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Apple      Bloom

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The ways to get brohoofs:

  • Art
  • Be first to post in a thread; post something that everyone who has common sense already knows
  • GCT
  • Be a mod
  • Be well-known
  • Make jokes in forum games
  • Make threads like this.
Brohoofs are pointless. They truly only exist to make someone feel good. If someone brohoofs everything they see, their brohoofs become completely worthless. If I get a brohoof from you Plummy, it doesn't matter. When I get a brohoof, I expect that it is from a person who agrees with me and wishes to show their appreciation.

Brohoofs are pointless, especially with this thread's existence.


I completely agree with you.

You should take a look at Berry Pie if you want something mind-blowing


Er, what about me?

If one's not careful, he might get well-known with lots of enemies.


It is those with no enemies that are the most interested in them. Do any of you have enemies?

Like this one of mine wasn't first, but it still got brohoofs, cuz it was silly. Now, this was just silly, while yours wasn't, but still.



I agree... I'm going to single out Zoop, now, I don't have anything against Zoop, in fact, it's not about him...but I mean, everything he writes it's not that great, except for the site threads that he makes. And out of nowhere people brohoof him just because. He can write "poop" and it's not even funny and everyone brohoof him and it feels weird. People automatically click the button because they saw his username and profile pic isntead of reading the content of his post.


Yeah, that Zoop guy.
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Even before the whole Zoop part, most of regular visitors in this site already knows about Chiaki/Sugar Plum :V




Screencapped and will be used as a blackmail


People actually knew me when I was Chiaki? That is... very pleasant to know.


Zoop already knows that I've only used him for my personal game. The sick part is, he likes it. :L


Curious: Who's watching me in Google Docs?


Me. I'm tuning in and out every now and then.
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Do any of you have enemies?

There have been some bad cases going on in this thread. If you were there, you will know what I'm talking about :x


Er, what about me?

500 posts, 4000+ hoof-smacking :P


People actually knew me when I was Chiaki? That is... very pleasant to know.

You got your own unique style. Very easy to spot you from the masses even back then :P


Zoop already knows that I've only used him for my personal game. The sick part is, he likes it. :L

Posted Image


*Posting* Now where're my brohoofs? :P


*smack your hooves


Hello! :D

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There have been some bad cases going on in this thread. If you were there, you will know what I'm talking about :x

This thread? Interesting.

500 posts, 4000+ hoof-smacking

Don't blame me. I never asked to be brohoofed. People do what they want.

do you dislike him?


Some things are best left unsaid. :)
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I'm sure everyone knows you, stop being so "I don't know of what you are talking about, I suck" because you can't fool me.


You got your own unique style. Very easy to spot you from the masses even back then

Posted Image

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Some things are best left unsaid.

this info is more than enough...I asked because you are Berry Pie, the user that is as fragile as glass who can't hate anyone or harm anyone as well, but I guess I was wrong.
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I'm so gonna buy this thing if there is some around here

I want one of those now.

This thread alone have more drama history than an entire section in a small forum

Hmm. Very interesting. I wonder if anyone on the forums hates me. I don't ever get on people's nerves, at least I don't think I do. It's not impossible, just highly improbable.
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this info is more than enough...I asked because you are Berry Pie, the user that is as fragile as glass who can't hate anyone or harm anyone as well, but I guess I was wrong.


im tha 1 who iz fajil lyke glass ; ^; nawt daddy
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I asked because you are Berry Pie, the user that is as fragile as glass who can't hate anyone or harm anyone as well, but I guess I was wrong.

He can stand me and my crazy antics, he's tougher than you thought :wacko:


I wonder if anyone on the forums hates me.

It would take a special kind of stupid to hate you. And even if someone actually do, then it's their loss.


oh my...


Posted Image


im tha 1 who iz fajil lyke glass ; ^; nawt daddy


do you realize that it's hard for me to read this shit?


