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Apple      Bloom

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Silly ganaram, diapers don't count as pillow


You can use a diaper for more than just a single-use on-hand toilet/butt-warmer. Pillows ain't one of them. Taking the water-absorbing crystals out of one and putting it in someone else's drink is, and yes, there's a video on that.


What I mean is, a pony sleeping on another pony, like a pillow.

Edited by Nakamura Nigh Suk
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You can use a diaper for more than just a single-use on-hand toilet/butt-warmer. Pillows ain't one of them. Taking the water-absorbing crystals out of one and putting it in someone else's drink is, and yes, there's a video on that.


Now that's just mean.

What I mean is, a pony sleeping on another pony, like a pillow.


I still demand my pony pillow. SOMEBRONY BRING ME A PONYPILLOW!
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I still demand my pony pillow. SOMEBRONY BRING ME A PONYPILLOW!

Here ya go


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and yes, there's a video on that.

What in the...

Do you remember the title? :wacko:


*Goes back*

*drags you back in


You need to explain your absence, mister :x

  • Brohoof 1
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*drags you back in


You need to explain your absence, mister :x


Not much to explain...


I've been doing what i'm usually doing but with less posting/activity, might be temporary though. I've been back and forth with my sleep pattern, drawing a picture for a contest over at the HoN forums, jobs are still annoying as hell to get, etc...

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Needs more live ponies. And less CMC.

You'll have to wrestle the pillows off them if you want some :o


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I've been doing what i'm usually doing but with less posting/activity, might be temporary though. I've been back and forth with my sleep pattern, drawing a picture for a contest over at the HoN forums, jobs are still annoying as hell to get, etc...

That sounds... depressing :x


Are you eating good over there? For the job thing, do you have any uncle that you can call to?

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That sounds... depressing :x


Are you eating good over there? For the job thing, do you have any uncle that you can call to?


Not depressing just tedious. My closests are always on the lookout for open job positions. Until then i've to survive the boredom of being home all day. :P

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Either censorship rules have gotten less strict, or Tosh is gonna get fined.

It would be hilarious if he got fined, though.


I'm guessing both.

That would be funny.

Hm... Berry Pie's using the sgnavatar.com gave me the weirdest ideas


What are you thinking of?....

i haven't had any nightmares since... ever. i don't remember dreaming anything that could cause me discomfort. i tend to go through those kinds of thoughts during the day, instead (sadness, anger, frustration, etc.).


I haven't had a nightmare in a while, thankfully.

You should be happy for not getting them.

I dripped syrup on my keyboard, and now it's all sticky...


'syrup' is what you boys are calling it these days?

And dammit! Didn't I tell you to scoot back from the keyboard when doing that?!

Anyways, on a different note, anyone here play Yugioh?


I've played before with a friend when I was younger. Other tham that, nope.

Well, most kinds of "memes" of that nature originate from there (or they mooch them off of reddit/4chan, etc.)

Memebase irks me greatly, and I still can't exactly pinpoint why it does. It probably has something to do with my chan-tard past...


Lol 'chan-tard'

Surprised I'm just now hearing that one.

hey, did any of you see the Tosh.O bronies segment???

i know you talked bout it, blutrace.


saw it yesterday.

it was awesome. It was pretty funny.

You put "blutrace" instead of "bluetrace."

It's okay though, I think everyone in this thread has done it at least once or twice.


I haven't.

Not that I can think of at least.

I heard about it from the Tumblr of the artist whose work was featured. Apparently it was some of his earlier work that he's not all that fond of, but he's nevertheless amused by how his art was on national television...uncensored. (Cobalt Snow, if you're curious.)

I hope you're wearing rubber gloves and/or constantly washing yourself after you've touched it.


Searching for artist now.


I don't wear any of that and don't always wash up afterwards...

Apparently I'm failing English. Wonderful.


I was eating waffles.


Congratz. Welcome to the club


I haven't had waffles in quite a while.

I should eat some.

I've lost about 4 or 5 sets of keys, and probably spent around $50 getting them copied. It's a pain, why are keys so small? They should make them Legend of Zelda style, then they'd be harder to lose.

It would also be hard to operate a car or carry more than one with you at a time. Unless you carry a duffel bag with you everywhere.


But then people would just start hiding them in chests and pots all over the place.

It seems like the only place I eat now is sitting in front of my computer.


That's usually where I eat.

Except its on my bed with it near me.

Now I get to listen to my mom yell at me for getting an F on my progress report. Yay.


Always fun.

I never got yelled at for that, I just got things taken away from me.


Well, arent you lucky? I've gotten yelled, whooped, and shit taken away.

