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Equestria Girls Plot

Logan Runion

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If you've seen, there is a rumor of a MLP: FiM Spinoff 'Equestria Girls', depicting the Mane six and more as human high school girls. Im kinda ambivilent on this thing, but I want to say what the possible plot and what the characters would be in a high school enviorment.


Twilight Sparkle - Honor Roll Student


Rainbow Dash - Star Athlete (Matches up with flying)


Pinkie Pie - Prom Committee (Likes parties)


Rarity - Class President (Mature, but able to connect with others to a point)


Applejack - Head of Agriculture Club (Farmgirl)


Fluttershy - Member of Agriculture Club/ Shy Animal Girl (Closest to Animals)


Celestia - Principal/ Headmistress


Luna - Vice-Principal


Cadance - Student Counselor ? (Works with feelings)


Discord - Drug Dealer ? (Drugs can make you act crazy)


Sombra - Spanish Teacher


Chrysalis - Theater Teacher (feasts off of apprectiation.admiration of her plays)


Ms. Cheerilee - Math/Science Teacher


Doctor Whooves - English Exchange Student or English Teacher (Comes from London)


Mayor Mare - Social Studies Teacher


Blueblood - Vain Popular Guy


Photo Finnish - Queen Bee (Biased and Meam)


Big Mac - Wrestling Champ (Strong enough to do so)


CMC - Elementary School Kids



Plot: Celestia and Luna discover the world of humans and decides to make peace. But since humans may be shocked, or even hostile, they disguises themselves and the residents of Ponyville as humans to blend in. They are place in a school called Cant. R. Lot (short for Cantrel Right Lottington) High to blend in. Its possible That a group normal human kids find out the truth and try to keep the secret....


Human Names for Character:


Twilight Sparkle - Theresa Simmons


Rainbow Dash - Rachel Dawson


Pinkie Pie - Penelope Parker (Very peppy name)


Rarity - Rita Eiffel (wanted it to sound French)


Applejack - Alice Jackson


Fluttershy - Fionna LimeWood


Celestia - Celeste Myers


Luna - Lillian Myers


Cadance - Candace Minnington


Discord - Dalton Disore


Sombra - Sol Brayez


Chrysalis - Crystal Charleston


Ms. Cheerilee - Charlotte Lee


Doctor Whooves - Derek Wesley or possibly David Tennat


Mayor Mare - Mary-Anne Martin


Blueblood - Blake Bender


Photo Finnish - Pheobe Finnimene


Big Mac - Max Jackson


CMC: Allison Jackson, Sarah Dawson, and Sally Eiffel


How you you rate this possibility from 1 to 10?

Edited by Logan Runion
  • Brohoof 19
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Oh fuck my sides.


I laughed for too long when I read Discord.



Anyways, why is Sombra a Spanish teacher (I know his name is Shadow in Spanish  but I'm pretty sure it's also latin), also.... yeah.  That's all I got xD 

  • Brohoof 10




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Oh fuck my sides.


I laughed for too long when I read Discord.



Anyways, why is Sombra a Spanish teacher (I know his name is Shadow in Spanish  but I'm pretty sure it's also latin), also.... yeah.  That's all I got xD 

Sombra's Apperance reminds of a Hispanic Man. (To me his gray fur would translate to a Spanish-type tan) And I've also seen jokes of him being related to the word "Sombrero"

Edited by Logan Runion
  • Brohoof 2
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Sombra Apperance reminds of a Hispanic (To me his grey fur would translate to a mexican like tan) And I've also seen jokes of him being related to the word "Sombrero:.

Yea, I joked about that too. On a status update we made a fake OC that's Sombra's twin brother called Sombrero, twas fun xD


I don't see his gray fur meaning he's mexican, but if by that logic also makes Thunderlane Mexican, I ain't complaining xD

  • Brohoof 1




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Yea, I joked about that too. On a status update we made a fake OC that's Sombra's twin brother called Sombrero, twas fun xD


I don't see his gray fur meaning he's mexican, but if by that logic also makes Thunderlane Mexican, I ain't complaining xD

I my mind, lighter colors mean lighter colored skin (like Causasians or Asians) while Darker colroed leane more to colored skin (like African. latinas and such).


And sorry if i trollin'.

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"Discord...god of chaos, or just a serial drug dealer?! More at 11!"


It'd be absolutely perfect if the makers of this show realized how dumb the idea is and emphasized trollishness of it but played it straight.

Im sorry, but I am not getting what you are trying to say sir/madam. I have trouble making sense so could please re-word it. Thank you and sorry if I am bugging you.