Translation: I'm the one who is fragile like glass, not daddy

Source(s): 2 years in lolspeak

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He can stand me and my crazy antics, he's tougher than you thought

what crazy antics? if you are sweethart! <3<3<3


Translation: I'm the one who is fragile like glass, not daddy

Sugar Plum fragile? hahaha XD
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this info is more than enough...I asked because you are Berry Pie, the user that is as fragile as glass who can't hate anyone or harm anyone as well, but I guess I was wrong.


Again with the odd observations of me. Is that what I'm known for? I actually hate plenty of people. I cannot stand idiots. I really can't. But I hold my tongue out of respect. And I wouldn't think I'm fragile. Is it wrong to be in tune with my emotions? I'm a civil person, and I don't try to hurt people because I don't want to be hurt. Like my perception of Fluttershy. Though she's shy, and harmless, it is because she don't want anyone to hurt her. Does anyone for that matter want to be hurt? The smart ones are those who choose not to fight. Think on that, and what you've seen from Fluttershy. How she had the rare outburst, and the time she'd become unpleasant and mean.


And, truth be told, I thought I'd been too harsh from time to time, but I guess that's not the case. Interesting.

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Sugar Plum fragile? hahaha XD

;___; ...


Sugar Plum is the one who has all the crazy antics. I never get in trouble for any of them, though, because I was married to Zoop. c:



I actually hate plenty of people. I cannot stand idiots. I really can't. But I hold my tongue out of respect.


Actual idiots, or 'idiots' like me, who are just pretending to be derp?

Edited by Mei
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He can stand me and my crazy antics, he's tougher than you thought

Thank you. At least someone can see me on whole. Once again, I am reminded of The Games We Play. It just resonated with me so much. About the masks we wear, and how people only perceive each other in limited ways.

It would take a special kind of stupid to hate you. And even if someone actually do, then it's their loss.

That's good to know. I am a rather nice person, eh?
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And, truth be told, I thought I'd been too harsh from time to time, but I guess that's not the case. Interesting.

That's good to know. I am a rather nice person, eh?

Never see you do anything even remotely harsh, I can say that you're nicer than the average user in this site :o


About the masks we wear, and how people only perceive each other in limited ways.

That's human for ya :P


Sugar Plum is the one who has all the crazy antics. I never get in trouble for any of them, though, because I was married to Zoop. c:

Nah, your antics hardly ever reached the unseen limit. You need to do something 'wow' to get moderators' attention.

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Actual idiots, or 'idiots' like me, who are just pretending to be derp?

If someone cannot help but be, well, not of average intellect, through no fault of their own, then I could never hate them. I'm not heartless.


But if someone acts imbecilic, annoying, or generally unpleasant, then they have my scorn. Uncouth behavior that is accomplished of a person's free will is unacceptable to me. Ignorance too. Though it may be difficult, and I know from firsthand experience, you must try to act civil.

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Again with the odd observations of me. Is that what I'm known for? I actually hate plenty of people. I cannot stand idiots. I really can't. But I hold my tongue out of respect. And I wouldn't think I'm fragile. Is it wrong to be in tune with my emotions? I'm a civil person, and I don't try to hurt people because I don't want to be hurt. Like my perception of Fluttershy. Though she's shy, and harmless, it is because she don't want anyone to hurt her. Does anyone for that matter want to be hurt? The smart ones are those who choose not to fight. Think on that, and what you've seen from Fluttershy. How she had the rare outburst, and the time she'd become unpleasant and mean.


And, truth be told, I thought I'd been too harsh from time to time, but I guess that's not the case. Interesting.


yes I think that you are fragile, or at least that's what you showed me because I've read many times that you cannot stand people hating you so you would do everything in your power for them to like you, it sounds like you did it for convenience, but I don't mean that. But the perfect example was this abusive friendship you had with this guy Starshine, who abused you and you let him step all over you while he ignored your feelings and you were there, expecting I don't know what because he was a bad friend to you all this time, I would told him to eat shit long time ago. You are very emotional and get hurt very easily. Actually I made your artwork of Pinkie hugging Lapis because I thought that I hurted you, not because I randomly wanted to draw your OC.

And I'm sorry that I tell you that like this. But that's what you show me about yourself.

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