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Apple      Bloom

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A good GCTfag will always read every damn thing


Uh, sure.


Thankfully, I had a safe place to be for the past few hours while we were under attack.

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he's an elder pony, beat has respect for older ponies

Ohh.... That's gotta be interesting Posted Image

Too bad the respect would be horrendously misplaced :U


Thankfully, I had a safe place to be for the past few hours while we were under attack.

It's more like something broke on the server's side rather than an attack :x


Say, where is this safe place, if I may ask?

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It's more like something broke on the server's side rather than an attack :x

Either way, I had nowhere to be.

Say, where is this safe place, if I may ask?

I hid in Scramjet's live stream room. He's the guy with the Sweetiebot blog. He drew a drawing of Sweetie Belle crouching with guns like the guy from COD: Black Ops II. The people there kept me company while I waited for the server to start working again.
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but he was very rude at first to the maretress

*was expecting Draco would be the one who take the bait


Expect no mercy from Sandy, for there will be none

Posted Image


I hid in Scramjet's live stream room. He's the guy with the Sweetiebot blog. He drew a drawing of Sweetie Belle crouching with guns like the guy from COD: Black Ops II. The people there kept me company while I waited for the server to start working again.

Not some other forum? I'm kinda disappointed :x


Any saved stuff from the livestream?

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The site's fucking derped

Has it ever derped this badly before?


Thankfully, I had a safe place to be for the past few hours while we were under attack.

Me too, it's called Skype.

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Has it ever derped this badly before?


I noticed that after the derp, when I post a new post in the quick-reply field, it shows up, instead of me having to F5, just to see the new post.


So I'm positing that it was post-server-move maintenance.


We'd have to call the Chicken to be absolutely sure...

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*was expecting Draco would be the one who take the bait Expect no mercy from Sandy, for there will be none

I haven't see much of his personality, something tells me that we are going to know more about him very soon xd
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1. It's PCT.

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Has it ever derped this badly before?

The first two DDoS attacks is much much worse :wacko:


It even affected the entire network of Feldo's server


I haven't see much of his personality, something tells me that we are going to know more about him very soon xd

When it comes to Draco, it's either min-max or a total mix Posted Image

  • Brohoof 2
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The first two DDoS attacks is much much worse :wacko: It even affected the entire network of Feldo's server

I figured there would've been something worse, it wasn't that bad anyways. Plus it fixed some of the kinks anyways. It was probably just server maintenance.

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Not some other forum? I'm kinda disappointed :x

I'd feel odd being a part of a different one. I'm not one to do forums. This one just...happened. A happy mistake sort of.

Any saved stuff from the livestream?

I sat through the whole server down time watching Scramjet make this. Art is like sorcery...


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Also, you should Google Dwarf Fortress. And I met the Gak Pony. Just a heads up, the latest post contains some gore, but the blog is 99% SFW.

  • Brohoof 3
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To think this is the only forum I have ever joined 0.o


Dude, what the hell?


You are an Internet bum, seriously. You can't just be on just one forum site... Ever.


[is alluding to the fact that I'm on at least five different sites]

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[is alluding to the fact that I'm on at least five different sites]

Only five? :huh:


A healthy internet lurker will visits at least twenty different places everyday


This one just...happened. A happy mistake sort of.

To think this is the only forum I have ever joined 0.o

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  • Brohoof 2
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Only five?

I'll be logged in at almost all times on the following sites: deviantART, Google, SC4Devotion, Simtropolis, Youtube, MLPForums, Imageshack.


I log on to just this site infrequently: Runescape.


I will "stalk" the following sites: Derpibooru, Kaskus.us, Tumblr, other Pony-related sites, such as Canterlot.something.

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I've lost track of the websites I lurk through. As for websites I actively participate in and contribute to, at the moment it's mainly this one.


Not to say it's the only one I visit, I peruse Derpibooru, EQD, Memebase, FA, Cracked, TvTropes, and several other websites pretty religiously.

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Yup this is the only forums site I have ever been apart of.... I find it kind of strange myself

It's not exactly strange imo :wacko:


Not everyone can handle more than one social site at once.



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I dearly hope you never actually frequented that site.

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