physical was holding me down.

  • Brohoof 2

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Stupid? Hardly. But it all depends on how it's handled.


To simply talk and claim love; that isn't enough. You have to know the person for a long time... gather a close relationship with them, wait until you've got a close friendship, and see what they think of you.


I have several friends on a different site that have developed internet relationships that are still going strong, even despite some opposition along the way.


And all the people who say an internet relationship is stupid or impossible can go step on a Lego.

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I think the real question here is: Is it even dating?

IMO, dating is spending time with your girl/boyfriend, and doing things you enjoy together.

If your just talking via skype, is that really a relationship?

Welp, about 2 months after posting this, I asked someone out over the internet, and we've been dating 6 months.... I guess I'm kinda eating my own words right now xD


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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I met a guy on EQ2 that lived near me, ended up dating him two years.


After he and I broke up, I met a guy who lived in Australia in World of Warcraft. Went to Australia twice, ended up dating him four years.


Met my husband on OKcupid. Still going strong.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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It's definitely not wrong to be attracted with someone you meet online. However, if you find that to be the case for yourself at any point in time, the best thing to do is meet them in person before making any kind of commitment, and it's even more important to do so when that someone is in a different country from you. You DO NOT want to move to another country for one person alone before knowing what that person is like in reality.

  • Brohoof 1
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True love knows no borders, it doesn't count years, it doesnt measure distance. Take Peowdiepie as an example. He is from Sweden, his girlfriend from Italy they met online. If it is truly the love of your life, I'm sure you will get an oporunity to talk and see the person in real life.




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Well. Going to make this short and yeah...

I would say depending on if you could ever meet the person. If not it is sort of stupid and pointless if you will never meet the person. And is a waste of time for which you may be dragged away from things you normally do for a person you MOST LIKELY (if you do then that's great. Have nothing against it in that perspective) will never meet in your life.

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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I sure as hell hope it isn't. That is basically my only chance as sad as it sounds. To me, it doesn't seem stupid, it can just be more difficult though. Making it work out in the end can be the hard part. Transportation and whatnot. For me that would be the biggest problem.


If you truly feel it, love is love. Simple as that.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well.... I'd say no. You can't help who you fall in love with after all. What I think is stupid is looking for a relationship, actively seeking one, whether online or offline makes no difference. Of course, extra caution is required online, as it is much easier to just put a facade.


And yes, I think a relationship can last and be healthy without the parties involved ever meeting face to face. I can't say I'd recommend it though.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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The internet is a great place to meet people because you can find people with a LOT in common much easier than you can in real life. It's also easier to filter out people or kick them out of your life if things go bad.


I would say the internet is a good tool for meeting other people but I also want to advise to be very careful because its super easy to lie on the internet. Make sure you know the person pretty well before deciding to meet or giving personal information out. 


I think you can definitely fall in love with someone over the internet, I have heard a lot of stories and known a lot of people who met through that way.

  • Brohoof 3
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Nope, in fact I'm falling (or at least I think I am) in love with a girl right here on these forums, and I think she knows it. I just hope she likes me back in that way.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Defintitly not stupid. I met my first boyfriend on the internet then we met up on a disney cruise. We still internet date today.As long as u guys are both great for each other (we're both bronies) it will all work out

  • Brohoof 1
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It's clearly not stupid. We've seen many couples who have fell in love over the internet, arranged to meet in real life and even got married. I believe it's the same as dating in real life, because you had to meet somehow, didn't you? People think it's weird because of the risks that people say who they are not... But mature adults should be able to decide for themselves.

  • Brohoof 2

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I actually had a relationship that lasted a month on the internet. The only thing was that he was weird. But heck, we did love each other. One little bit of advice, just be safe about it. Trust only about as much as Daring Do initially trusted RD (Sorry, spoilers), not a lot. You may possibly feel and seem like a picky and mean person, it's either that our you have a great chance of rape, or scandal.(particularly in teen dating.)

It is a great alternative, in fact the one I am primarily taking. Whether you want a boyfriend, girlfriend, (or like me) either one, and whether you are (in my case male, female, or TV/TG, it will always be a decent possibility. But do remember to be careful on this journey through what could be the depths of the internet. Never trust someone until you know them well enough.

Edited by Twilight Sniper


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Nope, I don't think it's stupid. I'm in an online relationship with my boyfriend, and I don't know anyone in real life who I could love more than him. We've been friends for about a year before we fell in love, so it was really great to get to know him ahead of time. I really do feel that we could have a future together in real life, but the problem is, my boyfriend lives on another continent. Oh well; we can hope.


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