My mom claims that I'm being "irresponsible" and "I can't see past the end of my nose about how important college is" because I just so happened to one day forget to hand in a homework. I had done it, and I had it in class, but at the end of class when I was supposed to turn them in it just slipped my mind to turn in it. It's not like I said "Fuck turning in this homework, it doesn't matter if I get a zero," I just forgot something. I'm forgetful, and my mom knows that. She's really forgetful too, I can attest to this. It's a human thing to forget to do things.

And of course, it says on the progress report "Your son has an F, which is due to his effort." I put effort into the class and, even though I procrastinate like hell, I write my essays well enough (I got a B+ overall on my last one, and an AP score of 8 out of 9 on my exam essay, which is incredibly good. Colleges give AP credit for getting 4's). Furthermore, the fact that I'm failing his class because I didn't turn in one homework doesn't seem right. He must be grading subjectively or something, and way too strict at that.


I wouldn't doubt that this is the problem.

I get yelled at a lot, but I don't think I've ever gotten anything taken away from me. I think my mom would feel guilty if she took my computer away or something, since this is literally the only thing I do when I'm at home...


I know how you feel in that rant. They act as of you planned it and didnt care at all.


I wish my mom would go by that logic. I still lose my stuff even though I mostly sit on them whether its gaming or chatting in here. You'd think she would like and encourage the socializing.

I hate mowing the lawn...


Welcome to the club.

Kirby can do that for you.


I already did.


And stop calling it 'syrup'!

Doesn't hide it at all! :l

guys, i saw a commercial today about McDonalds that was... weird. it's in Swedish but here it is:

basically, McDonalds has some campaign where they let people create new, limited editon burgers of their own. nothing unusual as of yet, right?

well, if you know Swedish, you'd notice something weird about it. the burger in the video is called McHarmony. ring a bell yet? no? then how does the slogan he says at the end that it's "20% better than every other burger there is" tell you, then? and yeah, he said that. it's pretty hard fact, i would say.


That is very old.

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Fart jokes are so stupid and childish. They have to be done excruciatingly right to be funny.


And this one failed miserably.

When did this happen? I don't remember hearing anything about this.

That's hilarious though.

Reminds me of that time 4chan invaded a naming contest for the new Mountain Dew flavor, and they got the name "Hitler did nothing wrong" to the top, with "Gushin' Granny" at second and third.


You're late


And I remember when they did that.

Sucks our brony name didn't win...

People these day...


Get used to it.

Besides, its 4chan. You shouldn't be surprised.

The internet is a strange place.



Yes it is.

Having the sandwich named a McScootaloo is an attack on handicapped people everywhere.


Lol thank you, soccer moms.

@, Hey, are you available? Lets Ask Berry Punch is holding a requests stream.

Live Stream

Anyone else interested, you should come too.


Dang, i missed it.

Next time.


I actually don't care for his style too much, but streams are always fun.

This place looks nice...

Not much, considered I just stole someone's identity


Nice try.

I notice you installed a rotator, but it just seems to be a bunch of PNGs or something.


You do know that png is just a file type, right? Technically, every Sig should be a png for best quality.

You should totally see me when i don the name 'Weyland', I couldn't stop myself from posting countless questionable images

I guess you can call me SW, DW, Shefira, Sunshine, or even Weyland. Whichever works

Yep, twenty four random stuff. One of them is highly special


I really want you to go back to Weyland. NAOW!


The sexy Twilight reading a book?

Me likey that one. :3








The Seven Deadly Sins


I know some people who go by those names in SSBB.


They all wreck hard at the game.




Can't see it in the editor so that is all I have to say.

Ouch... Gif is a big no to me. I couldn't make anything that moves :x

Maybe that explains why my artificial humans are unable to smile


It's not too hard to do gifs. Just gotta learn how to make them smooth.

Okay, I got a new signature. If you've been paying attention, you might spot it.


Ummm, i think I saw it, but I don't remember anymore. :x

Boredom always bothers me, especially around the Holidays. Probably because my birthday is right around the corner, and getting older sucks.


Hello there, Arcy


It only bothers me when I have nothing to keep my mind off of it in the slightest.

Literally, nothing to do.

i lost my keys when i made my way home today... great.


Dayum, Sowwy to hear that. :x

Did you find them?

Luck is on your side today.

Waiting 30 minutes wouldn't have been that bad though.

All cars should have fingerprint-activated door locks.


I would love having finger print activated doors.

Should also make the ignition like that. With the ability to add and remove prints.

Perhaps someone will be nice and return them to you.

-.-' Who eats at the computer? Oh wait, I do... :ph34r:

Um, ad blocker?



I do as well

People are taking the whole thing way too seriously.

And everyone seems to forget the "e"...

4chan is in fact the asshole of the internet, but I still find myself going there from time to time.


Really? What are they saying? I haven't seen anything.