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I my mind, lighter colors mean lighter colored skin (like Causasians or Asians) while Darker colroed leane more to colored skin (like African. latinas and such).


And sorry if i trollin'.

Heh, No problem, I'm mexican myself, I was just a bit confused on why you considered sombra mexican, but his name is latin, so that makes some sense xD




I saw the title of this thread and I was thinking srsly... the show hasn't even started and people are already making fanart of this kind... some people.

Well it is a speculation thread. Season 4 hasn't started and you see people speculating what will happen. Seriously, is this the first you ever see?




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I saw the title of this thread and I was thinking srsly... the show hasn't even started and people are already making fanart of this kind... some people.

Is that meant to be an insult or just a simple comment? Because if its an insult I do not appriciate what you said right there.

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Im sorry, but I am not getting what you are trying to say sir/madam. I have trouble making sense so could please re-word it. Thank you and sorry if I am bugging you.

I wasn't thinking plot as in story... you can fill in the rest of that idea however you want but you can probably guess what I'm hinting at.



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Twilight: Thalia-Stella  Simmons

Rainbow Dash: Raiden Daboss (Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else)

Applejack: Allison Jackie/Jackson

Rarity: Rachel Rochelle (man, I love that last name)

Pinkie Pie: Penelope Parker

Fluttershy: Fran Syndie




Sweetie Belle: Sallie Belle Rochelle (hay, it rhymes!)

Scootaloo: Chicken.   Sara-Lee?

Edited by Fireball Rush

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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Twilight: Thalia Simmons

Rainbow Dash: Raiden Daboss (Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else)

Applejack: Allison Jackie/Jackson

Rarity: Rachel Rochelle (man, I love that last name)

Pinkie Pie: Penelope Parker

Fluttershy: Fran Syndie




Sweetie Belle: Sallie Belle Rochelle (hay, it rhymes!)

Scootaloo: Chicken. 

Please be serious on Scootaloo's Human name, I find the term "chicken" demeanig and just down right annoying. It really mean scared and wimpy, comapre to how they use it meaing "Can't fly"

Edited by Full Spectrum
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Nice detailed description of what it would be!


Personally, I don't have much hope for this show as I believe it will become just like Monster high.


Thinking about it now, that' pretty much the idea I know it will probably take.

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Please be serious on Scootaloo's Human name, I find the term "chicken" demeanig and just down right annoying. It really mean scared and wimpy, comapre to how they use it meaing "Can't fly"


(sorry if off topic, needed to get to 100 minimun)

I'm kidding. Duh.

Scootaloo's name would be Sandy Lowes.

And anyways, as a human, she wouldn't be able to fly. (NO HUMAN CAN)

No offense. 

And I still can't fly. :(

Don't bring it up again.

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
                               ~Drawing Requests~ Ask Me Anything ~ OC's ~ Art Gallery ~
                                                             Soarin' is best pony 
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I'm kidding. Duh.

Scootaloo's name would be Sandy Lowes.

And anyways, as a human, she wouldn't be able to fly. (NO HUMAN CAN)

No offense. 

And I still can't fly. sad.png

Don't bring it up again.

I am sorry for what I said there. I didnt know that you couldn't. Sorry for pushing your buttons like that. Please forgive me.  Sorry.

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I got to say I laughed really hard at the characters alter-egos as humans. I will check out this show certainly never hurts to try something out. Who know it may end up being a really good show we won't know until we actually see it you know.



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I would love to see this. At one point Discord goes all crazy, Celestia realizes what he is doing and they have an 'episode' on why not to do drugs...and end up with Moonicord.


I really hope this is how it will go; if the writers can pull this off correctly, the probability of it being something like this is a 6.

  • Brohoof 3

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Lol @ Sombra as Spanish teacher laugh.png I think they should just call him "Mr. Sombrero" as a nickname.


And I strongly protest your choices for Doctor Whooves... he should be the English teacher, named David Tennant... or maybe David Hoover. The Doctor has taken up the role of a teacher more than once before, so it would fit right in happy.png


And I think Fluttershy shouldn't be part of any clubs... just the shy girl who love animals and is otherwise rather anti-social. I needed characters like that to identify with at that age. Most shows put too much pressure that your self-worth is strictly defined by the number of friends you have.

  • Brohoof 1
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Please be serious on Scootaloo's Human name, I find the term "chicken" demeanig and just down right annoying. It really mean scared and wimpy, comapre to how they use it meaing "Can't fly"


(sorry if off topic, needed to get to 100 minimun)



No, the scootaloo Chicken thing come from an episode, nothing to do with how she can't fly xD


I've actually never seen someone use it to imply she's flightless xD

  • Brohoof 2




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Im sorry, but I am not getting what you are trying to say sir/madam. I have trouble making sense so could please re-word it. Thank you and sorry if I am bugging you.


