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Apple      Bloom

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And I think I reached the maximum number of quotes for one post

It wouldn't let me go any further :/


..........I did not even know there was a limit... :blink:


Lol I know it is. Was just pointng out how long ago that was. :P


About the multiquote.....just give it time... He he...


........What are you implying Haven..? :ph34r:
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And I think I reached the maximum number of quotes for one post

It wouldn't let me go any further :/


Had you not broken up one of Ganny's posts you could have.

I didn't even count the separate quotes from that one cause its one and the same.


........What are you implying Haven..? :ph34r:


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Worry not your little head, mortal.

  • Brohoof 1
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Let me put it this way. If he's an Octavia and Apocalyptica fan, then I'm pretty damn sure "giddy" will define him. And if not, it's still an awesome siggy. Pure and simple.

He is apart of Apocalyptica he is the celloist of the band! You didn't know that?


That looks pretty good, do you remember what font you used for the Octavia logo?

The octavia pic was the background and it was a request from him. I must say he had an awesome idea to work with.
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Worry not your little head, mortal.

Very well, high dweller of the GCT. But remember...when I reach where you are...I shall become the high dweller...AND YOU SHALL BECOME THE MORTAL! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!




He is apart of Apocalyptica he is the celloist of the band! You didn't know that?


Excuse me but...do you mean to tell us that we have a famous celloist in our humble forum?......................................



  • Brohoof 1
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YAHOO! Finally able to log in again AND also in the morning! WOOO! The site's okay now! (at least for now :ph34r: ) Aaaaaanywaaaaaay~ Hi to all the GCT dwellers! :) How is your day?


@@Count Paradox, I should congratulate you for getting on the popular box on FimFiction before I forget Paradox! :D




Do I count? :P




May I talk to you too?




Well, normally, diapers come up when either Viscra or Ganaram get in here so...it might be a matter of waiting. :P



I know that feel bro. I'm almost always the first to leave because it gets way too late in here (sigh). Anyway, hi Jinx!


XD it pissed everyone on there off. dunno why, probly cuz MLV is a MLD parody or something. XD


Very well, high dweller of the GCT. But remember...when I reach where you are...I shall become the high dweller...AND YOU SHALL BECOME THE MORTAL! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!







Excuse me but...do you mean to tell us that we have a famous celloist in our humble forum?......................................




you seriously didn't know? but let me tell you this, it annoys him when you bring it up...
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Haven, why DID You remove the "a" in your name, it looks silly :P


Lol it happened in Sugar Plum's chatroom. Shadow Stalker misspelled my name by leaving out the a.

We laughed and made it Canon so they started calling me that in there. I then took it to heart and changed it on here.

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XD it pissed everyone on there off. dunno why, probly cuz MLV is a MLD parody or something. XD


you seriously didn't know? but let me tell you this, it annoys him when you bring it up...


It probably is. Although the difference is, your story deals with not in an almost apocalyptic place, which is why that twist sounds good enough for me, as I've already read. :) Ignore the haters, enjoy the readers! :D


And I'm honest! I didn't know! (plus, how do you expect me NOT to freak out over that when I just found out?! :lol: ). Regardless I'd imagine he wouldn't like it a lot if it has been mentioned thousands of times. If anything, the only time I would bring it up is if I would need any counsel if I ever practice cello, which I don't see too possible right now. :(


Lol it happened in Sugar Plum's chatroom. Shadow Stalker misspelled my name by leaving out the a.

We laughed and made it Canon so they started calling me that in there. I then took it to heart and changed it on here.


Ohhhhhh, so THAT'S why you changed it!...I was curious too, but I had honestly thought it was a simple joke to shorten the name or something like that. :P
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It probably is. Although the difference is, your story deals with not in an almost apocalyptic place, which is why that twist sounds good enough for me, as I've already read. :) Ignore the haters, enjoy the readers! :D


And I'm honest! I didn't know! (plus, how do you expect me NOT to freak out over that when I just found out?! :lol: ). Regardless I'd imagine he wouldn't like it a lot if it has been mentioned thousands of times. If anything, the only time I would bring it up is if I would need any counsel if I ever practice cello, which I don't see too possible right now. :(



Ohhhhhh, so THAT'S why you changed it!...I was curious too, but I had honestly thought it was a simple joke to shorten the name or something like that. :P


I just made some comments on how they need to cut me some slack, and they bombarded that, too! but hey, at least I have more upvotes than down!
  • Brohoof 1
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Very well, high dweller of the GCT. But remember...when I reach where you are...I shall become the high dweller...AND YOU SHALL BECOME THE MORTAL! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


When you reach where I am then ill have at least 10-15k posts. :P

Maybe more going by the fact that I have 3-5 times more posts than you already...

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When you reach where I am then ill have at least 10-15k posts. :P

Maybe more going by the fact that I have 3-5 times more posts than you already...


Well, when I said "reach where you are" I said that so as to mean that I would reach exactly what you would have at that moment. AKA being in equal number of posts. I know I can reach Berry, but it will take a long while before I'm equal to you. But hey.......imma be getting closer... :ph34r:
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Lol it happened in Sugar Plum's chatroom. Shadow Stalker misspelled my name by leaving out the a.

We laughed and made it Canon so they started calling me that in there. I then took it to heart and changed it on here.


Makes sense

Still looks silly though :P

  • Brohoof 1
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I just made some comments on how they need to cut me some slack, and they bombarded that, too! but hey, at least I have more upvotes than down!

If you just ignore them then they'll eventually go away and leave you alone. Welcome the positive, ignore the negative, unless it's actually good critique.


I'll give it a read later today.

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If you just ignore them then they'll eventually go away and leave you alone. Welcome the positive, ignore the negative, unless it's actually good critique.


I'll give it a read later today.


sweet, hope ya like it, i did put a bit of work into it, even though the comments say it's shit.
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man, you should keep it as dark stalker, i'm keeping mine as count paradox. for the time being, at least.


It has been dark stalker for close to a month now

I'm really missing my ~ds8~ profile a lot :(

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