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Apple      Bloom

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On the Runescape website is a video with a thumbnail that reads: "Buckets of EXP, Obsidian Armor, New Training Area".

I read it as:

Posted Image

There are at least three things from the Chat Thread that have made its way here. Can you find them?


  • Brohoof 2
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You should change it to Commander Pinkie Pie   Then we can be Pinkie Pie Mass Effect fan buddies!

Well, considering how Bioware itself made a joke about this, you wouldn't be that far away.Posted Image

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Wait, most of those are Transformers names...


Bluetracer is my Skype name... Is that really a Transformer?


Doesn't matter, I mean and count for more.


Posted Image


No trace? Hm...


Blue Carrot?


That just sounds weird.


Yeah, that would probably be better than a Transformers name... Malto IV


Do you like that? 


Not really. Sounds like a planet in the Star Wars universe.


Pinkie Pie Mass Effect Birthday buddies?!


Dude, now you have to change it. I'll make you a matching sig.


But I don't even play Mass Effect... And Pinkie's character is like antimatter bluetrace.

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On the Runescape website is a video with a thumbnail that reads: "Buckets of EXP, Obsidian Armor, New Training Area".


I read it as:




Posted Image


There are at least three things from the Chat Thread that have made its way here. Can you find them?




How the tits did you do all of that?


I think I might play some Runescape now.

On www.Prunescape.coc :|


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War in Hell:
Incite an arguemnt about who is worst pony.

Diamond Tiara is worst pony. It's not even an argument, it's a hard fact Posted Image


I just realized something....

How the hell did Spastic get stuck in that mobile theme if there is a freaking button made to get out of it?!



Or maybe I'm just a wizard...


The button didn't work yesterday, or so if I recalled correctly







Catch me if you can~♪

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  • Brohoof 1
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Bluetracer is my Skype name... Is that really a Transformer?

Let's see...how about BTracemau5? After all, at least I know you like deadmau5 a lot.

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Rainbow Dash is worst pony.

Ah. You belong to the group with Haven and Motion Spark...OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!Posted Image


Cause she is. Along side Rarity.



Diamond Tiara is worst pony. It's not even an argument, it's a hard fact

Normally, DT fights that place with Prince Blueblood, but given recent facts, I'm gonna have to agree.Posted Image

  • Brohoof 2
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what is this i don't even*


I said it correctly.

How so?

Cause I have friend name Evan.

I switch his name to Even purposely.

I also use his name in that meme saying and change it accordingly.


So again, What is this, I'm not Even.

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Congrats, you didnt get the achievement.


Cause she is.

Along side Rarity.

Posted Image

Normally, DT fights that place with Prince Blueblood, but given recent facts, I'm gonna have to agree.Posted Image

We need to see more Blueblood, though. I'm really curious what kind of shit he got in that barren wasteland between his ears
  • Brohoof 2
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Congrats, you didnt get the achievement.


Cause she is.

Along side Rarity. Applejack.

Posted ImagePosted Image



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Hint: Read the part that says "Be a Member".

Wait, I have the power to do this as well?! :D


And I actually read that part right. As Member.

Its amazing how I totally didn't see that change you made.


lol Memebershit cards.



Jokes on you, I hve neither of those things!


also, why were you asking what part of Tennessee I lived in earlier?

I didn't know what to say to that, so here's a picture of Pinkeh Pie:


Then I did my job correctly.

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