You aren't bugging me at all, I assure you.


What I mean, and I hope I ain't harshing anyone's buzz, is that the idea of the ponies hopping dimensions like they're DC Superheroes and becoming human teenagers in high school is inherently dumb.


I just find the thought of all of them having secret identities and specialized roles in the human(ish) world funny. Celestia be all like "Twilight, stop fighting that lord of evil and get to class before you miss the Macro Economics exam!"


Discord being a drug dealer, because drugs make you crazy, is flippin brilliant and Sombra as the spanish teacher would make my entire life.


Just imagine this guy scolding you for not speaking spanish in class.



"Hablas español en la classa, por favor."


Why stop there! The Diamond Dogs are the stoners who hang out behind the cafeteria, Gilda is a foreign exchange student/assassin sleaper agent, and Cheerilee is a student! Oh, you thought she was going to be a teacher? Not this time! We're living on the edge! Of Glory!


I dunno, I just think that if they went in that direction of self paradoy, it'd be smashing. Maybe there's some guys out there genuinley intrested in this, and I apologize for my little rant here, but I can't take this idea seriously.


I mean...just look at it.





  • Brohoof 7


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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If you've seen, there is a rumor of a MLP: FiM Spinoff 'Equestria Girls', depicting the Mane six and more as human high school girls. Im kinda ambivilent on this thing, but I want to say what the possible plot and what the characters would be in a high school enviorment.


Twilight Sparkle - Honor Roll Student


Rainbow Dash - Star Athlete (Matches up with flying)


Pinkie Pie - Prom Committee (Likes parties)


Rarity - Class President (Mature, but able to connect with others to a point)


Applejack - Head of Agriculture Club (Farmgirl)


Fluttershy - Member of Agriculture Club/ Shy Animal Girl (Closest to Animals)


Celestia - Principal/ Headmistress


Luna - Vice-Principal


Cadance - Student Counselor ? (Works with feelings)


Discord - Drug Dealer ? (Drugs can make you act crazy)


Sombra - Spanish Teacher


Chrysalis - Theater Teacher (feasts off of apprectiation.admiration of her plays)


Ms. Cheerilee - Math/Science Teacher


Doctor Whooves - English Exchange Student or English Teacher (Comes from London)


Mayor Mare - Social Studies Teacher


Blueblood - Vain Popular Guy


Photo Finnish - Queen Bee (Biased and Meam)


Big Mac - Wrestling Champ (Strong enough to do so)


CMC - Elementary School Kids



Plot: Celestia and Luna discover the world of humans and decides to make peace. But since humans may be shocked, or even hostile, they disguises themselves and the residents of Ponyville as humans to blend in. They are place in a school called Cant. R. Lot (short for Cantrel Right Lottington) High to blend in. Its possible That a group normal human kids find out the truth and try to keep the secret....


Human Names for Character:


Twilight Sparkle - Theresa Simmons


Rainbow Dash - Rachel Dawson


Pinkie Pie - Penelope Parker (Very peppy name)


Rarity - Rita Eiffel (wanted it to sound French)


Applejack - Alice Jackson


Fluttershy - Fionna LimeWood


Celestia - Celeste Myers


Luna - Lillian Myers


Cadance - Candace Minnington


Discord - Dalton Disore


Sombra - Sol Brayez


Chrysalis - Crystal Charleston


Ms. Cheerilee - Charlotte Lee


Doctor Whooves - Derek Wesley or possibly David Tennat


Mayor Mare - Mary-Anne Martin


Blueblood - Blake Bender


Photo Finnish - Pheobe Finnimene


Big Mac - Max Jackson


CMC: Allison Jackson, Sarah Dawson, and Sally Eiffel


How you you rate this possibility from 1 to 10?


I love this seriously I love this.

This is how you make a spin-off series.


And Sombra as the Spanish teacher :D I laughed so hard. That was funny. I don't think I can see Sombra without thinking of him speaking Spanish.


I do have some ideas in case you want to add them. I didn't use and background characters since I thought they would be too easy to do. I couldn't find names to put them, but I got the basic idea down.


•Iron Will--gym teacher


•Diamond dogs--A group of punks or sorta like a small gang


•Cranky--grumpy janitor


•Gustave le grand--French teacher


•Trixie--Twilights rival, may have some hastily with her to make the story interesting, be good or bad

  • Brohoof 2
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You know, when I read the topic title, story isn't what came to mind when I read "plot".......


Damn you, internet. Damn you to the fiery pits of hell.



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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