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...Well, crap. Where's Nurse Redheart when you need her? I hope your parents and you get well though.

And I think with that I'd better go to sleep. See you all GCT and have a good night of sleep! (Also, just because...YAHOO! 2000 POSTS IN HERE! YAY!)



And congratz on 2k posts!

The only good thing I get to do tomorrow is play football with a bunch of people early in the morning. Aaaaaaaa


Thats a bad thing....

So, it looks like Applejack wants to make me go naked in public.

I ...didn't know she was into that kind of thing.


You'll find that's she's quite a freaky pony.

kkk so k



I am apalled at you!


We totally need an episode like this

@, Sleep tight!


Lol super crazy episode.

That would be hilarious!

I am completely destroying my ears by listening to music far too loud on these pair of noise cancelling headphones that give me a headache even when listened to at a normal volume.


I do that on a daily basis.

Though, mine don't normally give me headaches for quote some time...

Would anybrony here watch it if they made "My Little Cephalopod?"


Oh, dear lord no!

Okay, just remember, I'm not peculiarly skill at this. And the fact that you don't want text or additional details make it look kinda barren to me.


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It looks pretty good.

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Barren signatures works perfectly fine with my current theme. Thanks a lot! :P

Not really sure when I could see it under my post, though. The Random Dice God hates me :c


The dice gods must be on my side.

I got sexy Twilight twice! :3

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Fucking. No.



Bring back the seaponies.


Again, fucking. No.



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We need an arsonist! D:


Don't worry!

I am here!

*lights self on fire and runs around*

Or, on a much less horrifying note:

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I think it's kinda cute, don't you?


I hate you.

I'm conflicted on whether to snuggle it or burn it...

Good morning again guys.

I've gotta go back to the dentist again later. D:



I went to sleep due to a mix of boredom and actual tiredness, which was kinda weird cos I fell asleep at 8pm.

Now I'm awake at 5:30am :P



G'night :D



Me no likey dentist trips.


[Walks in with a flamethrower]


Here, let me make that little better.

* adds another tank, makes it shoot further and hotter, and makes it green*



Yeah I fell asleep at 7 pm and woke up at around 10 pm, so I'll probably be up most of the night. Ah well. It was strictly a boredom nap, I wasn't tired at all.


Boredom naps are kinda fun.



...I am torn between letting JayBee having fun with his flamethrower and cuddling the stuffing out of that plushie


Why do you do this to me?


I know that feel.

I have no idea where to aim my flamethrower now...

[sets fire to to sky]



If they're not painful, then don't worry. :3


Silly filly, the sky doesnt catch fire!

*fills air with all kinds of flammable vapors and coats/fills clouds with oil*

Now it does. :3



Just get a checkup sometime in the near future and you'll be fine. It appears I've lost the use of using my pinky when typing. It's been half asleep for the last few days, I have a feeling I should get it checked on.




That's awesome.


You really need to get that checked out....



Wow... You really used him as a pillow there :wacko:


Anyway, post pillows


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Those poor pillows are being held hostage by one sexy mare and one bitch.

I feel half bad for them.

Funny thing is, I discovered the blog when I met to OC during the Pre-Alpha test of Legends of Equestria. Now, If you will excuse me, I need to do some dishes. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.


You failed with this post as it makes little sense.

I'mma head off to get a bit more sleep. [Leaves the flamethrower in the corner]

Hopefully I'll be able to go to the dentist and the Scrawl shoot, because it takes a while for the actors to get their makeup done.



*picks up flamethrower*

I'm going to borrow this! >:3

He's a couch.




That's one crazy couch...
  • Brohoof 5
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I'm gonna leave it up to everypony else to make a story out of Haven's post. Yes, I'm talking about ignoring all the quotes.


The last time that happened, DS was f@#$%& excited that filly Twilight got a boo-boo.

  • Brohoof 1
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By the living Stars of the North! That's a long-ass quote D:


I got sexy Twilight twice! :3

You lucky bastard, I only got it once


I really want you to go back to Weyland. NAOW!

Posted Image


Not depressing just tedious. My closests are always on the lookout for open job positions. Until then i've to survive the boredom of being home all day. :P


Boredom can still kill you though...



And seems like my changes doesn't fool anyone here :<

  • Brohoof 1
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@, Brohoof for the great text Wall of Haven


And I'm going to get it checked after the holidays, still waiting to hear back from my bloodwork before I go back there though.

  • Brohoof 1
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@, Brohoof for the great text Wall of Haven

And I'm going to get it checked after the holidays, still waiting to hear back from my bloodwork before I go back there though.




And you actually found what I quoted you on in there?! :wacko:




I was mostly sure no one to very few would read anything from it...

Good thing I didnt hide anything in there.

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