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Apple      Bloom

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@, maybe you can try this name generator? At least it could give you some ideas



While that website is highly entertaining, I don't think it would work well to generate a username...




Name changes are for the indecisive, so why do we have to put so much thought into changing it?


I'd only change it as a gag, otherwise I'd be mulling over the change for hours trying to pick the right one.


I'm extremely tired right now, and I've been drawing all night. I'm off to bed, Ponies in the morning.


Don't tell me @, and @, are going to forget again. No excuses... unless you're not going to be home or something.


I'm putting thought into it because I have nothing else to do.


And yeah, I'm gonna end up sleeping too late. Oh well.


Night man.


I would say "Traces of Blue", but that might imply relation to Blue...




BT'X? (If you get this, I love you).

The Blue Trace?


I'll think of more outside your name, but this is all I got in the "right now" moment.


I don't wanna use anything related to my current name though.

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At least 2000 of mine were from outside CDC iirc

Oh...sorry, the next outside CDC brohoof achievement ain't until 5000.Posted Image


I don't wanna use anything related to my current name though.

Well...is there anything we could use? I mean, I know you like Carrot Top and deadmau5...after that, it's kinda hard (unless you somehow wnat me to combine the two of them somehow like "Electro Carrot" or "Top Dead", which I doubt you wantPosted Image ). 

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Am I the only one here or this site's character counter kinda messed up again?

While that website is highly entertaining, I don't think it would work well to generate a username...

That website have options to generate names too, you sure you don't want to try it? Posted Image

No, hugs.

Posted Image
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Don't tell me @, and @, are going to forget again. No excuses... unless you're not going to be home or something.

Im going to try and wake up in time.

I could set an alarm. I might try that actually.


Now to decide if I should find a livestream or my remote....


And night!

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This one.

That one? Posted Image



Posted Image



I personally think that one is a bit creepy :x



Welp, I guess it's time to go for now. See y'all later!

<please please oh please be paycheck time... ;_;>[/hr]

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That one? Posted Image



Posted Image



I personally think that one is a bit creepy :x



Welp, I guess it's time to go for now. See y'all later!

<please please oh please be paycheck time... ;_;>[/hr]


She just looks so happy that its down right cute.


And I'd give her anything she asked for.



Paycheck time is best time.

See ya!

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That one? Posted Image



Posted Image



I personally think that one is a bit creepy :x



Welp, I guess it's time to go for now. See y'all later!

<please please oh please be paycheck time... ;_;>[/hr]

I get my money after work, jelly? -raises eyebrow-

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Well that really lifted my spirits... A friend of mine pretty much just told me she was depressed and hated life...


Well...is there anything we could use? I mean, I know you like Carrot Top and deadmau5...after that, it's kinda hard (unless you somehow wnat me to combine the two of them somehow like "Electro Carrot" or "Top Dead", which I doubt you wantPosted Image ). 

I'm not trying to be rude, but I never really asked for suggestions in the first place... I just said I might change my name.


That website have options to generate names too, you sure you don't want to try it?

I never was a big fan of name generators.
I'll come up with something tomorrow, my head is fried right now.

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Welp, I guess it's time to go for now. See y'all later!

Star...leaving before me..........................seems legit...


But I gotta go to sleep too you guys. Tomorrow I gotta wake up for the episode!Posted Image Good night and Celestiaspeed!Posted Image

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I'm not trying to be rude, but I never really asked for suggestions in the first place... I just said I might change my name.

"I never asked for this"...I had to.Posted Image I knoe, but hey, we did at least try to make the job on your head easier.Posted Image Night! 

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